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/ ' / ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � r� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. 2����;a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF � RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby directed to cause the estimate of expenses of the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year of 1968 � and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the Comptroller, to be published in the official paper of said City, on October 5, 1967. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hold public hearings, from � - x•. day to day in the regulax place of ineeting of said Council (the Council �` Chamber) in the Court House and City Hall at ten o'clock in the fore- , noon for not less than ten days, beginning October 5th, 1967, a't which time and place all residents of the City of Saint Paul desiring to be _ • ) heard may be heard in reference to ar�y of said estimates or any item �*� � -�w��r�`� ��. '.�l'j.� ' � F thereof �:�t-�~�'^'"�;:'a .���;��"�x�,�,y`,:. . ,�. �� _„- ,; j .� j� .•,. . _ ., , �'. �x:,��, �� �. � _: - - . A. ��•c'i��a,a��! ��A�=.�;�j,ty�,"t*��` � RESOLVED, FURTf�R, That the City Clerk prepare and caus'�,�t�����._����� ���` �. - be published in the official paper of the City at the same time said . ��� � esti.mates of ,expenditures are published a notice of said times and places of public heaxings, which published notice shall iIInnediately ' precede said published estima.tes of expenditures in said official . .• paper, and shall expressly call attention and refer thereto. � . ��—r�,�,�,=-�r•. '� + -.., ;,: .� ' ��P 2 � r t�.��„ • P`��t,����y, �`j�h•'�k'J,�` � t� � � � iaF_�•.�"a}x:rf,L';°�l�.y:.Y,r.�;° c �,t..+'-_T.Q.v.'!vl.ti.T�w.w�s.' ' COUNCILMEN � _. Adopted by the Council 19— i Yeas Nays ` $Ep 2 919��' �' Carlson � Dalglish proved 19— Holland � , � Favor Meredith � ' Peterson Mayor Tedesco A g$�t _ "' Mr. President, Byrne � P��ast� Q��' 51967 • - • �22 C •(�)['�J ('"]�i DUPLICATE TO rRINTER /..i������ �' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ''"'�s�' �_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE _ RF80LVED� That the City Clerk is herebyr directed to cause the estimate of expenaes of the City oP Sa,int Paul for the fiscal year o�' 1968 and of the revenue necessary to meet eaid expenses, eubmitted to the Council by the Comptroller, to be published in the official paper of Baid City� on October 5, 1967. RF80LVED FURT�R, That the Council hold public hearinga, �ram day to day in the regular place of ineeting of aaid Council (the Council Chaaaber) in the Court House and City Hall at ten o'clock in the fore- noon Por not leas than ten d�ra, beginning October 5th� 1967, at Which time and place all reaidents of the City oP 8aint Paul deairing to be h �r heard may be heard in re�erence to any of said estimates or any item thereof. RF80LVSD, FURT�R, That the City A.erk prepare and cauae to be publiahed in the of'�icial paper of the City at the same time �aid .- --.. estime,tes of expenditurea are published a notice o� se.id times and places of public hearinga, �►hich publi�hed notice she�ll i�edia�tely prec�de said published estima�tea of expenditurea in said ofPicial paper, and shr�ll expresa]y call attention a.nd refer thereto. ��� �? 919��, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ ` Yeas Nays Carlson ��� 2 919�7 Dalglish Approved 19.^ � Holland rn Favor Meredith Peterson ' � Mayor Tedesco A S��t Mr. President, Byrne �22 . . J 7 ` • i. _ _ ' , � „ ' - ' ,K, _ - _ � _ _ ._ , . '.� _ ' _ , - - " - ' , -: , _ . . � -t . - ` :._ � - :: ; � . � � � :�����.a��� - : .- _- : . � -- � - _ � . : . . . -_ - -- Q . . . - ,. - _ _ � - � .� - �. _`_ `i. i ,- : `- M1 :. _ : �-- . -_ , _ . - _ - :-=_:: ,_.- ._; . . � .� . .: , - � �_ � '.- _ : •. . � ' ' ` i . {. c �' '~ ' • ..`Y • t . _ .`, `1-'a _, , . . + . "- • �r • ' � ' � � _ _ � - •• - • ` ' - � _1 . .. • '_ - C , . .� �a ,, Y .� . . • _ 1 " ' _ ±. _* � 1 • • G` � ` `_ ' .= _ '� • . - . � - � NOTIG'E' OF HEARING ON�BUDGET FOR 196.8 ..� - ° _ ' - . ;"-- .- � � r � ' �:-,Notice is hereby given�that the City Council will-Yiold,public hearings ' .. � s - • _ from day to day in the�regular place of ineeting b�-said�Co'uncil' (the Couincil � ' _' ' �Chamber�:�in the Court,$ouse and City Ha11 Building_ at lOtOQ o'clock iri the , - � � forenoon,_for�not less.than ten days beginning Octolier 5th; 1967;.in reference _-, " - �' . - to the esti�ates for the expenses of. the City for the fiscal year of 1968 and � - -�� - � ' of the revenues necessary to meet said expenses, submit to the Council by , - � � -� - � the City Comptroller, and Fwhich immed�ateTy follow this tice�� - _ '_ � - _ � ; _ � -��. • � - �At said times .and� place; all-residents of the City Saint.Paul desiring �� ""�� .-_ . ,to be heard �may be heard in reference,to any of tes •or any•item -; -- _ , ; - - thereof. . - - _ : .- ` ; � �- _ - - • . - - � . . _ - _ � _ • _ - • � - , . ' _ • . � _�eptember 29, Y9�7•' . � _ • • `' - , � . � �r - .- � . � - � , - - . � . �z��- � _ � - - _ - • . -. � - � : ; ` � . . _ ' . HARRY-E. MARSHALL� , ' _ " , • " �i -, , . • - - �; City k of Saint Paul, Minnesota. _ -_� � * � �- - ° • _ .. - - . ` �_ ` - 'w .- • :. . ' � , a ' _ ` ober , 1g67) - .; ; � _ � � , ,�; � - . a - _ . . - - _ t - � _ � - .� , - _ " - , . .' • , - • - . � - � � � _ � - � ; . _ . _ , fi . . � . -, - _ _ -, {. - - _;� _ - - . _ � ' _ - . . _ . ._ . ', - +. . ` � ' y � - . • � - ' _ - . L_ � ' _ • � :, _ , , � - _ � �. � ,- ^ + -r ,_ • . + ` '� r ..` `-.. � _ •� ` - • - � • ' Y', - : �. • j � '' � � w w. •_ • - ., _ _. � • � � . - . ^ _ ' _s r � _ � • � � . ' .J ✓ - � . _� - - _ . � • t{ • • � � _ • � � _ . - � ♦ � • — � . • � � � . _ • . _ , • _ _ .. ` _ � ! '� T . • - - . � _ ` .. - _ � ' " � . .� _ • ' -i. +'� � . .. . � . ,� . • � � ' 1I` , -- • ' ,G• -_ ' , M j ' - • , � _ ' a .. -�t , T . s �. � _ , • . . . ' - ' ' . : a . ` - _ � . � r - - • •� p• ' ` � . , - '_ - �. ' ' --, - ' : ` � � _• . ' . T•� � . � , - • , _ ' _ �� . -` ^-- - • _ _ ' ,T .,�` • ' ��p . r . _ .. ' ' ' , ' � - '' ' ' ' . - ' • - - . 7 • ' - ,. � ' - - _ a. - . � , _ � ' � 1 - ._ - . - - - - � ' . - ' ' - ' � a ' d • , - i � . _ � . � � � . - ^ _ - - , • . -, ' . � � � � ' L `1_ ' _ • . • � � � � � _ �'. } ••- �F - - 1. � p-��` '1� ` R , '. , � . . - ` 'R , , '_ �. '- . • - _ - , �- "P�-C'CS`�� YC�'° Jr i96� . '.. ' -� . � _-, � _ .. , ; x .� . - ;_ i _ ' �. _ �� - : � ` �, - ._ " . - ; . : _ � . : � ,� , � _ - .� � _ . , ; - -. - _ , � ; - - " ; � . - `.�•_ - .- =�- � : - �� '� _ _ .. - _ ;� � :� ,: � . � � _� � �� . . � ; a .- � _ . - - - � - . _ - � Y � - � r - � _. - _ . . . _, , . _ � - . . R , September 29, 1967 Honorable Mayor, President ` and Members of the City Council I submit herewith my bud"get estimates for 1968. These estimates are submitted � in accordance with applicable .Charter provisions and State law, based on the legal opinions and interpretationsi made available to me. ' The principal objectives :of this budget are these: 1. To assure all property taxpayers the full relief intended under the , Tax Reform and Relief Act, enacted by the 1967 legis�lature. ' 2. To expand the police force by 50 men that all citizens may be as- sured of the preserVation of law and order. 3. To continue and mai;n'tain all essential municipal services at sub- , stantially the same Level of service as 1967. � ' This is the twenty-six.th �.budget which I have prepared for your honorable body. Th�ee major factors were invol.v,ed. in our endeavors to mai�ntain the same level of ser- vice as was proposed for 1967: 1. Miscellaneous re�enue sources which did not materialize in 1967 � such as the telephone tax, garbage and refuse collection fees,,. and municipal fee parking lots had to be replaced. � _ �_ 2. .196.7 -revenue sources_wli.ich -are�no-t-avaiiable for-1968; such as �'��~ �� � - the 5% water tax__and the advance payment of gross earnings tax by NSP. ' 3. Salary adjustments during 1967 and salary adjustments to be ef- fective January 1, 1968, both to be financed for the full year of 1968. � , The cost of these items may be summarized as follows: , �� 1. Telephone tax, refuse collection fees, and parking lots $ 840,000 � 2. Water tax and NSP gross earnings advance 717,884 ,_ - 3. July 1, 1967 and January 1, 1968 City salary adjustments 722,464 Salary increases authorized by the State. legislature 21,100 ' Total $2,301,448 This amount ($2,301,448) had to be provided in order to maintain the 1967 au- thorized level of service during 1968. In addition, as 1968 is an election year, the cost of four elections had to be provided and this cost is estimated at $165,046. � . REVENUE SOURCES . �� _ As is generally true throughout the nation, property taxes continue to be the City's main source of revenue. The proposed property tax levy appropriation for 1968 • • - ` � pt�BLISF�ED ��T 5 196� . , Honorable Mayor, President and Members of the City Council Page 2 September 29, 1967 is $21,987,588 which is $256,526 less than the tax levy appropriation for the previous year. Substantially larger demands have been requested from this source. However, � personal property tax relief enacted by the 1967 State legislature provided additional revenue to relieve the tax burden. I have estimated this tax relief at $2,650,000. This amount has been used to reduce the tax levy. I cannot emphasize strongly enough that this amount ($2,650,000) is� an estimate based on the best projection the budget staff could compute based on the maze of conflicting and contradictory information made available to us on the subject while this, budget was being prepared. In our opinion, computations and guidance received from`all sources was too little and too late; therefore, this estimate requires continued study, review and updating to assure the City of the maximum benefits available at the time of final adoption of this 1968 bud- �;. get by the City Council. . .! In addition to the personal property tax relief, the 1967 State legislature made financial aid available to all municipalities. Saint Paul, exclusive of public schools, will receive a per capita distribution in 1968 estimated to be $2,180,340. This amount has been used in financing the 1968 budget. The General. Revenue Fund Surplus appropriated in the budget is set at $300,.000. With this appropriation and other actions of your honorable body during 1967, the General Revenue �`und Surplus is all gone. Extreme caution in expenditures and an even closer surveillance of revenue sources and their collection will be necessary to avoid financial difficulties during 1968. With the cooperation of your accountants and bureau heads, the City has an effective tool to guide them through 1968--PROBE II--use it wisely. At the recommendation of the State Public Examiner, we have established a Re- — serve for Retirement of Debt Obligations. The balance 'in-this-reserve-at June 309"19'67 ' was $428,000. This amount has been included in the financing of this budget and has been applied toward the reduction of the tax levy for debto The comparison of �sources of revenue for 1967 and 1968 may be summarized as fol lows: , Increase 1967 1968 or (Decrease) Tax Levy Appropriation $22,244, 114 $21,987,588 $ (256,625) State Aid-Replacement of Tax Levy None - 2,650,000 2,650,000 State Aid-Per Capita Distribution None 2,180,340 2,180,340 Miscellaneous Revenue 7,691,308 6,914,302 (777,006) Department Receipts 2,129,461 2,002,170 (127,291) Self-sustaining Bureaus 4,551,400 4,905,500 354,100 Appropriated Surplus . 