235373 ' i • .^OLNCIL F LE NO. , 2�5�►�� � a � � Y BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS i In the matter of oPe in�, wideninR and extendin� the Arch-Penns��v�,n.3,� Hi�hwav from T.afayette Road to Payne Avenue by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all� in the City of St. ]?aul: Subject to North Street, the following: Lot 1 except the North' 120 feet thereof, and the South '� of Lot 2, all in Irvines Addition of C�tlots to the Town of S . Paul. I under Preliminary Order 235035 � approve� September 14, 1967 � Intermediaryl Order 235064 � � approve� September 19, 1967 , • tA publicf hearing hl ving been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, obje�Ctione and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the same; therefore, be it ; , � RESOL'VED, By he Council of the City of 8aint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- �provement to be made by the eaid City is � - Opening, �widenin� and extending the Arch-Pennsylvania Highway from Lafayette Road to i'ayne Avenue by ondemning and taking the following described lots::and parcel.s of land, all in ttie City �f St, Paul; Subject to North Street, the following: Lot 1 excePt the �Iorth 120 feet t ereof, and the South '� of Lot 2, all in Irvines Addition of Outlots - • to the Town of S . Paul ' ` -"""- "-` and the Council hereby ordere eaid improvements to be made. � I REBOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lande or easements therein be and the eame are , hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making eaid improvemente, via.: Opening, �widenin� and extending the Arch-Pennsylva.nia Highway from Lafayette Road to Payne Avenue by ondemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City f St. Laul: Subject to North Street, the following: Lot 1 except the horth 120 feet t ereof, and the South '� of Lot 2, all in Irvines Addition of Outlots to the Town of 5 . Paul, I � ftESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commieeioner of Public Works be and ie hereby inetructed and directed to prepare pl�a.ne and epecifications for eaid improvement, and the proper city officiale are hereby suthorised and directed to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therewith. • Adopted by the �ouncil �CT 1 � 1g�7 , , � �'' �C� 17196� .� City rk. ' Approved—;— , 19 � ; • ayor. Councilmen: ' � ����tsH�o 0 CT 21196� . Dalglish; . Holland , � � �3� Carlson � . �F{e�rtnr5vrr Pete rson� i r R��i Te@esco ' ' Mr. Presi dent, 3',� Byrne - lf� � . ., - � �a'�' 7 '� ,� .-� � ���� A c� � ; ������� � OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC lN ORKS l I • �1 , � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE September 15, 19 67, i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul: i � The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 235035 approved_ ISeptemb�r 14, 19 b7 relative to - -- - - --------�-- -: -�,�,, . - ------- - _ -. _--— �� O�en?. widenz, an. .extend� the..Arch-Pennsylvania..Hi,�hway_,from.Lafaye�te_Road. � �;i ��.-�to=.Payne�Avenue��by�.�condemni�g.�and �takin� the-followi.ng described lots and� � � ' --�r.c�l,s...of..lra�d al�.-..��..t�.-���y...o�...�.-�.,...ga�.�....--�ih���••�o--•No��#-•�,��►�e�-�..��... ;j• -- • foll-owing: •Lot�l- except the nor•th 120� feet thereof, and the• south z oi' Lot 2 • i; ""$��'Si]'T`�'V'�Yt��' 'iSBYYYSYt'"OY"'0��'1d�Cs"'�'o"'`�fi�...To�iii"of°'S�:"F�iiT.:.....�............�....�.°"............ ' . • ��:, �---",..----�,�(�.- - � -'� _ .;, ._ .,� . _, _ - - �.° ______..._�_____ � I I ' and havinglinves�igated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I 1. The estimated cost thereof is $• I I " • 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached I • and made a part hereof, � 3. Initiatedl by the Commissioner of Public Works i 4. Improveme�nt i s asked fo� upon peti ti on �+ . i� ommi ssi oner of Pub i Wo � ,��.�.,��