05-297Return copy to: (TS) Real Estate Division 140 City HaII S�..bs�t�..� `����� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # OS-297 Green Sheet # 3025767 � . Presented � Referred To �� Committee: Date 1" Wf�EREAS, the City of St Paul ("City") has determined that there is no longer a public purpose for 2 owunig several pazcels of surplus land purchased several years ago, and 3 4 WHEREAS, the City wishes to vacate its interest in this properry, and 6 WHEREAS, the City has received a request from the Department of Planning and Economic 7 Development ("PED") to convey the properiy to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City 8 of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("HRA") for development of a bus transit station and a pazking ramp, and 10 WHEREAS, PED has determined that such conveyance will support public development efforts; now, 11 therefore, be it 12 13 RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul, as described in Reat Estate Division File 14 Number 02-2005, the public property hereinafter described in Exhibit "A" is hereby vacated and 15 discontinued as public properiy, and be it fiirther 16 17 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the proper City officials to 18 convey the vacated properry by Quit Claim Deed to the HRA, and be it fiirther 19 20 RESOLVEA, that, upon the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint 21 Paul, Minnesota ("HRA"), as documented in Real Estate Division File Number 02-2005, additional 22 public street rights-of-way hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued as public property:, 23 and all nortions of said vacated streets accruin tg o the nazcels described in E�ibit "A" shall be 24 transfened to the HRA. 25 26 The properry to be vacated is described as follows: 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 (See attached E�ibit "B") BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceptions and with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behalf of District Energy St. Paul, Inc. and District Cooling St Paul, Inc., Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., and Saint Paul - Regional Water Services, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and depaztments, waives the right to the utility easements in the vacated areas described in Exhibit "B". w 2 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the 3 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 4 5 1. That the petitioners, their successars and assigns shall pay $600.00 as an administrative fee for 6 this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution. 7 8 2. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 3. 39 40 41 42 43 44 4. 45 46 47 5. 48 49 50 That a permanent utility easement shall be retained on, over, under and across the vacated azea on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works to reserve the right of the City to maintain and operate any sewer in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement or any portion thereof at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of future construction, reconstruction, inspecting, maintaining or repairing the same or any part thereof. Any development or use of the properiy shall be subject to the following conditions: a. No buildings, structures, trees or any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or any other objects that will prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes will be permitted within the easement area. b. Improvements in or upon the above described easement that do not prohibit the City from exercising its reserved rights may be allowed by obtaining written permission from the Department of Public Works Sewer Division with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such improvements sha11 be the sole responsibility of the petitioner, its successors and assigns in the event the City exercises its reserved easement rights. c. � No change from the existing grade within the easement area will be permitted without written permission from the Department of Public Works. No change in surfacing within the easement area will be permitted without written permission from the Department of Public Works. e. The petitioner, its successors and assigns shall indemnify, defend, and save hazmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, agents, employees, and servants from all suits, actions, or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe or connection in said reserved easement arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, its employees, agents, or business invitees. That a permanent utiliTy easement sha11 be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of Northern States Power Company Gas and Elech d.b.a. Xcel Energy. That a permanent utility easement sha11 be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of Qwest Corporation. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of MCI Network Services, Tna i CfJ'a�tl 2 6. That the petitioners, their successors and assigus agree to indemnify, defend and saue harmless 3 the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or clauns of any chazacter 4 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or 5 properiy on account of this vacation or petitioners use of this property, including but not limited 6 to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or 7 because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regularion made in 8 accordance with the law, whether by the petirioners or any of their agents or employees_ 10 7. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 11 resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution 12 and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and condirions of ttus resolution, comply in 13 all respects with these terms and conditions. � Mayor for � Adoption Cc� bx Council Secretary Requested by Department o£ � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � i — � ---...----- ° -- _ . � P�1/ – Public Works � ConWCt Person & Phone: Tom Sawyer ; 266-8857 ! Must Be on Couneil genda by (Date): i 06-APR-05 � i i Date Initiated: `��� ^�� 1SMAR-05 � Greer�.. NO: 3025767 � Assign Number For Routing Order DeoaRmeM 0 Public Warks i T) [i"�I� 1 'Citv Attomev ` c 2 Rublic Works ' Deoartmeo[ Dire � 3 Mayor's Office MavodASSistant 4 �Couocil 5 Citv Clerk Citv Clerk ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) I Action Requested: 1. Approve vacation of surplus City property. ! 2. Authorize proper City officials to convey said property to the HRA. ; 3. Vacate portions of West Fifth Street, West Sixth Sh�eet, Main Street and Smith Avenue. i0ations: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the 1. Has this personffirtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfrm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm passess a skill not normally possessed by any current ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attacn to green sheet Initiating Probterti, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): HRA requested vacation of the City owned property and the streets in order to construct a bus hansit hub and a parking ramp. Advantapes If Approved: HRA will be able to proceed with theu development plans. I DisadvanWpeslfApproved: ; None DisadvanWGes If NotApproved: HRA will not be able to proceed with their proposed development. �Trensaction: 600 Fundinp Source: ', Financiallnformation: (Explain) CostlReveaue Budgeted: Activity Number: ��'"➢ �'�!3CN{': �l2Y?a4�k � � �,. .. !' ( �'b:: 0'23'18' 26.17 � ti: �`/ � ' 0 � ��/ p .�:' ��I w % ,�9 �. i ry0 4' \ . / ` A� � � * h �� `� . � �; � � za I � f _ ��- _} -_ J � J/ I N �~ N �•' _1 N _ \ 5 ;� N � \ i � + � 1\ n \ � � t'� '� ; �`J'. :n. �. lz] � C^. � �r. [" - -�O � � G? � _ C T / <' I � C �� �� l� � . I A'� .� .\ � TD�EC�UV�'i � 8� I�qH� I ro ���� � �I . ��' - DRESS �� �o �;. / , � ' : : �,-,� � ' \ LA60R �I > - �� `, I \ �.,� CFNTf_R �' ° ��� I � � \ 2 PDD C.(� �"- r ��s. � \ \ I �./ j� � ! " 3'. -' SJ F '. I \�� �.- �;�•� ' J � y i � .' 2 I V s � � .� s � S � �' � . ��_� AS� �9 � � n \1\ � � R '----- �1 % � ���. �1; , ��� 3 � 0 � �..� 1� I ' � 1 x I - ' -�-'�-1 _/11/J , i �.._._._. ..I_,---__((_�---- � ` I . ' � � � � � \ � '� I BIOCK� 5 BL�C�C zi � f/ 5 / `t� 4 I .3 i L° �- _ \ \/ r' �'° . ° � � � 2 � � �I� � / . � \ �' I � � R &IIR � j�� � ��" � � ___���� � � i�� �. � — �o �_ _ nPO. � ; � / � '^��\� I •,. — f— _— I y �� .. , o� 1 � � 's�, � 8 � 9 � �/ � \ � 93� ' . � / 0 � \. �\ \ 7 ' ! V � � � _ , `' \ � � bo <>.. a �9 r � °• s • �\ ' R719 O �` L�4.5 /� � / � �� � � \��� � � � \1 I � � � � _� � d� � ry ,�°' � /, J � OID � T � ` �__ '�' _ � . � ��T i � S r_ � �� f -� _� l l rni. \1 G l/ im< n� ooc , •T• \ � �n / �` � u�� � „' ��v � ,�' .h°�' ' �, ��� ��' �, �, d; � / __1 I r� � I I I I � l_ � ESUIVI <n� t �� ��s a�� Exhibit KA" Surplus Ctty Parcels Parcel3 Vacated streets accruing and the Northerly 2/3 of Lot 1 and the Northerly 100 feet of Lot 2; in Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point ofbeguu�iug of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a deka angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 100 feet and there terminating. Pazce16 Vacated streets accruing and that part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Turnbull's Subdivision "A", Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence Easterly along the North line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence NoRhwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the I3ortheast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92.79 feet; thence on an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 89.65 feet to the point of beguuiing ofthe ]ine to be described; thence on an azimuth of 223 degrees 54 minutes 22 seconds for 158.17 feet; thence on an azimuth of 195 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds for 5.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 18 seconds for 100.00 feet and there ternunating. Parcel 10 That part of Lot 1, Block 3, St. Paul Companies Plat No. 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of begiruiiug ofthe line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 163.04 feet; thence on an azimuth of 144 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds for 118.48 feet; thence run Southwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot Exlubit A - Page 1 os-a�� 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvumes Addirion to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof and there terminatmg; and whicfi lies Westerly of the followumg descn'bed lme: Beg'smmg at a point on the North lme of I.ot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvmes Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest comer thereo� thence on an azunuth of 39 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds for 28.05 feet; thence on an azunuth of 34 degrees 49 minutes OS seconds for 104.09 feet; thence Northerly for 52.14 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the East, hauing a radius of 115.75 feet, a delta angle of 25 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 02 degrees 45 mmutes 06 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 318 degrees 34 mmntes 04 seconds for 77A1 feet and there termivatmg. Pazcel 13 Vacated street accruing and Lots 7, Block 56, partly in Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul and partly in Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence Easterly along the North line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence Northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860J2 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees Q4 minutes 2U seconds for 92.79 feet; thence on an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 89.65 feet and there terminating. Parce115 Those parts of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 54, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying Southwesterly of a line 31 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly lines of said Lots 5, 6 and 7. Parcel 16 Those parts of Lots 8 and 9, Block 54, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying Southwesterly of a line 24 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly lines of said Lots 8 and 9. Parce120 Vacated street accruing and that part of Lots 4 and 5, Block 54, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Block 55, said Rice and Irvine's Addition; thence Easterly on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on the South line of said Block 55 for 102.66 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds for 60 feet to the North line of said Block 54 and the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence on an azimuth of 221 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds for 75.01 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds for 10.31 feet; thence Northerly for 83.84 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the E�ubit A - Page 2 os a 9� Northeast, having a radius of 400.74 feet, a delta angle of 11 degrees 59 minutes 12 seconds and a chord aziimrth of 340 degrees 44 mimrtes 45 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 256 degrees 44 mmutes 09 seconds for 9.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 346 degrees 44 mmutes 18 seconds to an mtersection with the North ]me of said Block 54; thence on an azunuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on said North ]me to the pomt of begiunuig. Pazce122 Vacated streets accruing and Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, except that part of said Lot 3 which lies NoRheasterly of the following descnbed line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azunuth oriented to Mirulesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginnnig of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 100 feet and there ternvnating. Parce123 Vacated streets accruing and Lots 6 and 7, Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Pazce124 Vacated street accruing and Lot 8, Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Pazcel 25 Vacated streets accruing and Lots 9 and 10, Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. First Additional Parcel Vacated streets accruing and that part of Lot 2, Block 3, St. Paul Companies Plat No. 1, lying west of the following described line: Begiminig at a point on the north line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant Z 1 J3 feet east of the northwest corner thereof; thence on an azimuth of 39 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds for 28.05 feet; thence on an azimuth of 34 degrees 49 minutes OS seconds for 104.09 feet; thence northerly for 52.14 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 115.75 feet, a delta angle of 25 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 02 degrees 45 minutes 06 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 318 degrees 34 minutes 04 seconds for 77.01 feet and there terminating. E�bit A - Page 3 t� -�y� Second Additional Pazcel Vacated streets accruing and Lot 6, Block 56, Rice and Irvines Addition to the City of Saint Paul and Lot 6, Block 56, Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvines Addition to the City of Saint Paul, according to the plats thereof and on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Ramsey County, Miunesota, the title thereto being registered as evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 361986; which lies southerly of Line 4 described below: Line 4. Commencing at the northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence easterly along the north line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 2b minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non- tangential curve, concave to the northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azunuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92J9 feet; thence on an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet to the point of beginning of Line 4 to be described; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 89.65 feet; thence on an azimuth of 223 degrees 54 minutes 22 seconds for 1QO.OQ feet and there tenninating. E�clubit A - Page 4 D�-�-�7 Exhibit "B" Street Rights-Of-Way That part of Smith Avenue lying North of the North line, and its Westerly extension, of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and lying South of a line, extended Westerly, beginning 30 feet North of the Southeast corner of Lot 10, Block 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. That part of Main Street lying North of a line beginning at the Southwest corner, of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, thence Southerly to a point on the East line 21.90 feet South of the Northeast corner of Lot 9, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and lying South of the North line, and its Easterly extension, of Block 55 , Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. That part of West Fifth Street, originally Pearl Street, lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul,; thence Southerly to the Northwest comer of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there terminating, and lying West of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul,: thence Southerly to the Northeast corner of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there terminating. That part of West Sixth Street lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 56, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there terminating, and lying West of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northeastem most corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paui and there terminating. os-a� interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL To: Mary Erickson Council Research 310 City Hall From: Tom Sawyer � Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Date: March 15, 2005 Subject: Vacation # 02-2005 - Vacate streets and excess City owned property in connection with the Cleveland Circle Transit Hub. I am requesting a date of April 6, 2005 for a Public Hearing to approve the attached Council Resolution. The purpose of the resolution is to approve the petition of the HRA to vacate streets and excess City owned property in the area bounded by West Fifth Street, West Sixth Street, Main Street and Smith Avenue. I have enclosed photocopies of the Green Sheet, the Council Resolution and a map of the area to be vacated. Please let me know if there is any additional information you might need. The resolution is currently being routed far signatures along with the responses from the utilities and other pertinent informarion. U Department of Public Works Rea1 Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Pau1, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly, Mayor Mazch 2, 2005 To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paul os-�y� Phone: (612) 266-8850 Fax: (612) 266-8855 The City of Saint Paul hereby peritions to vacate city right of way as shown on the attached map. This vacarion is to covey City-owned property to the fIRA for construction of the Cleveland Circle transit hub. ' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COi]NTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, � ��� this � day of �f}fLeH/ , 29�4, by �� n� 5 �� ��a h ev l-�-/ , Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws �� Notary ublic of the State of Minnesota. � a,, y�;ry,< JJaA{ A. �s't�.'IZ � PfDTARYPiSBLSG-S�,iNNESfl;A � e,� �aY co�;���s;a�a EXPtRE� Jke�, �t. 30i � C:�Dxumencs and Seuings�sawyer�ll.ocai Settings\Te�4�tayorsPeetion.Grneric_l.frm CITIZEN SBRVICE OFFICE Shcvi Moore, Acting City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Rmuty Kelly , Mayor February 23, 2005 Peter White Valuation Engineer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Deaz Peter: IIOCiryHall Te1.: 651-266-8989 ISW.KelloggBwlevmd Fas: 651-266-8689 Saint Pau1, Minnesom 55702 RECEIYED FEB 2 5 2005 REAL ES7ATE DIV1SIOt� a5 a�� I refer to you to check as to form and sufficiency and for recommendation, the attached petition of City of Saint Paul for the vacation of that part of Cleveland Circle, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the Office of the Saint Paul City Clerk. Sincerely, c==�"/� / �/4.�t-� � Shari Moore Acting City Clerk Attachments AA-ADA-EEO Employer os a�7 PETITION TO VACATE CITY INTEREST I(we), tfie undersigned, wesstituting a nmjurity of the oxaers (or lheir legally designated representatives) of the abutting properties, do hereby petition tbe Covncil of the City oCSaint Paul to vacate its interuts in theproperty(ies) )egally ducri6ed as fol]ows: All Streets as shown and described on the attached Government Property Transactinn Exhibit, Parcels A and C I(w�e) request this vacation tor the following reason(s). To facilitate relocation of a new portion of Smith Avenue and e�ea�-:land for redevelopment I(we) have attached six eopies of the site pl.�ns of any development intended Cur coesstruction on the lands to be vacated. Contact Person Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee and for acceptance of the terms and"conditions of the vacation: Name: Debbi RrandiG Pnone: 651-266-6609 Address: (`�v of S P^i 1 PFD 25 W. 4th St, 461200 St. Paul, MN 55102 Alteina�z ContactPerson Martin Schieckel Phona: 651-266-h 5$0 a,�,�.>«. same o5-a�� Signatures of Orvner(s)/Representative(s) of Property(ies) Belotiv: Housing and Redevelopment Authari�y of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota bS'' )C `�"'� � "'!1¢�� Susan Rimberly, Executive Dir�ctor _ Houszno and�loDment Anrt, •t of the Cit of Saint Paul Minnesota t t., St. Paul, MN 55102 I, $llSBR Kl1IlI12T1V , am �he petitionzr, or one of thz pztitiont[s in the aboct matter. and I do hzrzby swtu and vzcify that zach of tha sienaWCts on ihis patition mas signed in my przsznce by the person dzscribed in tha pdition. ' x=� `�� (Yztitionec) � Subscribtd and sworn lo bzforz mz this _ ,� rC� a,yof �. Xr�� 2005 /5/ v/� ��� ///jjj I(,' Z A �.. �(�1�Ofa�y) '__���� �/�`�� DEBRA S. BRANDIS NO?ARY PUgLIC- MWPESOTA MY COMMUSSION D(PIRES JAN. 31. 201 0 �GIf>Gf- (O>\'Q� ds-a� VACATION REPORT Dakota County Abstract and Title does hereby certify that it has seazched the public tas records in and for Ramsey County, Mi�esota, and said seazch discloses the names and addresses of tkte property owners of the lands abutting the following legal description: That part of Smith Avenue lying North of the North line, and its Westerly estension, of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and lying South of the South line, and its Westerly extension, of Block 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. That part of Main Street lying North of the South line, and its Westerly extension, of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and lying South of the North line, and its Easterly extension, of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Sa1nt Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. That part of West Fifth Street, originally Peazl Street, lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northwest corner of Block 54, Rice and Tivine's Addition to Saint Paul and there terminating, and lying West of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northeast corner of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there ternunating. That part of West Sixth Street lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 56, Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there terminating, and lying West of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paui; thence Southerly to the Northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there ternunating. Owner Address State of Minnesota City of St. Paui City Clerk City of Saint Paul 25 West Fourth Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul c�-a�� Note: This report is not to be construed as a legal opinion of tifle, nor is it a subsfitute for an Abstract of Title or Registered Properiy Abstract. Dated: March 7, 2005 Dakota County Abstract and Title I� Jim Anderson, Abstracter 05 -a�1 APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO501024&C ALTA COMMITMENT —1982 Rev. SCHEDULE A APPLICATION NO.: DCO5010248-C 1. EFFECTIVE DATE: December 15, 2004 AT 8:00 AM 2. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED: ❑'ALTA' RE5IDENTIAL OWNERS POLICY REV 1987 � 'ALTA' OWNER'S POLICY 10-17-92 ' : � ' �I.'1_�'i�1:7�1171 ❑ 'ALTA' LOAN POLICY 10-17-92 PROPOSED INSi3RED: :1 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS A FEE SIMPLE AND TITLE THERETO IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED 1N: Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul (Pazcels 1, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21 and 32) And State of Minnesota (Parcels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31) And City of Saint Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporafion (Parcels 3, 6, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25) And Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation (Parcel 19) 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS COMMITNIENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Parcel 1: Lot 2, Biock 3, St. Paul Companies Plat No. 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds £or 163.04 feet; thence on an azimuth of 144 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds for 118.48 feet; thence run ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 1 . * a * " (� * OLD REPUBLIC � * � NationalTitlelnsuraoceGOmpany * * * � os -a 9Z APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C Southwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof and there terminafing. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 300869. Parcel2: Lot 2, Block 3, St. Paul Companies Plat No. 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota which lies Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast comer of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azunuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 163.04 feet; thence on an azimuth of 144 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds for 118.48 feet; thence run Southwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof and there terxninating. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 300869. Parcel3: The Northerly 213 of Lot 1 and the Northerly 100 feet of Lot 2; in Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, wkuch lies Southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Pau1; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 100 feet and there terminating. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 253078. Parcel4: The Northerly 2/3 of Lot 1 and the Northerly 100 feet of Lot 2; in Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oxiented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 ORDOCS ORT AL2A COMMII'MENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 2 x * * * (� ** OLD REPUBLIC « y X' National Title Insurance Company * * k �F os-a�� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds; thence on an azimuth of li3 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 100 feet and there terminating. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 253078. Pazce15: Lot 6, Block 56, Irvines Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. I�I Lot 6, Block 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 361986. (Includes other land) Parcel6: That part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Turnbull's Subdivision "A", Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following descrlbed line: Commencing at the Northwest comer of Block 55, T2ice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence Easterly along the North line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence Northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92.79 feet; thence on an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 89.65 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on an azimuth of 223 degrees 54 minutes 22 seconds for 158.17 feet; thence on an azimuth of 195 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds for 5.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 18 seconds for 100.00 feet and there terxninating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Pazcel 7: That part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Turnbull's Subdivision "A", Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence Easterly along the North line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence Northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds, thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 3 , * �F * (��* OLD REPUBLIC � * ''F National Trtle Insurance Company * *Y* 05 -a9� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92.79 feet; thence on an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an aziinuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 89.65 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on an azimuth of 223 degrees 54 minutes 22 seconds for 158.17 feet; thence on an azimuth of 195 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds for 5.24 feet; thence on an azimuth of 166 degrees 44 minutes 18 seconds for 100.0� feet and there tenninating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 8: That part of Lot 1, Block 3, St. Paul Companies Plat No. 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Westerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 163.04 feet; thence on an azimuth of 144 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds for 118.48 feet; thence run Southwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof and there terminating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel9: That part of Lot 1, Block 3, St. Paul Companies Plat No. l, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies easterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof; thence on an azimuth of 39 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds for 28.05 feet; thence on an azimuth of 34 degrees 49 minutes OS seconds for 104.09 feet; thence Northerly for 5214 feet on a non-tangential curve, concaue to the East, having a radius of 115.75 feet, a delta angle of 25 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 02 degrees 45 minutes 06 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 318 degrees 34 minutes 04 seconds for 77.01 feet and there terminating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMTTMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 4 � z * " (��* OLD REPUBLIC � y � National Title Insu�ance Compa�ry * *#� U5 -�,9`) APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C Pazcel l0: That part of Lot l, Block 3, St. Paul Companies Plat No. 1, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to tl�e Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 04 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord aZimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 163.04 feet; thence on an azimuth of 144 degrees 41 minutes 40 seconds for 118.48 feet; thence run Southwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof and there terxninating; and which lies Westerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof; thence on an azimuth of 39 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds for 28.05 feet; thence on an azimuth of 34 degrees 49 minutes OS seconds for 104.09 feet thence Northerly for 52.14 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the East, having a radius of 115.75 feet, a delta angle of 25 degrees 48 minutes 33 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 02 degrees 45 minutes Ob seconds; thence on an azimuth of 318 degrees 34 minutes 04 seconds for 77.01 feet and there terminating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 11: Lot 6 and the West 'h of Lot 5, Block 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 12: Lots 7 and 8, Block 56, partly in Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul and partly in Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, except that part of Lot 8 which lies Northeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the Westerly line of Lot 3, said Block 56, distant 85 feet Southerly of the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Lot 3 and said Lot 8, a distance of 88.85 feet; thence Southeasterly across said Lot 8 a distance of 80.80 feet to a point on the Easterly line of said Lot 8, distant 72.00 feet Northerly of the Southeast corner thereof and there terminating, and except that part of Lot 7 which iies Southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence Easterly along the North line of said Block 55 on an ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY "I'YPES PAGE 5 � * * * (��* OLD REPUBLIC � * 'Y' National TiHe Insurance Company * * K �F l�5-� l� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence Northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle oF 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92.79 feet; thence on an azunuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds far 89.65 feet and there ternunating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 13: Lot 7, Block 56, partly in Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul and partly in Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence Easterly along the North line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth 97 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence Northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-tangential curve, concaue to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92.79 feet; thence on an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 89.65 feet and there terminating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 14: The Northerly 100 feet of Lot 1; the South 50 feet of Lot 1; the North two-thirds (2/3) of Lot 2; the South 50 feet of Lot 2; and Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, all in Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, except that partwhich lies Westerly and Southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Block 55, said Rice and Irvine's Addition; thence run Easterly on an azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coardinate System) on the South line of said Block 55 for 102.66 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds for 60 feet thence on an azimuth of 221 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds for 75.01 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds for 1031 feet; thence run Southeasterly 190.86 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 400.74 feet, a delta angle of 27 degrees 17 minutes 18 seconds and a chord azimuth of 141 degrees 06 minutes 28 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 127 degrees 27 minutes 49 seconds for 100 feet and there teLZninating. ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 6 ,�c * �F * " (� * OLD REPUBLIC � * � NationalTitlelnsuranceCOmpany � ** > �5-aQ� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO50102A8-C Abstract Properry Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 15: Those parts of Lots 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying Southwesterly of a line 31 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly lines of said Lots 5, 6 and 7. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 16: Those parts of Lots 8 and 9, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying Southwesterly of a line 24 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly lines of said Lots 8 and 9. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Pazcel 17: Those parts of Lots 8 and 9, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying Southwesterly of a line 31 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly lines of said Lots 8 and 9 and lying Northeasterly o£ line 24 feet Northeasterly of and pazallel with the Southwesterly lines of said Lots 8 and 9. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel ] 8: Those parts of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, lying Northeasterly of a line 31 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with the Southwesterly lines of said Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and lying Westerly and Southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Block 55, said Rice and Irvine's Addition; thence run Easterly on an azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) on the South line of said Block 55 for 102.66 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds for 60 feet; thence on ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMII'MENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY "I'YPES PAGE 7 � * �t " (�** OLD REPUBLIC � * �' National Title Insuranre Company � *Y# �5-dG� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO501024S-C an azimuth of 221 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds for 75.01 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds for 1031 feet; thence run Southeasterly 19Q.86 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 400.74 feet, a delta angle of 27 degrees 17 minutes 18 seconds and a chord azimuth of 141 degrees 06 minutes 28 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 12'7 degrees 27 minutes 49 seconds for 100 feet and there terminating, except that part of Lot 9lying within the following described tract: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, said Block 54; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lots 1 and 9(Westerly line of Main Street) a distance of 18230 feet to the point of beginning of the 1and to be described; thence Southerly along tl�e aforementioned Easterly line of said Lots 1 and 9(Westerly line of Main Street) a distance of 88.37 feet to its intersection with the Northeasterly line of Kellogg Blvd., as widened; thence Northwesterly along the said Northeasterly line of Kellogg Blvd., as wldened, a distance of 4537 feet thence Northeasterly deflecting 131 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds to the right a distance of 133 feet; thence Northeasterly deflecting 48 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds to the left a distance of 67.00 feet to the point of beginning, and except that part of Lots 4 and 5, Block 54, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Block 55, said Rice and Trvine's Addition; thence Easterly on an assuxned azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on the South line of said Block 55 for 102.66 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds for 60 feet to the North line of said Block 54 and the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence on an azimuth of 221 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds for 75.01 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds for 10.31; thence Northerly for 83.84 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 400.74 feet, a delta angle of 11 degrees 59 minutes 12 seconds and a chord azimuth of 340 degrees 44 minutes 45 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 256 degrees 44 minutes 09 seconds for 9.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 346 dea ees 44 minutes 18 seconds to an intersection with the North line of said Block 54; thence on an azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on said North line to the point of beginning. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcei 19: That part of Lot 9lying within the following described tract: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, said Block 54; thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Lots 1 and 9 (Westerly line of Main Street) a distance of 18230 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence Southerly along the aforementioned Easterly line of said Lots 1 and 9(Westerly line of Main Street) a distance of 8837 feet to its intersection with the Northeasterly line o£ Kellogg Blvd., as widened; thence Northwesterly along the said Northeasterly line of Kellogg Blvd., as widened, a distance of 4537 feet thence Northeasterly deflecting 131 degrees 41 minutes 00 seconds to the right a distance of 133 feet; thence Northeasterly deflecting 48 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds to the left a distance of 67.00 feet to the point of beginning, and lying Westerly and Southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Block 55, said Rice and ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE8 ��* * �� k * OLD REPUBLIC * �`' National Title Insu�ance Company * * * � 05 a�7 APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C Irvine's Addition; thence run Easterly on an aznnuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) on the South line of said Block 55 for 102.66 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds for 60 feet; thence on an azimuth of 221 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds for 75.01 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds for 1031 feet; thence run Southeasterly 190.86 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 400.74 feet, a delta angle of 27 degrees 17 minutes 18 seconds and a chord azimuth of 141 degrees 06 minutes 28 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 127 degrees 27 minutes 49 seconds for 100 feet and there tenninating, and lying Northea�terly of a line 31 feet Northeasterly of and pazallel with the Southwesterly line of said Lot 9. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parce120: That part of Lots 4 and 5, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Block 55, said Rice and Irvine's Addition; thence Easterly on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on the South line of said Block 55 for 102.66 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds for 60 feet to the North line of said Block 54 and the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence on an azimuth of 221 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds for 75.01 feet; thence on an azimuth of 187 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds for 10.31; thence Northerly for 83.84 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 400.74 feet, a delta angle of 11 degrees 59 minutes 12 seconds and a chard azimuth of 340 degrees 44 minutes 45 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 256 degrees 44 minutes 09 seconds for 9.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 346 degrees 44 minutes 18 seconds to an intersection with the North line of said Block 54; thence on an azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on said North line to the point of beginning. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Pazce121: The Southerly 1/3 of Lot 1, and the South 50 feet of Lot 2; in Block 55; Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY'I'PPES PAGE 9 y . * x * " (� * OLD REPUBLIC � * 'K iJationaf Title Insurance Company * *x* os -��� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C Parce122: Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, except that part of said Lot 3 which lies Northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast comer of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an aziuiuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (aziinuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for lOQ feet and there terminating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 23: Lots 6 and 7, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 24: Lot 8, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Abstract af Title is not contained in file. Parce125: Lots 9 and 10, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 26: That part of Lot 3, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1952 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 10 , * �F " (�** OLD REPUBLIC � * 'F National Title Insurance Company * * 1� * os-ag APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addirion to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of li3 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds; thence on an azunuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 100 feet and there terminating. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parce127: That part of Lot 1, Rearrangement of part of Block 62, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Rearrangement of Block 62; thence Westerly on the South line of said Lot a distance of 53.8 feet; thence Northerly 39.5 feet to a point distant 5433 feet Westerly (measured at right angles) from the Easterly line of said Lot 1; thence Northeasterly 33.54 feet, more or less, to a point on the Northerly line of said Lot 1; distant 44.95 feet Westerly of the Northeast comer of said Lot 1; thence Easterly along said North line of said Lot 1, a distance of 44.95 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence South along the Easterly line of said Lot 1 to the point of beginning. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parce128: Lot 7, Block 60, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parcel 29: Lot 4 and Easterly 79.78 feet of Lot 3, Block 62, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE ll K z* � (��* OLD REPUBLIC * 'K National Title Insurance Company * * � � 05 a� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C Pazce130: Lot Two (2) and the Southwesterly 10.68 feet of Lot One (1), Turnbull's Subdivision "A", Ramsey County, Minnesota. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 171590 and 175761. Parcel 31: Lot 1, Turnbull's Subdivision "A", Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the Southwesterly 10.68 feet thereof. Abstract Property Abstract of Title is not contained in file. Parce132: That part of Lot 7, Block 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, lying North of the South 40.77 and lying Northwesterly of a line parallel with and 56 feet Northwesterly from the original center line of Seventh Street. Being registered land as is evidenced by Certificate of Title No. 239882. Known as XXXX, St. Paul, Minnesota. SCHEDULE B — SECTION 1 REQUIREMENTS The following aze the requirements to be complied with: 1. Warranty Deed from The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul to (Buyer - To Be Determined). (Parcels 1, 8, 11, 14, 17, 21 and 32) 2. Warranty Deed from The State of Minnesota to (Buyer - To Be Determined). (Parcels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31) 3. Warranty Deed from The City of Saint Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation to (Buyer - To Be Determined). (Parcels 3, 6, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25) 4. Warranty Deed from Port Authority of the City of St. Paul, a Minnesota municipal corporation to (Buyer - To Be Determined). (Pazcel 19) 5. Identification will be required from all parties required to sign documents at closing. ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMM[TMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 12 � * �F � " (� * OLD REPUBLIC « * 'K National Title Insurance Company � �* � 05 �.�7 APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C 6. Provide Dakota County Abstract & Title with a Well Disclosure Certificate or the conveyance documents must contain the following language: THE SELLER CERTIFIES THAT THE SELLER DOES NOT KNOW OF ANY WELLS ON THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY. 7. Please Note: T1us examination was made without benefit of an inspection of subject property. Upon receipt of inspection, an endorsement will follow. 8. Your attention is drawn to Standard Exception B. This exception may be waived upon receipt of information as to the identity of parties in possession. 9. Your attention is drawn to Standard Exception C. This exception will be waived upon receipt of the seller's affidavit stating that no labor or materials have been furnished to the premises within the past 120 days for which payment has not been made. 10. The State of Minnesota acquired title to parcels 2 and 4 through a condemnation proceeding. The Fina1 Certificate dated July 23, 1991 and recorded August 6, 1991 as Document No. 955353 is posted as a memorial on Certificate of Tifle Nos. 30Q869 and 253078. A Proceeding Subsequent or an Examiner's Directive is necessary to create new Certificates of Title for Parcels 2 and 4 showing the State of Minnesota as the fee owner. 