567,884 300,000 (267,884) Reserve for Retirement' of Debt Obligations None 428,000 428,000 � Totals $37,184,167 $41,367.900 $4,183,733 YOUR AUTHORITY TO SPEND - � (Appropriations) Prior to the preparation of the 1968 budget, I arranged a schedule of public hearings to permit each department and bureau to tell their program to my budget staff and to the public. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere "thanks" and appreciation to all those who parti,cipated in these hearings. � � ,. •' - ' _ � � Honorable Mayor, President and Members of the City Council Page 3 September 29, 1967 , .�' � Salaries � .. Total-�salaries for all functions of government included in this budget is � $22,266,521 and are allocated as follows: - 1967 1968 Increase City Salary Schedules . $17,145,492 ' $17,867,956 $ 722,464 City's Share -- ' Publif Welfare (27'�%) $ 3,084,454 $ 3,648,174 $ 563,720 Ci�y Hall & Court House (50%) 185,360 193,302 7,942 ,De�ention Authority (50%) 343,356 348,489 5,133 Total City's Share $ 3,613,170 $ 4,189,965 $ 576,#795 Statutory Salaries $ 187,500 $ 208,600 $ 21,100 � ' '.' y ' " , Totals $20,946,162 $22,266,521 � $1,320,359 The City salary increase is lower than previously estimated due primarily to the transfer of the Landfill activity to a special fund and a shift of salaries in � several activities to Paving Plant Services. ' It should` be borne in mind that these Citysalary computations were made ; ' prior to the decisiori'to�, assess each fund to finance the cost of additional police officers and, therefore, the above figures do not consider the 1.466% reduction applied 'tto most activities. �" ,, r �.�,,,. ,....,,,�_ _ k,� � - , ;.=x.:r-;... ..:,.�-�..:r,---, . ... .... , � _ - • , • ,� ,� ,.� . • - • � - _ �_ ---- ._- - -7-= ,.. Additional Police Officers I have made provision in this budget for fifty (50) police officers in addi- tion to their authorized strength for 1967. In order to finance this cost, I have dis- , tributed $247;907 proportiona,tely among the departments and bureaus. This amounts to 1.466%, as outlined in a separate statement included in this report. This percentage of distribution would have been 3.24% instead of 1.466% had not the decision been made to use the entire $300,000 balance in the City surplus. � Official Publications " ' Your City Charter provides that all official actions of the Council must be published in the official paper. The cost of this item for 1968 is set at $70,000, an increase of $3,000. Electricity and Steam � ---�~"�� Additional electric current and the recent amendment of steam rates charged by NSP has also required additional appropriations. The total increased cost of this item throughout this budget is approximately $50,000. .-, Clothing allowance � � � This allowance for police officers was increased from�$�.00 to $10.00 a • month by ordinance, effective January 1, 1968. The estimated cost of this increased allowance included in this budget is $28,190 including Public Safety as well as Park Police. . Snow Removal With the assistance of increased State aid, the total budget for winter � street maintenance is set at $780,128, an increase of $30,128 over 1967. In reviewing • the level of service proposed for this service, it should be noted that increased emphasis is being placed on Snow Plowing and less emphasis on Snow Removal. In .� Honorable Mayor, President and Members of the City Council Page 4 September 29, 1967 addition, increased use of inechanical equipire nt has resulted in more effective use of the appropriations made available to them. �• Municipal Court • State law requires an annual appropriation of $7,500 for the services of a Psychiatrist to ad the court. As estimated balances which were previously used to supplement this appropriation have been used in adjusting ,the 1967 budget, it became obligatory to include the required $7,500 in this budget. , Financial Forms As no appropriation was made for this item in 1967 and as no unencumbered balance will be available, an appropriation of $25,000 is necessary in 1968 to finance ti�is operation. Wrecking Buildings Increased activity in this area and based on the best estimate of the � City Architect, $35,000 has been provided for this activity. This is an increase of $20,000 over the 1967_appropriation. r Deferred Costs -. ,- � , �,_ ._,� • ' — "' - In order to make proper provision for these mandatory costs, including total salary increases, and still stay within foreseeable revenues, it became neces- sary to defer certain obligations. This deferment practice has been used in previous years. To achieve this end, the assessments on exempt and forfeited properties due to the three special assessment funds have been deferred as well as a portion of the City's share of the cost of free openings at the Auditorum. These items may be sum- ma�ized as follows: __ _ _ _ _ _ Assessments-Exempt properties � $115,289.00 -Forfeited properties : 4;152.00 Auditorium Rentals-Balance due 40,667.00 ' Total $160,108.00 . , . i , Appropriations Outside of Charter Tax Levy Limitations By State law or Council action, the following appropriations are not subject to the Comptroller's �review or change: _ _ _ _ ___�_<-_r ��� - --- , � - - Public Welfare ' � .F� � The City's 27�% share of the cost of the operations of the Board of •� Public Welfare as adopted by your honorable body has been included at the approved � amount. This budget item of $4,614,481.00 reflects an increase of $599,064.00 over tl� 1967 budget item of $4,015,417.00. Detention Authority . - This budget item is submitted as presented to me without comment. Com- parable figures for 1967 and 1968 are as follows: .,. � . � ,Gross Budget � $497,036 $515,356 $18,320 _ ���� Less Depar-tmen_ttReceipts -. _ ' ' '37,367 - _ 32�,500 - - (4'867) - T"a'x Levy ` �:~ 459 669 $482,856 23 187 • �,. ' Employee Benefits Health and Welfare Estimated premium costs for 1968 including the costs for the additional police officers is $524,232. However, as there is presently a balance in this activity, I have set this 1968 appropriation at $394,232. This reduc- tion of $130,000 will be reflected in a reduction in the tax levy for this purpose. Honozable Mayor, President and Members of the City' Council Page 5 September 29, 1967 Severance Pay The tax levy limitation for severance pay purposes has been increased by an amendment to the State law at the request of your honorable body. This action of the legislature increased the tax levy limit from one fourth (1/4) mill to one half (1/2) mill for a period of four years. At that time, mandatory retirement will have been reduced to age sixty-five (65,) at which time the entire program will again be reviewed. This increased levy limit was requested to finance the actuarial def•icit in the fund by including approximately one-fourth (1/4) of this deficit each , year together with current annual costs; it is anticipated that by 1971 this activity . will be fully funded, �, ,, . ' Public Emp�oyees Retirement `F�nd= Major changes in this State-wide re- tirement fund have substantially increased the� City' s� costs for 1968. The appropria- tion for this purpose for 1968 is $1,581,330.;"which is an increase over the 1967 appro- priation of $869,118. Although there are many changes in this pension program, the major items affecting the City's share of expense is the removal of the ceiling on which pension contributions are based and the requirement that the City match the employees contribution monthly effective July 1, 1968 whereas presently it is done on a deferred annual basis, + � � Debt Obligations Total debt costs for 1968 have increased $1,440,129 over the 1967 ap- prppriation. After applying the funds presently in the Reserve for Retirement of Debt Obligations, in the amount of $428,000, the net increase to be provided by tax levy is $1,012,129. There are three major factors which caused this increase: 1. Estimated interest_costs in 1968 on the$7,675,000 bond_ sale_,to_be held on October 17, 1967. ' �� � � - � 2a A recommendation of the Long Range Capital Improvements Committee that the $4,000,000 in bonds authorized and to be sold this year for this purpose be offered for sale with a maturity limit of ten (10) years. $400,000 is included in the bond maturity appropriation for 1968. F 3. The depletion of the City's surplus, together with the reduction in the ' unencumbered balances has reduced the amount of funds available for investment and consequently a smaller amount of interest earned on investments which is applied to- wards reducing the tax levy for debt. � L � The following is a summary of the increases in these appropriations over _ which I have no control: ° ' Public Welfare $ 599,064 ,r- - Detention Authority 23,187 - - ''-'�'-""'� "'"�� Health and Welfare (122,848) ' Severance Pay 48,417 P.E.R,A. 869,118 Debt 1,012,129 $ 2,429,067 � . , Co�nent s Salaries . The salary for all City personnel, except statutory salaries, have been included in this budget for twenty-six (26) biweekly pay periods. It must be borne in mind that no calendar year is exactly twenty-six (26) biweekly periods and this fact will soon have to be recogniz`ed and proper provision made in future budgets to 0 t�l i I Honorable Mayor, President � and Members of the City Council Page .6 September 29, 1967 permit each budget to show annual salary costs and not just� the total biweekly costs. Capital Outlay Equipment appropriations of $250,000, as �required by section 201 of the City Charter, have been fully complied with. Included in these appropriations is an item of $20,000 for new parking meters. This is the third installment in a planned program of total meter replacement which was estimated to be spread over five or six years. $49,000 for automotive equipment in the Bureau of Fire Protection has been included in this budgeto In addition, by Council legislative action, all receipts by this bureau for fire protection service outside of the City limits are required to be placed in a separate Fire Equipment Trust Fund. Additional fire-fighting equipment may be purchased from this fund. Revenue from the State Fair Board and the University - of Minnesota, which presently amounts to $25,000 and is nao being used to finance operations, will also be credited to this trust fund effective in 1968. Council Investigation and Research As the Mayor is president of the City Council, and after consultation with the Mayor, it was deemed advisable to place this bureau under his supervision. r '�'+Fire Plans and Training School � • This is a new activity in the Bureau of Fire Protection. It is designed to assist the Chief in keeping the bureau up to date in fire fighting equipment and techniques, and training new personnel as neededo Refuse Disposal and Land Fill Presently this activity is financed partly as a budgeted item and partly from a special fund. Discussions were held on this program with the Chief Engineer a nd with the department accountant. It was agreed that this dual financing was not practical. The final conclusion is that this activity should be operated as a Public Service Fund; the proper fund to accomplish this decision will be established and will be effective January 1, 1968, There will no lon�er be an appropriation for this acti- vity in the budget. , Air Pollution ' - Approximately April 1, 1968, the capital outlay program of tlie Federal Government will be concluded and the program willti�en be considered as an operating activity. Federal participation will be reduced from 66-2/3% 'to a matching basis of 50%. The City is then obligated to increase its share from 33-1/3% to a �matching basis of 50%. This adjustment has been provided for in this budget. Municipal Court Presently the court fund is composed of two (2) activities -- the court functions and the traffic violations bureau. With the authority to issue summons for "code" violations, it became apparent that a third acti.vity or even the two existing activities are not practical. At the request of the court, all the court functions will be.included in one activity. As presently it is the policy of the court to rotate its personnel within"its various activities, this consolidation will simplify their budget records. ✓' _ _�.