235289 . -�- n,_ i 1 � C' R� � ORI�IAL TO CITY CLERK ,�3�2�9 ��'�''�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUN IL ESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C COMMISSIONE � DATE ' WHEREAS, pursuant to Laws of Minnesota 1967, Chapter 691, the Legislature has authorized the sale of intoxicating liquor on Sunday under certain conditions and upon approval of the _ voters of the municipality to be affected thereby; now, therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, That a special election is hereby ordered to be held, in the manner provided by law, in said City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on December 5, 1967 (which date is the same day an election will be held pertaining to a proposed amendment to the Charter of said City of Saint Paul as set forth in Council File No. 235051 , approved September 19 , 1967�) for the purpose of submitting to the voters of said City, the question of whether or. not the sale of intoxicating liquor shall be permitted on Sunday as set forth in said Laws of Minnesota 1967, Chapter 691, and be it � FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election in the manner provided by law, and that _ the registration records nn file in the Bureau of Registration and Elections of the City Clerk's office shall be used as provided by law; and be it a� c FURTF�R RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby au- � thorized and directed to prepare the necessary printing, stationery �o and election supplies, the cost thereof, together with all the e�= � pense of said election,to be paid out of the election expense � Q account of the General Fund; and be it ¢ c� , * ' � � y FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and o ¢ directed to give such notice and do whatever else is necessary � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland - Meredith Tn Favor ' Peterson , Mayor Tedesco ` A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � � ' �z2 - � = 2352�9 �OJt GM�AL TO CITY GLERK � °' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ' DATF , ' 2 for the submission of said question at said election in the manner prescril�ed by law; and be it. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the polls at said special election shall remain open during the hours provided by law, and the polling places and the judges and clerks of said special election shall be the same as those acting in the aforesaid election per- taining to Charter amendment as set forth in said Council File No. 235051 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the election be held on the condition that the two Special Elections are separate elections held con- currently and that the number of votes cast on one will have no � effect on the other. c OCT b 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays Carlson QCT 6196� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith -�In Favor Peterson p ' Mayor Tedesco A gainst ' Mr. President, Byrne � �,g� � � l- �zz : DI}PLICArf,TO rRINTER �j3C���� � -• CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. _ . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER OATF - WAERSAS, pureuant to Lawe of Minneaota 1967, Chapter 691, the Legi�lature haa authosized the sale of intoxicating ,liquor on Sunday under ae�tain conditions and upon approval of the voters of the municipality to be affected therebyf now, therefore, be it RE30LVED, That a speeial eleetion is hereby osclered to be held, in the manner provided by lsw, in said City of Saint �aul, Minnesota, on December 5, 1967 (whiah date ia t2�e same day an eleation will be held pertaining to a proposed amenc�ment to the Charter ot said City of Saint paul as aet forth in Council File No. , 235051 , approned 3eptember 19 , 1967�) for the purpo�e of 8ubmitting to the vote=s of said City, the queetion of whether or not the aale of intoxiaating liquor shall be permitted on Sunday as set forth in Said Lawe of Minneaota 1967, Chapter 691, and be i� FIIRTHER RE30LVED, That the CaLty Clerk ia hereby ordered to give notiae of 8aid election �.n the manner provided by law, an8 that the regis��a�ion reeords on file �.n the Bureau of Registration and Eleationa of the City Clerk's office shall be used as provided by lawf and be i�� FURTHER RE�OLVED, That the proper City offfaess are hereby au- thorized and d9.reateQ to prepare the necessary printirig, stationesy and election auppliea, the eost thereof, togethe= with nll the ex- pense of sa3.d elecfiion, to be paid out of the el.eation expense �,, account o� the c3eneral Fundj and be it FURTHER RESOLVED. That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and direated to give suah notice and do whatever else is necessary COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson �y�r Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne . �aa • DUrLI w TO rRINTER � 3� � �„ - •`""`� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �) _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED EY COMMISSIONER DATE 2 for the eubmis�ion of asid question at eaid election in the manner pzeseribed by lawf and be i� FtTRTHER RESOLVED, That the poll8 at said apec�al eleation ahall remain open during the hours provided by law, and the polling places and the judges and clerks of said epecial election shall be the same as those acting in tYie agoresaid election per- taining to Charter amendment as set forth in safd Council File l�o. 235051 f. and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the election be held on the condition that the two Special Tlections are separate elections held con- currently and that the number of votes cast on one wil]. have no effect on the other. COUNCILMEN �CT 61���. Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays - Carlson OCT 6196F Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith fn Favor Peterson �y�r Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �22 ' Tr�FLICAT,F�TO TNE COMPTROLLER ��Cj��J �' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ""� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �� �����i. Wi7 i11�w� 0� �r�a� 1��� ���\i.�� V�1� tha �agiatlat�re bits au�ho��+�d th� ia1�• o! intaxicatiag 1lquor on Suaday wnd�r� Q�ta3an ea�a.difi.ioMS and upon apprr�vil o� the vc+tera o� the �3.Qipa��,� �.o be afi�evted therebyf now, th+�,�cf�'or�. be �.� �leoLVED, T�'hat � sparsi�. al�cl�iox� i■ heseb�► t�rder�l �o bs hrld� in the s�anaas prcnrided 1ay 1�, in �afd City of Sain� Paul, ����o�, o� December 5, 1967 (which date is th� •amw c�ay ar� �l�et�a, w3,11 b� hsld g�rtai��q �o a propas�ed amsndm�nt to th� Ch�ster o� s�.d Cit� c►� Sa�i�at Paul aN +�st �Qrth iu Council F�l� �G. 235051 ,� agprcro��d September 19; � 1967 ) �o� th� ,�u�zpc��e of aub�a���3�q CQ th� vQfi�rs o� �r�i.d Cit�, th� que�tion c►i v�1l�ether or rat�t t7�� se►le �t ir��o�ica�ing liquor �ha�.l ba per�aitt.�d can S�nday aa� aet lo�th �.0 as�.d Laws ot �finn�MOts 19�7, Chap�r 691, �d b� i� " FUR'�Hl�l� A�60LV�D� That the City f�l+r�k �.s hereby ordmrad to q�.vs aotics ot' �aid �1�a�3,on � �h� �er �rovid�d by l�+w, etid t�at t�ae s�eg�.��at�.