11. Pazcel 5 has been re-platted and is now part of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 35E as shown on the recorded plat of Dress Labor Centre Addition. The plat of Dress Labor Centre Addition dated December 18, 1992 and recorded December 30, 1992 as Document No. 998743 is posted as a memorial on Certificate of Title No. 361986. If any or all of land described in Parcel 5 is to be conveyed the Office of the Registrar of Titles or the Office of the Examiner of titles should be consulted on the legal description to be used. 12. American Linen Supply Company a prior owner of Parcel 25, took title as a Nevada Corporation by the Quit Claim Deed dated June 1, 1948 and recorded July 7, 1948 as Document No. 1181096 in Book 1285 of Deeds, page 95. American Linen Supply Company, a Delaware Corporation conveyed Parcel 25 to the State of Minnesota by the Warranty Deed dated December 16, 1988 and recorded December 27, 1988 as Document No. 2474827. Evidence of the change in the State of Incorporation or merger should be recorded in the Office of the Countq Recorder for Ramsey County. 13. The State of Minnesota acquired title to Parcel 30 through a condemnation proceeding. The Final Certificate dated August 29, 1969 and recorded September 25, 1969 as Document No. 539415 is posted as a memorial on Certificate of Title Nos. 171590 and 175761. A Proceeding Subsequent or an Examiner's Directive is necessary to create new Certificate of Title for Parce130 showing tl�e State of Minnesota as the fee owner. 14. The Office of the Registrar of Titles ar the Examiner of Titles should be consulted to determine if there is a current Certificate of title for Parcel 32. The Certificate shown on Schedule A(No. 239882) in the name of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul has been cancelled. It appears that the description of the land covered by the certificate was changed when the certificate was converted to electronic storage. The ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 13 � * * '` (��* OLD REPUBLIC � * � Nafional Ti[ie Insurance Comparry *** * os a�r APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248-C land described in Parcel 32 may have inadvertently been dropped from the certificate. On May 29, 2003 a new certificate of title was created (No. 534162) with the City of Saint Paul as the fee owner. It appears to include Parcel 32. However the legal description on this certificate includes the foilowing language, "Except those portions of the above described property presentiy registered." Certificate No. 534162 has been cancelled. The current certificate is number 534163. The Company reserves the right to raise additional requirements or exceprions after a determination is made whether or not Pazcel 32 is included on a current certificate of title. SCHEDULE B — SECTION 2 STANDARD EXCEPTIONS A Facts which would be disclosed by a comprehensive survey of the premises described herein. B Rights and claims of parties in possession. C Mechanics', Contractors', or Materialmen's liens and lien claims, if any, where no notice appeazs of record. D Any change in title occurring subsequent to the effective date of this Commitment and prior to the date of issuance of the Title Policy. E Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. IN ADDITION TO THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS, CONDITIONS, STIPULATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED HEREIN AND 1N THE COMPANY'S USUAL FORM OF POLICY, THE LAND REFERRED TO IS, AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1. Taxes for the year 2005 are not yet available. Taxes for the year 2004 in the amount of $42530 are paid. (Base tas amount $Exempt.) (Tax No. 06-28-22-22-0046.) (Parce121) Taxes for the year 2004 in the amount of $1,106.18 are paid. (Base tax amount $Exempt.) (T� No. 06-28-22-22-0065.) (Parcels, 3, 4, 22 and 26) Taxes for the year 2004 in the amount of $37.72 are paid. (Base tas amount $Exempt.) (Tax No. 06-28-22-22-0048.) (Parce123) Taxes for the year 2004 in the amount of $13932 are paid. (Base taa� amount $Exempt.) (Tax No. 06-28-22-22-0049.) (Parce124) ORDOCS ORT ALTp COMMITMENT 1952 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 14 a: * 'f � (�** OLD REPUBLIC � y ''f National Title Insurance Company * * * % . I APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO501024&C Taxes for the year 2004 in the amount of $37.72 are paid. (Base tax amount $Exempt.) (Tas No. 06-28-22-22-0050.) (Pazce125) Taxes for the year 2004 in the amount of $2,80836 are paid. (Base tax amount $Exempt.) (T� No. 06-28-22-22-0060.) (Pazcels 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20) Taxes for the year 2004 in the amount of $1,651.92 are paid. (Base tax amount $Exempt.) (Tax No. 06-28-22-22-0064.) (Parcels 1, 2, 8, 9 and 10) NOTE: Ramsey County tax records indicate property is non-homestead for t�es payable in the year 2004. (As to all pazcels) NOTE: Ta�ces for the year 2003 and prior years are paid. (As to all parcels) NOTE: Levied and Pending Assessments will follow. NOTE: Any charges for municipal services (i.e., water, sewer, correction of nuisance conditions, etc.) are the responsibility of the buyers and/or sellers of this transaction. Far inforxnation regarding the existence of such bills, contact the appropriate municipal office. 2. The month-to-month tenancy of Auditorium Garage & Parking, Inc., a Minnesota corporation as evidenced by a recital on the current Certificate of Title. (Parcels 1 and 2) 3. The month-to-month tenancy of Sunray DX Oil Company corporation, as a subtenant of said Auditorium Gazage & Parking, Inc., as evidenced by a recital on the current Certificate of Title. (Parcels 1 and 2) 4. The Party Wall Agreement dated May 28, 1883 and recorded April 22, 1892 in Book 30 of Miscellaneous Records, page 544. (Parcels 1 and 2) 5. The right of access from the subject property to Trunk Highway No. 35E taken by the State of Minnesota in the Final Certificate dated July 22, 1991 and recorded August 6, 1991 as Document No. 955353. (Parcels 1 and 3) 6. All minerals and mineral rights are reserved by the State of Minnesota, as shown on the Certificate of Title. (Parcel 3) 7. Terms and conditions of the Driveway Agreement dated February 18, 1947 and recorded March 18, 1947 as Document No_ llA3493. (Parcels 6, 7 and 31) 8. The right of access from the subject property to Trunk Highway No. 35E reserved and limited by the Quit Claun Deeds dated March 8, 2000 and recorded April 20, 2001 as Document No. 3385723 and recarded June 20, 2001 as Document No. 3398468, and corrected by the Quit Claim Deed dated February 19, 2002 and recorded March 7, 2002 as DocumentNo. 347334L (Parcels 6, 10 and 13) 9. Underground sewer easement as shown on the recorded plat of St. Paul Companies Plat No. 1. (Parcels 8, 9 and 10) ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 15 � * �F # " (� * OLD REPUBLIC « * 'Y' National Title Insurance Compa�ry * *x� o5-�t� APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5�10248-C 10. Terms and conditions of the Resolution vacating certain streets, including but not lunited to the reservation of an underground sewer easement, dated May 16, 1978 and recorded September 6, 1978 as Document Nos. 2015375 and 2015376. (Parcels 8, 9 and 10) 1 l. Terms and conditions of the Party Wall agreement dated September 23, 1939 and recorded October 25, 1939 as Document No. 955996 in Book 184 of Miscellaneous Records, page 275. (Parcel ll) 12. Terms and conditions of the Deed of Dedication For Street Purposes dated October 31, 1973 and recorded August 11, 1987 as Document No. 2396436. (Pazcel 11) 13. Terms and conditions of the Application to Register Title to Certain Land dated May 30, 2000 and recorded June 26, 2000 as Document No. 3329997, as amended by the Order dated August 16, 2001 and recorded September 11, 2001 as Docuxnent No. 3421091. (Parcel 11) 14. Terms and conditions of the City Declaration of River Centre Easements dated March 1, 2001 and recorded August 27, 2001 as Document No. 3416988. (Parcel 11) 15. Terms and conditions of the Resolution, in the matter of opening, widening and extending Keliogg Blvd., dated July 24, 1969 and recorded September 11, 1969 as Document No. 1758032. (Parcel 17) 16. Terms and conditions of the Street Easement dated January 18, 1983 and recorded January 22, 1983 as Document No. 2169791. (Parcels 14, 1'7 and 19) 17. Interest of Allie Hewitt, his heirs, successors or assigns to Lot 4, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. There are no conveyances of record between the Warranty Deed dated October 30, 1867 and recorded May 26, 1868 in Book MM of Deeds, page 585, putting Allie Hewitt in title and the Warranty Deed dated July --, 1972 and recorded Ju1y 10, 1972 as Document No. 1830772, where the Mesonic Temple Association of St. Paul, Minnesota transfers Lot 4 to The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. (Parce122) 18. The right of access from the subject property to Trunk Highway No. 35E taken by the State of Minnesota in the Final Certificate dated July 22, 1991 and recorded August 5, 1991 as Document No. 2609751. (Parce122) 19. All minerals and mineral rights were reserved by Quit Claim Deed, in an instrument filed as Document No. 3613520. (Parcels 23, 24 and 25) 20. Minerals and mineral right reserved to the owners of the mineral rights as shown in the Final Certificate dated July 22, 1991 and recorded August 5, 1991 as Document No. 2609751. (Parce126) 21. Potential rights of prior, or adjacent owners to the land if it is not used as a highway. The State of Minnesota acquired title through a condemnation the terms of which state that title is ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMITMENT 1952 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 16 � * � * (��* OLD REPUBLIC * 'K National Tifle Insurance Company * ** k APPLICATION NO.: RAM DCO5010248—C fee sunple absolute for highway purposes as shown in the Final Certificate dated December 26, 1973 and recorded January 8, 1974 as Document No. 1874483. (Pazcel 27) 22. The right of access from the subject properiy to Trunk Highway No. 35E taken by the State of Minnesota in the Final Certificate dated December 26, 1973 and recorded January 8, 1974 as Document No. 1874483. (Pazce127) 23. Potential rights of prior, or adjacent owners to the land if it is not used as a highway. The State of Minnesota acquired title through a condemnation the terms of which state that title is fee simple absolute for highway purposes as shown in the Final Certificate dated June 13, 1967 and recorded September 27, 1968 as Document No. 1734291. (Parce128) 24. The right of access from the subject property to Trunk Highway No. 35E taken by the State of Minnesota in the Fina1 Certificate dated June 13, 1967 and recorded September 27, 1968 as Document No. 1734291. (Parce128) 25. Potential rights of prior, or adjacent owners to the land if it is not used as a highway. The State of Minnesota acquired title through a condemnation the terms of which state that title is fee simple absolute for highway purposes as shown in the Final Certificate dated August 29, 19b9 and recarded September 25, 1969 as Document No. 539415. (Parce130) 26. The right of access from the subject property to Trunk Highway No. 35E taken by the State of Minnesota in the Final Certificate dated August 29, 1969 and recorded September 25, 1969 as Document No. 539415. (Parce130) 27. Potential rights of prior, or adjacent owners to the land if it is not used as a highway. The State of Minnesota acquired title through a condemnation the terms of which state that title is fee simple absolute for hlghway purposes as shown in the Final Certificate dated August 29, 1969 and recorded September 25, 1969 as Docuznent No. 1759030. (Parcel 31) 28. The right of access from the subject property to Trunk Highway No. 35E taken by the State of Minnesota in the Final Certificate dated August 29, 1969 and recarded September 25, 1969 as Document No. 1759030. (Parce131) 29. NOTE: This Examination was made from our previous records and/or from the county records without the benefit of an updated Abstract of Title and(or Registered Property Certificate. Dakota County Abstract Company will not be responsible far the cost of updating the abstracUcertificate. 