D001378CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • ADMIlVISTItATIVE ORDER ADNIINISTRATIVE ORDER, No: �i 3� DATE: �_��— Whereas, the Department of Public Works hosted an open house event and committed to providing entertainment to their guests, and; Wtiereas, the Department of Public Works had authorization in place to host the event and to pay subsequent expenses; however, entertainment was provided by a non-profit organization with an inability to invoice for their services rendered, and; Whereas, it is in our best interest to acknowledge their good will service with a monetary donation to their club, and; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Department of Public Works has authorization to donate the sum of one hundred dollazs to the Powderpuff Clown Club for providing entertainment at the open house event. • APPROVFD AS TO FORM ��j L✓!✓Ryy�.v� �O - 29 - R 7 Assistant City Attomey • D2t� D partment Head l Admmistrahv e Assistant to Mayor �(� Z�c^ 2Z.2ot —0'2-9�j �e-37—y� �M I 7r, n DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNQL DA7E INITIATED }��- I J I U Public Works �o�2v9� GREEN SHEET NO. 34 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE � ATE 1NIilAUDA7E �DEPARTMEIJ�DIRECTOR � CIiYCAUNGL Joanne Plankers 2666147 �pJMB fl WR Q qN ATTORNEY O CI7V CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) ROUi1NG � BUDGE! DIRECTOR O FIN & MGT. SERVICES DIR OflDEFi 1 MAY�R(OR ASSISTANTI ❑7 Haf+e¢ai 2f£E062 LJ TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL IOCATONS FOfl SIGNANRE) �1 ASSOCIATE O DEPAflTTAEMACCOU 'O � ACiION REQUESTED Request authorizarion to donate one hundred dollazs to t6e Powderpuff Clown Club for services rendered at the Department of Public Works 1997 open house. RECOMMEnlDA770nlS:Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTflACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING fAMMISSION _ CIVIL SER�ICE CAMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirtn ever worketl undera corrtrdct forthis departmentl GB CoMM�TfEE _ YES NO STnFF 2. Has this personfficm evec been a city employee? — — YES NO — DISiRICi CouNCi� _ 3. Dces this person/firtn possess a swll not nortnaily possessed by any cunent ciry empbyee? SUPPORTSWHICHCOUNCILO&IECTNE� YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATNG PFiOeLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHV): The Powderpuff Clown Club is a non-profit otganization prohibited from invoicing for their services. The Departrnent of Public Works requested their services as entertainment during the open house. City charter prohibits the Department of Public Works from maldng donations without prior approval. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Powderpuff Clown Club will receive fair compensation for the clowns that entertained during the event. „ _ ,:,, � , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None iYOV 4 199! Wbe 2 � 7�aC a:,1TY CLERK �°�'�� � DISADVANiAGES IF NOT APPROVED The open house is a major educational and good will event for the department. Success is achieved through community attendance and interest shown in the technological and informational presentations. Offering entertainment promotes crowd appeal. The Powderpuff Clown Club may not be interested in participaang in future events without recognition of their efforts. AMOUNTOFTRANSACTION $ � �� no COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES No FUNDINGSOURCE SewPrFnnd ACTIVfTYNUMBER 260-22201-0299 FINANCIAL INFORMAiION: (EXPLAIN) Spending from wi[hin adopted 1997 operafing budget. "„j t � � C1 UV