235286 �
� r �GJc��G�� �
RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby estimates
that, as such terms are defined in Minnesota Statutes i965,
Section 462. 545, the "Public Redevelopment Cost" of the
Downtown Urban Renewal Project Minn.• R-20 is �21:, gg4, 406.,
the "Capital Proceeds" of such project is �5, 116, 544, and
the "Net Project Cost" o� such project is �26, 239,628, and
the Remaining Cost of Municipal Buildings and Improvements
to be constructed within or adjacent to the area of the
. project is �48,459; that the "Public Redevelopment Cost"
of the Riverview Industrial Project Minn. R-26 is �7, 725, 259,
the "Capital Proceeds" of such project is �i, 395, 1go, the
"Net P�roject Cost" of such project is �6, 330,069, and the
Remaining Cost of Municipal Buildings and Improvements
to be constructed within or adjacent to the area of said
proje;ct is �619, 394; be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That pursuant to the provisions
of Chapter 881, Laws of Min.nesota for ig63, as amended by
Chapter 499, Laws of Min.nesota for 1967, Regular Session,
there shall be issued and sold general obligation bonds
.,,� of the City in the par value amount of Two Million Two
� Hundred Seventy-�ive Thousand Dollars (�2, 275,000) for
�. . the purpose of procuring additional funds necessary to pay
� not to egceed one-third (1�3) of the Net Project Cost o�
� � each of the aforesaid projects and the Remaining Costa of
o � Municipal Buildings and Improvements to be constructed
.�* o within or adjacent to the project areas, to be denominated,
� m "City of Saint Paul Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1967D" .
c� � 0� the proceeds from the sale of such bonds, there shall
� be allocated to the Downtown Urban Renewal Project �1, 195, 500,
m and �1,079, 500 shall be allocated to the Riverview Industrial
Project. Of the proceeds from the sale o� the �3,600,000
� ' Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1964A, Series 1g65B, and Series
�966C, previously ,issued, �2, 462,500 have been allocated to
the Downtown Urban Renewal Project and �1, 137, 500 have been
allocated to the Riverview Industrial Project; be it
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19�
Holland ' � •
, Tn Favor '
Peterson Mayor
Tedesco A ga�gt
Mr. President, Byrne
� � � ���:����
Page 2.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That such bonds , authorized by
said Chapter 881, Session Laws of Minnesota for sg63, as
amended by Chapter 499, Laws of Minnesota for �.967, Regular
Session, hereby provided and directed to be issued and
sold, in the par value amount of Two Million Two I3undred
Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (�2, 275,000) shall be issued
and sold in the manner r.,e�qtzired by law; that the bonds
of said issue shall all be o� the same denomination,
namely, �1,000, �5,000 or �10,000, at the option of the
purchaser, dated October 1, �.967, and bear interest at
a rate not in egcess of sig per centum (6°Jo) per annum,
payable semi-annually ' on April 1 and October 1, according
to the interest coupons to be attached to said bonds ; that
said �bonds shall be serial in form, and a portion thereof
shall be payable each year commencing October 1, 1970, but
none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than
thirty (30) years ; be it
RESOLVED FUR.THER, That said Two Million Two Hundred
Seventy-�ive Thousand Dollars (�2, 275,000) par value bonds
to be issued and sold for such Ur�an Renewal Development
Project purposes and to be denominated, as aforesaid,
� "City of Saint Paul Urban Renewa� Bonds , Series 1967D«,
shall mature serially commencing October 1, 1970, over
said thirty-year period on the following dates and in the
following amounts :
Date of
Maturi:ty Amount
October 1, 1970 � 40,000.00
Oc�ober 1, 1971 40,000.00
October 1, 1972 " " 40,000.00
October 1, 1973 50,000.00
October 1, 19'74 50,000.00
October 1, 1975 60,000.00
, " October 1, 1976 60,000.00
October 1, 1977 60,000.00
October 1, 1g'78 60,000.00
October 1, 197g 70,000.00
October 1, 1980 70,000.00
October 1, 1981 70,000.00
October 1, 1g82 80,000.00
'October 1, 1983 80,000.00
October� l, 1984 80,000.00
October 1, 19s5 90,000.00
October 1, 1986 90,000.00
October 1 , 1g87 90,000.00
_ October 1, 1988 90,000.00
� ' ������
Page 3.