30. NOTE: This Commitment was prepared on Mazch 7, 2005. 31. NOTE: If there are any questions concerning the exceprions shown on this commitment, please call Jim Anderson at 651-304-3518 or email at jim@dcatitle.com. sr 05 -� �7 ORDOCS ORT ALTA COMMTTMENT 1982 FOR ALL POLICY TYPES PAGE 17 ac * W " (��* OLD REPUBLIC � * � Nffiional Title Insurance Compaqy k *x* a5 a�7 VACATION REPORT Dakota County Abstract and Title does hereby certify tk�at it has searched the public [ax records in aad for Ramsey CounTy, Minnesota, and said search discloses the n�es and addresses of the property owners of ffie Iands atiutting the following legal descriptions: That part of Smith Avenue iying North of the North line, and its Westerly extension, of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Sain[ Pau1, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and lying South of the South line, and its Westerly extension, of Block 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition W Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota That part of Main Street lying North of the South line, and its Westerly extension, o£Lot 6, Blcek 14, Rice 2nd 5 Addition to Sai¢t Paul, Ratnsey County, Minnesofa, and lying South of the North line, and its Easterly extension, of Block 55, Rice aitd Irvinds Addikon to Saint Paul, Ramsey Counry, Minnesota That part of West Fifih Street, originally Peazl Street, lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 55, Rice and frvine's Addifion to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northwest comer of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there [eaninating, and lying West of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast comer of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northeas[ comer of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saiat Pau] and there terminating. That p8rt of West Sixth Street lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest comer of Block 56, Irvines Enlazgement of Rice and &vine's Addieon to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul and there terminating, and lying West of a line described as follows: Begiiming at the Southeast comer of Lot 8, Blotk 56, Rice and Irvi¢e's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Southerly 10 the Northeast comer of Lot 3, BIock 55, Rice and Irvine's Addirion to Saint Paul and there teiminating. Owners State of Minnesota Addreasea 395 John Ireland Blvd, St. Paul, MN 55155 Ciry of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authoriry of the City of St. Paul 15 W. Kellogg Blvd, #140, St. Paul, MN 55102 25 West 4th St., #1200, St. Paul, MN 55102 Note: This report is not to be consfrued as a]egal opic»on of fitle, nor is it a subs[itute for an Abstract of TiUe or Registered Property Abstract. Dated: March 10, 2005 Dalcota County Abshac[ and Title By: � i i Anderson, Abshacter os a97 �'�£ S�� ' �pititaf �er�i�e February 17, 2005 Tom Sawyer Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mr. Sawye:, RECEi� r � E8A 8 �pQS FOiVIg�� We reviewed the information you sent us on Vacation File No. 2-2005. Due to the significant structure Qwest has i� this area, including our underground tunnel system we are not willing to sign the certificate of intended non-use. Please feel free to contact me if you have Surther information or concerns. Sinceygly, � �� t Ro Larson Manager Design Engineering " 390 Commerce Drive Woodbury, MN 55125 651-714-7541 Fax 651-730-1385 02/15/2005 09:20 9913526835721 FISHER PAGE 02 o5-aG� CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE FiONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF ?HE COUNCII. OF THE CIT�' OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacacion File # 2-2005 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated depar�nent or company, that it docs not intend to exercise its utiiity rights in the realty described below: Stnith Avenue lying betweeu West k'itth Street and West Sixfh Street 1 Main Street lying beriv�en eastboand I94 conneMion and West Seventh Street West Fifthe Street lying between Smith Aveaue and tYZain Street West Siath Street lying between Smith A.veuue aqd eastbound I94 connection except as here noted: Xcei Energy will �ot relinqulsh utility easement rights within any part of Smith Avenue or within any part of West Sixth Street. An intricate and vltal system of manholes, drilt holes, tunnels and subterranean faailitles exist within the parts of these streets subject to this vacation. Xcel Energy has no objection to vacation of those parts of Main & West Fifth Streets subject to the vacation; and has no intention of exercising its utility rights therein. Xcel Energy - Siting & Land Rights i � �� MMNESOTw HENNBPIN �' � ������ ✓{ �� �� r� The forcgoing insnument was acknowledged betore me this �5� day of /"G,fJ�G Uf`I'� i , P943- s by /5 ./F • /.�i.[/��UICI I ti�e �' P1F rY14'S� i46�[AIT� �f No sr Pn �E@ cbe�A41� 1�� _ r�t�,2AaQ�4Tto d� c�t. �Q6y un er [ laws of the Spte of Minnesota. � 80NMEJEANANDERSON dDiaRY PueclC NINNESOTq 1K MfMmn7cilonEXpRY.TIJtIRppB � C_lt� ll� No[aryPublic, ounry,Minneseta. µ�rd�l� My commission ccpires _ [ —'3 I — ��9 '` * Please return this original copy to 140 City Nall, St, Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employcr 05 -� 97 RECElYED � Xce/Energy� NORTHERN STATES POWER February 15, 2005 Tom Sawyer Department of Public Works Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 FEB 18 2005 REAL ESTA7f ptVIStO;� 825 Rice Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55717 Re: Vacation File No. 2-2005 Petition cf HRA fcr Refeas2 of Utili4y Easements fior Bus Transit Hub Dear Mr. Sawyer: Northem States Power Company d/b/a Xcel Energy ("Xcel Energy") owns and operates a 12 inch gas pipeline in the subject right-of-ways to be vacated of W. Fifth Street and Main Street. This gas pipeline is an intergral part of the gas system adjacent to the subject property. Attached is a map which shows the pipeline in the subject property and how it connects to the gas system adjacent to the subject property. Xcel Energy will not relinquish its easement rights in the subject right-of-ways as proposed. A permanent defined easement wifl be required to protect the interest of iVorthem States Power Company. The easement width will depend on the proximity of the pipeline to future adjacent buildings and other structures, but will likely be between twenty (20) to thirty (30) feet in width. The easement requirements shall include the following: a) No buildings or other permanent structures are permitted within the easement area. b) Reasonable access to said easement; and c) Right to enter upon said easement at any time, and from time to time for the purposes of future construction, reconstruction, inspection, maintenance or repair of said gas facilties. Xcel Energy will consider relocating the existing pipeline to a mutually agreed to location, provided that the developer shall assume all costs associated with said relocation, and shall dedicate easements as may be required for continuity of service to the adjacent gas system. If you require further information, please contact me at (651) 229-2317. Sincerely, n��� �� Nick J. Boosalis, PE Senior Speciaity Engineer njb \\FNPCPRS01\Home\BSLN01\DistrictENG\VacFile2_2005.doc os�-a q � _._" _ _ �3 �iCI iQis�fl*k Services, inc. t�L(���L�3 ei�i z vr SA�v°r �AI�'I, iom Sawver �eai r.state �avision 14Q� �ity Hali St. Pa2il, LviTv SS3fi3L ��z� ��^.s:'L� �^' / timfiiu Dcp[ 42453 Loc 107 24�iii':ortc Gi`^ncv¢ e{ich�d.wr=. T4 SO$2 R ECElVEp FE � 2 5 20 � RE: V�+��TiO'� F�'{.� Irf3.2-Z�5—EAS��Lv"Y i��CATit'i�i �Q��i�.Ss —!1�€EA tTrF' S�r'di'�H �i`dT��U'E �, �T'Fi S't�ItEE i W, �. :i'It1��T S'I'��+i, — ?TH SiI?EET W, �tii) i-35 E — Saint Paui,l8au►sey, N'a�nnesota IvICi 31}: 15's�-�(iC+S �ear S4r or i�Iaaam: Iv?i;i etas i�een no+�i�ed i�y your o�ce regar'� tne a+�ovP reiere�ce� �roiact. ir_ _*eviewing t�his request, 34 has bee*� c�e±ermined +.t�aT NtE;? �oes maintai*� iacuiLies in +.ius 2Ls`3 a.11Q t10CS 114T iilt0ri(1 t0 lR'&?�'L' 3Il�r ?3Q+.ItS OI 08.S8RICiIl£3 3c nPT123:Et1 L*1 Sr0121' 1Ctt?Z. f1 CQ��I OT 0;1.T T3C2112ie9 ?1E27 fne 2SE2 TP_ LjLEStiOR 25 2P2C'i13CIeCS W?t�i T�]IS 1CttC'I. Y �ll Sh�ILE� 2Q4FI?3� P1TllE8 £f3£T�SU(lIIt'L£1?�� CQYICPI�?Y2g �i'lE �rL��SC� LO �t!C' �c.{tPIlLtOA C� �.5'� �aiional S�anporti�uves�agaf�QUS a? tae a�eve add_� t iease incivae ?ne a�ove �Cl a'13 nu�aioer. Lf y ouu need a'�*€i2er assi�*.ance svith £�s grojec"t nlease �� :rzot i±ssi�t.Q to c��� �u �e°u's represen+a+�ve �ara� �umas� at bii-b"su-�S�i. �*:ncerei;, Jo'�an i5ac�el�e* S�7`��OL�31. �f���LP�% li?4acts�IiS3L�S �972; 72S-bii i 6 r:asement-i? etain RECEi p -a � � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE FEB 112005 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS � EST �TE �V�StON OF THE COUNCIL OF T'HE In the Matter of CITI' OF SAINT PALTL Vacation File # 2-2005 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Smith Avenue lying between West Fifth Street and West S�th Street Main Street lying between eastbound I94 connection and West Seventh Street West Fifthe Street lying between Smith Avenue and Main Street West Sixth Street lying between Smith Avenue and eastbound I94 connection except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TU BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. District Energy and Coolii Its f�no�� ��� MINNESOTA RAMSEY � St. Paul, Inc. The foregoing insW mrnt was acknowledged before me this � day of -��ru 200�s by A.l1J �.�iL� /7 .the / .�G'�1�C.(i1�(i(__ — of (. J% S�'! ( G� �ihlit C` /H a C� �r/�lJY�7�8�v under [he laws of the State of Minneso[a. ���� ,. . _ ' „ . •1: . � �� L �.``- ; 1 r . � . ♦�....� . _ . � � ;� .. _..:. , .: ... ... . .. .. �, .��.�J C�� ����� Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mmnesota. Mycommissionexpires �3-/� o����. *" Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer . t�5-d 92 l �.. � .. t.�v...� i..�. CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE �� TF�E HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS y- � "'- - OF THE COUNCIL OF THE In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAiJL Vacation File # 2-2005 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Smith Avenue lying between West Fifth Street and West Sixth Street Main Street lying between eastbound I94 connection and West Seventh Street West Fifthe Street lying between Smith Avenue and Main Street West Sixth Street lying between Smith Avenue and eastbound I94 connection except as here noted: . � _.� � U,��_,, � MINNESOTA � Ramsey by of Si ature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me [his � day of �OCI (�JG d� � .��� under the laws of [he State of Minnesota. SCOTTCHA�LESh�UPr"tR± Notary Pu�iic �iP1RBSQ$3 My Comm"ss�ion Expires Januar; 3?, 2008 � No[ary Pubhc, Ramsey Co ry, Minnesota. My commission expires / �,� ' ��� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** AA-ADA-EEO Employer Tom Sawver - Cleveland Circle vacations From: Linda Murphy <linda.murphy@ci.stpaul.mn.us> To: <tom.sawyer@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Peter White" <Peter.White@ci.stpaui.mn.us> Date: 2/16/2005 7:36:44 PM Subject: Cleveland Circle vacations RE: Vac # 02-2005 Cleveland Circle vacations for Metro Transit Hub The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced vacation request and has no objections subject to the following: 1) W e cannot release our sewer easement rights at this time. We have sand rock sewer tunnels which will remain under all of the streets. Fifth Street has a shailow storm sewer which requires an easement until it is abandoned or rerouted. Please call Larry Ackerman at 266-6250 or Ila Shah at 266-6231 if you have any questions. 