05-298Council File # C�`�' �.�,� Green Sheet # 204229 RESOLUTION 41NT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��J' Presented 1 WHEREAS, the Lincoln/Victoria Permit Parking Area 9 was implemented by Ordinance 168; 2 and 3 WHEREAS, the residents of Pernut Parking Area 9 on Goodrich Avenue, Lincoln Avenue, 4 Grand Avenue, Avon Street and Victoria Street through the Suininit Hill District Council #16 5 have requested a revision to pernut parking in accordance with Chapter 168 of the Saint Paul 6 Legislative Code; and 7 WHEREAS, the original time limit when Permit Parking Area 9 was implemented was set to 8 match bar closing hours; and 9 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul now finds that regulations governing the 10 hours of operation of establishments with liquor licenses have changed from a closing time of 11 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM; and 12 WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the aforementioned residential area 13 does not have sufficient off-street parking to safely accommodate the residential parking needs 14 of the residents and the parking needs of non-residents. The Council further finds the frequent 15 parking of vehicles in this residential area by these non-residential users has created residential 16 problems of a safety, environmental and aesthetic nature; and 17 WHEREAS, residents have been negatively impacted by parking, noise, litter and the ts unreasonable burdens associated with the later closing time; and 19 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the following parking regularions shall be in 2o effect in the residential area near the Lincoln Avenue/Victoria Street intersection: 21 1. Revise the No Parking 11AM-lAM, Except by Pernut, Area 9 regulation to No 22 Parking 11AM-2AM, Except by Permit, Area 9 in the following blocks: 23 Both sides of Goodrich Avenue between Avon Street and Victoria Street. 24 South side of Lincoln Avenue from Avon Street to Milton Street. East side of Avon Street from Goodrich Avenue to Grand Avenue. /K_��$ V� 2 East side of Avon Street from Stunmit to the alley south. 3 West side of Avon Street from Goodrich Avenue to Summit Avenue. 4 East side of Victoria Street from Goodrich Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. 5 2. Revise the No Parking SPM-lAM Except by Pernut, Area 9 to No Parking SPM-2AM 6 Except by Permit, Area 9 in the following block: 7 South side of Lincoln Avenue from Grotto Street to Avon Street. 8 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the effective date of these parking changes sha11 be 30 9 days after City Council approval. Requested by Department of: Public Works Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � E I � . ►� �, ,��. Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by �.'�S Adopted by Council: Date ��rr �(o cZOU,� Public Works CAMACT PERSON & PHONE ' Duane Jagiello,266-6205 MUST BE ON COUNqLA6ENDA BV (DAT� �� Public Hearing on Apri16, 2005 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES DATE INITIATED 2/15/2005 GRE NO. InNaUDate DEPARTMEM CITY WUNCIL ASSIGN � CI7VATTORNEY ,� � GTYCLEHIC NUMBERFOR ROIIfING ❑ FlNl�NCIALSERNCESOIR ❑ FlNANCIALSFRV/ACCTG OFOER /� ❑ MAYOR(OR ASSISTAM) ❑ P �� � �� P\ 'S ❑ ❑ _ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REpUESTED Request Council approval to revise No Pazking 11AM-lAM Except by Pernrit pazking regulation in Permit Puldng Area #9 near Lincoln Avenue and Victoria Street to No Pazking 11AM-2AM, Except by Permit, Area #9. RECOMMENDATIONS Apprwe (A) ar Rejec[ (F) _ PLANNINGCOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SEFVICE COMMISSION MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTION3: 1. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contract for ihis tlepartment? YES NO 2 Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee� YES NO 3. Dces this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curtent ciry employee� YES NO 4. Is this persoNfirm a targeted ventloR YES NO INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN(WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WH1� ' New state law allows bazs to stay open unti12AM. Residents who peduoned for Pernut Puldng in 1992 now request adjustment to Pernilt : Pazking regulation because of the noise, loitering, pazking that now conunues past existing lAM Pemilt Pazking limit. Dish Council #16, ' Summit Hill made this request. � ADVAMAGESIFAPPqOVED: � � Baz patrons will not have legal pazking after lAM, as they had. $ � �'� a �, � '��'� ��. � �$ a DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO Baz owners may lose some wstomers between lAM-2AM. DISADVAMAGES IF NOTAPPFOVED Some residents will be disappointed. FUNDING SOURCE FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) � ,;, - , . COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) yES No ACTNITY NUMBEH �., ��i:?�rG`.�S �€t�#8P �i' " 11 �-a�.� Mitchell � PORTLAND SUMMIT O � � � � -� s • 1 1 ' GOODRICH Permit Parkii � No Parking 7 � � No Parking 5 FAIRMOUNT OSCEOLA LINWOOD CLAIR — no rarau 4 Vehicle / 2 Only 1 Vehicle ! 1 Grand 32 Area 9 �1am Except by Permi am Except by Permit per ir Permit per # AVE 30 � AVE. � Q AVE for: H � 30 OSCEO AVE. AVE. ;�-,_ , , ,. - -- . . _ _ ; . _ _