235319 �� � � ��5�19 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK I ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI L TIO —G�f RM PRESENTED BY Robel't F. Peterson a v COMMISSIONE DATF � ' WHERE�S, The`final costs for the grading and pavl.ng of Shepard Road from W. 7th St. Blvd. to Davern and Mississippi Ri�i�er B1vd. from W. 7th St. Blvd to E.L. Section 21, Comptroller's� Contract L-6170-26, have been determined and, WI��REAS, Upon final allocation o� �unds �rom which the above improvement was to be paid, it was found that the amount originally set up for its financing ia insu�fic�ent to meet the final cost and that an additional amount of �10,5�+8.76 will be required; therefore � be it, " RESOLVED, That the amount of $10,548.76 'be financed from 1967 c�ty's Share of Local Improvement F`�znd Code 0920-701 in the amount of 10,0�+1.35 and from M.S.A. Suspense Fund (1960) in the amount of $507.�+1 to finance the additional cost of the above improvement. P-312 ! � P-317 I I � � � � l , 1� ; ! I , COUNCILMEN � �C�(° 101967 � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �' I 0 �96� Dalglish Holland � � Approved 19_ Meredith Tn Favor �/�j i ' v �j � ,���Q Mayor Tedesco A gainst '�°�?;�esicleiit;`By'r'n�E93E'sle� jYlr. Vice President (Petezenrij pU���� aCT 141� ; � �+22 , . n ., 235�19 DUrLICATE TO rRINTER �, CITY OF ST. PAUL �OENGL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONEa DATF WI�IItEAS, The final costs Por the grading and paving of Shepasd Road from W. 7th St. Blvd. to Davern and Missisaippi River Blvd. f'rom W. 7th St. Hlvd to E.L. Section 21, Comptrollers' Contract Z-6170-26, have 'been cietermined and, W�RF.AS, Upon final allocation o� funds from which the above improvement was to be paid, it was Pound that the amount originally set up for its Pinancing is insufficfient to meet the final cost and that an additional amount oY $10,5�+8.76 w�s1.1. be rQquired, there�ore be it, . RFSOLVED, That the amount oP $10,5�+8.76 'be Pinanced from 1967 City's Share oF Local Improvement Ftand Code 0920-701 in the amount oP 10�Q41.35 �nd from 2�i.S.A. Suspense Fund (1960) in the amount of $507.�+1 to finance the additional cost oY the above improvement. P-312 P-317 ��r i a ��s� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson �' 1 � 19�' Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Pa+�- d Mayor Tedesco A gainst :Mr:;;P�x.esident;��yrne�::°:r�q EE:i'r:¢i::. . - ,' . ::2:e€e:e:� •::::•::.�:.:.:::... ........ Mr. Vice President (P�tc�r���n� • i �2z