235357 1 , � r ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ✓' I CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ����°" � - � i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ t� � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ��� Q DATF COMMISSIONER � � _ � 1nTHEREAS� Northern Sta.tes Power Go�r�a.ny is building a Transmission Power Line � � ' across the Bo�rd of Water Gommissioners' property, and desires to obtain an easement for i ch purposes; and, WHERE�.S� !�n independent appraiser has been appointed by the Board of Water Corrmu.ssioners of the City of Saint Paul with the approval of the City Council to determis�.e c]ama.ges to said property as a result of such easement; and, - _ � . Tn1HEREl�S, The i ffer made by Northern States Power Co�apany is consistent with ' the appraised value, � NC�'nT THERg'ORE BE IT RE,SOLVID That the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 s > > , • does hereby approve such action by the Board as outline�Y in its Resolution ioved October 10 1967 a co of which is atta.ched hereto and No. 2055, aPPI .> > PY ma.de a�part hereof. T _ � .� ,_ - .. . - _ _. , . � .. _ _ . . . I i ' . �� � I , ' ' OGT 1 �: 1967 COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas � Nays� ��T 1 � 1��� Carlson� Dalglish i Approved 19— Holland � f Meredith b In Favor . -�i �. „_ ann Mayor Tedesco � " A gainst ����� ��u�r��i��side��;B'y;'x6����1��'41 � ..:6::c.:...::..n.L,..0 ii7t1� � 1VIr.vice Preaidcnt (lfot�Y�t�S)4 PUBLISHE� �y� �� �� ' i � �za � � • � I ' _ 20�� ,�� CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ • �� -• � • OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ° � . � r RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM ; PRESENTED BY � pQ��� Z�! 19v7 COMMISSIONER DATF i ���� _ � , W�RElIS, Nox�thmra St,aL�a Poxer Gomp�n,y ia building a Transndssion Poxar Line from ita plaat in Bayport, Minne�ota, to serPe an �►rea t�reaterl� of thia point - which �rould c i ea Board'e propei^tyj and . �S, Northern �tate� Pa�rer Comp�ny deeire8 to obta�ia an easement frcn� the • Board of Water Co�igeionere to construct, maintain, uae,r�rebuild ar remove eleatric tran�nieeion ].�r�es xith u7.]. to�ra, atruaturea, poles, aroee arnug, aabl.es,, t�riree; guya, suppvrtg, cou�ter pc�iaea, ti.stnres, and devioea used or naettitl, in the 'operation� maintenaace an�d. use of �ai.d linee t.hrough, omer �nd - aaroes, the Board'a praperty in Section� 31� To�hip 30 Aorth�: Range 22 West ia Ramsey Courity; aad , . ,� • � . WHER�A3� NortY{ern 3tatee Pbwer Company hae� made an offe��to the (3eneral Manag�r o! $2,962.�d for such eas�ment; and � l- � . . WF�ItEAB, The Boax+d.'a ag�praiaer hae placed a valuation af $2,900.00 fo� damagea flone to the Board�e property as a reeiil.t of thie �asement, e�nd t�his valua�Eion , being consist�en� with the offer of the Company, the t�enera]:• Maaager reco�ende , that ths Boa i accepta suah ofFer. • , AtOW, 2H8REFQRE, BE IT RFSOLVS�� That the Board accept the reco�endation o! the (�ezsera7. Manager and that the proper o�ficer� 'of the Board s�re hereby authori��d and directed �o execute a Deed af Easement, and., that the Counail of the City oP . Saint Paul ra 'ify the action of the Board. � r BE IT FITRT�R RESOLVED, That the proaeeda of aaid eale be credited to Wate . � D�partment I+tu�d�0580-0000. a � � State of Minnesota ' f County oF Ramsey � ss. i City of Saint i aul I, P. J. Clarke, Ass�istant Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint - � Paul, do hereby certify that I have co P • abo e copy, f/a r solution of the said Board as � informally approved by thie Board on � _ �� ��(p � , with the original thereof � on flle in my� office and that said copy is a true and�ct copy of said original and the whole ' thereof. ' i � Witness the seal o' of Water Commissioners f the City of Saint,Paul this i /� � �day of (i ��✓� .D. '� ' � � I _ , , O � s�istent Secretery ��3 �]V7 I • � ' � `- 1�"Z�6preci-py"�ne�soar�orw�aierZ,ommissioners Yeas Nays - r � ' . � � ' � - . _ 196— �, � � — 1 In favor Opposec� . ' f �� ASST. SECY. 1M , , _ ! . ' DUPLICATE TO rRINTER 2`����F/ � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ���' a ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHERFAS� Northern Statea Power Company is building a Transmisaion Pos,rer ?�ine acrosa t�he Board of Water Co�ni.aeionera' property, and desires to obtain an easam.ent for euch purpoaea; and, W�REAS� An independent appraiaer has been appointed by the Board oY Water Co�iesionera of the City of Saint Pa.ul xith the approval of the City Council to determine damagea to said property as a reeult of such eaeement; and, WAEREAS� The offer mads by Northern States Pawer Company is oonsiatent with , the appraised value, NOW, THER,BF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of 3sint Paul I does hereby approve such action by the Board as outlined in its Resolution No. 2055� approved October 10, 1967, a copy o� which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. � � COUNCILMEN ��T � � ��� ; Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson � � � l�s� Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor �et�rsvir—� � Mayor Tedesco A gainst 111��;':�.�es�tdeh�;;�;F�,y��]¢�'x;ei':ie �Mr..Vice Prc:sident (Yeterson) �22 i �