___ , , � � Honorable Mayor, President - , and Members of the City Council � Page 7 September 29, 1967 , Q � � � � . ,... Conclusions . � ' _ This budget as presented to you is �fully financed. All departments and bureaus should be able to continue to operate within the framework of available appro- ,, �_, • priationso , ,, - � . > > /. , , ' � . � j � � • r � t . • . � .,ti � � t � - l.�� = f . �� As has been previously mentioned, the clouded framework within which a deter- ' mination has to be made on taxable property valuations makes it impossible to estimate a meaningful city tax rate for 1968 at this time. In the process of reviewing and updating property tax relief interpretations and amounts as previously discussed, my staff and I� stand ready and available to as- sist you in your deliberations in any way we can. # , Respectfully submitted, . �� � � Joseph J. Mitchell City Coinptroller JJM/dn f � 1Y f L � � -d [ - . ��� �': ,. ` � S I � R _ . ' �• � • / . E i { E ; 1 , � � � � E . � ! • r• �. � 4 r , ' �T i' . SiJNII�1ARY Charter ti Code Charter Fund ' Amount 1.00 City Officers' Salaries � 105,600,00 2.00 � Mayor's Office Administration ' 60,555.00 2.01 City Pla�ining 1 183,010.00 2.02 Civil Defense - � � 130,78,2.00 - 2.03 Civil and Human Rights ��= 33,176.00 2.04 Publicity Bureau - - '� 14,600,00 , 3.00 Corporation; Counsel . � ' 402,976.00 • � 4.00 City Clerk� - Records � 144,815.00 4001 " " - Registration � ' . 39,267.00 5.00 Commissioner of Finazce � 306,184,00 6.00 Commissioner of Public Safety �.�188,325000 6.01 Police , 4;630,824.00 ` 6.02 Fire �' 4, 112,449.00 � 6.03 Police 'and Fire Alarm � : 311,443.00 6.04 Health ,' , - � -� � � � 885,063.00 - 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works ; , 4 1,296,063.00 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair 680,114.00 -�7•.02 Sewer- Mai;ntenance and Repair •�-� 396,270.00 7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning ' 1,909,951.00 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair 128,599.00 9.00 •- Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium , and Civic Buildings . 39,157.00 � 9.01 Public Library 1,266,628000 � 9.02 ' Auditorium 94,000.00 9.03 Stadia . 14,780.00 y 9.04 Civic Education Center „� 218�,548.00 --"`11:00 -�"��� '���C'omm`issiorier of� Public Utilities ~ ' ���' '''�� 215,895000 11.01 Public Lighting � 732,157.00 12.00 Water Department � 4,811,500.00 13.00 City Compt�roller � 170,253.00 , 13.01 Civil ServS.ce , - 170,871.00 � 14.00 Municipal �ourt -- , 3'49,453.00 ., _. 15.00 � � PurchasingLAgent - - ' - ' 147;521.00 -• 16.00 Couricil Investigation and Research Bureau _ None � 18.00'r Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and • � �� Public Buildings - 82,232,00 18"'O1 Public Parks and Recreation 1,918,494.00 ,�: . 18:02 Public Buildings 660,524.00 19.00 Elections � , � 165,046,00 20.00 Board of Pu�blic Welfare , /+,614,481.00 21.00 City Hall a�id Court House � 286,208.00 22.00 Detention Authority 515,356.00 25.00 Employee Benefits 3,369,953.00 26.00 Judgment and Compromise 9,853.00 , .27.00 Local Improvement Aid 900,000.00 28.00 . , Bond and Note Interest . 1,938,818000 30.00 Bond and Note Redemptions 2,121,750.00 35.00 General Fund � 594,356.00 - TOTAL 41,367,900,00 .i'� �_ , �- � , � � , � ii FINANCING SCHEDULE Estimated Revenue for 1968 ' Amount Sub Totals Totals REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES Appropriated in 1968 Budget Within Charter Limitations 12,075,000.00 Outside Charter Limitation 12,562,588.00 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes 24,637,588.00 Less: Personal Property Tax Relief 2,650,000.00 Tot�l Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes 21,987,588.00 PENALTIES ON PROPERTY TAXES 35,000.00 FOR�EITED PROPERTY TAX SALES'APPORTIONMENT � 25,000.00 SPECIAL TAXES - STATE COLLECTED ''' Bank Excise � 300,000.00 : Cigarette and Liquor 1,025,000.00 Sales and Use Tax (Additional Source) � 2,180,'340.00 .' Personal Property Tax Relief � . � � _ (Replaces Reduced Tax Levy) 2,650,000.00 Total� Special Taxes - State Collected ' 6, 155,340.00 � ��SPECIAL.TAXES - COUNTY COLLECTED � . ' Coal Dock Operator y _ ��� 200�OO�T,� , � a „ , Grain Tax � .. ._ - .: ... : -- ._ - " =- "=�'�"� ' 4,000.00 ' ��--�.--� -Mortgage Registry Tax 40,000.00 � v � . Total Special Taxes - County Collected 44,200.00 SPECIAL TAXES - CITY COLLECTED . Drug Store and Mortuary ' 4,750.00 Gross' Earnings Tax 2,400,000.00 ; Electric Energy Tax 12,500.00 '� i Total Special Taxes - City Collected i 2,417,250.00 PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES . • ' ' � 100,000.,00� LICENSES AND PERMITS Business Licenses ' 880,000.00 Cigarette Licenses 20,000.00 - � Dog Licenses 7,000.00 � , " Permits - Public Buildings 300,000,00 " - Other "�'"' 80,000.00 � Trade and Occupational Licenses - City Clerk 20,000.00 " " " �"- Public Buildings 25,000.00 Total Licenses and Permits '` '' 1,332,OOOo00 . � _ ` . . _ j Z 1 Z _ FINANCING SCHEDULE Estimated Revenue for 1968 Amount Sub Totals Totals FEES, FINES AND BAIL FORFEITS Fees - City Clerk 12,000.00 " - Conciliation Court 5,000.00 " - Municipal Court , 19,000.00 " - Health , ,,, , � - 31,000.00 " - Public Buildings � ' S0,000.00 " - Parking Meters 4Q0}000.00 Fines and Bail Forfeits � 760,000.00 Total Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits 1,277,000.00 � c RENTS AND MISCELLANEOUS • Rents - Board of Education (City's Share) 22,Q72.00 " - City and County r Credit Union " " ' 1,462.00 : " - Water Department " " 9,750.00 �3,284.00 � w Tnterest - Bank Balances , 90,000.00 ;:" Milk Inspection 40,000.00 Miscellaneous 20,000.00 , Services - Board of Education �.. 144,568.00 -- - -- -!' � - -�Water Department - - - -" ' 31,000.00 �. � � -_`. Total Rents and Miscellaneous ' , 358,852.00 ! '.__-- �� .. :� .� .. , y - ,, _� 'DEPARTMENT,RECF3PTS 5 See Schedule�_ _. 2,002,170.00 . ; - . � ' -.• _ � - . _.. " ,l' , y '���_ �. �':4'�� - a „ _..L �=^4s#�..i�,. .�...-�*__.' �� �- . . • - � ..-- -'_ _ ._ _-''.._.r..,� --�•� ' .— .. SELF-SUSTAINING BUREAUS „ Auditorium 94,000.00 Water Department 4,811,500.00 Total Self-Sustaining Bureaus 4,905,500.00 RESERVE FOR RETIREMENT OF DEBT OBLIGATIONS , 428,000.00 APPROPRIATED SURPLUS 300,000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUE '(Gross Budget) 41,367,900.00 .4� �� . I��J,,��� , � . �+7_' �Y� I�• • � . t � • �:j a ZV SCHEDULE OF DEPARTNIENT RECEIPTS , p , 1968 ' � , � � " Amount � 'Sub Totals � Totals ` GENERAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND ACCOUNTS . ' Civil Defense - Operations �� 68,,100.00 Corporation Counsel -- �' ;f . , Service to other gov't. .agencies 34,500.00 ' Miscellaneous 3,000.00 37,500.00 City Clerk - Records ___ Service to the public 1,500.00 City Clerk - Official Publications Service to the public 4 1,000.00 � . Aid from PeI.R. assessments 10,000.00 11,000.00 Department of Finance -- Aid from P.I.R. assessments-Clerical 20,000.00 " " " " -Postage 1,000.00 21�000.00 Comptroller -- � Service to other city agencies 7,000.00 Civil Service -- . ._ ServicesJ to other city agencies _ 4,000..00" , Purchasing -- ' `� ''�� - Service to other gov't. agencies � 48,790:00 ; 198,890.0_0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - "� ' __ .<-..;r-�._ _._1—.--- � - _ .:-r. . - � - - - Building Maintenance -- � ' w L''k^ Seryice to other city agencies f _ 28,167.00 ; ' ' Police -- � , , + � . Axd and grants - Fed. thru Civil Defense 2,165.00 '.. :� � Service to the public 11,850.00 f � �• . Service to other_ city agencies „ z-,..�_ . 10,_320..00 . , , -r _. �'s . -� "` � Service'to�other go'v't. agencies 10,165.00 . ~, Damage claim recoveries 5,000.00 39,500.00 Fire - Damage claim recoveries _ _ 750.00 � Police and Fire Alarm -- . '' Service to other city agencies 18,000:00 ` , Service to other gov't. agencies 2,000.00 • � � , � _ Aid - State Highway Maintenance 20,000.00 ' ' " - � Damage claim recoveries 13,000.00 53,000.00 -- Health - Aids and Grants - Federal '• 100,000.00 221,417.00 � DEPAR'�MENT OF 'PUBLIC WORKS � - Administration � ' • - � _ ' 2,000.00 '- . � �, Engineers -- �, . ` � ' T.,Service�-to"other- city agencies=`--��'-�' �+50,000.00 " Service to other gov't. agencies 95,000.00 - Service to private parties' . . S,OOOo00 550,000.00 Traffic Control -- ' Aid - State Highway Maintenance 25,000.00 Damage� claim recoveries , . 2,000.00 27,000.00 Paved Street Repairs -- ' Aid - State Highway Maintenance 110,000.00 , " - Municipal_ State Aid � 165,OOOe00 � Service to other city agencies 12,000.00 • � �y Service to the public � 10,000.00 •�J 297,000.00 Graded Street Repairs -- ' Aid - Municipal State Aid . ' • - 50,000.00 Service to other city agencies 20,000.00. � 70,000.00 - , , , ., , - , � „. � � r . V SCHEDULE OF DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS (continued) 1968 Amount Sub Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF 'PUBLIC WORKS (cont.) Sewer and Tunnel Repair -- Sewer maintenance � , 30,000.00 Miscellaneous , ; ` 10,Q00.00 40,000.00 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance -- Appropriation from Sewer Rental Fund ' 110,183.00 Cleaning Paved Streets -- � Aid - �Iunicipal State Aid 77,000.00 Snow Plowing -- Aid - State Highway Maintenance 54,000.00 Snow Removal - � Aid - Municipal State Aid 30,000.00 , Icy Street Control -- Aid - Municipal State F�id 30,000.00 Temporary Winter Street Repair -- � . " � ' Aid -_Municipal State Aid 15,000.00 Bridge Maintenance -- " Service to other gov't. agencies 2,500.00 ' Damage claim recoveries , 1,500.00 4,000.00 1;306,183.00 , . f DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES,. AUDITORIUM - ` ' • AND CIVIC BUILDINGS . Public Library -- ' � , . .Service to the public - .. ,; 53,000.00 ' ; � 'tMiscellaneous . � . _ ._ � , � '� , ° - 2,000.00 55,000.00 •_..�a;�;aa�..:`^�.�d^`_ �-�`""- oa r . -, _ a.-� •w �—•.'`•'�' ', •_ .' ...._�- .``'.� =' .:�.�.-4- _� •�_. n•�r+'4-!q���_ • .�.-a"�c.+W+-':.w-z-� --...� .^�: ''�' ......aK-_ !-+.'cb""aa.!^-I.�P."l��ah+•'^'r' :-DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC,-UTILITIES-—- = .-� � -- -- - `° • '� � � Air Pollution - Federal Aid ' 40,100.00 Public Utilities -- " Service to other city agencies 8,000.00 Rentals 11,580.00 19,580.00 Public Lighting Damage claim recoveries " 27,500.00 87,180.00 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION AND ' ` PUBLIC BUILDINGS . . _ Parks and ,Recreation -- � - Park Police fines - - - _ - 1�6,000.00 Service to other city_agencies - 20,000.00 � ' Miscellaneous 40,000.00 76,000.00 Public Buildings . Service to other city agencies 25,000.00 101,000.00 DETENTION AND CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY Appropriation from Authority's Receipt Fund 25,000.00 Service to other city agencies 7,500.00 32,500.00 ; � TOTAI, DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS ' , 2,002,170.00 � � � � � , � � , r � ,r• � ' , 1 , ' � s._ - � r `. ,� � * � ✓ ' � . _ `� - . _ � V1 ANALYSIS OF TAX LEVY � Collectible during 1968 �. . Estimated . Budget Net Tax ���t r� Appropriation Shrinkage Levy Charter I.imitation ` n 12,075,000.00 120,750.00 12,195,750.00� - .;r� ^�, Tax Levy (In Lieu of Monies and Credits) 182,•,000.00 1,820.00 " 183,820.00 Debt - General City Purposes .. " � 3',632,568.00 90,814.00 3,723,382.0 y ' � ' � Police Relief Association � ,� 481,312.00 4,813.00 486,125.00 �,. Firemen's Relief Association 601,640.00� 6,016.00 607,656.00 � Health Relief Association 24,066.00 241.00 24,307.00 Public Employees Retirement Assticiation 1,581,330.00 -- 1,581,330.00 , Public Welfare 4,614,481.00 46,145.00 4,660,626.00 , +. . Metropolitan Airports Commission , � -- , � -- -- t . . , , � � - - Health and Welfare `` ' ' 394,232.00 3,942.00 398,174.00 n�.. . Health and� Welfare - C.H, and C.H. 5,850.00 59.00 5,909,.00� ,...