�rs r�eords or� €i].e �.a th� 8ur�zu o! Rigi�t=At10A and �loatior�s of �h� eity Clerk's Q�'fiat sha►11 b� used ag p�ovid�d ?ay lawf and be i� F�RT�R R�SQLVEL►, 7'h�t �hs �3roper Gity o#�ic�acs are horeby �tu- �hori�ed �►nd dlac�cs�s!! t�a prepars th� t����rsa�ry prin�ing. 4t�tic�a�cy and election st�pplidss �►hs tias� t��r�o�. �og��i�� �vi�ls a�.l ths �x- penru of aa►�.d •�.ec:tion, to �ae p�d ou� of t1�m elec�ioa s�xp��s �cQq�� �r� �� «en�rai Futn�: a�El be i� FUA�R YtESO�VBD# Thnt the �.ty C�etirk �.� her�by a�nt'horised sr�d d�.rscx� �o qat�v� vt�ah notiaa an@ do v�hatra�tar els� �.� �eaes�ary COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco Q gainst Mr. President, Byrne �az II f [[[ � �RLICAT�P TO THE COMrTROLLER ��`��}�v • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. v� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � for th� s�bwi�sir�a of sa�i.d r�txs�ti,on st �raid �l�ctioa in t�ie m�nnsr p�cesa��bed by l�f an�! be it � FURT�ER, RBSOLV�„ Th�t tha po].].s a►# said �peci�.1 ela�stion �rha3�Y semain e� +�urin� �hh4 hot�re p=av�dl�d 3�y law, aad t,b� polliaa� pla�es a�ad t2�e judge�; and �alark� af sai� spea��a�. �1�c��.3,0� �hi�.l bi th�e �ams a�r thosa aa�iag in ths �►��raAaid Alac=�on �er� ta;tniug tv Chmsts� �mendment a� �s� far� ia enid �ou���.x Fi��► gp� 235051 ; and bp it �`�R �O�V�D, �hat t�e �lectic�si be held c�n the aond�.tion that the �wo 8�ecrial �1e�tione� are ssp�ra�e eleetions held coz�- currently� a.nd that the numUes of vo�es cast on one wid:l have na e�geat oa t�e o�har. �T 6196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson (�Cj' (j ���� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith In Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �2a r � �.��.� -�- ;�3 � /C�� � pUADRUrLICATE TO DEPARTMENT �.-��\J� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF ��R�1B� �L1L'�i�iYt �4 ��t'� @� M.�111�a0� L�ib��r �l�p�l" 6��� thn �gisYa�t�a �s �►u�hc��t$�s�'! fi�� u],� vt ia�wci�a�3.aQ iiquos vts ��nde►y undMr �e��� �andi�.eu�s a�! upan ��praval o� th� vt+�s ni �he mix�nis�ip���.t� � b�► �#eo�ed th�sbyt na�� t�,r�t�or��► � �t� R�4��� �hat a rg��.�ul. �1eat�.o� �r ��r�b� ��cd���d �o ba� h�2d, �,n �� au�a�s praw� b�y 9.a�, i� raie� C��y o� Ssin� P=�l, ��pt,ai aA December 5, 1967 (v�icr�h da1�.� i�l �� a� dsy am tl+��.i� ri��,d� bs b�ld p�r�i��aaQ t� a prapta�+�d �nc�nt �o �h� c.�iastsr o�' s�d �i.tiy s�� S�� Ps�i aa �� �arth �an Co�ancil ��ye �p. 235051 , �,�pppy,�d Se�te_mber 19�� , �96h#j lC�� i+�r��r r�r�w��■����� tl� pu�oso oi� submi��ing �x► �h� vafi.�=�s of ss�.d �l.ty, �.i�� q���i�►u c�� r�i�t�.er o�r no� thi sals �t �tiax.tva�ira� liqaor sh�►il ba p�rm�.�tad saaa 8�da� a� as� �o�t]a it� eaid Lav�a 4� l�lir►n��cc�t�.�t 9.9fiT• Chapt�s �91• �nd be !�� FvR�R RSf3c3LVF�3, Thaf� �� City �i�k i• hes�by ordrrit! t� qsva nvtir��e c�� ��3d1 �l�at�oa � �h� m�►t1s�s� px'ov�.d�d by iao�� and th�ti �h� �e����s#t�.a� r�co�da v� ��.1� in �h� ��er��a o� �taq�aa��atic�n and 81ac�tiv�is o! t�r �9,ty Clerk•� Q��ie�e sha�� b�t ase� au p�ovid�d by 1�i►�rs snd b� �,� �ti&�� RS34LVED, �ha� �h�r �ro}� +�ity oi��c3��cr ar� hir�lay �� �hca�l.�cad aud c93s�v�d � grspa�a th� t��e�s�e�ry p�im��ng, st���a� a�d �l�t�.c�r► st��,iss� �•h� ��� �s��of, �vq��h+�ar witd� �.Y tlu +�- p�s� �t sa�:d ei��s�.�v � ga�,d Qu� a� ti�e el�s�.ioa ex�ur�ss �ceonr��s a� t�� Ci�t���. #ru�t ar� bo �,t �t7��A �SaL�. �t �as �i�y �la:rt� is har� aa#.�4riz�c! �1 dS�r��i �a gl�v� �1v�th �ttiQ� � do �hatr�t� ��se ir ana��aar� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �az ,_ , �".. •►- (((��� /� � qUADHUrLIGATE TO CEPARTMENT ������■ CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � ��� i�i� �����Q� Qi ��� ��s��� �t #�� ���i�i� ,iii Mii� � j3���Q�#,b�d by la�►� and �aA 3.t �� �i88�LV�8D, 3�h�� th�r pc�li� a� ,�ai4 �a�.