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� � � . ��/ , 23533� ORIGINA�=^TO CITY GLERK CI I I OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ � COU CI RES LUTION-GENERAL FORM w ' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF In the Matter of the assessment for the wrecking and removal of a hazardous building located at 381 ` North Arundel in the City of Saint ! Paul, and situated upon those � premises legally described as the � � North �/2 of the South �/3 of Lots 2 ' & 1, Block 13, Mackubin and Marshall' s i addition to Saint Paul, according to , � the plat on file and o� record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County 'o� Ramsey, State of Minnesota. Z�HEREAS, Pursuant to proper n.otice duly given as required by law, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment by the City in z,rrecking and removing the hazardous building located at 381 North Arundel in the City of Saint Paul; now, there�ore, be it � RESOLVED, That the proposed assessment roll, a copy of which ., is attaehed hereto and made a part hereof, be and the same is �- � � hereby in all respects ratified, accepted and adopted, and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein; be it i � FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereb�3� ldetermined to be payable in one installment; be it { FURTHER ftESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified copy of this assessment to the County Auditor to be egtended on the proper tag lists of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in he same ann.er as other municipal tages. � FORM PPROVED � , i . __ � s .. Corporatio unse COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��'� � 1 �96�g_ � • Yeas � Nays �T � 1 1��� -E�Ptsair-�- � Dalglish Approved 19� i Holland Meredith jn Favor .��a., _.� C) ��t1�� Mayor � A gainst Tedesco @�Vir`:�;;residen£;;�3,y,xri�:� �' . �:;��.�.�s������:�����r� P��[� �➢�` �419� ��Mr. Vice President (Peherson) � ' � �22 . I • _ � � " -' . « • - _e ' - - - J� .- ' �. .�. - s� " .... � - . ' .- _r' - , -. • - - . ' „ , , _ , " ' V ` - ` „ • . . . - _' - � • . . - '� . ' _• ` ' , x_ 4 -. c - _ � , q - r-` • i \'. .- . . ± -' - . J - . " _ , ' - ". , - � .. • - � t ` _ [ 4 . • • .a. ' .i � _ . • . � � • � r � ' ^ ,�. ' ^, . .s ' • - , .• ` , ^' ` . - n ' " - , • ' � ' ' � ' • � - . -� , . ' _ , • � ' .�" •_ L �- � ' ' � ' ,_ - - , , � , _ October�13, 1967 - - � ' ' - • ' -, � _ �.. ' .. - . . - ,• + + � ' � _ a a -.- i - ., - '. .R • � • ` • �h 1 • - ' � � . ' • " _ , �� � � K ' , � '� - • � a . " ' .- . ' ` � ' ' - . [ . L _ • {� ,- , - . �_ � _ -• ` -_ • � � - ' . - _ , _ . '` - . • _ � � � _' � ' � _ . '.. � _ _ ' r, , � - . Hon. Thomaa ,Kelley • , ' `_ ; � .