�._..�...-- ��„�ti----` ' �.. __'��,_ _ ._ .. - � _.-_ _ � .~- � ' �'Severance Pay � ;,�� ; � , 109,273.00 1,093.00 110,366.00 . F Unemployment Compensation ` �' . `L' 125,000.00 1,250.00 126,250,00 "�"�' Civil IS"efense -MSA=12:2'6,-'Subd, .2_ --��. .... _ �� _ 62,682.00 627.00 " 63,309.00 Detention Authority -- � Operation and Maintenance �` 458,216.00 4,582.00 462,798.00 Public Employees Retirement Assn. 21,625.00 -- 21,625.00 Teachers Retirement Funds ,3,015:00 30.00 3,045.00 �.,_ - Port-Authority - Operations ' � 36,098.p0 � 361.00 -,. 36,459.0 � _._ _ Public Examiner's Fee �, 25,000.00 250.00 25,250.0 Tort Liability ' , � .�125,000.00 �1,250.00' 126,250.00 Health and Welfare - Retirees •., f 53,100.00 531.00�.� 53,631.00 e ' ° ; - - 'Health and Welfare - Retirees-CeH. & C.H. t 1;500.00 ', .. 15:00 - 1,515.00� , '. ' i , � Publicity Bureau MSA 465.55 ,,; 14,600.00� , ,� 146.00 . 14,746.00� . �•G Charter Commission � -�, : 10,000.00. - 100.00 _ 10 100.00 � - � -`� � ' 24,637,588.00" �-�284,$35.00 ���`" 24,922,423.0 , MSA 475.61-5% Debt Excess Levy ' • -- �, 90,814.00* 90,814.00* � • � � . - 25,013,237.00 Less Estimated Personal Property. Tax Relief ' 2,650,000.00 -- ' ,� 2,650,000.00 ~ ' 21,987.588.00 375,649.00 - '' 22,363,237.00 , ., * Additional amount required to conform to MSA 475.6'1 which requires a levy for debt of 5% in excess of requirements. • ' �. - � �� ,+ . ` ..�, , viii ANALYSIS OF APPR�PRIATION ADJUSTMENT ' . � . �to � � � FINANCE 50 ADDITIONAL POLICE . ' , � Appropriation , � Gharter '�"�� ' . Before ', Code h - , Ad'ustment 1.00 City Officers ', Salaries � � - ' 105,600.0 2.00 Mayor's Offic'e Adminisfratiom� ' � , 61,456.00 � 2.01 � City P,lanning ? * . , ,�� 185,733.00 �"� 2.02 Civil De.fen'se � , � ., , � 130,782.00 �� • 2.03 Civil an`d ;Human Rights � . ' 33,670.00 2.04 Publ ic ity��ureau . . � ' •` '� , � ' � 14,600.00 3.00 Corporation� Counsel ; ,' �,� ' w.K . ' , ,407,112.00 , �• 4.00 - � City Glerk - Records :► r: �;':€'� ?; .- �.146,,�970.00 � 4.01 " � "�' � - Registration�� ' ' ' '` � 39,.851.00 5.00 Commiss ioner o,f iFinance ,,r, , . - 1 ` 310,740.00 _ . 6.00 Commissioner of"�Public Safety , ' T91,127.00 .6.01 ' Police � ' ;� , /�,382,917.00 } � 6.02 Fire `� ;�: � -' � 4,172,324.00 ' 6.03 Police arid �Fire Alarm � - • •' _ ' 316�,077.00 6.04 Health � . '�� � 898;232.00 � , 7.00 Commissioner of Public Works � .;;_ ` 1,315,347.00 � ' 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair �� � 690,233.00 ' 7.02 Sewer Maintenance and 'Repair -1} . • 400,527.00 -� ' , ' ' 7.03 Street and Sewer,Cleaning �.%1.• ki 1,926,•761.00�- , 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair''�' t , 130,'S12.00 ' � 9.00 Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium � - �_ :�a•�� . - ' and Civic Buildings_���� ___ .;� 39,7.40.00 . � '.:=. 9.0,1 Publ`ic +Library � � � � . ' 1,285,47:4.Ob , , 9� 02 �, �Auditorium� � � __ �' � -" `--- ' �-� 94,000.00 .i=... , `.9r.03��-�_�tsSt.adia�_, ��- .._.._ � -_-. � s - _ _.- ._:._..--_ , - -- _----��''_ �''--15;000.00�".�"'. � --_ 9.04 � - Civic Education Center� • � ' 221;800.OQ - . 11�.0'.0 � Commissioner of Public Utilit ies � � 219,107.Op '•`� ` 11.Qi Piiblic Lighting ; � � � � � ^ `�� � 743,.0��1:0.0� ' � 4,811,500.00 '• � 12.00 Water Department � � � �. i 13.0l0 _ 'City Comptrolle`r� � � � ''': , 172,786.00 ,,,,��z , 13,0�1����� Civil Service } �,, ,' � %�, 173,413.00 • � 14:00 ' Municipal Court � '« _ -:�:. " - �353,'120;00 - , , � � 15.00_, ? Purchasing Agent '� - 149,716.00�, • • �;;�16.00 - Council Investigation and Research Bureau � r ` None . � 18.00 Commissioner of Parks and �Recr.ezation and � __ �,�. ; ...._.,_ _. -� =- :�:� - '"� � ' ��""""'r " ` ' '�• " ' - ��`Public Buildings �'�� . r 83,455.�00 ' 1 ` . �,;,,- 18.01 Public Parks and Recreation , .j ' . • 1,944,807.00 18.02 ' Public Buildings , _ � � � � 670;352.00 - 19.00 Elections - • " � � ` �167,502.00 20.00 Board of Public, Welfare a�� � ' Yy4,614,481.00 21.00 City Hall and Court House `'4 < � � �� ' 290,466.00 22.00 Detention Authority , „ - � ' S15,356•.00 25.00 � Employee Benefits. _ .,,.. •� , _ . 3,369,953.00 � � 26.00 Judgment and Compromise '�. � . 10,000.00 27.00 Local Improvement Aid 900,000.00 � ' 28.00 ..,� Bond and Note Interest �� . 1,938,818.00 30.00 Bond and Note Redemptions !� . 2,121,750.00 � ��'�` 35.00 General F�nd � �C . 601,682.00 � ` 41,3Fz7,900.00 . ..ti�; . % - . " � -` • • , - • , �-�,��'� i . . � - - � � . - - i E , � `1 ' * . ,, , � ' . •,,. `• r j . � l.X ANALYSIS"OF APPROPRIATION A�JUSTI�NT ' •� _ ' • •• '- r . ' , ' _ _ ' � - '" - • t o . ., FINANCE 50 ADDITIONAL POLICE • � � .} Exempt Subject ° � Appropriation " from to � Adjustment�� , �' after Adjustment Ad_lustment (1.4660746%) , Adjustment 105,600.00 -- • -- 105,600.00 � ' -- 61,456.00 ' . 901.00 60,555.00 �, -- , 185,733.00 '2,723.00 � 183,010.00 130,782.00 - �._ -= � --: � ''� ,��, 130,782.00 -- ' ` �' -33,670.00-.- � �a� 494.00'� � 33,176.00 ` 14,600.00 -- -�° -- � T' 14,600.00 , 125,000.00 '�282;112.�00 4,136.00 402,976.00 -- 146,970.00 2,155.00 . . 144,815.00 -- - 39,851.00 , 584.00 - 39,267.00 -_ �� 310,740-.00 ,: 4,556.00 306,184.00 ' , -- 191,127.00 ' 2,802:00 � 188,325.00 4, 382, 917.00 -- � � __ 4,630�824,00�� 88,306.00 4,084,018.00 ,� 59,875.00 4,112,449.00 -- �, 316,077.00 4,634.00 ' , _311,443..00 =- - ' ~} -- 898,232.00 �' ' � 13,169.00 885,063.00 - -- 1,315,347.00� � 19,284.00 1,296,063.00 , - -- �� 690;233.00� � : 10,119.00 680,114.00 � - �� � 110,183.00 . 290,344..00 - 4,257.00 � . 396,270.00 - ` . � :. � ,, . 780,128..00 _., 1,146,633_.00.;• ;. ��w.,,, 16,810.00 � 1,909,951:00 �. " . r � "' 130,512.00�.� ..�, - 1,913.00 128,599.00 - , . �*- - , � , �, � ' -- ' . � 39,740.00. � � 583,:00 �39,157.00 ' � '` , � 1,285,474.00 �'��'- �-.�' �18,846 00 1',266,628.00 a - �: � _;. , - . 94,000.00 -- f `�a ' Y' ,A• .'' �� n��.,. , ' , 94,000.00 ; � . , • a ' - • � �15 000.00 , �`�� ,;; 22�'�00 14,780.00 . '� • R� ��.�� __ `. ' ',8 ' � ;����''�"- .' :, 3.,252 00-- ` Y�, 218 548.00 `•� . ;�._:,�.,,.�-�. --=�,:--,..-�'a,..�-�:..��. ..r�-�-�x-�='�1:;�Q.4;� .9 �_ �•-�=__� � :.�;,, � � - - . _T 219,107:00 .j �� 3,212.00`+ "C215;'895".00" ' : ' � -- 743,051.00 �j 10,894.00 J 732,157.00 4,811;500.00 -- -- ; 4,811,500.00 . -- 172,786.00 2,533.00 170,253.00 ,.. -- 173,413.00 2,542.00 } 170,871.00 � 103,000.00 250,120.00 3,667.00 - 349,453.00 � -- 149,716.00 2,195.00 � 147,521.;00,,,, ` -- None -- • None - - ' , - ." � • -- 83,455.00 . y,223.00 82,232.00 +��y�'� 150,000.00 1,794,807.00 :�� 26,313.00 . 1,918,494.00' � • -- 670,352.00_ _� _:: __. 9,828:00- r 660,524.00 � ' "Y '�� ' � 167;502.00 �� 2,456.00 ' ' 165,046.00 ' 4,614,481.00 , -- � -- ' 4,614,481.00 -- 290,466.00 �� 4,258.00 • 286,208.00 ' S15,356.00 � -- ,-�;,=- ; -515,356.00 ' � � 3,369,953.00� -- j -- �3,369,953.00 _ -- _ 10,000.00 j 147.00 9,853.00 900,000.00 -- ���. -- .,� 900,000.00 1,938,818.00 • -- , � -- � 1,938,818.00 2,121,750.00 • -- • -- , 2,121,750.00 101,950.00 499,732.00 ,°f 7,326.00 � 594,356.00 . ;; �24,.458,324.00 16;909,576.00 '' 247,907.00 41,367,900.00 � ,�� - .^ r� . .`�. ., * Includes $247,907.00 ; , ``.""'-• Cost�of 50 additional police office�s. . , r � ' �.:y'r,;�f� y 'r.Z;�,'Ct' Code • Approp.�iations Charter Classification , Titles Amounts Sub Totals � ,,'Totals � � ' ,:v,,• 1 � y¢'. 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES �, ' � . 0010 Charter or Statutory Salaries � � - � 131 Salaries - Elected Officia�"s-- ' • - Mayor ���"� L4,100.00 � Comptroller �� 13,500.00 � Councilmen (6) 78,000.00 � 105.600.00 _^ .� ' � ` � N • l . + v 'y�["• � �.� • . � • ♦ �. ; � . MAYOR'S OFFICE AD�ftNISTRATION ; � ����r,.:�t�' �.. �:�t�� � ` _ � ; .� '� , • , 2 . 0020 Administration F ,� •' : . � � ' 112 Salaries - Clexical� ''y' '];1",626:00 � � 136 " - Exempt � -..�7-,116.�00 28,742:00 ��` 201 Automobile Allowance �, �, '�900.00 � � - ' 202 Telephone _' . ' 1,600�.'00 . . ;'��.�...., __ 203 Postage � �� ' � 500:00 ��' ' . ' ., ,• , Y 223 Maint. & Repairs-Of�ice Eq, �ip. 100.00 � . � , _ . ,� 251 Dues, Memberships and Subs�rip. �' ' 6'00.00 ' ., ' , , •, • . 275 Duplicating Service ,- . � 50.00 3,750.00 �' ,; �� � ' • � �`? � 340 Office Supplies ' -r%��- r - - : - - �� ,. - 2,100°:00': ` �� � '", " � '-- - _'�"="���+475 Contingent Account � - �.6,000.00 � �'�''��' � �, „ '". ._ : � ' ' � 476 Council. and Le,gis. Exp. � �. : L00.00 _ 6,2.00.00 � 40.,79�2:00 .. ,� , �� . .... �, , lih,�ryfA}�� '..� t � . � � � ''li `' ' `• � � �... - ` ` i ' ^ � . � ',r�.�Y,,',-;.+r^�'-�.—.y+�w :+� �.• ' 1 0021 Council F�,��v'est;i,gation-and Rese "rch . ' ��� � " � � `�•`�'�" '� -f ' • " 112 Sala_ries = Cleri�ca�l +�; ". � � ;6,106 00 ` ��, �4,�.�'' . '!F , , . > , �S �'' . ._ 116 - ,,. . _ :� -, r - � ;•.� •- " ProfessionalV ��.� ` 11;668<�00 171;�774.00 '�'•' �'�_ -' - " ::,,�.''' 201�Automobile Allowance . � ` , " �` ;:540.00 , , �= __� ; _ , , •,;�.�.�:-_-�.�_� _ ` .'�U2 �Telephone� ._:_.r '"' -= .. ... �"" --..�-�.�' '='_400.00 � "'�- �- ' •� --� . . _ - - _ . + � 203 Postage � w i � 50.00 ' � 206 Pr int ing and�^Bind in �� � 300,00 , g , . � 223 Maintenance and Repairs �-j, ,,�.`: °� � , � - Office Equipment ,. � - = 150.00 -° , :� ., , , T�.,_ ... 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscr p.� '' „_ ,.., ��200.0,0,._,. �� ' ' - � -.' - :�;. . , . „ 275 Duplicating Services � ' 100000 _ 1,740000 ,,�,E : ; �4 'i� - 340 Office Supplies ' ` 1,000.00 r�5: . ° 349 Books and Periodicals �,�'�;� 150.00 1,150.00 •;` • 20,664.00 � � ,� � . � . � 61,456.00 , Less 1.466% ',�' ' , 901.00 � , , � , '� ` b0,555.00 . �- � . . , � , ..s,� . , `q . , ._ r* . . . .i _ • � .. $ _ r • _ � : _ �.. - 2.0�. 0022 City Planning . '`' , ��. , .112 Salaries - Clerical �,� �� '� 18,225.00 • ;�;;�� --z;,� a 116 " - Professional � - 44,416.00 ' 117 " - Subprofessional 21,`007.00 83,648.00 201 Automobile Allowance � ' 1,100.00 • - 202 Telephone and Telegraph 1,500.00 203 Postage � • ' � 200.00 _ ' 204 Travel •• : 900.00 �i� 206 Printing and Bindirg'� !� 500.00 223 Maint. and Repairs - � . � ' Office Equipment t� " ` :�• x250.00 ' • '{_ , _ ,: �x^+- . ,241'�Renta ls - Buildi=ngs�& Off'ice S.pace 15,000.00 �; ' ,.. ' , er j• , � _ � . . d; }' � , '�� .. " p" � _ � , 2 Code , Appropriations Charter Classification Titles ; Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 250 Blueprinting 600.00. • 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00 269 Misco Contractual Services� 10,000.00 30,350.00 340 Office Supplies • ;.` 700.00 342 Drafting Supplies 700.00 1,400.00 461 City Contribution � ,' S2,992.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. 500,00 168,890.00 0024 Capital Long Range Planning . 112 Salaries - Clerical � d 4,942000 116 " - Professional f �� 11,501000 16,443.00 , 203 Postage � � . 100.00n ; 206 Printing . - 50000 150000 ; 340 Office Supplies �, � � � ' 250.00 ., 16,843.00 - �� . . 