October 1, 1g89 100,000.00
October 1, 1990 100,000.00
October 1, 1gg1 100,000.00
October 1, i992 110,000.00
October 1, 1993 110,000.00
October 1, �994 110,000.00
October 1, 1995 125,000.00
October 1, 1996 125,000.00
October 1, i997 125,000.00
TOTAL �2, 275,000.00
That said Two Million TNro Hundred Seventy-�ive Thousand
Dollars (�2, 275,000) par value bonds to be issued for such
Urban Renewal Development Project purposes shall be in sub-
stantially the following form, which has been prepared by
the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation
Counsel of the City of Saint Paul and is hereby approved
and adopted:
No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Saint Paul , in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,
acknowledges itself to oFnre and �or value received hereby
promises to pay to Bearer the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dollars (�. . . . . . . . . . . . . ) on the first day of October, 1g. . . ,
together with interest thereon from the date hereof until
paid at the rate of . . . . . . . . . . . . per centum per annum,
payable semiannually on the first days of April and October
in each year as evidenced by and upon the presentation and
surrender of the anne�ed interest coupons as they severally
become due. Both principal and interest on this bond are
payable in lawful money of the United States of America
at the o�fice of the Fiscal Ag ent of the City of Saint Paul ,
in either Saint Paul , Minnesota, or New York, New York,
at the option of the holder; and for the prompt payment
of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity,
the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are
irrevocably pledged.
• ' ��CJ� �` i° �
Page 4.
'�This bond is one of a ��eries of bonds issued and
sold by said City of Saint Paul , in the aggregate par
value amount of �2, 275,000, authorized by Chapter 881,
Session Laws of Minnesota for 1g63, as amended by
' Chapter 499, Laws of Minnesota for 1g67, Regular
Session, and duly adopted resolution of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul , for the purpose of procuring
the necessary funds to pay not to exceed one-third
of the net project cost of certain Urban Renewal
Development Projects, within the corporate limits of
said City, designated '�Riverview Industr.ial Project,
Minn. R-26'�, and '�Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project�
Minn. R-20'�, being two of the several Urban Renewal
Development Projects mentioned in said Chapter 881,
Session Laws of Minnesota for 1g63, as amended��by
Chapter 499, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular Session,
and for said City' s egpenditures on account of any
Remaining Costs of Municipal Buildings and Improvements
to be constructed within or adjacent to the area o�
said Projects .
"This bond is iasued and sold by said City of Saint
Paul under and by authority of Chapter 881, Session
Laws of Minnesota for ig63, as amended by Chapter 499,
. Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular Session, under and
by authority of duly adopted resolution of the Council
of the City of Saint Paul, and in full compliance with
said Chapter 881, as amended, said resolution, the
Charter o� the City of Saint Paul, as applicable, and
Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes sg65, as amended.
'�It is hereby certified and recited that all things ,
acts an.d conditions required by the Constitution and Laws
of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to
happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the
issuance of this bond, have happened and been-�done and
performed in regular and due form and time as required
by law and that the total indebtedness of said City,
including this bond, does not egceed any constitutional ,
statutory, or charter limitation.
'�IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said City of Saint Paul ,
by its Council , has caused this bond to be sealed by
the facsimile of its Official Seal , lithographed
thereon, to be signed by the lithographed facsimile
signature of its Mayor, attested by the lithographed
, facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned
manually by its Comptroller, and each of the interest
� � �C�����
_ Page 5.
coupons hereto attached to be egecuted by the litho-
graphed facsimile signatures of said officers, as of
the �irst d�y of October, i967.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Attest : . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Comptroller
No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. rrOn the first day of October' ����" • � the City of
Saint P'aul , Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer . . . . . . . .
