235224 ORIGINAI TO CITY CLERK �����L`'.� CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ! COUNCIL E - UTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED: That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby authorized to rent on a month to month basis from the XEROX CORPORATION for the Department of Auditoriums, Librar3es and Civic Buildings for use at the main Librarq, 90 LJest 4th Street two Xerox 914 copiers at a minimum rental of $74.00 per month each, rental includes 1225 copies , for each machine, additional. copies will be 4 cents each. Supplies for the machines will be purchased at the regular Xerox �.isted prices. In as much as these machines are patented and available only from the Xerox Corporation this rental will be under 5ection 290 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul witihout advertisement or competitive bi.ds. , � Code: 0410-247 - �f/l>f , APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED: Jocc^�a� J. P.�dn��hell �":'_y 1 ea��r�ollea� . .� �Oiv.i,�.e � � ����l.� . . . . , . . .��,. � . -- (� ASSISTANT CORPORATION SEL COMPTR LER i' --�'=y - '��r��re" . �; � � - .-��fd� PUR HASING AGLNT `` S�p 2 91�6? COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— ' Yeas Nays , . Carlson � ��P � 9 19C� Dalglish r Approved 19— Holland � � Meredith �'In Favor Peterson � , Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne " pug�.1SM.ED aC� � ����' 9/22/67 Stanton/lb • - �zz DUrLICATE TO rRINTHR �`�-'�+�I�/t� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENC�� NO. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ RI'sSOLVEDs That the Purchasing Agent be and is hereby authorized to rent on a month to month baeis from the XERO% CORPORATION for the Department of Auditoriwms, Libraries and Civic Bu3ldinge for use at the main Library, 90 West 4th Street two Xero� 914 copiers at a minimum rental of $74.00 per month each� rental includes 1225 copies for each machine. additional copies will be 4 cen�s each'� Supplies for the machines will be purchased at the regular Serox listed ' ' prices. In as much as these machines are pa�ented and available only from the Xerox Corporation this rental will be under Section 290 of the Charter of� the City of St, Paul without advertiaement or ' competi�ive bida. Codes 0410-247 APPROVED AS TO FORMs APPROVEDs �= _� __ �� . -�.f =:r �.. _ ....,._ �'-' � ASSISTANT CORPORATION COUNSEL COML'TROLLER " - J ' `� " � _ � ING AGENT COUNCILMEN ��P 2 91967 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 2 9 1��� Dalglish � ' Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon � Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne 9/22/67 Stanton/lb �zz