05-299Return copy to: BN Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City") plans to construct a roadway for the Phalen 2 Boulevazd Project; and 3 4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works ("Public Works") proposes that 5 the Division of Pazks and Recreation ("Pazks & Recreation") grant property rights for two pazcels of 6 land: the first is located on city pazk land near Johnson Parkway at the intersection of the new Phalen 7 Corridor extension; the second is located between Concord Street and Clinton Avenue adjacent to the 8 east side of Castillo Pazk; and 9 10 WHEREAS, as part of the Phalen Corridor project Public Works will be constructing a storm 11 water pond on the Johnson Pazkway site; and 12 13 WHEREAS, as part of Castillo Park development, Public Works will be constructing a new street 14 along the easterly edge of Castillo Pazk; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the City, under the jurisdiction of Public Works, owns a much lazger pazcel of land 17 located along the newly constructed Phalen Boulevazd between Payne Avenue and Arcade Street, (aka 18 the Stroh's grain elevator site) that is proposed to be exchanged for the city park land; and 19 20 WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation has reviewed and supports the exchange of said city park land 21 for the Phalen Boulevard pazcel; and 22 23 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission approved the exchange on 24 February 9, 2005 (Parks Commission Resolution # OS-01); therefore be it 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul concurs with the ptoposed exchange of these lands, and in accordance with City Charter Section 13.01.1; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute any documents necessary to effectuate this exchange. Council File # �- a�� Green Sheet # 3025956 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAtNT PAUL, MtNNESOTA .� 2 3 4 Councit File # �" ��� Green Sheet # 3025956 .; � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PW - �blic Works ' ContaM Person & Phone: Bob NO�ak 2668863 06APR-05 p/ _ '� . I Y". �'!,. ! i ContractType: �� 1 � RE-RESOLUfION i Date Initiated: v ✓• � ` ` �� j Green Sheet NO: 3025956 Deparhnent 5entroPerson Inmavuaie 0 PnbLc W rks � 1 tStv Att e � � �/�•��(/_ 2 PubticWorks I Director � �� ' / �IJ 3 3KavoCs Office �� MavodAStisfant � q '�'ound� I I 5 'nro r� � I (.tiri C1 k i � ' Pssign Number For Routing Order Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip NI Locations forSignature) i Action Requested: ; Approve Resolution conwrring wiUt the Pazks Commison Resolu[ion (OS-Ol) [he exchange of lands between Pazks and Rec and Public ,� Works as part of the Phalen Blvd. Project Phase 3. I idations: Appro�,e (A) or R Plannirg Commission CIB Committee Ciul Ser.ice Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer me Pollowing Quesnons: 7. Has this persoNfirtn e�er woAced urider a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firtn eaer been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any wrtent city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet � Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why�: ' ' Parks and Rec has land a[ [he intertesection of Johnson Pazkway and new Phalen Blvd. that Public Works needs to aquire for ponding �, ! as pazt of the Phalen Blvd. Project.Also as part of the Castillo Pazk development PW needs land to cons7uct a new stree[ adjacen[ [o i[, I , and proposes ro exchange land at Phalen Blvd. and Arcade S[reet. (apaz[ of [he Stroh's si[e) '� : AdvanWpeslfApproved: � Public Works acquires [he land needed for ponding and Pazks gets lazger area for their fu[ure needs. I DisadvantagesHApproved: None Disadvantapes If Not Approved: Public Works will need to find other lands [o build pond. fotalAmountof $0 Transaction: Funding Source: F inancial Information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activiry Number. March 29, 2005 1:56 PM Page 1 p5-�.gq �� a �� ���� GATES FOR STREET CLOSURE PARQUE CASTILLO ��. E �� �S 9� �, . �� F� S� � � . � ::. CASTILLO STREET LA CLINICA GATES FOR STREET CLOSURE A o�a,.,, san� � � e/v/o� N Date Approvea PAS sas..r.Iw�.uiN�- -ri �5�z�1 �-�aa a: �n, � 3i S paul � Parks'a►,a Recreation Commission 300 City Halt Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, Saint Paul, M�l 55102 -(651)266-6400 RESOLUTION 0�-Oi WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recrearion Commission ("Commission") is an appointed body established to advise the Mayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to Pazks and Recrearion; and WHEREAS, Section 13.01.1 of the Ciry Charter requires that the Commission review any diversion or disposal of park properry and present a recommendarion to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works ("Public Works") proposes that the Division of Parks and Recreation ("Parks & Recreation") grant properry rights for two parcels of land: the first is located on city park land near Johnson Parkway at the intersection of the new Phalen Corridor extension; and the second is located beriveen Concord Street and Clinton Avenue adjacent to the east side of Casrillo Park; and WHEREAS, as part of the Phalen Corridor project Public Works will be constructing a storm water pond on the Johnson Parkway site; and WHEREAS, as part of Castillo Park development, Public W orks will be constructing a new street along the easterly edge of Castillo Park; and WHEREAS, the Ciry, under the jurisdiction of Public Works, owns a much larger parcel of land located along the newly constructed Phalen Boulevard between Payne Avenue and Arcade Str�eet, (aka the Stroh's grain elevator site) that is proposed to be exchanged for the city park land; and WHEREAS, Parks and Recreation has reviewed and supports the exchange of said city park land for the Phalen Boulevard parcel; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recrearion Commission concurs with the proposed exchange of these lands, and in accordance with Ciry Charter Section 13.01.1 recommends approval by the Saint Paul Ciry Council. Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on ��V) • , 2005: Approved: Yeas �7 Nays U Absent: L Resolution 0�-01 Attested to by: f ',I ��,�,�s�Y �GC Staff to the arl and Recreation Commission G �DSV�WP�Parks Conmtiss�on�Rewlurions�?00'>.0>Olphalenbh�dpro}zecwpd o5-a1� NOlICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the request of the City oi Saint Paul for the diversion of city park land located at the Southwest Corner of Johnson Parkway and the New Phalen Boulevard, as more fully described and on file in the Department of Public Works, Real Estate Division, Room 140, City Hall, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3=° floor of City Hall and Court House on the 6' day of April, 2005 at 5:30 P.M. Dated March 23, 2005 Shari Moore Deputy City Clerk (March 28, 2005)