235275 � 3J`��� -.-_.._._- Councll File No. 235276—By Victor T. Tedesco— Resolved, That up"on the petition of Sun-Ray Apartments, Inc. and Bradley Real Fstate Trust, that easement here- inafter describei3 be and the same hereby is vacated: Easement for public utilities across the south 5 ft. oP Lots 1 through 15, Block 5, and Lots 1 through 12, Block 8, Sun-Ray Terrace Addition ' No. 2; subject eacpressly to the following con- dition and reservation: . 1.That the description oE the ease- ,ment to be vacated be described as follows: A 5-foot-wide utllity ease- ment across the souther�y 5 feet of Lots 1 through 15, inclusive, Block 5,and across the soukher�y 5 feet of Lots 1 through 12, inclusive, Block 6, Sun-Ray Terrace Adclition No. 2, as recorded in the Office oY the Register of Deeds, Ramsey County, Minnesota: Adopted by the Council October 4, 1967. - Approved October 4, 1987. � (October'7, 1987)