Dollars (�. . . . . . . . ) at the office of the Fiscal Age'n�t
, of the City of Sa�.nt Paul , in either Saint Paul , Minnesota,
or New York, New York, at the option of the holder, for
interest due that day on its Urban Renewal Bond, Series
1967D, dated as of October 1, 1967, No. ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, Mayor
Attest : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Comptroller
and be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That each said bond shall be sealed
by the facsimile of the Of�icial Seal of the City of Saint
Paul lithographed thereon and signed by the lithogr�phed
facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed
facsimile signature of the City Clerk, and coun.tersigned
manually by the City Comptroller, in accordance with Section '
475. 55, Minnesota Statutes 1965, as amended, and the intere�t
coupons thereto attached shall be egecuted by the lithographed
facsimile signatures of said o�ficers ; and be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That sealed proposals be received
in the of�ice of the City Comptroller in the City Hall and
Court House Building, in the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota,
� � 235286
Page 6.
up to g:30 o ' clock A.M. (C.D.T. ) October 17, 1967, for the
sale of all or none of said bonds, after giving due notice
of said sale in the man.ner prescribed by law, in the St,!
Paul Legal Ledger, the official newspaper of said City, and
in the Commercial �est, a �inancial periodical published in
the State of Minnesota; that each bidder shall be required
to accompany his bid by a certified or cashier' s check for
two per centum (2dfo) o� the amount of bonds bid for, which
will be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the
bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery;
that the City Comptroller shall, at the negt meeting after
receiving said bids, px�sent the same to the Council for
_ their action thereon; and that said bonds shall be awarded
to the person offering the lowest net interest cost to the
City, not egceeding . six per centum (6%) per ann.um; be it
�RESOLVED FURTHER, That the proceeds from the issuance and
sale of said bonds, as received by said City, shall be deposited
in a special fund of said City designated as "Urban Renewal and
Development Fund", and therein alTocated to and subject to dis—
bursement for the �City� s obligation ,perti_nent to said RiTerview
Industrial 1'roject, Minn. R-26 and said Downtown Urban Renew`a,l..�
� Project, Minn. R-20, for the payment of substantially one�thir�.='�
of the net cost of said Riverview Industrial Project, Minn. R-26
r and substantially one-- third of the net cost of said Downtown
II�*�an Renewal Area Project, Minn. R-20, as estimated, as afore—
said, and for the further payment of any Remaining Cost of
Munieipal Buildings and Improvements to ,be constructed within
or adjaeent to the area of each of said projects . That despite
the allocation of bond proceeds made in this Resolution, the
same shal�� be subject to re--allocation in purpose and amou.nt
consistent with Chapter 881� Session Laws of Min.nesota for
ig63, as amended by Chapter 499, Laws o� Minnesota for �g67,
Regular Session; provided, that no part of the proceeds of
the issuance and sale of any of said bonds shall be made
the subject of any reallocation or disbursement egcept for
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9.—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19..—
fn Favor
Peterson Mayor
A gainst
Tedesco •
Mr. President, Byrne
Page �.
• ' the purpose of the payment or defraym.ent of said City' s
obligations assumed, under and by authority of said Act,
in respect of one or more of the several Urban Renewal
Development Projects specified therein. That said
bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United
States of �America at the office of the Fiscal Agent of
said City in either Saint Paul, Min.nesota, or New York,
New York, at the option of the holder, and the full faith -
and credit of said City hereby are irrevocably pledged for
the prompt and faith�ul payment of both principal and
interest o� said bonds .
�GT 6196)
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._
Yeas Nays
Carison - ��,T 61967
Dalglish Approved 19—
Holland 7
Tn Favor
Meredith �
V Mayor
Tedesco A Sa�t
Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHED OC� 7 �yb,�
. � .
RESOLVED, by the CounQil of the City of Saint Paul,
th�t the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul hereby estimates
that, as suQh terms are de�ined in Minneaota Statutea i965,
Seotion 462.545, the "Publio Redevelopment Coet" of the
Downtown Urban Renewal Pro�eet Minn. R-20 ie �21,994,406,
the "Capital Proceeds't o� suoh pro3eot is �5,116,544, and
the "Net Pro�eot Cost't of suoh pro�eot is �26,239,628, and
� the Remaining Coet o� Munioipal Buildings and Improvement�
to be oonstruoted within or ad�aoent to the area of the
pro�eot ie �48,459; that the "Pub�.iQ Redevelopment Co$t"
oi the Riverview Induatrisl Pro�eot Minn. R-26= is �7,725,259,
the "Cspital Proveede" o� auQh proJeot is �1, 395, 190, the
"Net Pro�eot Cost'� o� suoh pro�eat is �6,330,069, and the
Remaining Cost oi MuniQipal Buildinge and Improvements
to be construated within or ad�acent to the area of said
pro�eot ie �619,394; be it
RESOLVED FIIRTHER, That pursuant to the provisions
ot Chapter 881, Laws of Minneeota �or 1g63, as amended by
Chapter 499, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular Seasion,
there ahall be 3ssued and sold general obligation bonde
of the City in the par value amount of Two Million Two
Hundred Seventy-five Thoueand Dollars (�2,275,000) for
the purpose of proQUring additional funde neoessary to pay
not to eaoeed one-third (1/3) o� the ATet Pro�eot Cost ot
eaah o� the aforesaid pro�ects and the Remaining Costs of
Munio�pal Buildings and Improvements to be oonatructed
within or ad�aoent to the pro�eot areas, to be� denominated,
'�City of Saint Paul Ui=ban Rerlewal Bonds, Series 1967D" .