__ ' � . ' _ .. - . . . . � County Auditor. '. - . , . - , _ � � • _ : -� . ` � Court� Hause - - : , . " <. _ _ , , � - _ - - '. �- Dear Sir:_- ' � � � . . � - _ • - _4. . , � . , � - . - ` � , • ' ` �;� ' �� - , - Y - _ �` ' � . _ In�accordance with tYie �ttached Co File N . 35339; �}dopted ' ` � -" - � � � � October 11-, 1967, we tra.namit herewi cer ed copy of the '" , � , _ , - assessment of $758.34 against the prope 381 N. Arundel St. _ - - � - , � for the wrecking and removal b efty f the hazardous building - . ' - - - at that addre�s. - - . � _ � - . ' ' �,. ' , - . _ .- - ' Very truly yours, .� - , _ , . . �_ _ _ ,� } . _ . , .. . ' - �_ � - ' � _ _t - r ._ � - . • , __ ' ^ . , � . ` - A . w � p • � = l ^ • . - � . � � _' City Clerk -. ' .' . • - � . ` ' _ � ng • ` , . , P .' , -� - ' _ � ` • � _ - ' . . - ' ° - � . . . . � , - _ " � � i_ _ - - - - ; -� . '� � - � _' - � , , ; . � �. . " , .. , _ _: , - , , � ° ' . • - ' - � � � - -- �� � � - ' � ; . _ . , . " - - : - • . _ . ., . ' _ ". ' • , . � � , - _ _ � ' . , __ - - _ � , . . , :. ` -` _ = ti - • a - - - - " - _ _. ' � -.e � _ . - � _ _ . . , .� - � - .� . - _. � .. - ' � _ '' • + f _ - " + d ~ - � • � ` � ' " � � ^ � - _ ^ _ _' . ` � ' " • . ; _ . . . ' " • � , � • � � . , .�3 s�3� . � � � � 1 . � • � � . C1���� ��� �)r*11'`�`l' 1��1U� i • �iSSI�SS���.1Fi,ldT RO]�L 0:`ri�li� 11PdU l�.11v?Is�S: CODT TJO. - � , 08-�820-0�-�.3 , _, - H & A Corporation � rp LEr,�, n�;SCPTPT:CQid: . 620 University Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota 5510� � ' i - � � The North ��2 of the South ��3 of Lots 2 & 1, I Block 13, IJlackubin and � Marshall' s addition to � � Saint Pau1. l ti'Jrecl:in; Contract I�io. I}-00007 ��6�0.00 � Specii ic�.tions: ___ 2�+•� I . Photo�r��phs; 10.76_ IP12D11C�.tlOi1 costs: _56.10 . ' � �'" "'"_" • co•axt� coSts: �,�6.oo _ Notic�e Cos-ts: _ _ _ _11.00�. � _.... - � • , TOTAL COST TO ' BFs ASSESSED: ,� -_ �758•3�_ , DnTED: � b �_ �a�fl...��.� - ._ � � �� CoL��missioner o ar�s and Ftecrea�i.on and Publ c Bu.i.ldin�s � � , ' • , Tl�is �is to certify tna�t the above asses�me�it i.n the total su� of ���3!} _ ��as adoptsd by tr�e Council of: �;he Ci�;y of Sain� Paul by Resolutiion, C. F. ATo. ___ _____ , 2pproved , � , and is payaLle�in o�ze ins�211ment. I , � DqTF'D: ' ---_ ! City ClEr�: � ' i . i _ , ' I . , i f -� .s��sq � , . ���� . • " . � . ' � l��rl l 01� ✓1a�l�Jrl� 1�1iVJ� I � �ISSI�;SS��.4E:[•1T Ft0'LL 0!`Ti�a� AND ��]��Is':;5: COD� i�0. 08-�+82o-ou-i3 H & A Corporation 620 University Avenue L�r� DT'-a�t;I�'Z'Z�i�1; Saint�Paul, Minnesota 5510?F � . i - The North ��2 of the � South ��3 of Lots 2 & 1, � Block 13, Mackubin and I�Ilarshall' s addition to Saint Paul. 1�'lrecicin� Contr�.ct l�io. D-0000'� • �650.00 f ' Speci i ic2.tiails: -- -- -_ 2�F.�8 . , Photogr�.�?�s: 10.76 . i � I ' . Pti�licatio� Costs: _ 56.10___ coUrtf costs: __�___.