235372 x � i� �, '� COUNCIL�FILE NU. ��)���� ! c]� , ' ' BY FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS � � In the matter of o�ening, widening and extending the Arch-�ennsylvania Highway frc�u �afayette Road to Fayne Avenue�by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St, F ul: The East 50 ft. of the North 120 ft. of Lot 1, the East '� of the Northwest '� and the West 8 ft. of the Northeast � of Lot 2, the North '� of Lot 3 except the West 31.25 ft. of the East '� of the Ea t'� thereof, the Northwest � and the Westerly 45.5 f t. of the Northeast � of Lot 4, the east 41.2 ft. of the West 82.5 ft. of the North 101.5 ft; of Lot 5, and except part taken for str,eet; th East 41.25 ft. of the North 101.5 ft. of Lot 5, all in Irvines Addition of Outlots to tHe Town f St. Paul. � ' � under Prelimina Order 235033 , approve� September 14, 1967 � Intermediary`Or er 235063 , approve�l Septemb�r 19, 1967 � A public hea ' g having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pereonsr� objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it I 1 RFSOLVED, By.the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be� made by the said City is opening, widening and extending the Arch-Pennsylvania Aighway from Lafayet e Road to Payne Avenue by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Faul: The East 50 ft. of the North 120 ft. of Lot 1,_ '` the East '� of the No thwest � and the West 8 ft. of the Northeast '� of Lot 2, the North '� of Lot 3 except the West 31.2 ft. of the East � of the Fast '� thereof, the Northwest � and the Westerly 45.` ft. of the Northeast � of Lot 4, the east 41.25 ft. of the West 82.5' of the North 101.5 ft. of - Lot S, and except pa t taken for street; the East 41.2.��ft. of the North 101.5 ft. of Lot 5, all ' in Irvines Addition �Of Outlots to the Town ofSt. Paul.. and the Council� hereby ordere eaid improvements to be made. RE�OLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the eame are hereby ordered to be taken, appro�riated and condemned for the purpose of making eaid improvemente, via.: Opening, wid'ening a��d� extending �he Arch-Pennsylvania Highway from Lafayette Road to Payne Avenue by condemning and ta�lcing the following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City of St. Paul: `�t►e �ast 50 ft. of the North 120 ft. o£ Lotil, the East '� of the Northwest '� and the West 8 ft.�bf the Northeas '� of Lot 2, the North �� of�Lot 3 except the West 31.25 ft. of the East � of the „�,s�ast�'� thereof, the I�f,�z;thwest '� and the Westerly 45.5 ft. of the Northeast � of Lot 4; the east �41.25 ft. of the We t 82.5 ft. of the North 101.5 ft.. of L,ot 5, and except part taken for street; �,the �:ast 41.25 ft. qf the North LO1.5 ft. o£..Lat 5.;.�all in Irvines Addition of Outlots to the Town �' . RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiaeioner of Public VPorks be and ie hereby inetructed and of St. �`� • directed to prepaie�plans and epecifications for eaid improvement, e,nd the proper city officials are hereby gau 1. -��'� • � suthonzed and`� '" cted to proceed with the making of eaid improvement in accordance therewith. �_.. .r.. , �� "`� 1967 4.¢ -� • f 1_� �.� • • " .,Adopted b the Councii �.f:� 1 � , �m; �- _ �1°-� .t: , � � - -�; �K���/A;• Z ` � . �CT 17196� City erk. ,- . Approved— , 19 ,. � . � , s�7 ; . . Mayor. � �;Yr.,�.°•. � a - � �-=""--��°: '��i''Ol1I1C111110I1: .S •� . $' ,. � O � �^,, Dalgl ish 'i„ t� Ho 11 and . , Pl1�LISF�E� �CT 21196T ��� Carlso in, �J ` �-MvT � v ` Peterson , Kffi Tedes o ' Mr. Pres i de i t, k�i��R� Byrne � , :t . A y � .� A �� � 7 ✓� � � , ��� , o�� � �"�� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W OAKS ` ���� I � i REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - � � � � September 15,19 67 To the Comroissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre— � li mi nary or er of the Counci 1 known a s Counci 1 Fi le No. 235033 � . � approved Se tember 14 1967 19 relative to � � .._,-.._.-- --------------- ` .., �'; , �.�'� * ',' �' 's�" ' ''....—.. _ •... . .�, . _. :—�-----,. ,: . -• , ,.__ - _ . . . .. ..: .......:..-- �.�.., � �..•��....a.. . . - � . . -,.... ., _ .. ... : . , _„ . , Open, widen,,� nd extend _the �Arch-Pennsylvsnia Highway from Lafayette Road to Payne � Avenue by con emning and takirig��`the followingrdescribed lots and parcels-of land, all in �fihe Ci y of St. Paul: The east 50 feet of the north 120 feet of Lo� 1 the ea�t � �of the �Northwest � and ihe west 8 feet of the Northeast � of Lot 2, the north � of Lot 3 exe�ept the� west 31.25 feet of the east � of the east � fihereof, the North- west � and tli� westerly 45.5 £eefi af tlie Northea8t � of Lot 4, the east 41.25 feet of the weat 82�.5 feet of the north 101.5 feet of Lot S,and except part taken for k street;� t�e e �st 41.25, feet of the north 101.5 feet of Lot a, �11 in Trvines Add3tion of Outl�ots to he Town of St. Paul. ; � reports: y I � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� X I ' I ' 2. A p an, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3, Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works i 4. Improvement is asked for upon petition / � ommissioner o Pu W s , , � / T `������