185,733 0 00 ; Less 1.466% k; . � 2,723.00 • k 1�� _ � 183,010.00 � , � � �*���� 2.02 0025 Civil Defense ' • ' � 111 SaLaries - Attendance and� � , , �;Inspectional t 13,552,00 • ,: _, ___ " 112 " - Clerical '� �"T�" "� � ��2'6,221.00 - `' ^� � _ 116 " - Professional .. , 52,793.00 , , " 136 " - - Exempt _- f,'. 15,414 0 00 '�' � 143 Fees� - Educational . � " 700.00 108,680.00 . f r- -- - „- - �•,`� 201 Automobile Allowance ' S :°?'1',270.00 . ' :� �` ` 202 Telephone , a �.,4,'870 0 00 , ; � ' ''- � ' y 203 Postage .r ' ' " 1;2�20000 ' �:..._=:,�,__ - 204 Trave 1 -:���4-_?'- - �..�, �'��..�-,��-. _._ 2,�400.00 - . . � - 206 Printing and Binding $OOo00 � _ � 223 Maintenance and Repairs - ; ; � - Office Equipment _ � � 250,00 � � 225 Maintenance and Repairs ' � � . �� Motor Veh�icles �k 550.00 , .� 226 Maintenance��nd Repairs - �} , , . ' FC. • • � Machinery and Equipmentr J� 400000 � , l , y_ ' _ 227 Laundry ,_ � . _,� � � � 40.00 ' ,�*� w,rr, ' 241 Rent - �Bldg. & Office Space ; 6,OOOo00 / . �� '- ,� - 247 Office Equipment Rental �- .�`� -- " y 100,00 � -� - �-- • � i_- " � 249 Miscellaneous Rentals ;�, 12,00 � 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 110.00 • 265 Authorized Meetings � 50,00 269 Misc. Contractual Services ,_. �- 50v00 18,122,00 322 Motor Fue1 "+�"' • 860.00 340 Office Supplies ', 1,500,00 � 341 Clothing � 1,200.00 348 Ir_struction Supplies `� 150000 ' . 369 Miscellaneous Materials �. 270.00 3,980.00 130e782.00 - ' ��� Iw�. . M � f _� _ ,, .. '1 ., 2 s0,3��* 0027 Civil and Human Rights Commission _ �" },��I12 Salaries - Clerical � 6,479000 � ' � { �T 136 " - Exempt � ' � 23,251000 �'29,730000 , , . , r ; , ,'.a.� . , � ' � � - . , , . �,� , ' - , ti ,- f ..��• � , ` � ` ' -- - ..- - -- --- _ , . . � .__ _ ��.` L� , �' • • 3 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles � Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 201 Automobile Allowance ., 700.00 • � 202 Telephone l 470.00 . � 203 Postage (`� ' ' � 80:00 204 Travel � R ; �•� • 550.00 206 Printing and Binding 560.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , _ ; ���/'`^' Office Equipment � �,.�' " - 80.00 - 251 Dues, Memberships`-and—Subs�cr;ip. � l� 10,0.00 2,540.00 � 340 Office Supplies j'"�,,�'' �_r ,�� :`" • �� �� �300.00 348 Instruction Supglies -�•,- � � � • _900000 1,200.00 � 805 Capital Outlay ; "Furniture'� - :_ ' � ` and Appliances -- '� ..ti � � �� 200.00 33,670000 � Less 1.466% ." , � ',. ' �- , . . . . 494.00 ; � ��� "+ ' , � � , � ,., �. , - � , 33,176.00 . [ // / � ��� ' � �• , \��, , . � . ` � , _ � , . r , �� , . t " 2.04 0029 Municipal Publicity Bureau �'s . _ - - 136 .Salaries - Exempt � ' �. 12,000.00 . ,�� 201 Au.to Allowance " ��-:�� 900.00 � - ,, 202 Te�ephone 1 ,`• _ y� `��.,�,.,,�;:�'u.'' .200�:00°- � �1,100.00 � F �•�=� • � - 340 Office Suppli'es `�"� `"`�' ��`'� � - 1,500.00 � T4,600,00 , � - .� � . �; �` kr . . _ ; -�• � J' i ' �i.�\ .. �' },!^ . 1.. I �e� , � � i �R } i� , 1 \r i � SiJNlN1ARY - MAYOR'S OFFICE ��_ i ,, r �' (� � 2 Administration '; � "_ F , �,• �, 60,555.00 �' � 2.01 City Planning ''�� '� _ 183,010.00 , , 2.02 ' • Civil Defense � ' �j . '� 130,782,00 2.03 Civil and Human Rights Comm. , ' - 33,176.00 2.04 � Municipal Publicity Bureau ; `� J 14,600oU0 l '"�;� , ` - >` , �. � 422.123 e 00 - - - • ..' ,. _ , ..� _� w,i ;� ' - - . ..r�'N-=� � , - �i y� ' . r_ • K• y , • �� 3 ' CORPORATION COUNSEL �`�-- ' • � • ' 0030 Administration 1 112 Clerical � 55,233.00 � 136 Exempt 199,179.00 � 141 Fees - Legal � 4,000.00 258,412.00 � ,' 201 Auto Allowance , 900.00 ° 202 Telephone 4,000.00 203 Postage 600.00 • 204 Travel 1,000.00 � , 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , � Office Equipment 500.00 � �247 Rentals - Office Equipment ` 4,700.00 , '.` ` ': ° 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. 800.00 12,500.00 ' _ , 340 Office Supplies _ .�.�` � 2,500.00�^ � _ � , 349 Books and Periodicals - , �, �,. Law Library .,,, 4,200.00 6,700.00 ._ 801 Capital,.0utlay -.,Office Equipo 500.00 278, 112,00 :1 �� • }� . � �' ' �af � rlJS� �i , \ + � .�r-.. - -.a '�'•` i , `!t� � � _- . .� 1 , . �1 _ . ��' M��'� 4 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub�Totals Totals 0031 Codification of Ordinances 206 Printing and Binding 4,000.00 , � 0035 Tort Liability - MSA 466 136 Salaries - Exempt 16,639.00 141 Fees - Legal k 3,000.00 160 " - Medical 1,500.00 171 " - Investigation 16,000.00 37,139.00 ' 421 Judgments and Claims , 87,861.00 125,000.00 � 407,112.00 Less 1.466% of $282, 112:00 'k ' 4, 136.00 - v� . 402,976.00 .w.. ...: . , . , t � � .� � .� -,. � : , ^�� ., . . 4 CITY�'CLERK "� i � .,, . . _ , - . � � . .� _ . 004Q ',Records - � � -� � '. 1�2 Salaries - Clerica-1 • 60,291'.00,, '� 136 " - Exempt : = 12, 779.00 73,070.00 202 Telephone , ' -. , � 650.00• 203 Postage�� ' 600.00 � _ ' 204 Travel � . 400.00 � , ` . . � 206 Printing and Binding 200.00 � . 223 Office Equip.-Maintenance 400.00 � .. 251 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 � �� 275 Duplicating Services =-_t,�:..; 300.00 2,650.00 ' ' � 340,Office Supplies " '""�' 1,050.00 -�t`':� r' ,,,,,, :•'' ' 801 Capital Outlay - Office j:H�� 200:.00 76,970v00 '� _ �: �- 4 . .� _ - -- -x.: .. -- - - -� . ° '`- - , � , 'i , - . � ' � � � , �041 Official Publications - z. � � , � � 208 0 ficial Publications -' 70,000.00 �.� ,:� ; - �� "• �••' 146,970000 � . Less' 1.466% - '._� _ . , � ' � 2, 155,00 ��- : ' � �� " 144,815.00 . , , . ; # :;' r � � ; ;°r,;�'. _,� -�' . � ` ��_ ' . � �. - _+. � , � 4.01 0045 Registration � 112 Salaries - Cleri.cal i1 i 36,951.00 201 Automobile Allowance , � ; �� • 1;200.00 - 202 Telephone ✓ � 1,000.00 204 Travel ' ; 350.00 2,550.00 � 340 Office Supplies � 350.00 39,851.00 Less 1.466% , 584.00 - 39,267.00 . - - , - � . . ,� - } �, -�. . � N r- S�[JNINIARY - CITY CLERK • 4 �= , Records . . 144,815e00 ' �+.0,1 Registration : ' . ,. ..�,.,� ,, . ' : 39,267000 - '�;��„ , , ,�.»' �: " � --��";' � 184.082a00 �:� . � .. . - < . � _ . .,�.;�Y..�.,.., , • 5 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` 0050 Commissioner of Finance ; 112 Salaries - Clerical � 183,395.00 116 " - Professional ' 46,151.00 117 " - Subprofessional 25,855.00 • 136 " - Exempt 11,359.00 266,760.00 201 Automobile Allowance 4,300.00 202 Telephone a 2,900.00 _ 203 Po stage ` �� 4,500.00 . 204 Txavel � 2,000.00 . 206 Printing and Binding � } � 1,500.00 � 219 Misc. Communication & Transp. , 360.00 j;, ' 223 Office Equipment Maint. u 1,000.0.0 ;�' . , = 245 Rental - Motor Vehicles 660.00 � ' ` 247 " - Office E ui ment � ;;� 450.00 - Q _P � 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. • 400.00 ' , • " 260 Tabulating Services '=' 75.00 � 261 Insurance and Bonds . . . 200.00t � ' � ., 275 Duplicating Services -, `750.00. J 19,095.00 . - 340 Office Supplies 3,800.00 . ,` ��42 Drafting Supplies ' 200.00 "'4,000.00 . �` -�801 Capital Outlay - Offi�ce,�Equ2�p.- � , 1;000.00 "- _ .4,. _. , - " ' :��805 Capital Outlay_-' Furniture . �, � � 500.00 � �� 1,500.00 291,355:00 - �ti - ,4��� a� .�:.: . . ,� . � _ _.. 0051_.,- Parking Meter Service._ - «- • �.; _..�.�•�d'°• 111 Salaries - Attendance� and K ` � ' ' --� .,��� - � � Inspectional � ' 18,755.00 201 Automobi�e Allowance y� ; 480.00 � � 340 Office Supplies � . f , 25.00 341 Clothing (Uniforms) 125.00 150.00 19,385.00 " . ," 310,740.00 Less 1.466% _ 4,556.00 �•� ' ' - - 306,184.00 _ , , i: -�. Y ' �. _ � �a . - -- ' + - '"- � " - I � r i � ! � , f, _ 6 Code • Appropriations CharteX Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals DEPARTME�TT OF PUBLIC SAk'ETY , e 6 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY 0100 Administration 112 Salaries - Clerical ' 25,508.00 '"116 " - Professional 12,378.00 136 " - Exempt 11,359.00 49,245.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 202 Telephone , 1,700.00 " . 203 Postage _. 500.00� ,.., 204 Travel 250.00� , " ,.,. 206 Printing and Binding 250.00 , �� � � 223 Office Equipment Maint. 25.00 251 Dues, Memberships & SubscrLp. 25.00 4,550.00 340 Office Supplies ��` 125.00 801 Capi�al Outlay - Office Eq�ip:"` � 500.00 •54,420.0'0 � ' . ' - , � , • � . ` -- 0101 Building Maintenance " �- . 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 114,457.00 � , 220 Gas and Electricity , 14,500.00 , 221 Water� and Sewer Rental °� � 1,350:00 ' �' • 226 Machinery and Equip. ,Maint. ' �� 600.00 . 227 Laundry ., `- " � �1,600.00 ' `R" # - . 232 Elevator Maintenance �� �' 150.00 , r � - 239 Misc. Maintenance &- Repair� �.. 100.00_.,,�- •.� _. '� ' 272 Paving Plant Services ��°�` " _ - 250.00 18,550.00 . '' :+'�. '��` 301 Custodial Supplies , '� , 700.00 ' - ' • ••� 302 Plumbing Supplies � � 100.00 ' • � • � - 303 Paint Supplies � 350.00 ' • " � ' :� _ 304 Electrical Supplies . � -= 350.00 ' " .. ,, 305 �Heating Fuel's , ' - ' �' . -�1,500.00 "_ ", 313 Carpentry Ma�t#erials �r-� � �� - "s`200.00 ' 319 Misc. Maintenance` - Supplies " • - -�� 250.00 f i `� �- . - , .�:324 �Small Topls . . =��:•.,, ` � �.��+ _ ,., . ' �s_,•100.00 3,550.00 :� . , 802 Capital �Outlay,-,'�Shop Equi '�. Y , 150.00 136,707.00 :, � 191, 127.00 Less 1.466% y , ' � - 2,802.00• � , ' , • ` �. ' ' 188.325.00 � . • � �.�� , � i - . , - " ..,..., ... , , . : _ ,,, " �" �_ ' , ' , .� � . -,.,. � . ,,. 6.01 POLICE . ' -���� - 0110 Administration � , i' � 112 Sala�ri:es - Clerical , . 5,467.00 115 " - Police �� 83,314.00 136 " - Exempt : � 17,638.00 106,419.00 202 Telephone 22,050.00 - , 203 Postage � 1,200.00 204 Travel 425.00 ` � 207 'Advertising F 200.00 226rMachinery and Equip. Maint� 2,280.00 239�Misc. Maint. and Repairs � 800.00 r ; . 1 i ^ � • � Code , *,.,,� Appropriations Charter Classification Titles'—� �• � "`"�' Amounts Sub Totals • Totals i S ��_�� . � y', 251 Dues, Memberships & Subs'c�p `} � 600.00 265 Authorized Meeting Expenses 250.00 ,,,t 273 CriminalalnvestigatiQn , � _ 300.00 28,105.00 , . 340 Office Supplies , ' 100.00 � . 343 Household Supplies 300.00 . . 349 Books and Periodicals � 300.00 ,:>: 700.00 ,, 805 Capital Outlay - Furni�ture & Appl., . 100.00 135,324.00 , , � � '� _ • _;. , , . . r,. . . • i 011l License=l5ivision �' ' - f 112 Sal:aries - Clerical� ; �h 7,087.00 �' 115 �;,k�'! _ Police ' 34,252.00 � . 136 � " , - Exempt � � , ' 12,379.00 ,, 553,'718.00 . - 201 Automobile Allowance , ' . } 4,200.00 801 Capit�al�'Outlay - Office Equip. '� • `450.00 58;368.00 + � ', , . � * � _ . 0112 Uniformed�Division ^ � �� ' � • � � ` - 112 Sal�ries - .Cleri�cal � � t� 10,637.00 � 115 ' "" '- Police `w : 2,465.,29.7..00 2,475,934.00 �� ' � y . 201 Automobile Allowance _ .-�� � 900.00 � _ . r' 340 Office Suppli�es ` . : _ 100.00 � - ; 341 Clothing ,�: �' � -�j 42,480.00 . . � , ` ' •� ` -r � 344 Medical and Denta-I;��Supplies" j`r�'���- 800.00_� �..* - 4 �- . .� � y r 352 Law Enforcement Supplies , " j 6,000.00 49,380.00 2,526,214.00 ' '• . . � _ . . ••f • _ :'� � X • , . ' ,:i�-•�� � �� ; ,_ t � ' . � . . � 011�2 _Uniformed Div. ,- 50 Additional Police -� � _ _„ =-�-r'�_.1,15_Sala-r�es�=�,(Juiy�l;-�1968)��'� �-.r. '�206,657-.00.�-� �;^ --� -. ��-,� •Y�. . . 144 Fees - Psychiatrist� ��'' 1',750:00 • . ; -� ' - 145 " - Personnel �!, 1;500.00 209,907.00,- , 225 Maintenance - Motor Vehicles ., 2,625.00 ' �" 241� Building Rental - Training Classes' 700.00 3,325.00 f ' 322 Motor Fuel ' '� . 3,675.00 ' � � . 341 Cloth�irig - Uniform Allowance . ,� 1,750.00 _ . - _. , � .._ � � - , 348 Instruction Supplies 200.00 5,625.00 ' � � 803 Capital Outlay - Auto..Equip. ' Squads , , , - 20,000.00 � , , _ s . . . . , , Li.ghts and Sirens - 2,500.00 . � � -,, , � ' Shot Guns � - � 550.OQ � 23,050.00 • ' ��'� 807 rCapi��tal :�Qutlay - 'R�dio � 6,000.00_ ^29,050.00 247,907.00 �. . , {, . � s 0113 D�tective Divi�sion f • " _ 112 Salaries -vClerical . j 11,398.00 . 