�,�6.oo . . I . Noti.ce Cos-ts: �� 11.00 T0�'AL COST TO �7�'7)' � BL 11i.J.7i�75L'L: _ _ _ �1�"•JT—.-. . i � / �� ,�� ! � " DnI�,D: ___.y a b - - _����- - � Co�r�r.issioner of �r�s and Ftecre�.�ion and Public Buildin�s � � . . T'i�ifs �is to cer-Lify tha�t the above �.ssessmeilt in the tot�l sLL�n of I ��1� .^^ ti�ras adopt�d by the Council oi' the Ci�;3r oi' Saint , Paul by R�solution, C, F. Ido. ___�w _, approved � ; _ �, and is pay�.ble in o~?^ ins�allment. I � iDAT£:D: — — ._._.. _ I •City Cler!�: I � . � f � � . � � i ' � I � I . . � �t.,����.,6J qUAORU#fCATE TO OErARTMENT , � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ ; � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERiC COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO BY � COMMISSIONEa DATF � �n tho I��ttd�r cr� �h� a�►�e�atu��t Yo� �ba ��a��� �su� r�mo��I o� s h���xdor�s bui3d#�ag xt�r�ate� �'� .38� i�or�h �runde�. �,n, �Y�v Oit� ta� ss�,nt �'�ul, �c� e��u�c��a up��a tk�o$c� � p���iee� iagt�l3y �.r�$a�ribed e� ��� �td�•ish y2 03 th� sou�� �3 0� Lo�� 2 � 1, �3�,uqie 13: �t�►c3�bia � �i�are�i�ell�a ad�i�i�n t� �e��t ��u�� uvoar��.�� �r� �he glat on i�.le sa+� ct� �Qat�rc� �� �ho o3ti�� c�Y �he R�gie����r �►� �osds in �d fvr t�e C4u�.�y o� �t�s+�y,� st��e o� ��1�le�Q'�'+a r w���, l�tra�a�t� �c► pr�ope� �aa�tiae c�uly g�Y+en �� required Y�� 3�.�rf t�iQ �c���3� �� the �l��r o� �t�in� Paul �e�� ut�t s�td heaa�� t�nt� �e����td �p�n ��.I ob��a�Cioru� t� �ho prupo��� r�ag��umo�t by �k�o (:i�q S� x��okf�g �ac� ra�oving ��� h�r��F�pt� �at�f.ld�tg lo�ateci �� ��i North Arund��. �n t�� C��g� af ���nt Fa►ul; no�# t��are�c�s�� b� 1t 2tF�aL���, '��i�t t�ad p�s�pue�ed �s�re��m4�►� �oYl i a o0p�' o� vrb�i�h is at'����vd ��seto aad �ras�e a �art �i�xeo�� t�e au� �ho esme i,� h�re�y �.�t a12 re�g�+��� �8�i,#�ed, �et�4pted a�d €tc�qp��ed� axxd ��iall aans�titutQ �b� speoi�l �essee�s�an� �g�in�� �t�� x�nc�s aama�l tl�+aseis� be �.t F ''tm�1�� �E��L�Dt T�i�� �he ���.d ao��eg����c►t be and 1� i• ��i��by ��leta�iaed �o b� �sx��b�.e i�, oaa in��ailm�nts Ue 1� �T�E� �f�S�?L�E�� m�tt�� �h� ���y CIt���C .$h�Z� �'��`t�t�i�� �ranem��t rs �orti�3.od oopq ot �t�is c+��io�em�m� �o t�x� Cs�unty Ae�d�,�or �b 'd�a �x��nd�e! n� tih� prop�r t�z �.is�� ot �h� vau�ty, �x� �iu�zk� �s����m�n� �hall i�e ao�loo�a� a►�td pa�c3 c�v�r �� �kae ��me� t�.��r a� othpr nw�ii+ci��� ��t�s„ , i �T A � 1�57 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council y9_ Yeas Nays � I � � � 1��� Dalglish ' Approved 19— Holland fn Favor Meredith ��eter�oir� I` ) �syo� Tedesco v Ag�'�t ��'�;�':�57�,,,�,�,r,,��3����4������ll� .......... ............... .. .. 1ll�ee��'1'rc�c '...,�ia .T'��•s' .,e,::s......::::::::.:::...s.a...::o:::......:e.: .. .VIr. Vice Presidenti (Petc:rsun) � ; �°22