235292 ORIGIrlAL TO CITY CLERK 23529Z ; CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. ° � • OFFICE �OF THE CITY CLERK , ' C IL RESO TI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREA�S, In the matter o� Comptroller's Contract L 6695-7, for the construction of the Shepard Roadway Rridge No. 62512, 900 feet Southwest o� Otto Avenue, over the Shell Oil Compan.y and Mobil Oil Company Pumping Facilities, Industrial Construction Division, A11ied Structural Steel, Contractor, the specified date of completion was October l, 1967, and WI�REAS, The Contractor has prosecuted the work diligently, but due to d.elay in shipment of structural steel it was not possible to complete a71 concrete work, erection o� the alum3num ha.nd"railing, and field painting by sa3d d.s,te of completion; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the praper City officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said Contract extend3ng the time ofl completion to November 15, 1967, for a11 work except field pa.inting and cleanup of ,job site for which work the completion date sha11 be June 1, 1968, provided, however, that this resolution shall have no force or efPect unlesa the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and �ile such consent in writing with the City Comptroller; and be it FIkZTHER RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul hereby waives a11 claim for liquidated ds,mages Por the period as extended, but tha.t Engineering and Inspection costs for that period between November 15, 1967, and June l, 1968, sha11 be charged to the Contractor; and be 3t FURTI�ft RESOLVID, That the effectiveness of this resolution sha7.l be conditioned upon the Contrac�or fil3ng its written accepta.nce to the terms hereof with the Comptroller within 15 days aflter the passage o� this resolution. aC�' b 1'9�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas _ Nays Carlson ��'� � 19�� Dalglish Approved 19.^ Holland � Favor Meredith � Peteraon u Mayor Tedesco A 8a�gt Mr. President, Byrne ,�11BL1SHED oC+T 1'� 19�� �22 DUrLICATE TO rRINTER �.iCl��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �" � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE W�REAS, In the matter oP Comptroller'e Contract L 6695-7, for the construction of the Shepard Roadway Rrid.�e No. 62512, 900 f�et Southw�est oP Otto Avenue, wer the Shell Oil Compan�y and Mobil Oil Compan,,y P�ping Facilities, Industrial Conatruction Division, Allied Structural Steel, Contractor,�--i----i--, �he specified date of completion was October l, 19&7� and WHERF'.AS� The Contractor has prosecuted the �rork diligently, but due to deley in shipment of structural steel it was not possible to complete all concrete work, erection of the aluminum hand railing, and fYeld patnting by said date of completion; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the praper City officiala be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said Contract extending the time of completlon to Navember 15, 1967, Por all work except field pa3nting and cleanup o� �ob site flor which work the completion date sha11 be Jun.e l, 1968, provided, however, that this resolution ahall have no force or effect unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such conaent ia vriting with the City Co�ptroller; and 'be it FIk�T�R RESOLVID, Thet the City of St. Paul here'by waives e,ll. cl gim for liquidated ctismages for the period as extend,ed, but tha,t Eagineering ar�d Inspection coats for that period. between Nrnrember 15, 1967, and. June 1, 1968, shall be charged to the Co�rtractor; and be it Ftk�TI�R RESOLYED, That the efPectiveness of this resolution shsl]. be conditioaed upon the Contractor �iling ita �rritten acceptauce to the terms hereo� with the Comptroller with3.n 15 da�ys after the passsge of th3s resolution. aCT 6 �96y COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays " Carlson C��T 6196� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedesco �ga�t ' Mr. President, Byrne ' � �22