235374 . � ylSUI�CI FI � U. �` 2�5�.��
`.y ` BY � .
e J .f
1 .
, _ _ In the matter of
0 enin --.----- - - - -- — — -
p g, wideni g and extending the -ARCN=PENNSYLVANIA HIGLIWAY from_Lafayette Road to
� Payne Avenue- by condenning and taking the following. described lots and parcels of land,
� al•1 in the City �of St, Paul: , - . ,
' ' Lot 4 � �and� s'u �
� � E , bject to�,streets,, I�ots �2, 3 Rnd S, and that part of Lot L,.,
lyfng south f Collin� Street, all ii� Block_T1,_Warren & Winslows Add:ttion . __
to ,the `Town £. S.t� Paul; tha`t tri�angular'portion-of" Tot-6;i-Block, 3 ;. _ - � �
Brunsons.'A�dd'tion to the�'Tows� of St, Paul,��i�,o�here Ceunty �df#%�Ramsey and_��`Y� `
, �Terr-i�t%o�y of �i'nnesota;lyin"g"nortfiwesterly of the following described line: ��
�- Commencing a a point o� the��west line of sa�d ot 6, 15•.�f�eet���`south�:of3�the . _
�r�no�,ttiwest�%co"ner��of�said�iot';"`ttience on 'a�`stirai�ht line+�to a point on the ��
` north lli r � . shaid Lot, 20 �eet .�st of the nor_thwes c�.r,�er�;ther,�eo��an'd_t�ie�e��ng
te`r-mi'nafin'g. �'& ��r�b�eII h& u.pon tae aianve iinpruve�.;�u� ��r� .� _ �
-; �EAlso�con8''emn''g�ancl�"taking°easemenyts"�in&the8 land{�nec�essary�fo�rj slop�s,�cuts ��e+
th$nd�rfil�ls•�in luding right of removal of lateral support from subject land or
' I remainder th �e#f ��casionfed �b�yy��ex�a�v�.t��o�n�s�t�ue�eq�'�or�,co�s�t,;ruct_i�ontofdsl;o,ge:sY iin� the '
rY i n �tf;n .
_ const`ruetion of_ ��ie Arch#-rPennsy.lvania Highway as hereinbef ore described,; ,the
F '4�C�exte -t'-of=�'sa' d4easements=�to lie�as�sliown'�on�D"rawing�•Noa��-1s358;''Drawe'r-�No;�4•'on'.' �� �
` i' f in"tfi'e �e a`rt�n " , . . � � -�. . �
:.. �`a�i?inle e -LiL P ent o_f�l?uTb�lic_Works.��l�='�t� :: t ��i_-C.:: l�;i-� .�9 �� ��;�4� ,.C�F �,�_•t�r I
y- ,.��. -rau i;. T ^--�,� . _ _. - - -- - - - -�--z_--<<---:
"' ' � ;'� '� Lot 4;�and s b ject to ;'s�reets,' Lots 2, 3 and 5, �and that pa.rt of Lot 1, ' � � ' -
�•';;` �.lying��south f1Collins��:�treet, all�in Block 11,.. Warren & Winslows Addition; ' -`�- -- -
r .;;, - �„,ito th,e T'own f St. Paul;., ,that t,�ian�ulaX portion ,of Lot 6, Block 3, � �
��f � - � Brurisons Add tion to the Town ofrSt, "'�aul� in the County 'of�Ramsey and � � �
T`_ � , ,� f•;.Ter-ritory o.f Minne`sota, lyind northwesterly of the followinn described ' line:
� i�;Cortimenci-n�;'4►�'e*'R�'?Poin't'Ipon'�°the�'�aest�lei�e tof�""said'�`Lot 6, -15 feet south of the
, north�aest co ner of said M1 o#�;� fh�in��❑ g�`S�uigh,t�s in��t�o�a�`no,in-,� on�the t�a ara
Ti�T t�]'��iai�� lT. L t w
� nor:�i �ine�•o ��szid--�ldtr 20- fee� east o . "` '"'
I hre'r i�atiiig� e #;9�e� �L �� ��'� s�� ce;, �h�;no� h ur_t yco.r e.r,� her-ec�f-.,and,�tt�er� ��;;
� m � , �� � � h�� ��.. `l.�_:�,�a.a �...� 1
�, � �so���ndemning�;�and;�tal�i�ng� eas�ement��;�n;;:tHe.'.Land1rieces"sa'ry`_'for �slopest,��'cut's=� �� �
�� C er�� • -
, rF�y�Yand �f�11s�Lincluding��righta of�,t_remo��81� of;�:la�teral :'suppo:rt�:.froM..subjec't «la"nrd� dr �1-�'=;'µ�
' �,�1 ;r-emai der-,thereof occasionecdl by excavagions thereof or construction of slopest in the
, .�a�t�st�ction f��t e�, Arc y;. enia Highiaay, as�cher`.einbef�o"re'?'desc-rib,ed, the
, , �, . 1�-`penns 1_v
•exten'� of sai easement�s o�b ,., •-,.