4 �� � 115 -" - -�Police- ` �? 638,997.00 , 145 Fees - Personnel�� � 900.00 651,295.00 , 273 Criminal In�,�restigation ; i � 300.00 , 340 Office Supplies , � . � -��"' ' � � ' , �.� 200.00 ' 341 Clothing 4 �,{ r' ' � 9,800.00 10,000.00 ,:� .e , 801 Capital Outlay - dffice Equip. '� 2,500.00 664,095.00 . . � A �. . � - •N Y • � �.� - ' v' :. � ' � 0114 Staff and In�peet'ion �� ` _ „ 112""Salaries - Clerical ' ' 201,081.00 „ ' ; 115 " - Police � ° 538,055.00 ' �' _=- ' +� 116 " - Pro'�'essional � � ' 30,380.00 ;;- � . �' ��� � 144 .Fees �-�'Psycliiatrist" - _ � ' �s 1,000.00 770,516.00 - 1 � K . i, t_ i" � , ���k. ,� �6' '` 't . �.e. �.,e.. t • ---- ' • +: . ` `-^' _.. •- , :, � ` 8 , , Code � Appropriations Charter Classification Titles j Amounts Sub Totals Totals � � 206 Printing and Binding '� � 600.00 220 Electricity 300.00 � 223 Maint. of Equip. - Office � ' ` - 250.00 225 " " "- =t`Moto'r'Vehicle - 60,000.00 227 Laundry . • ` � • � ' � �'t 300.00 , �.241'Rental-BTdg.j & Office Space ; 60.00 242 " -Data Processing Equipo '� 6,480.00 245 " -Motor Vehicles . � 19,560.00 ` 247 " -Office Equipment � � 3;SOOo00 - 264 Police Trai,ning Schools 4, 100.00 95,150.00 . 322 Motor Fuels - 55,000.00 � ; 326 Radio Mai�t: and Supplies _ � 3,250.00 ` , ; 340 Office Supplies ,- . 12,000.00 +, ,. •• , 345 Chem._and Lab. Supplies - � ,' 3,000.00 346 Food . �- ' ;. 2,500.00 � 348 Instruction Supplies �; . 500.00 � 370 Photo Supplies � 3,000.00 79,250.00 801 Capital Outlay-Office Equipment 1,500.00 , 803 " " • • -Automotive Equip. 50,000.00 , ,..- � , 807 " " -Radio . ' 2,500..00 54,000.00 998,916000 J '" 4,630,824.00 .f�, '�- u • ' , �. , r• �f �r , ` ' r yF..4. s,� _ -'�'f f �•- , � '-- ___" .... - __ " �— _ _ -,�.�,_. - .—.- . . .._ .r._ "- . .. ; ,_ - _ _�,_ � 'S^ ' � ` .�' �. 5 " e�„�,_ '` , ,-, � � '' , ' -1�-�..6.:02. F.IRE+�-1..�--_ • . , � _ . � _---._,,�s •. - , , - - �_ - - 0140 , Administration - � . + � _ 112 Salaries - Clerical , 6,287.00 , 113 " -.Fire . � 170,811.00 136 .'= -�Exempt { , � - -31;986.00-_:" 209,084.'00` - - • 204 Travel • � ' t 500.00 � �'r- 206 Printing and .Binding �� 300.00 223 Office Equipment Maint. 50.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair � 25.00 875.00 340 Office Supplies ,- ., 'a4'�300 00 � " 349 Books and Periodicals � 150.00 450.00 210,409.00 . ,. �� ; � 0141 Fire Prevention � 112 Salaries - Clerical � 8,485.00 113 " - Fire � � 112,182.00 120,667.00 201 Automobile Allaaance 9,800.00 . ' , 204 Travel 400.00 . 206 Printing:and�. Binding-� ., � 150.00 10,350.00 � 340 Office �Supp`I�ies � � 200.00 _ 131,217000 - - � . .. ,.r- , r - ' , �. , . t � . f 11 , 0142 Fire Fighting _ ' �„ ,F:,_��,__.�,�,��;:,,t� -- _,- .. -. + , ' 113 Salaries - Fire y J 3 492 563.00 ' - � 225 Equip. Maint. - Motor Vehicles � 1���r� 52,000.00 • �� ��,°� - 301 Janitor Supplies � • 350.0.0 ' ;, • 322 .Motor Fuel � �` a,� „ 11,000.00 4 , ' �° ' • " ' 324 Small Tools ; Y - 50000� ,'" -�,- 340 Office Supplies'�'�� ��s .�° �#,p �� '� I.00o00.� , � � � - .'�. , :. , , _341�Glotliing '� 4 '�' ..-.�`_ � 4,000.00` � , . ---� � �343�Household Supplies. � ' -:;f:• ���� � 3,000.00 � . � - `-.,_ = � 356�,Fize Fighting Supp�lies � "�.�,�^.w ; =t°:�+;000.0,0 22,500.00 -- �—.._�• tr t . ' • � �. :. . ��r. » ... ., - . � '^y- .:4;H."-:� , . '., ' . 9 . " Code • Appropriations - Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals ,• �� . � 803 Capital Outlay - Auto Equip. ' 49,000.00 ; 821 " " - New Hose ' 6,000.00 55,000.00 3,622,063.00 � Note: Additional equipment may be ` purchased from Special Fund - � � 5140 - Fire Fighting E�quipment, � ; `_ �1 �- �-L"�...'�...�.^ �--•—•--r...-�.�.�.��.�.��f..� . ' . .e�'R . �� `. 0143 Station Maintenance L � � 101 Salaries - Ungraded 4 46,156.00 ' 114 ' " - Manual & Maint. �s " 7.,241:00 53,397.00 .. 202 Telephone 3,000.00 . , , ' 220 Gas and Electricity �26,000.00 • 221 Water and Sewer Rental � 2,000.00 ' � + , 222 Sanitary Services , �� 50.00 31,050.00 302 Plumbing Supplies � 400.00 , 303 Pa int Suppl ies ,., ,, „ . , 600.00 , . „ . ' 304 Electrical Sv:pplies �' 750.00 • •� 313 Carpentry Materials � " 500.00 - � ` , 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies � � 500.00 � °y � 340 Office Supplies -� a 100.00 2,850.00 87 297.00�` , ;� + . +C;,, �� . -,� -t _ - 0144 � j•Radio Division � ;� ' ' �� �26 Machinery and Equip. Maint. , , 5,000.00 .� 807 Capital Outlay - Radio , ,f �� 3,900.00 8,900:00 , •t� . . � . . �-`� '� . > , • ,' • .� � 0145 �a�, Fire Hydrant s , � - '-� � , - „ ' - --ti-- � • . _� �� ;� � . 244 �Fire HXdrant .Maintenance--� ' � • �`-• �� . � 77 .74,1.QO -� ti ...,_.�� _ r--,.a_. — . - ., -. '� -ti"'r." w- -- --- � "`J " 721 Fire Hydrant Installations � � - ` � 10,565.00 88,306.00 �__' 3- � '- _'" ' . . .�.........' r��.� �w . � � .� � , ' ." "'�� �- ' " - � 0146 F�ire Plans and Training School . 113 Salaries - Fire � 20,532.00 � 144,Fees - Psychiatrist 250.00 20,782.00 . � 204 Travel � ,50Q.00 � � 206 Printing and Binding � ' 300.00 � " � - - 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair t 200.00r . . - 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 50.00 1,050.00 . � -�� 340 Office Supplies ' �" , , " , 200.00 , � ` , � ' • � 348 Instruction Supplies �� 150.00 ' . 349 Books and Periodicals ' 200.00 •• - • �� 370 Photo Supplies + - 500.00 1,050.00 , ' , , � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip._ ' 375°00 ,,• - ,• ,��. 805 " " - Furniture & Appl. ;200.00 �,,�,;� . . � • ' 806 � " " - Instructional Equip. ��"675.00 �'1;250.00� 24,132.00 ' � ', _ ° � - 4,172,324,00 Less 1.466% of $4,084;018.00 59,875°00 r� ' 4,112,449.00 . . . " � , � � , � � � +{ ' ,K,..,,x.-- .;y-,�,.,.�-�-�...s..��.n.a... � -- ♦i�o.�r ..�,�....,�,..... f ,� � � � ' � '� ' . ., 1 r y , • I �, 1 - . R 1� � ' Code � Appropriations Charter Classification Titles � Amounts Sub Totals Totals 6.03 POLICE AND FIRE ALARM � 0170 Administrati�,on and Operations ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded 22,340.00 112 " - Clerical 4,170.00 113 " - Fire 91,122.00 117,632.00 202 Telephorie � - - , , 10,500.00�•'" 206 Printing and Binding . ^ ;� , 100.00 223 Maintenance,and Repairs - r ' � ' � Office Equipment � . . 100.00 , t 224 Maintenance and Repairs - - � , , ' � � �`:,�" Buildings and Structures � � 100.00 * .__' 225 Maintenance and Repaixs, - , - - , ' Motor Vehicles', , !� 3,500.00 f+. ' ' 249 Miscellaneous Rentals �� ' S0.00 14,350:00 , � :� 313 Carp'entry�Material's ' 100.00 • �-�, 324 Small Tools� � L� '750.00 - � � • '340 Offi.ce�Supplies +� > � 200.00 � " 349 Books and Periodicals r� .�` . ' ���75:00 1,125.00 ,=�� � 803 C�pital"Outlay - Automotive Eq#ip. -" � 2,500.00 ��135,607000 ---�_.� ! - s.. . , + � , � ��: ° r � ; ' "� � � �i° � .. , ' , _ 0171 Traffic Signal Mainte�nance ; � • •-, t='Y"� °' ' " � -- ��� 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 112,470.00 ` ' 220`Electricity ,�'r 40,000.00 . 226 Maintenance and Repair - �� '° ; Machinery and. Equipment �� � � 1,000.00 41,000.00 ��� "�f•� 304 Electrical Supplies {` 5,000.00 � . _ , _ ; ____ Y, . 306 Traffic�Signal. Parts - - ��, ' 21,000.00 ' ' ; "' � 316 Fire Alarm Repair Materials �� � * ' 1,000.00 27,000.00 180,470.00 �f '° - '. � ^ _ �l � - 316,077.00 � � • Less, 1.'466% -- ! r _ 4,634.00 °. ; ''� - ' ,• � ;,�� ' , - 311,443.00 � =-�-_`= _ _ .. L� �_ --- - \ - -�• � -�. y =.ir: , „_:�— •- -•-- -- •�,-• -•�'- '9�-'"��esrsi�.- F • . _. - � '�i.�:� . . � h t j'� � . . � ±�'' . . "�f' 6.0� ^'�HEALTH ; �.-, - . , . . . ., , � .�"'�� ; ► � ��k�l:;�`�., 0180 Administration '� * s` . ,-� 112 Salaries - Clerical� , ,'�"��''�'�� k' ''�� 38,528.00 . / � . . � 116 ' " =�'- Prof'e,'ssiorial`-, � . 16,639.00� J . 136 � " f �- Exempt ` � � , 23,031.00 78,198.00 � ' 201 Automob�ile Allowance � ' . L, 2, 100.00 , _ _= - , 203 Postage < �'� ' - . 3,200.00 � • 204 Trave 1 k �'� . , ', 500 e 00 , - . . 206 Printing and Binding � 50'0,00 ° 223 Maintenance and Repairs - - ; .,: . . OfficesEquip. and Furniture ,,��300.00 - - ' � " 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � �>� -'�� �''�� � . • � �. �`��'� ' Machii�e.ry and E�quipment"�'��'i, .�' 'n' 300.00 � 227 Laundry .� K�� .��" ' :` � 200.00 ,, • 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. �S� 125.00 7,225.00 - . ' 329 Misce Machinery arid Equip.- �� ; !� Parts,and Supplies ' 150.00 a - • 340 Office Supplies 3,500.00 s r� • � . . 1 � /� • � .3� w F1 • � �,� - ': Kk . - " .��y, ��A ' i ,{ i � ' ' _ • _ t Z - r _ Code � , Appropriations 11 Charter Clas'sification Titles � Amounts � Sub Totals Totals �� � 349 Books and Periodicals ; ` � 100.00 370 Photo Supplies 100.00 - 3,850.00 801 CapitaT Outlay - Office Equip. � 300.00 89,573.00 0181 Vital Statistics , 112 Salaries - Clerical 51,468.00 226 Maintenance and Repair - Machinery and Equipment • — 100.00 340 Office Supplies , 500.00 52,068.00 � .., � ' . t-� 0182 ��-,Promotion of Health - Schools � 112 Salaries - Clerical - Promotion ; �. ` of Health f 21,572.00 116 " - Prof. - " 156,644.00 . 116 " - " - Dental Health 21,861.00 117 " - Subprofessional � '� � ' � Promotion o�f Health 45,067.00 245,144.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance, � 6,000.00 � 206 Printing and Binding , 400.00 . ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs -- ' � � Machinery and Equipinent 100.00 ' 227 Laundry : � 1,600.00 251 Dues,-�Membe�rships & .Subscrip. 50.00 8,150.00 . 329 Maint. and Operation of Mach. � � �� and Equip.- Parts & Supplies s,�, _ .- 100.00 _ _ y .� __,._ __ ._ � _ �� ��'� 340 Office Supplies� ` � 400.00� - - � ; 344 Medical & Den.tal Supplies 3,000:00 ' �' „ � � f �_ 348 Instruction Supplies � ' 150.00 .. ' - � r� 349 Books arid Per`iodicals �, ' �� �=_�50�:00���; 3,700.00 256,994.00 ..:+ t�. ..',, T, �' b,�_ �._` "•,,... #I . � �f � • ��_ � .. ,�+ � .- �_.aq.ti.✓:. . ..a�-`— — y'.�• ' �:it..� • ':-�=�s'� � .. . _� , ! �. - -�� 0183 -Food Regulation , ' ;� ' � ' lr2 Salaries ,- 'Clerical � 10,047.00 �- , 116 " -;Professional 72,842.00 82,889.00 . 201 Automobile Allowance � S 4,10;0.00 • �,- , 204'Travel ' �I � 200.00 _ -� - � • " 245. Rental - Motor Vehicles ` 1,900.00 ' - . � �- 251 Dues, Memberships, and Subs�ri�3:-`a" -• 50.00 ',6,250 00 , � , - , � 322 Motor Fuel , ' �" � 1,800.00 , _-_ �3�40 Office Supplies �� � � �� ,�;,:�: ' ~ ri- ' 300.00. 2,100.00 91,239..00 , � r . �,� ' . , � � . , ,..i ,' _ ��� - ' �' 0184. Medical and Inspeetional�-, t. • ' ' z , 112 Salaries - Clerical+ " � . 8.,,562.00 � ". - 116 " -' Professional " ;, 73.,383.00 81,945.00 • • , - � 201 Auto Allowance . �;� � �� -' 3,600.00 � ' - • ' ' 206 Printing and Binding + '� ' S0.00 ` ., , 227 Laundry ' - � � •�� 100.00 '" `�" ,'. 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip. . 50.00 3,800000 304 Office Supplies � � �` ' � .�� 200.00 85,945,00 , �-^ s�' e - � � f Y e . �. � , , 0�185 � Tuberculosis � • ��,` 112, Salaries - Clerical 15,615.00 ' ;,� ;� � 116 " , - Professional � 86,629.00 , , ,' . � 117 " ��;w - Subprofessional � ' 6,301.00 108,545.00 • `j" , :',, ' ' ? � ~M�'{ _ _ -- t :f; . . . 12 � 'Code , ' Anpropriations Charter Classification Titles � Amounts Sub Totals Totals �* 201 Auto Allowance � 2,500.00 206 Printing and Binding � 200.00 ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - - - • ' ' � .Machinery and Equipment 100.00 ' 227 Laundry . �, 600.00 3,400.00 340 Office,Supplies � ' 100.00 � 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 1,600.00 1,700.00 113,645.00 . � ' 0186 Building Maintenance ' 202 Telephone a . 