Of the proceeda �rom the sale o� suoh bonds, there shall
be allooated to the Downtown. IIrban Renewal Pro�eot �1, 195,500,
and �1,079,500 ehall be allocated to the Riverview Induatrial
Pro�aQt. Of the prooeed� from the eale of the �3,600,000
IIrban Ren�wal Bonds, Seriee 1g64A, Series i965B, and Seriee
1966C, previously issued, �2,462,�00 have been allooated to
the Downtown Jrban Renewal Pro�eQt and �1,13?,500 have been
allooated to the Riverview Industrial Pro�eot; be it
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19_
Tn Favor
Peterson Mayor
Tedesco A 8ainst �
Mr. President, Byrne
' - ` � ��35��b
Page 2.
RESOLV�D FURTH�li., That such bonds , �authorizecl by
said Chapter 881, Session Laws� of Minnesota for ig63, as
amended by Chapter 1�99, Laivs of Minnesata �or 1967, Regular
Session, hereby provided and clirected to be issued and •
sold, in the par value amount of T�wo Million T�wo Hundred
Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (�2, 275,000) shall be issued
and sold in the manner required by law; tliat the bonds .
of said issue shall all be of the same denomination,
namely, �1, 000, �5,000 or �10,000, at the option of the
purchaser, dated October 1, �g67, and bear interest at
a rate not in excess of six per centum (6%) per annum,
payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1, according '
to the interest coupons to be attached to said bonds ; that
said bonds shall be serial in form, and a portion thereof
shall be payable each year commencing October 1, 1970, but ,
none o� said bonds shall run for a longer period than
thirty (30) years ; be it
RESOLVED FURTHER, That said T�vo Million Two Hundred
Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (�2, 275,000) par value bonds
to be issued and sold for such Urban Renewal Development
Project purposes and to be denominated, as aforesaid,
"City of Saint Paul Urban Renewal Bonds , Series 1g67D�' ,
shall mature serially commencing October 1 , 1970, over
said thirty-year period on the following dates and in the
following amounts :
Da1;e of • •
Maturity _Amount
October 1, 19?0 � 40,000.00
October 1, 1971 40,000.00 •
. October 1, 19�2 40,000.00
, ' October 1, 1973 50,000.00
- October 1, 1974 50,000.00
- October 1, 1975 60,000.00 •
' October 1, 1976 60,000.00 •
October 1, 1977 . �- 60,000.00 �' ,
- October 1, 1978... . � 60,000.00 •
October 1, 197g � 70,000.00
y_ October 1, 1g80 _ 70,000.00
October 1, 1g81 70,000.00
October 1, 1982 80,000.00
October 1, igs3 80,000.00
October 1-, 1g84 • 80,000.00
October 1, 1985 90, 000.00
October 1, ig86 90,000.00
October 1, 1g87 90,000.00
October 1, 1g88 g0,0.00.00
.. ' ' � , � �.._. .
1 -
- � � 2�5��s
� Page 3.
October 1 , sgs9 100,000.00
October 1, igg0 100,000.00
October 1, iggi 100,000.00
• October 1 , igg2 110,000.00
October 1 , 1993 110,000.00
October 1, s994 110,000.00
October 1, 1995 125,000.00
October �. , 1996 125,000.00 -
October 1, s997 125, 000.00
TOTAL • �2, 275, 000.00
That said T�10 Million T�cao Iiundrecl Seventy-five Thousand
Dollars (�2, 275, 000) par value bonds to be issued for such � _ .