.,.'3 . ` : .�; �=���.- [:.•,:,. , �:�_.' ,,e a_s� show�;.ron:D`rawing'sNo: +1858;�I�rawer-•'No�1¢4'-on
'. _ _Lf�le��n��the L ga_rtment;,�of��pu;bli�c?�Wozk's:p �creiort �+€ ],ot f�, "��#iocit .i,
Brunsons�`Ad, iqn„_to. zhe Town of St. �sul i�n the •�oun o Fc m5e �si�ci�
tf�'' t)U�'k� ':is:ti�.#f�i.2�. `�`i1.�Et t�'lE E�ia�llfll�3tU1l�T U� .tuV�lu rYUiy.'.� uT2 ati�iu tr,Y4(.,.�.,,� 7�ri5�1 C�L�L'� �II� —"�
� ��' " Terri`trory of innesota,` lying ort estQr y, of the. fmllowin esc�r.ib_e`d'-1' �
�r;:,.� .�;��tFf+� #� nran+ a p:4L=� r�n4 e� �x�Lat�u��� ��� �.0 ��; ,►r��en.r�L, ... �,��I�-.�--- �in�,� �te.�b�
" r: �t�im� e��i�ed8di ect�a°iotpr4^e�a w�i�'ie�nc�ai�ae.-.n�fa.s�id i�°�ra�'m��r��ekc�,s°ut�a °�c;,Gh�wh.
; north�est cor er of said 1ot; thence on a straight line to a point on the �
� , north �line of st�.d 1 t 20.=f-eet ea's't"`of the northwest corner thereof .and there '
�'1��;'fQ}3� t. 0 40E1IIC1 .�..,sa�[.�..r ,.�.__._
^ ter�ii_nating. � . �j"""�j�-+ /���r� I
,, , .� �' Also condemni g and tak�ng_ easements i.'n the 1=and-�necessa - ,ff'or�s�lo es� cuts
�� � - * � � rY �.,,., � _P.��_
• and' fills inc udin ri' ht �of r�moval of la era.=u f o'�t from sub ect le.nds or,:
. , :,,, �. . . _. � g � �� pp � j ` t, "ler�.
�emain.der the eof occasioned b�t excavations thereof or constr•u�c,tiont of slopes in the
:� .Ar�nrc+vaci--- = , iv_...._ .A�'r; � . ., .� . .t'!� '� �
� �onstruction f"-Ehe� rc -Pennsylvania Highway_��hereiribef;or�e�described�,t.�,^t'�li�
" �� �•'��" � extent� of sai easements to be ss,=rshown on Drawing No. 1858, Drawer�No. 4 on�$yor.
.�K•ra.:, i
�r� �...��le i the D �artment of Public Works. �
� Councilmen:
Da 1 g 1 i�sh , ' � PUBLISHE� �(�'� � 1 �g��'
Holland . • � '
�� Carlson �
�efr '
, ..r, Peterson
R��4 Tedesco
� Mr. P ies i dent X���i� Byrne t
� ' `''„�` ' I / 7O � 7- �
� � 2350�5
, . �2�5���
� '
� Sep tembe r 15, 19 67 `
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
I �
The Commission r of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre-
li mi nary� order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 235�37
approved� September 14, 19�7 relative to
' , • ,�� Opon,.-.Widen, ind;�e_�xtand-:ti�a--ARCH•PENNSYI.VANIA•_HYCHidAY �from L Q d'` �
' , b�►'conde`m`n''ing°"ind" king.;ht foI loi►in d�sc"ribid�lots 4nd ' �aqe tte' R i1 'tb Piiyne"Avenue
�4_ Y.
„ ,. s � , .. . .�., . , ;.�. $ . .,.,. . perc�la of land. ell ia th�,City '
�� ai� t.'Pauli ., �,^:± '�w..: �� �•"- ' � - �-
�.,. � �...., � �.., . , �c �,= ,_;•r'%?a� '� -' ,_ , `° =i+�.:'-..,j�,::� __. . �. , . -.v - . '
. ...., ?: •.`+ , ._
Lot. 4, �,nd sub j ct ta strqetm; Iats� 2� 3, and S. and tifst part of Lot 1 Iying �outb
� of Collina Stre t. all in E1ock 11� Wari�n & Winslowc �dditian to th� Town of St. �
, � Peul= thst trie gular portion of Lot 6� blo�k 3� Brunaona Addition to the Toti+n af '
St. Pnul in ths County of RRw��y and Territory of Minneaot�� lyin� northxQ�terly og
, the folloving d �crib�d Iina: CqrimO»cing at a point on the �re�t Iin� of eaid Lot 6.
. • IS feati,�outh o the north�+eat corn�r ot a�id lot= thenc� on • atraight line to •
paint on ths no th liao of s�id lot a0 l��t �aat of ths northvest corn�r th�rto� and
. ' ' ther� terminati g. _ �
� Al�o cold�mning end tWking �Q�em�nts in' the land nnc�aa�r Por alo ea
Y p � cut�, and
. � fill� inicludi�g right at xemovel of lat�r�l au�port frora �ub1act lAnd or tc�maindor
therea� occa�io �d by excavations thQrQOf or congttuction oE s2op�a ia tho construc- i
� tion og �th• Ara -Pennsylvnnia Higha�ay a� her�inbeforo de�cribed, the extont of �aid
�a�emeat� to be as shown on Drawing No. 1858. Dr�xar No. 4 oa �il� in tho Dep�rtment
o� Pubiia work. � .
2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached
and made a part hereof.
3. Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works
4. Improve ent is asked for upon petition
i ommi ssi oner o Pu�i W�R's