7,000.00 � • 220 Gas and Electricity � 7,000.00 ' 221 Water and Sewer Rental ti� 900.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � - Machinery and Equipmerit 200.00 227 Laundry � ,�' 250.00,{ . 229 Airconditioning Maintenance 100.00 x - 232 Elevator Maintenance z 50.00 236 Custodial Services j� 28,167.00 � � 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair .. 500.00 44,167.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies •�'' �� _ �r .7,50.00 � " _ 302 Maint. and Operation of Bldg. , � and Imp. Plumbing _ 50.00 304 Maint. and Oper�tion of Bldg. � '� ' and Imp. Elect'rical , 100.00 � � '• 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Gas � 800:00 .---- --" ' ' - . � 324 Small Tools -4 � � ''� � � 100.00 � �,_ ;'_r•�:�_.,;..°� 329 Misc. Machine'ry and Equipment - ' ', , ,_ �� - n. , � _k:-.Part�s �.and �Supplies, ' _� 100.00,� 1,900.00 46,067.00 �_ .. _.. '- ... _ a.. , ` • T,�_.r�" k ' ^ t+ L1 - ,. ,.. _. _.a . ._• � • .." 3: .::, ' �"1•'i.. �-.�. �{ " . .. . �.. �, ... ; .� , ' � - � - 0187_� Health Laborat`ory ' ��� �" ° �- � � . T. - . +_ ` .� 112 Salaries - Clerical 5,4210.00 116 " - Professional ; 28,237:00 33,658.00 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � . � _ � ' Machi_nery and Equipment ; � � 1�00.00 227 Laundry , ° �r 650.00 • 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 25.00 � 775.00 . ,�..:. -�,� - 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. �� ' " �� - " , Parts and Su lies,�;y T ��, q�, 4, 100.00 ,.�: _ .�. .,:PP :.. , 345�Lalioratory Supplies ' � �-°.y� � ' ���1;`400:00 1,500.00 35,933.00 . . r , , 0188 Dog-License Enforcement , , � 111 Salarie`s - Attendance & Inspec. 4 � �� 21,650.00 � ,r - 202 Te lephone � ,�. �; , 200�00� ' , � . 220 Gas ,and Electricity' � • 500:00 �`;• - --- 221 Water and Sewe�r Rental �,,. '` 50.00 ` - " , �225�Maintenance Tand Repairs,.- �-•°,`! • � _ ,;�� .,.�. �� „�� � ' •� � Motor Vehicle �• i� ' � � � ' 1,500�.00 ' 226 Maintenance and- Re air.s 1 '" �,� � ': � �,� P: - . `' Machinery & Equipment � 400.'"Q0� :}" . ,.,,�.• 227 Maintenance and Repairs - ` , ` ��� Laundry • ; 50.00' � 2,700.00 301 Janitor, and San. Supplies r 100.00 T !340 Office Supplies ' �'s. 50.00 ' � `�'�;`' 345 Chemical and Lab. Suppli,es � °i�,,��200.00 �, �346 Food � "•. 250.00 600.00 24,950.00 � � ;{ - .� - - }. r •�x =.,, ; � � , .� .,,;� a. .�. t��� ,' . ' � ":-' , ' � '" •r� �? , < Code Appropriations 13 Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0189 Housing Inspection 112 Salaries - Clerical 18,288.00 116 " - Professional 79,539.00 97,818.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 4,000.00 206 Printing and Binding 100.00 4,100.00 101,818.00 . . 898,232.00 Less 1.466% / 13,169.00 � 885,063,00 � � ', � � i . . SUNINIARY - DEPARTNIENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY � " ^ 6 Commissioner of Public Safety � , 188,325.00 6.01 Police f ._ . 4,630,824.00 6.02 Fire ; 4,112,449.00 6.03 Police and Fire Alarm . 311,443.00 6.04 Health ' . � 885,063.00 10,128,104.00 T ' , �� • '- I 17� , .i� { � , ' • Q ` T R .. � . � ' • V.J * � , ^ � � '/ �� �:]f4I._ �, � ' � . . � ./ . �_ " x�... •a_ i_• � � ��' � •'" J -"J`' , � - '`Y} s � . s._..r „ �,_ , A. 1 ._, �...a)' _ , �,f-.,.-.......� - ��..0n,` ,�. ..4 .. �.. .s..�..LL. .rr. ""'�' -•d�.+�.-.�---�� �• + ..., `✓ _ `e " ' '- — -• - � _ -� - -- ' M .. , / Y • � / • � / / a'��'4/ L • i / , ' / ��.�'^ � ��'� • 1 1 ♦ �� ' �' Y � T+'� _ 14 � Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles � Amounts Sub Totals Totals DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS " ' , _.__ . --- �--�-�� ---__ . -. � - • - 0200 Administration • 112 Salaries - Clerical 41,718.00 - 116 " / - Professional , 22,944:00 136 " - Exempt � 11,359a00 76,021.00 201 Automobile Allowance ; 1, 700.00 202 Telephone � 7,800.00 203 Postage 1,000.00 � 204 Travel ; 500.00 ` ` 206 Printing and Binding � 150.00 223 Maintenance and Repair - Office Equipment 300.00 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscri:p. 300.00 275 Duplicating Services 5,000.00 16,750.00 340 Office Supplies � 300.00 93,071.00 - '' t• y. � � , . - � .j+�� �r � � . , � � , - - 0201 Engineers ' � ' �, } lll�.Salaries' - Attendance and Inspec. , 14,3010,00 � � . , . 112 "" - Clerical ,,,�� � " . - 56,582:00' `' ,� • - 116 " - Professional '-'; 285,879.00 � � " _ `�, 117 _ ". ,.. - Subprofessional�' S41,362°00 Y • ' � � , .�• 136 'a=!' - Exempt '. 23,379.00 921,503.00 ' ' � 201 Automobile Allowance ` '�20,000.00 " • 202• Telephone ' � , �' �%• K.--=-80.0.._00�...-_ -�:�:��,_�^ ;.�-_�- • �_ . _ _ ,� r- ..� Q� . 204 Travel -- . • _...�... _ < ,-- - - .�1,500':00`��..r „_ . -�'=°�"�� 206 Printing and Binding , 800.00 " � 223 Maintenance and Repair - � � Office Equipment 1�,000.00 - � 225 Maintenance and Repair - x . . •''.� y''�•;, Motor Vehicles 4,000.00 �� 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles � � 1,500.00 � 250 Blueprinting � 3,000.00 � 251 Dues, Memberships and Subs�rip,, 500.00 ` � 252 Testing Services ' � - " 600,00 • ' � + `/ 255 Microfilming s;� 500.00 34,200.00 rr _, 340 Office ,Supplies _ , � • � ,:�., 2,800.00� . . -�--'� ""`-=��"'-� -Y "' - �342 �Dr'afting and Surveyin.g Supplies � 3,000.00 " �� �' ; . 360 Microfilming Supplies 250.00 6,050.00 . 801 Capital Outla.y - Office Equip. , 350.00 . � 802 " " - Shop Equipmerit 1.,800.00 803 " • " - Auto Equipment 1,600.00 805 " " - Furniture�;and - • ' �I' - - `` ' Appliarices 1,000.00 4,750.00 966,503.00 0203 Traffic Control and Parking Meter Service �' 101 Salaries - Ungraded 47,235.00 112 " - Clerical,. . ,_ ; 13,288,00 114 " - Manual & Maint. �' Y � 37,845.�00 - .. � 116 " - Professional 57,945.00 � ' �� 117 " - Subprofessional 21,96U°00 178,273.00 �f� � _� � : ,� �- 15 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 201 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 202 Telephone 600.00 204 Travel ' 200.00 206 Printing and Binding • 100.00 . 220 Gas and Electricity 3,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 150.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repair - ; ` �,, • � Office Equipment 300.00 224 Maintenance and Repair - ' ` Buildings and Structures , 400.00 � 225 Maintenance and Repair - • • Motor Vehicles � 3,800.00 ` 226 Maintenance and Repair - � Machinery and Equip. " ' 800.00 250 Blueprinting . 500.00 12,850.00 1 303 Paint 20,000.00 .;� - 307 Traffic Signs and Parts 21,000.00 - 324 Small Tools 500.00 327 Traffic Meter Parts ' S00.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip.- � Parts and Supplies ,� , 2,000.00 , 340 Office Supplies � _ 500.00 , ' 342 Drafting and Surveying Supplies '�;'s.� 150.00 44,650.00 • � ` 811 Capital Outlay - Parking Meters 20,000.00� 255,773.00 ` � '`" `tt ' '1 1,315,347.00 . � '- � ft.i _ � .,����yy±^� � `-- Less 1.466% '� - • Y • °-`�-'-�;;:F- . - ' ' - 19,284.00 � , ��Y.�y � ` 1,296,063.00 ;� . r: � M r. t . � ��y, • '_ . � , ��4�.��,�GF�tCa � ���+�� . .. - '-.+�._��a.�.i YGGY'J� w » ,_. — ._ "�'"F��r-+ _. -- �F.� - �, - - -r.4 ' r'` � � 7.01 STREET MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR � ' 0210 Paved Street Repairs ( ' 112 Salaries - Clerical .. ; 18,937.00 114 " , - Manual and Maint. � 3,464.00 ' � 116 " _- Professional ; 12,831.00 117 " — Subprofessional . 10,375.00 45,607.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 1,000.00 204 Travel . 300.00 , 226 Maintenance and Repair - ' __ ,� _ Machinery and Equipment +�.._,.. -200.00 . . - - _ - � 239 Misc. Maint. a nd Repair Service 1,500.00 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles ' � 5,000.00 � ' 272 Paving Plant Services � , 395,000.00 403,000.00 �'9 1_� , 308 Street Repair Materials ' . - '� 5,000.00 453,607.00 " . ' 1 ' • � �.�1 � � „ 0211. Graded Street Repairs "' � � \ �1 ,� . .....�,, T0� Salaries - Ungraded 116,400.00 � - "� ' ` 112 " - Clerical , ' 2,311.00 � ' - 114 " - Manual and Maint. : 19,615.00 138,326.00 201 Automobile Allowance � 1,800.00 ' •' 202 Telephone ' E 600.00 . .,,r 225 Maint�enance and Repairs - , Motor Vehicles . 4,500.00 �! � . .... , - � ' . .ur , - � � , d 16 ' ` Code , Appropriations ' Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � Machinery and Equipment � 500.00 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles � 2,600.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services r 300.00 272 Paving Plant Services 47,000.00 57,300.00 " 308 Street Repair Materials ` 6,000.00 201,626.00 0212 Sidewalk Repairs , ; 272 Paving Plant Services 35,000.00 , 690,233.00 Less 1.466% 10, 119.00 680, 114.00 . �� 1 '� 7.02 SEWER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR . 0230 Sewers and'Tunnel Repairs i z ,,��� � _ _ . 101 Salaries - Ungraded • �--- - 139,058':00 �- � 4 112 " - Clerical 5;692.00 ' �' 114 " - Manual and Maint: 18,940.00 � _ �� , 116 " ' - Professional = 3,590.00 167,280.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 - 202�T,elephone 900:00 ' , + ' .i ;y 204� Travel � - 5: � _, ' • 200:00 ' , - � �': ^ 225 �Iaintenance.vand� Rep.a�ir�s• - ��4 • �, -�� . __ �� - . - ' ` � " " �"Motor Vehicle r ' 3�,500.00 � ,.=�,. = - . - 245 Rental - Motor Vehicle 6,000.00 � 269 Misc. Contractual Services 300.00 � . 272 Paving Plant Services 16,000.00 �28,700.00 . ,�' ' `f 305 Heating �.els ,� 1,000.00 " '�� 310 Maint. and Operation of Bldgs. ;_ • 4 �. . and Improve.-Sewer Repair Material-�,- 18,000.00 - 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies � � 200.00 , , 324� SRL$11 2'0015 . J00.00 , 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - , R • Parts and Supplies 300.00 ' ,344 Office Supplies . �,304:00 . , �._ ___ � 369 MiscelTaneous Materials �~ � -'-300.00 20,600.00 . � 804 Capital Outlay - Construc. Equip. 2,000'.00 �-218,580.00j� � , • � , 0231 Inspection of House Drain Connection ' ' ' ' 117 Salaries - Subprofessional � � 14,564.00 r225 Maintenance and Repairs - � ,� Motor Vehicles � ._ 1,200.00 - �803 Capital Outlay •- Automotive Equip. 1,000.00 16,764.00 . ;'; „�. fi . � b232 Major Sewer Repairs ''� -�` J ' b 272 Paving Plant Services � 50,000.00 310 Sewer Repair Material „ `. 5,000.00 55,000,00 • ' � � � - !I � _, � -- tl . . _ - i: . ' _ .. � , ) • �' !� �' 7 ' �/ Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0236 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance f . 101 Salaries - Ungraded � �' 74,089.00 � 112 " - Clerical ;, 2,176.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. � �11,809.00 ' 116 " - Professional . 6,334.00 94,408.00 , . 201 Automobile Allowance ; 1,000.00 • 202 Telephone 200.00 " 205 Shipping and Moving • 25.00 206 Printing and Binding 50.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,800.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 2,500.00 _ ` 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � • Machinery and Equipment ' S00.00 237 Maintenance and Repairs - � Tools ' 200.00 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicle 300,00 262 Interceptor Sewer Maintenance � '600.00 269 Misc, Contractual Services 500.00 272 Paving P�ant Services �, 800.00 8,475.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies 200.00 303 Paint 100000 � ; 304 Electrical Materials K 200.00 � _ "' ` �� 305 Heating Fuels �""' 300.00 ' 310 Sewer Repair Material �, 2,500.00 ' 313 Carpentry Materials �-�-:` 100.00 � � i ���,, , � 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies �- - ' • 200.00 - � y - - _ ... - —�—'323 Oil-and Lubricants y "' �''" 100.00 -' "-' - '"� -�`� � 324 Small Tools � 200.00 , 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. Parts� ' and Supplies ;, 1,500.00 340 Office Supplies � 50,00 , 341 Clothing , 200,00 345 Chemical and Laboratory :Supplies , 50.00 357 Bottle 'Gas , � 100.00 , 369 Miscellaneous Materials 1,500.00 7,300.00 110,183.00 . ' ., 400,527a00 Less 1,466% of $290,344.00 , 49257.00 396,270.00 Y� 'r , r±�y , • _ — , ' `'`*' ' — a . � . 