2) The vacation boundaries and description must match the plat. The proposed "Government Property Transaction ExhibiY' was reviewed by our City Surveyor. There is not enough information on the Exhibit to check for boundary closure. This needs to be corrected. Also the vacation accruals may change the boundary lines. The accruals need to be worked out before the final plat boundary is accepted. Please call Mike Murphy at 266-6076 if you have any questions. Linda Murphy Public Works Right-of-Way Technician 800 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street Saint Paul. MN 55102 Ph # 651-266-6127 Fax # 651-298-4559 CC: <mike.murphy@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <larry.ackerman@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, <ila.shah@ci.stpaul.mn.us>, "Martin Schieckel" <Martin.Schieckel@ci.stpaul.mn.us> o5-aqz CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE TF� HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL In the Matter of Vacation File # 2-2005 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the realty described below: Smith Asenue lying between West Fifth Street and West Sixth Street Main Street lying between eastbound I94 connection and West Seventh Street West Ftifthe Street lying between Smith Avenue and Main Street West Sixth Street lying between Smith Avenue and eastbound I94 connection except as here noted: St. Paul Regional Water Services ItS General Manager MINNESOTA RAMSEY J ( - 3�.�u.w ` ��� 2 � Signature 2005 The foregoing instrument was ac(mowledged before me this 23rd day of Fe}�rnar� • i�Q� by Stephen P. Schneider .the General Manaser of Saint Paul Reeional Water Services.a MinnpcnYa rnrinratinn — under the laws of the State of Minnesota. l �/���Zr'��i ! . T.5`C.�"��fi N07ARY PU3LI. -MIt�SO7A N ary Pu �c, Ramsey Co ,"nnesota. N,Y COMMI3310N c`.���REiJAN.37,2009 Mycommissionexpir 1 �� Please return this original copy to 140 Ci all, St. Paul, MN 55102 AA-ADA-EEO Employer r Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #2-2005 # of P ages 1 To: Tom Sawyer From: Trafflc & Accident Unit Commander e City of St. Paul Saint Paul Police Real Estate Division Department 100 East Eleventh Street Phone# 266-8850 Phone# F�# 266-8855 F�# We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q .) �-P..�- a.,.�...- �e �t ,,,a.a.,� N �e-t aw�..�.� o-�-.�--�=�o �. y-e�. �,�..,�-�, -�,.�.�.� �) t� � s�.t--.�- Y-�t- w-a.�.e� G� � u s.�.,• � � ,� ��„��.- �� � .s�� 3) �� os a��, 1=�'�"'� 81.�.�• , «.� � p,�:...�', .�w�w, �-+--e� v�v�— �c iun.cr-��D � c�e-�c.�-� , ..e.� �) .z;,,. ,�.,,� s�,�,,., u .Q,�-t - �v :. s�� � ,�� J ��, ,�„ a-' a..�. � �,� a..a � '�'"`� �� � `�.�-- �, ,�-��- ✓ �) � �� •� /� ` l r, �TV�LF�! er � � �^ ' 1 " ' �� � u�r,�-�� �- .t..-- .r.�.�.f1 tr P Signed Date 2 - �- as AA-ADA-EEO Employer #ofPaees 1 Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #2-2005 To: Tom Sawyer From: Steve ZdCCard City of St. Paul Department of Fire Real Estate Division Safety 100 East Eleventh Street Phone# 266-8850 Phone# F�� 266-8855 F�# �s-a� � We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacarion, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ ! ���5 Signed ' Date AA-ADA-EBO Employer ���''• Page 1 of 1 os-a9� Tom Sawyer - Vacation 2-2005 Transit Hub From: Tom Beach To: Sawyer, Tom Date: 2l7/2005 13124 PM Subject: Vacation 2-2005 Transit Hub LIEP has no objections to the proposed vacations. Tom Beach LIEP 350 Saint Peter Street #300 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-266-9086 (phone) 651-266-9099 (fax) tom.beach(a)ci.stpaul.mn.us (email) file://C:�Documents%20and%20Settings\sawyer�i,ocal%20Settings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 2/9/2005 f Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #2-2005 #ofPages 1 Os'��7 To: Tom Sawyer From: Gina La Force City of St. Paul Library Rea1 Estate Division Administration 90 West Fourth Street Phone R 266-8850 phone # F�a 266-8855 F�" We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We wiil approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q �����=��`°�` � o S Signed Date AA-ADA-EEO Employer FEB 09�20 ST PRUL PRRKS REC ro: Tom Sawyer City of St. Paul Reply to Vacation Inqairy Real Estate Division File #2 2005 a�o�n 266-8850 F�� 266-8855 6512927405 P.02/02 #ofPaget j From: Jody Martinez �J' 'C7�/7 Parks & Recreation 300 City Hall Annex W e have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • �. We will appmve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot appmve this vacatioa : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q Signed Date � p �� AA-ADA-EEO Hmployer TOTAL P.02 FEB-10-2005 11�06 PED 14TH FLOOR ' To: Tom Sa er City of St. Paul Reply to Vacation Inquiry Real Bstate Division file #2 2045 phonc � 266-8850 6512283220 r•.�,: Pa�nl Dubruiel Planning & Ecoa Developmeut 1100 Citv Hall An� . .. 05-��� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � „�� � ��i� , �. .. - � • 9�U5 AA-ADA-EEO Employr.r FEB-10-2005 11�e6 PED 14TH FLOOR N 6512283220 P.02/04 o5-a9 7 Interdepartmental Memorandum C.fIY OF SAWI' PAUL DATE: -Z g "`� �~ To: 1 � Lu�� 7"� ���� � �. (DTSTRTCT PLAI�]ER) ' ��� 0 �� Vacation Request No. 01 —'�UU �� The attached vacation request was received by the Planning Dj'vi ion on � Please review and retutn comments or recommendations to me by�lll orso that I may prepare the Divisions recommendations. . ZONING SECI'ION: Is this vaeation proposaI also tied to a rezoning or �-ariance request? YES NO If yes, explain below: STAFF CONIMENTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS: Mv u�j� �uw�ihvw��� z• 9•V5 Planners are to rettirn the rcviewed vacation z�eques� to Allan Torstenson �� �� (Zoning Manager). � � ) _.. _.. .. _„— --- --- ....— y . � o . o�� Danna. Penny, and Lucy, Real Estate has changed thelr form to not request a specific date for return of the information from PED. That is why 1 have not filled in that line on the cover sheet f attach to the vacation request that gets circulated to you Please con"tinue to turn these around asap as you have in the past. To: Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #02-2005 Phone # Fa�c # # of Pages 1 �" —� � � Tom Sawyer •Fro,�: Linda Murphy Ciry of St. Paul I Department of Public Real Estate Division Works 800 Citv Hall Annex ►.. :: Fa�c # We ha�e no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q ���� Signed ���«� ✓��� (G:\Users\Sawyer\WPDATAV 5-2004inq.frm) cJ �—D.� Date Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #02-2005 # of Pages 1 To: Tom Sawyer •From: Bill Tschida Ciry of St. raul St Paul Regional Real Estate Division Water Services 1900 Rice Street Phone # 266-8857 phone # F� n 266-8855 F� � We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve tYris vacarion, subject to the following condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ (G:\USers�Sawyer�WPDATAU 5-2004inq.frm) / � Date aq1 Page�15f� � Tom Sawyer - file 02-2005 (property near 5th, Kellogg, i-94) From: Tom Beach To: Sawyer, Tom Date: 3/3/2005 8:03:57 AM Subject: file 02-2005 (property near 5th, Kellogg, I-94) LIEP has no need for this property and has noobjections to the vacation. Tom Beach LIEP 350 Saint Peter Street #t300 Saint Paul, MN 55102 651-266-9086(phone) 651-266-9099(fax) tom.beach a�.ci.stpaul.mn.us (email) file://C:�Docuxnents%20and%20Settings\sawyer�i,ocai%20Setrings\Temp\GW}00OO1.HTM 313/2005 MRR-03-2005 08�47 ST PRUL PRRKS REC To: Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #02-2005 65129274a5 P.01i01 !f of Pages � 05 a 9� Tom Sau'Yer 'From: .Tody MartiIIeZ Ciry of St. Paul I parl:s and Recreation Reat Estate Division Hall Annex anone a F¢z tl 266-$857 Faz # We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacation, subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q —�,�-0) Date TOTRL P.01 ([i�\U zn�U�vyenWpDATA�IS2006inq.frml "Io: Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #02-2005 Phone # Faz # Tom Sawyer � # of Pages 1 'From: .SCIIIOT Commander Pye City of St. Paul St Paul Police Real Estate Division Departlrient 100 East Elevi 266-8857 Phone 266-8855 F�# We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We will approve this vacafion, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Signed g�,�. oS" Date os-a�7 (G:\Users�Sawyer�W PDATAU 5-2004mq.frm) � Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #02-2005 To: City of st. Pa,il Department of Fire Real Estate Division attd Safety 100 East Eleventh' Phone# 266-8857 phoneu F�a 266-8855 F�"� Tom Sawyer �From: Steve Zaccard os ��� We have no objecrions to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� \ We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ �-l-o� Date (G:\UsersVSawyer�W PDA7A\15-2004mq. frm) , of Pages � � os a q � ' ro: Tom Sawyer �From: Gina LaForce Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File #02-2005 Phone # Fa< � 266-8857 ph 266-8855 F�# We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We will approve this vacafion, subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q � � �� City of St. Paul Llbrsry Real Estate Division AdmiIIistration 90 West 4th Street �f Date �� (G:\Users�Sawyer�WPDATA\15-2004inq.fim) Return copy to: (TS) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � •e��� Green Sheet # 3 �� �� / Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the Cit� 2 owniug several parcels 3 it Paul ("Cit}�') has determined that theze is no longer a public purpose for sutplus land purchased several yeazs ago, and 4 WHEREAS, the City wishe o vacate its interest in this property, and 5 6 WHEREAS, the City has receive a request from the Depaztment of Planning and Economic 7 Development ("PED") to convey th roperty to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City 8 of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("F3RA") for evelopment of a bus transit station and a parking ramp, and 9 10 WHEI2EAS, PED has determined that suc conveyance will support public development efforts; now, 11 thezfore, be it 12 13 RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City o aint Paul, as described in Real Estate Division File 14 Number 02-2065, the public property hereinafter des 'bed in Exhibit "A" is hereby vacated and 15 discontinued as public proper[y, and be it further � 26 17 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Pau2 her y authorizes the proper City officials to 18 convey the vacated property by Quit Claim Deed to the HRA, d be it further 19 RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the Housing and Redevelo ment Authoriry of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ("HIZA"), as documented in Real Estate Division Fi Number 02-2005, additional public street rights-of-way hereinafter described are hereby vacated an discontinued as public property: The property to be vacated is described as foIlows: (See attached Exhibit "B") BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, subject to the herein stated exceprions and wi the accompanying Ufility Easement Certiftcates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on half of District Energy St. Paul, Inc. and District Cooling St Paul, Inc., Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., and int Paul Regional Water Services, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the ity Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for itself and on behalf of these corporations and deparhnents, waives th right to the utility easements in the vacated areas described in Exhibit "B". � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 t�,- aq� This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the Saint Paui Legislative Code as amended, and to the fotlowing conditions: 1. That the petifioners, their successors and assigns shall pay $600.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecrive date of this resolurion. 