235222 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � � fM����� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED DY � W1111.3II1 E. Carlso COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, The Council of the City of Saint Paul is inforn�d by the Commissioner of Public Safety that a nuisance exists on the property located- at 570 West Central Avenue in the City of Saint Paul (for which the owner cannot be determined), which nuisance constitutes a hazard to the public health, welfare and safety; and WI�REAS, Such nuisance more par�ticularly' consists of an accumulation of rubbish, a dilapidated garage, a junk auto (1965 Minnesota License No. 4L 4239), and an overgrowth of wee ds, which harbo� rodents, vermin, and other noxi.ous animals and things; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 374 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, and Section 265.52 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code the owner or , agent of such property cannot be fotmd; now, therefore,� be it ' RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Safety the Coumu.ssioner of Public Works is hereby directed to summarily and forthwith remove the said nuisance, the cost of such removal to be charged against Fund No. 0979; and be it ' FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Safety is directed to ascertain 'the cost of such removal and to forward the same to the County Auditor on or before Octaber 1 of the year in which ascertained, for col- lection in the same manner as taxes against said property. FORM APPROVE Asst. Corpora ion Counsel ��p 2� 1961 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas � Nays Carlson c 2 9 �96� Dalglish APPray�a 19� Holland � Meredith �--� Favor Peterson V , Mayor Tedesco �g��gt 7 1967 Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISI�ED OCT �2z