Urban Renewal Development Project purposes shall be in sub-
stantially the follota�ng form, wliich has been prepared by
the Sinking Fund Committee and approved by the Corporation
Counsel of the City of Saint Paul and is hereby approved
and adopted: �
SERIES 1967D - .
,i , No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� "KNOW ALL riEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the City of
� Saint Paul , in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota,
� acknozaledges itself to o;�e and for value received hereby ,
' . promises to pay to Bearer the sum of . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� Dollars (�. . . . . . . . . . . . . ) on the first day of October, 19. . . ,
� together with interest thereon from the date hereof until
paid at the rate of . . . . . . . . . . . . per centum per annum, ,
payable semiannually on the first days of April and October
in each year as evidenced by and upon the presentation and
j . surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally
i become due. Both pr�incipal. and interest on this bond are
� payable in la��ful money of the United States of America
at the office of the Fiscal Ag ent of the City o� Saint Faul,
in either Saint Paul , Minnesota, or Nesa York, New York,
at the option of the holder; and for the prompt payment
� of this b.ond, both principal and interest, at maturity,
the faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul are
irrevocably pledged. . .
, � -
i . -
E .
( �
� . • ' ` • ' . _ - -
' • . 3
i • , �
� � � - �3528�
Page 4.
"This bond is one of a series of bon�s issued and
sold by said City of Saint Paul , in the aggregate par
value amount of �2, 275,000, authorized by Chapter 881,
Session La�JS of Minnesota for ig63, as aiuended by
Chapter 499, Laws of Minnesota for 1967, Regular '
Session, ancl duly adopted resolution of the Council _
of the City of Saint Paul , for the purpose of procuring
the necessary funds to pay not to e�ceed one-third
of the net project cost of certain Urban Renewal
Development Projects , within the corporate limits of
said City, designated "Riverviesv Industrial Project,
Minn. R-26'�, and '�Doi,rnto��rn Urban Renewal Area Pro j ect,
Minn. R-20'�, being tzlo of the several Urban Renetval
Development Projects mentioned in said Chapter 881,
Session Laws of Minnesota for i963, as amencled;,�by
Chapter 499, Laws �'of�Minnesota for sg67, Regular Session,
and for said City' s expenditures on account of any
Remaining Costs of Municipal Buildings and Improvements ,
to be constructed within or adjacent to the area of
said Projects .
"This bond is issued and sold by said City of Saint
Paul under and by authority of Chapter 881, Session
f Laws of Minnesota for sg63, as amended by Chapter 499,
i . Laws of Minnesota for �967, Regular Session, under and
; by authority of duly adopted resolution of the Council .
� �of the City of Saint Paul , and in full compliance with
� said Chapter 881 , as amended, said 'resolution, the
' - -- Charter of the City of Saint Paul , as applicable, and
Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes sg65, as amended. .
� '�It is hereby certified and recited that all things ,
' acts and conditions required by the Cons�titution and Laws
; of the State of rlinnesota and the Charter of said City to
# happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the
; isstiance of this bond, have happened and been done and
; performed in regular and due form and time as required
' by law and that the total indebtedness of said City,
� � including this bqndi does � not exceed any constitutional,
i statutory, or charter limitation.
' '�IN j�IITNESS WHEREOF, The said City of Saint Paul ,
by its Council, has caused this bond to be sealed by �
the facsimile of its Official Seal , lithographed
thereon, to be signed by ti�e lithographed facsimile
signature of its rlayor, attested by the lithographed
facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned .
manually by its Comptroller, and each of the interest
� -
, .
� . �_
n "
� . . . �352��
. . . . -
Page 5.
coupons hereto attached to be executed by the litho-
graphed facsimile signatures of said officers, as of
the first day of October, �g67 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� Mayor .
' Attest : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City Clerk •
Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
• City Comptroller
- '�COUPON � '
No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . r-. . . . �. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
, On the first day of A ril � 19�;�. . . , the City of
` rr P
OctoUer -
Saint P�aul , Minnesota, promises to p��y to bearer . . . . . . . .