2. That a ermanent utility easement shall be retained on, over, under and across the vacated area on behalf o e City of Saint Paul, Department of Public Works to reserve the right of the City to maintain d operate any sewer in or upon said easement and to enter upon said easement or any portion there f at any time and from time to time, for the purposes of fixture construction, reconshuction, � specting, mainta.iving or repairing the same or any par[ thereof. Any development or u of the properiy shall be subject to the following conditions: a. No buildings, ctures, trees ar any temporary structure, material storage, fixture, or any other objects tha wili prohibit normal access to utility facilities for maintenance purposes will be permitted ithin the easement area. b. Improvements in or u n the above described easement that do not prohibit the City from exercising its reserved n ts may be allowed by obtaining written permission from the Department of Public Wo s Sewer Division with the understanding that the restoration and costs of such improvem ts shall be the sole responsibility of the petitioner, its successors and assigns in the e nt the City exercises its reserved easement rights. c. � No change from the existing grade rthin the easement area will be permitted without written permission from the Departm t of Public Works. No change in surfacing within the easeme�t area will be permitted without written permission from the Department of Public �arks. e. The peti$oner, its successors and assigns shall �id City of Saint Paut, its officers, agents, employees� claims which shall arise from any injuries or damz in any service pipe or connection in said reserved � from any action or negligence of the petitioner, its invitees. ify, defend, and save hannless the servants from all suits, actions, or received or sustained by any break ment arising out of or resulting i}pyees, agents, or business 3. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacate area to protect the interest ofNorthern States Power Company Gas and Electric, d.b.a. Xcel Ener . 4. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to prot t the interest of Qwest Corporation. 5. That a permanent utility easement sha11 be retained within the vacated area to protect the of MCI Network Services, Inc. 0 6 7 8 9 10 7 11 12 13 That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from a11 suits, actions or claixns of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or properiy on account of this vacation or petitioners use of this properry, including but not limited , a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or b ause of any clauns or liabiliry arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in acc dance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. That and shall, v all respects ners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condifions of this resolution n the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in h these terms and conditions. by Deparhnent of: : Director Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy By: Approved by Mayor: Date By: Form Approved by : Approved by Mayor for � Attorney to Council �,-�.a� Eahibit `°A" Suralus City Parcels Parcel3 The Norther�/3 of Lot 1 and the Northerly 100 feet of Lot 2; in Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addiri n to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies SouthwesYerly of the following des ibed line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to aint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds ( imuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said B ck 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence Southe terly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees 00 minutes 27 Parce16: 60.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 133 degrees 24 minutes 27 seconds; thence on an azimuth bgds for 100 feet and there terminating. That part of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Turnbull's S division "A", Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly of the following describe line: Commencing at the Northwest coruer of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Sain aul; Yhence Easterly along the North line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth of 97 de ees 26 minutes 32 seconds for 189.96 feet; thence Northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-t ential curve, concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta ang of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 seconds, and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92.79 feet; thence an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 31 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds far 89.65 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be scribed; thence on an azimuth of 223 degrees 54 minutes 22 seconds for 158.17 feet; the e on an azimuth of 195 degrees 17 minutes 33 seconds for 5.24 feet; thence on an azimuth o 66 degrees 44 minutes 18 seconds for 100.00 feet and there terminating. o5-�a� Exhibit "A" (page 2) Pazcel 10: That part of Lot Block 3, St Paul Companies Plat No. l, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which lies Easterly the following described line: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and I'nes Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Westerly on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes seconds (azimuth oriented to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System) along the North 1 e of said Block 55 for 109.47 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence utheasterly 53.91 feet on a non-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius f 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 3 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds for 163.04 feet; thence on an azimuth of 144 degrees 41 m' utes 40 seconds for 118.48 feet; thence run Southwesterly to a point on the Nort line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the rthwest corner thereof and there terminating; and which lies Westerly of the following desc 'bed line: Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvines Additi to St. Paul, distant 21.73 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof; thence on an azim h of 39 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds for 28.05 feet; thence on an azimuth of 34 degrees minutes OS seconds for 104.09 feet; thence Northerly for 52.14 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the East, having a radius of 115.75 feet, a delta angle of 25 degrees 48 minutes 3 econds, and a chord azimuth of 02 degrees 45 minutes 06 seconds; thence on an azimuth 318 degrees 34 minutes 04 seconds for 77.01 feet and there terminating. Pazcel 13 Lots 7, Block 56, partly in Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul d partly in Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey Cou , Minnesota, which lies Southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the No west corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; thence Easterly alon he North line of said Block 55 on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds 189.96 feet; thence Northwesterly for 17.81 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the ortheast, having a radius of 3860.72 feet, a delta angle of 00 degrees 15 minutes 52 secon and a chord azimuth of 313 degrees 56 minutes 23 seconds; thence on an azimuth of 314 egrees 04 minutes 20 seconds for 92.79 feet; thence on an azimuth of 224 degrees 04 minute 8 seconds for 23.00 feet; thence on an azimuth of 314 degrees 04 minutes 18 seconds for .6 feet and there terminating. asa�� Exhibit "A" (page 3) Those p County, the Soui Pazcel 16: s 4, 5, 6 and 7, Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey 3, lying Southwesterly of a line 31 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with lines of said Lots 5, 6 and 7. Those parts of Lots 8 and 9,`�l County, Minnesota, lying Sout the Southwesterly lines of said Parce120 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey sterly of a line 24 feet Northeasterly of and parallel with s8and9. That part of Lots 4 and 5, Block 54, Rice a d Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey CounTy, Minnesota, described as follows: C mencing at the Southwest corner of Block 55, said Rice and Irvine's Addition; thence Easterl on an assumed azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on the South line of said Bloc 5 for 102.66 feet; thence on an azimuU► of 187 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds for 60 feet to t North line of said Block 54 and the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence an azimuth of 221 degrees 33 minutes 52 seconds for 75.01 feet; thence on an azimuth 187 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds for 10.31 feet; thence Northerly for 83.84 feet on a n-tangential curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 400.74 feet, a delta angle of degrees 59 minutes 12 seconds and a chord azimuth of 340 degrees 44 minutes 45 secon s; tLence on an azimuth of 256 degrees 44 minutes 09 seconds for 9.00 feet; thence on an azim h of 346 degrees 44 minutes 18 seconds to an intersection with the North line of said Bloc 54; thence on an azimuth of 97 degrees 23 minutes 30 seconds on said North line to the p'nt of beginning. as-a� - t Exhibit "A" (page 4) Lots 3, 4 and Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, exce that part of said Lot 3 which lies Northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing the Northeast corner of Block 55, Rice and Irvines Addition to Saint Paul; thence run Weslt� oriented to Minnesota for 109.47 feet to the pc 53.91 feet on a non-tan; feet, a delta angle of 00 24 minutes 27 seconds; on an azimuth of 277 degrees 26 minutes 32 seconds (azimuth te Plane Coordinate System) along the North line of said Block 55 f beginning of the line to be described; thence Southeasterly tia curve concave to the Northeast, having a radius of 3860.72 �rees 8 minutes 00 seconds and a chord azimuth of 133 degrees thence on an azimuth of 133 degree 0 minutes 27 seconds for 100 feet and there terminating. Parce123 Lots 6 and 7, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Additi to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Parce124 Lot 8, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Parce125 Lots 9 and 10, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota. County, Minnesota. County, os-a9� E�ibit °B" Street Rights-Of-Wav That part of �th Avenue lying North of the North line, and its Westerly extension, of Block 54, Rice and 's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and lying South of the South line, and its sterly extension, of Biock 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minn ota. That part of Main Street lyin North of the South line, and its Westerly extension, of I,ot 6, Block 14, Rice and Irvine's A'tion to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and lying South of the North line, and its Easterly tension, of Block 55 , Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. That part of West Fifth Street, originally arl Street, lying East of a line described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 5, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul,; thence Southerly to the Northwest corner of Block 54, �ce and Irvine's Addition to Saint Pau2 and there terminating, and lying West of a line descri d as follows: Beginning at the Southeast comer of Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to S� t Paul,: thence Southerly to the Northeast corner of Block 54, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint aul and there terminating. That part of West Sixth Street lying East of a line described follows: Beginning st the Southwest corner of Block 56, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice an Irvine's Addirion to Saint Paul; thence Southerly to the Northwest corner of Block 55, Rice and ine's Addition to Saint Paul and there terminating, and lying West of a line described as follows. eginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 56, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul; th ce Southerly to the Northeast comer of L,ot 3, Block 55, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint ul and there terminating.