�t�, el��ion s�a��. r� vpus d�r$x� �h� 2u�t�r�r p�er��d�d b� �aw, �t �i� ,poili� glacss a�ad �� jea�CqMS � +�asrks of ��#d s�rea�.a,9� .lro+��on s�al b� t.�* +�an� as ttho�e �t� � �. a�m,���aid �l�o�on gez� ta��aa►inq � ���t� �ndm�nt �z� se� f�c�x�t,?� i.�► ���,�3 �o�nt�i1 gf,t� gp� 235o5Z � and �e i� �dRT�R R��4LVB�. Th�� �t�a eleQ�f�n be h�ld or► �he� aonditian � '�hat �hu �wta iB,pe�sia�i 8�ec�tios�s are a+�parate �1�Qtionat held eoa- cu��ertt�.y sa� t.2iat �h� n�ml�e� c�� vc�tee cast on o�e �rii3 have �o af��ca� on the otha�. OCT b 1��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��j (j ��� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �az r , /. ��E�`��� . � �, � � . , . �i�.• ,��ri�� � �w� ot° 1�l3aatuiso�a ��7. �2u�pt�'- 6�1. ��r ���1�tq�� �� +�����.��ed �►�z� ul�r v! i�atr�c��at�� li�r�o,r wa Snna+�� �d�r�` +a+�u��it� �ro�i�.:�Eeaa� aad up�a a�pzav�l c�a� th� , 'vqt�s o� rh�r �i�i�l�.ty �0 3� a�l�c.ad Ch�s�ir� �+►. fiha�+��or�, � �� ' � ��LV�A. 3'��� a ��tct�+le� ,�.ust#.o�► �r ��r�b�y� ���r�d tc� � h�ri�t�. in tl�+� a+�na�a� �a�cr�►�.d�d iay i�r, � r:id �i�� �f S��aoat Paul, M�„��, p� December 5, 1967 ���,� d�t� i# �S� �� c��y, . at= �l���a �r�►� �re h��d �rC�rtQ ta � �sopvs�d �s�� �a � �.� C�att�r ��' s�!►d ��.ti�t ot �ai�a� Pa�l a� +it�� lCox�t.h �s CQwa�ail. ��,�,� xp,, 235051 . �pp�����s.,:�t_�ber 19��, i�9 �!or � �t�rgc�4aM �i� an�ait�tag �► kh� �rot��r ���iai+l ei�yr 'ir.�� q����� oi� w�l��t.� �r uoG � s�le +pf intoxis�#ti� li�c�r �h�i� b� p��.�� �a 8��►y �� t�et ft�rtD i� ���� L�w� v3 l��sot.�► 1967• Ch�►,pt�r� 691'. s�ud � i� , . • FU�R R�B�?It��D. �h�►� �� ��ty' i.'��aC'k �+� ?a�Y�b� �r�r�id to �iv� nb�ia� c�! ,��� �l�a�o�. �# �� �an�s �r4�id�d b�r i�x, +u� �a� r �Ta+e �r��ist��►�ic� �s�eords Qn t�.i�r i�a �trt�� �lur�w�a crf �sq�.+ttr�tion an�l �i�cbio�nr ot �h� �9��k� �l�r�t'�t a�'��►a• ��. 3� �d ar p�ariclb by la�r= �d �t �:� ' , " �tJ�T�R �t9LV�� �'h�►� �'��► p�cop� �i� o��fr,r��r ar� hir�by a� � ' . �2sca�l.sa� �d d���aii� �o g��para �� n�x��ss�+y psi�a��; s�tl�oa�y �d �l�t►�.t►� �t�g],1���. �h� �o�� +�t��tr�t�, ��thi�c� M�,�h �1 th� �ac— p�s* s�� ��d �Yrc��.c�u, to �a p��� au�k o! ths �ireti� �x�rrs� ' 4 ��c��f�� a►� �� ��c�i Fn�r a� �s it � . ��tTH� �Q�V�. �'b.a� �+� ���y el��k �,• 8����b�r ao�Qris�i � , dlx�c� � qtw r� iac+t�i��e �d do �rh�lr.�ro►�r ���e i� ��r+irar� . . , . , _ . , , . � , � _ , ' � 4 • / ' . . � - ' + • � ' . i . � `� 1�P , t . 1 , ��' , " ' � ' , ' ;���.+��3 � �, - , � , . . � . � . � � � . . . , . , . � . . �� � . . . � � ' � . , ftar f�� ����ic�q ot said �+��t��a� �t� •a�fl �l���c�n �n �� 'ip�ua�►z' ���MO��d �► 1ar� �u�d �r i� , ��A�F�t .�B��.V'Ra• �h#i►i� �IM pol��r itS sa�t4 s�i�l �f�x�iv� • sha1� r�tr#,�. op� dn�#,a� �h� �upcs pspv:�+�s� b� 1�� � t�� � �11�nqr pl��s a�l t�� �ad+��* � t�l+��ar �t r�o�d �p�crir�r.'� �.��a�iva • ��l#. �r t,�i• �ea� ��r �c►� ��� l�aa t2�r �orr��afd �r�+�ra�,iox� p��- � . � �s.,�r t� c�a�� �.m� �� ��� �og�n � �r�e ��a���� ��s. �p� 35051 � i�!$ � 3,� . � � �4�t,1�, �ha� t.�� �le+�l�.ic�. b� #��ld c� �a c�x�t3it3.+c�s \ t]x*� �s �v�r S�i�i �l+ra��t�as asa a�rp�at+r al+�c�ie�ns 2�1d �c,r� �au�x�►�1� �d �rt � �� �t �ra�t� ��r� � va�� will hav� no ��l:��P Q� iria� QMl�ii�+�i i � • r � • r � , . ! � ` , ' i , • � . r ' , � - - . . OGT 6 �� , � , � , _ ` � � �T 619fi7 . - . � . . , ` . . • . , , , . . . � - . . - � 1 � � . � „ � . � + � . � ( ' �