Dollars (�. . . . . . . . ) at the office of the Fiscal Agent �
; of the City of Sai.nt Paul , in either Saint Paul, Minnesota,
� or New York, Nesa York, at the option of the holder, for
� interest due that day on its Urban Renewal Bond, Seiies
� 1g67D, dated as af October 1, �.g67, No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
� -y � Mayor
Attest : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �
City Clerk .
. Countersigned: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
; . City Comptroller
; and be it •
; RESOLVED FURTHER, That each said bond shall be sealed
i . by the facsimile of th� .0.ffieial Seal of the City of Saint
i Paul li:thographed thereon and signed by the lithographed
� facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the lithographed
; facsimile signature of the City Clerk, and countersigned
� manually by the City Comptroller, in accordance s,rith Section
, 475• 55, riinnesota Statutes �g65, as amended, and the interes�t
coupons thereto attached shall. be executed by the lithographed
� facsimile signatures of said officers ; and be it
� RESOLVED FURTHER, That sealed proposals be received �
I in the office of the City Comptroller in the City Hall and -
' Court House Buil�ding, in the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota,
Page 6:
up to 9:30 o'cloQk A.M� (C.D.T. ) October 17, 1967, for the
sale o� all or none of said bonda, a�ter giving due notiQe
of eaid sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the St,�
Paul Legal Ledger, the otfioial newspaper o� said City, and
in the Commeraial Weat, a finanQial periodical publiehed in
the State o� Minnesota; that eaoh bidder shall be required
to aocompany hie bid by a eerti�ied or caehier'e aheok for
two per Qentum (2�) of the amount of bonde bid for, whiQh
will be for�eited to the City ae liquidated damage$ iY the
bonds are not taken and paid �or when ready tor delivery;
that the City Comptroller shall, at the nezt meeting a�ter
reoeiving said bids, p�+eeent the same to the Counoil �or
their aotion thereon; and that said bonds shall be awarded
to the pereon offering the lowest net intereat cost to the
City, not esaeeding sis per Qentum (6�) per annum; be it
RESOLVED FIIRTHEft, That the proQeeds from the ieeuancse and
sale o� said bonds, as reoeived by said City, ahall be depoeited
in a speoial fund o� said City designated ae "IIrban Renewal and
Development Fund", and therein alloQated to and sub�eat to dis-
buraement tor the City's obligation per��nant to said RiTerview
Induetrial Pro�eot, Minn. R-26 and said Downt�own Urban Renewal
Pro�eot, Minn. R-20, tor the payment of subatantially one-�hird:�
o� the net Qost o� said Riverview Industrial Pro�eot, Min.n. h-26
and subetantially one-�hirdr� o� the net oost o� said Downtown
II�'[3an Renewal Area Pro�eot, Mi.nn. ft-20, as estimated, as a�ore-
said, and �or the �urther payment o� any Remaining Cost o�
Munioipal Buildings and Improvements to be oonstruoted within
or ad�aQent to the area of eaoh of said pro�eQts. That despite
the allocation of bond prooeede made in this Reeolution, the
same shal�, be sub�eQt to re-alloeation in purpoae and amount
Qoneistent with Chapter 881, Session Laws of Minnesota �or
1963, a� amended by Chapter 49g, Laws o� Minnesota for 1967,
Regular Seseion; provided, that no part o� the proeeeda of
the issuanoe and sale of any o� said bonde ehall be made
the aub�eot o� any reallocation or disbursement ezoept Yor
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
Dalglish Approved 19_
Tn Favor
Peterson Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne _
r �,)► � 1
P8g@ �.
the purpoae o� the payment or defrayment of said City' s
obligstions assumed, under and by suthority of esid Aot,
in respeat of one or more of the several IIrban Renewal
Development Pro�eots epeoified therein. That said
bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the IInited
States o� America at the of�ice of the Fiacal Agent oY
�a3d City in either Saint Paul, Minneaota, or New York,
Idew York, at the option o� the holder, and the �ull �aith
and oredit of said City hereby are irrevocably pledged tar
the prompt and faithful payment o� both prineipal and
interest of said bonds.
�CT 619��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9—
Yeas Nays OCT 619��'
Dalglish Approved 19—
Holland �
Tn Favor
Peterson Mayor
Mr. President, Byrne