235288 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23��(�r, ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �"��" .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE _ RESOLVED, That the Resolu�tion of the Council, Council File No. 235266, adopting the Capital Improvement Budget for the City of Saint Paul for i967, is hereby amended so as to add to said Capital Improvement Budget the �ollowing designated projects , to be financed in whole or in part from funds procured through the issuance of general obligation bonds of the City of Saint Paul under and pursuant to the hereinafter set forth statutory enactments , and such funds are hereby appropriated to the aforesaid projects as a part of the Capital Improvement 1 Budget of the City of Saint Paul for i967,i � _ � To pay the City' s share of the cost of capital � construction by the Minneapolis-St. Paul Sanitary District, authorized by, Chapter 445, Minnesota Statutes 1965, as amended, �1, 150, 000 To pay the City' s share of the Net Project Cost of the Down.town. Urban Renewal Project Min.n. Ra20 and the Riverview Industrial Project Minn. R-26, authorized by Chapter 881, Laws of Minnesota for `° �-963, as amended by Chapter 499, Laws of Min.n.esota for �g67, Regular Session, �2 275 000 � > > To pay the City ' s share of the cost of construc- � � tion of storm water sewer �acilities , authorized to be constructed by CY�apter 505, Laws of Minnesota for 1g67, Regular Session, �250 000 � To pay for MeCarron Filtration Plant and Pumping Station Egpansion and Improvement, authorized � by Ordinance No . 11322, r 1 00 000 � , 5 , Issuance of �4,000,000 Capital Improvement " Bonds, Series �.g67A, for the acquisition, construction anc�repair of�capital improvement _ works and projects, , , �4, 000,000 COUNCILMEN t-� ,. Adopted by the Council��T 6 196� 19— Yeas Nays'' i Carlson `�" ., '��+��'�our� e i Dalglish °U�S�� Approved �CY � ���� 19� Holland �n Favor Meredith � , Peterson � _ Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne p11gLISHED Q'�� �� � �z2 DUrLIC`TE TO rWINTER 23`�/�� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. �`" _ .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa DATF _ RESOLVED That the Resolution of the Counoil, Council File No. 2352�6, adopt�6ng the Capital Improvement Budget for the City of Saint Paul for 1g67, is hereby amended ao as to add to said Capital Improvement Budget the �ollowing designated pro�ects, to be finanoed in ��ole or in part from funds procured through the issuance o� general obligation bonds o� the City o� Saint Paul under and pursuant to the hereinafter eet forth etatutory enaotments, and suah �unds are hereby appropriated to the aforesaid pro�eote as a part o� the Capital Improvement Budget of the City of Saint Paul for 1967s To pay the City� s share o� the cost of capital conatruotion by the Minneapo].is-St. Paul Sanitary Distriet, authorized by Chapter 445, Minnesota Statutes 1965, as amended, �1,150,000 To pay the City� s share of the Net Pro�eot Cost of the Doivntown. IIrban Reneival Pro�ect Minn. R�20 and the Riverview Induatrial Pro�ect Minn. R-26, authorized by Chapter 881, Laws of Minneso-�a �or sg63, as amended by Chapter 499, Laws of Minnesota for 1g67, Regular Session., �2,275,000 - To pay the City�s share o� the cost of construc- - � tion of storm water sewer facilities, authorized to be constructed by Chapter 505, Laws of Minnesota �or 1g67, Regular Se�sion, �250,000 To pay Yor PieCarron Filtration Plant and Pumping Station Egpanaion and Improvement, authorized by Ordinance No. 11322, �1y500,000 Issuanae of �4,000,000 Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1g67A, for the acquisition, oonstruction andArepair o� capital improvement works and pro�ects, �4,000,000 OCT 6196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �',�' 6 ���� Dalglish Approved 19._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �22