235237 OI2IGINAL TO CITY CLERK ti35�3� r CITY OF $T. PAUL FILENCIL NO. v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J. Tedesco October 3 1967 COMMISSIONE E � �. WHEREAS, the City .Architect has requested the City Council � to hold a public hearing to consider t1�.e advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and removal of the single family frame dwelli.ng at 252 East Robie Street, more particizlarly described as Except Soutlzeast five (5l�`'feet or al�ley,� Lot 2, �Block 10, Prospect Plateau, becaus e s aid building is reported to constitute a hazardous structure, and WHEREAS, it appears tliat the last la�.own record owners of tlze property are Max Lang, Edward Lang, William Lang and Elsie A. Heirisch; therefore, b e it RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and before the Coun.cil of • the City of Saint Pau� in�he Council Chamber of th� Court House in said city at 10 a.m. on - ° w , O tober 19, 1667, to consider the advisability and necessity o ox ering t' e correction or wrecking and removal of t�he structure on the above described property because said structure is reported to constitute a hazardous buildi.ng and a hazard to public health, safety and . welfare; be it ' FUR.THER RFSOLVED, that the City Architect, on behalf of the City Council, noti.f.y by mail the record owner of the property in question at the last lrnow address, as well as other interested persons of record, of the date and time of the hearing. . -� ' O�T 31961 COUNCILMEN ti - , Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays ', ��;�(' 31��� �Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Holland � � J Tn Favor Meredith / ,.TReberse��. � � Mayor ���_ A gainst . Mr. President, Byrne pUBltSNED dC� � 1967 , �22 h � DUrLICATE�,TO rRIN7ER �3�2� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY YiCtor J. Tederco Octob.e� 3, 196? COMMISSIONER DATF _ , �?IFIiEREAS. tlie City .Arch3t�ct ha� teqtxtstec� the Ci�y Councfl , , to hoid a pubi3.c he�riag to c4naider�the adv3�sbili�Ly and aeceesity of the correction or wreCking and rernova.� of fihe eingle fa,mi,ly frame d�vel�.ing at 252�Eae� Aob�ie 5treet; moie pa#tic�il+arly,deiec�ibed ae E�c�e�it Sot�tl�eae't five (5�'feet fot� ' �.11ey. I�ot 2; ,Blo.ck 10.. Prospect ��ateau, b'�ecause said building �ie. reported #o conatitute g.h�.z�.rdoue structi.ire, and ' • , • . yPHEREA5, _�t �tpgeara �liat, tlie. la;st known �eaord ownera Gf tane Froperty �.re Max Lang, Edwa.rd �:,�.ng. William L�.ng and Elsie A. Heins�ch; t�ePefore, be it � RESOL'��D, that #. public $ea��ng be.he1d by and before the Council of th,� City of Saint Pa�l ,����,�un.cil �hamber of tl�e Court Houae iri eaid ci�y at ZQ a.m. on , Dctob�r'19, 2867, to con�id8r the advisability ancl �neceesityr of ordering th� co�rect�on or wrecking and remova.l of the � • etruc�u�ee on the �tbove deac�ibed propeMy becsuae sa3.d etructure ie .reported to conatilv.te $ h�.z�.rdoue �uilding and a� h�.��rd to publ3c health, eafety.and welfar.e; be it �UR.THER RE50LY�D, th�t the City Architect. on behalf of the City Council, not�fy by �a�.1 th� recard owner �f the �property in qne�tion at the �s�at lrnow addre�s, .ae well as other inte�$et�d pereons of recbrd, vf tiae date �nd time of�f,he hea,ring. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council��� 3 � 19— Yeas Nays Carlson (j(;Y 31�67 Dalglish ' Approved 19— Holland J^ Tn Favor Meredith ,�a1-Prenn � Mayor A galII3t edesco Mr. President, Byrne r �2z -