7.03 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING t 0250 Administration , 112 Salaries - Clerical � 17,548.00 , �116 " - Professional i 20,187.00 37,735.00 201 Automobile Allow�nce . 1,000.00 202 Telephone � ; 1,000.00 204 Travel 300.00 � 223 Maintenance and Repairs - � Office Equip. and Furniture � 200.001� 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 300.00 � 3,000.00 �, 340 Office Supplies .�. � _ � , " ' S00.00 41,235v00 . . � . , . -.. , ,__ , _ , ._ �,� �° ti - _ � ...�ti.. - .• 'i . �. ___ , ' � � !_ 18 ' Code . Appro�riations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0251 Cleaning Graded Streets � 101 Salaries = Ungraded , 52,275.00 � 111' " - Attendance and 4 Inspectional ' S,557.00 114 " - Manual and Maint. 8,685.00 66,517.00 - 201 Automobile Allowance 3,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repair - Motor Vehicles 3,000.00 . 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles , 2,500.00 8,500.00 75,017.00 { . 0252 Cleaning Paved Streets �� • • 101 Salaries - Ungraded ' 16'S,240.00 • ' 111 " - Atten¢ance and � • , Inspectional - ; 4,762.00 ' ' 112 " - Clerical . ' 21,294.00 . 114 " = Manual & Mainte ' 11,407.00 202,703.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance � 2,300.00 ` 202 Telephone , 1,500.00 - . 220 Gas and Electricity � 2,000.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental ;, 200,00 � 225 Maintenance and Repairs - A� Motor Vehicl�es ��, 48,000.00 ' 245 Rent - Motor Vehicles �.,- �' S,00�.00 59,000.00 r, . 301 Janitor and San. Supplies �'_ 300.00 303 Paint ;� 100.00 , 324 Small Tools - � ,` 200.00 ; 369 Miscellaneous Materials , ,� 200.00 � _ 375 Brooms and-Broom °Fi3bers `' '� ' ~�� .j'��,000.00 14,800.00 - 804 Capital Outlay - Construc., Equip. �,� . . 23,000.00 299,503.00 � ' , � ' • ' �.i « � .. . ....�-(.a`.T'_+i_. s� r _ ' _ '" ._' F ..' _" "� �~ �" ` -- • � � ' � • 0253 Refuse Removal , � � ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 15,797.00 w " 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � Motor Vehicles' �j � . 2,000.00 17,797.00 i � - 0254 Snow Plowing � � � � 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 64,512.00 112 " - Clerical � � 2,312000 � 114 " - Manual and Maint. , ' 12,839000 79,663.00 201 Automobile Allowance i 750.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - i� , � Motor Vehicles 40,000:"00�` 'f' _ - "� 239 Misc. Mainten ance and Repairs , 250.00 245 Rental - Motor Vehi.cles � 54,000.00 95,000.00 _ 324 Small Tools \� 100.00 174,763.00* � , ��:' � - � r � 0255 Snow Removal ; 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 158,466.00 • 114 " - Manual and Maint. � 10,867.00 169,333.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance , 1,000.00 �� 221 Maintenance and Repairs - �� Water and Sewer Rental �• �,�; � , 1,000.00 � , '�� 225 Maintenance. and Repairs - ' ,� ' Motor Vehicles - - , � 8,365.00 ��'� � * � Winter Street. Maintenance � �-�;-•'�"� .F , . �. . � _ . �r•„ , .. . ..,_ _ � ,�T", ` , u.. - . { . � f ' • � 19 Code . • _ .Appropriations y�_� . Charter Classification Titles Amounts,� ' Sub Totals Totals 245 Rentals - Motor Velii�les �, � ? 80,000.00 90,365.00 � 305 Heating Fuels = Coal and Oil � 400.00 ` 324 Small Tools i�y 200.00 •� 600.00 260,298.00* , � '�a 0256 Icy Street Control � ' �' �! 101 Salaries - Ungra�ed 90,256.00 ,:' � _ 11,2 " - Clerical �7,793y 00 � ° 114 " - Manual and Maint. � 15,545.00 � 113,.594.00 201 Automobile Allowance' � � � _ 1.,b00•.00' ' J� ' 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � � Motor Vehicles ' � 12,000.00 24�5 Rentals - Motor Vehicles � � 5,000.00 269 Misc. Contractual�Services 1,000.00 19,500.00 372 Sand and• Salt � - 95,000.00 228,094000* , - � , . �-. . i . J �� 0257 Emergency Temp. Street Repair � .. 101 Salaries - Ungraded , ��--• 31;485.00 _�. _ • -_ _ - _ . �- . •-- • �;c'- 114 " - Manual and Maint. '� 3,988.00 35,473.00 � ,- 225 Maintenance and Repairs - _ � Motor Vehic`les 500.00 " • ,� �w " -� . • , 245 Rentals .- Motor Vehicles 1,000.00 • � - .' . 272 Paving� Plant Services . � 30,000.00 31,500.00 , 66,973.00� ¢� . . • ,r ' �. �N � fY , ' . , : ^ ,, � . � . 0258 � ;Winter Street Maint.�Equipment � � . - ._�� - . •-- ; . ,., �,�=�. -� �'�' " � , ";} ^ - - `+ 803 Capital� Outlay - Automotive Eq�ip. ' `r� •,� �, 50,000.00� . -� - , �� .. , ,. . ,� . � ' , � . � � � , ' . � - - � �- �'. ...,,,� - • • ... � - . . -�`-`�`` `-�y--�--'-�-- � - Recap,° of-Winter-S�tr-eet' aintenance*� � -- - - • . �� ° � '�" . �,� � �� - ` . � 0254 Snow Plowing "� i 174,763.•00 ' ;, , 0255 Snow Removal 'i • 260,298:00 ' �_,G • � ' � 0256 Icy Street Control ' 228,094.00 ' ;�d"��, . `�� . 0257 Emergency Tempora'ry Street�:Repair • , ' ` . 66,973.00 ' '•..�� r r 0258 Winter Street Mtnce. Equipment �. ' 'r ` 50,000;00 - . , , . , � ; �> 780,128.00* ,,, , - f:�� �',,��� � _ . - ' , . � ' � ��� 0270 Weed Cutting ' - ' .� h 1�fi E. ' � � ' . _ . ' 101 Salaries - Ungraded •-�,; " ;'� � 11,125.00 - °� ��� 111 " ' � -��.Attendance �and ' - "�. :: " ,.� ';i Inspectional y S,558.00 16,683.00 � ._ 225 Motor Vehicles - Repa��-"' '°' � 2,500.00 ' � 345 Chemical & Lab. Supplie's� ,�� „ ;` '. 500.00 , 347 AgriculturaT Suppl,;'°Weed Kil'Yer- 1,600.00 2,100..00 , 21,283�.00 � • . , 1 * �4,�-�1._... -� «�..�--��- - � .: ..,� . - . . .Y . ' � i��.p � " _ '� 0271' �� Garbage Di-sposal � , ` � 1O1,.Salaries - Ungraded , ; 418,639.00 • 112� " �� >� �� - C.lerical , , .b � ` ,,i 6,106.00 , 114 � �" , • --Manual and Maint. J � 44,335.00 469,080.00 a � 201 Automobile Allowance ` 4,000.00 . ', 202 Telephone` _ .- 1,000.00 220 Gas and Electric"ity .,. ` ' 4,800.00 :;` 221 Water�and Sewer Rental _ � ' 400.00 • �� . 225-Mainteriance and Repairs - � `+ '` " • , '.r^ Mot�or- Vehicles , .• 38,000.00 ,a � � ; . • _ ;. . _ �.. . µ .. _ _ � .. � . ' . ' ' � " .. • .;, 20 �.. ` .- „ Code .� Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 'i � 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles ' 20,000.00 , 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 68,700.00 � 301 Janitor and San. Supplies t 350.00 � - 324 Small Tools � 1,000.00 340 Offi�e Supplies 300.00 369 Misc. Materials 500.00 2,150.00 609 Capital Outlay - Bldg, Improve. 2,500.00 542,430.00 . , . °+ 0280 Cleaning Sewersk�and Tunnels 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 88,564.00 112 " -'Clerical - 3,195.00 •�114 " - Manual and Maint.# 11,017.00 102,776.00 201 Automobile Allowance 300.00 � 221 Water and Sewer Rental 1,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � . Motor Vehicle 4,600.00 • :` 226 Maintenance and Repairs - ,;,, _ � . Machinery and Equipmen`t -� 300.00 � 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair� 300.00 245 Rental - Motor Vehicle �' 300,00 . 272 Paving Plant Services � 5,000.00 11,800.00 '- 315 Sewer Cleaning Chemicals . . 300.00 , ' : 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 100.00 ' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipmen� - • ' . � ' � ` Parts,,and Supplies � ' 1,500.00 � • '' �„_ .. _��,�_ __ 369_Miscellaneous Materials •.';, _ , -500,00 �---- 2,400_.O.OM..,•`„116,976.00, .;-,�.. `i �i'i'✓n`"^' imt`�-..�ti. .� . '1"r- ��- � • - � '� •t"�, r " � � � ` ' ' . � � V'`028°1-r°- Sewer�Pumping'Stations ' r � � . ' ' �' • `101 Salaries� - Ungraded � � ° s- -;° _ �'15,392.00 � , � - . 220 Electri.city " , 14,000.00 29,392.00 , k � , ' �� �� _ 0282 Rodent Control= _ • ' 222 Sanitary Services - � , ! 3,000�.00 � ; i ' � 1,926,761.00 _ Less 1.466% of `$1 �146 633.00 M ; � �, ' �- �� '"� � .16 810.00 > > � ,��,r � i- - ' , t �� ;1;_909,951".00 �''- � � ' • .'' " - 1 ', b r � � • , _� i � ' , . , . _ ; � , ' � � � T � , 7.04 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR � ` ' -� � 0290 Administration ,� � � 112 Salaries - Clerical 6,106.00 116 " - Professional � 16,160.00 • 22,266.00 201 Automobile Allowance � 100.00 � 251 Dues, Memberships & Subscrip.' ' 100.00 200,00 • , 319 Miscellaneous Supplies � 100.00 - ', �' 340 Office Supplies 1 50.00 150.00 22,616,00 J�� � ,.. ' ' � ' , .• !� ' '� + . � _ , , i', ,_ �i- , , � ��' _ .. , .. , �z� .� � - �, + � � � . x-� ' r n. • ,`, _ .,- ' � . r\ R ._� .. . _._ f •_ 21 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles , ' � Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0291 Maintenance - Bridges = 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 60,312.00 . 114 " - Manual and Mairit. 5,805.00 66,117.00 202 Telephone _ 200.00 220 Gas and Electricity ; • 1,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � � ' � "- Motor Vehicles , 3,5�0.00 ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - _ . � � Machinery and Equipment - 300.00 . ' 245 Rentals - Motor Vehicles , � 300.00 , - _ , 246 " - Machinery and Equipment 500.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services 100.00 , 272 Paving Plant Services ' 3,500.00 9,400.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies� 200.00 , . 303 Paint f � 100000 - 311 Bridge Repair Materials 6,000.00 ' 324 Small Tools� 500.00 . � `'� 369 Miscellaneous Materials � 100.00 6,900.00 , 606 Capital Outlay - Construction ', �{ Electrical - 3,500.00 , r 801 " " - Office-Equipment,. ---� ` 230.00 ' ' - '"�-- ' ' � - 803 " " µ_. Automo�ive Equip. . �' . 3,000.00 3,230.00 89,147e00 ..�� . . �ty ' M �' ..�- �- y `.,:; --� ,,: . •s , � .. ' �` �- � 0292 Maintenance - Fences an,d St;airways'� r:- �' ` ..r. . � ,.,.�.,. ..;��a�� . , p.-�-=__'`�,�.'_.- ._ . -�10`1 Salarie"s"= Urigr`a'�'ed- " ,':�.. - , 15,590.00. •� Y = �-- - -- • " ^� � 114 " - Manual and Maint. 1,089.00 16,679.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs ffi � . Buildings. '' , 70.00 ,- _ � 303 Paint �� 500.00 , ' . 311 Bridge Repair Material - 1,500.00 , 2,000.00 18,749.00 r '- r- ,, � , ' LL , ;�• ; ' • 130,512.00 '� �� '� � , . Less 1.466% ,- � � 1,913.00 � ; � 128,599.00 _ � A, i , ��� . • . "� 1 ' - :�'� . '' w . ��.� � . � j •` `� � �.� . '. .�±�A� • • ' • �\ SUNIMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 7 Commissioner of Public Works ; 1,296,063.00 7.01 Street Maintenance and Repair{ 680,114.Q0 7.02 Sewer Maintenance and Repair 396,270.00 7.03 Street and Sewer Cleaning , 1,909,951.00 7.04 Bridge Building and Repair � 128,599.00 � 4,410,997000 . � ' .� k . 1 , � �- .. . _ _. ` , . � , f • ., �� . . _ � _ � _ _ 22 Code � Appropriations Charter Classification Titles • Amounts Sub Totals Totals 9 i 9 COMMISSIONER OF LIBRARIES, AuDITORIUM, � ' AND CIVIC BUILDINGS • , � ` . ,� � � � 0400 Administration F � ' 112 Salaries - Cler;ical' -' 13,698.00 116 " - Prof�essional - ; 10,378'.00a, • 136 " - Exempt ' 11,694.00 � 35,770.00 201 Automobile Allowance � 1,620.00 ' 202 Telephone� � � 1,100.00 203 Postage `� - � - � 100.00 �, � � 204 Travel ' � — 500.00 .�, 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , —�- �f Office Equip. & Fu�rniture 200.00 � 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 125.00 3,645.00 ,�f. 340 Office Supplie's '.� ' 325.00 39,740.00 - Less 1.466% ` � ' S83.00 , � � ���+ 39.,157.00 � t . • ' i: + . � . .�-� ._ : ��f '� ;� . ` � _ � . .r. � _ � �, 9.01 PUBLIC LIBRARY , . :�� � �.__� . , t - Y 0410 Library Service `�� , , 109 Salaries - Ungraded - Spec.';Empl. 89,076.00 � • 112 - " - Clerical T � 186,079.00 ' 116 . " - Professional � �ra 316,076.00 ._ _ ,_,��i4. __,�,..117�u'_�" - $ubprofessional �' � 239,852.00 -� - • � ' _..•-- ' 136 " - Exempt , 20,466.00 851,549.00 � ,f 203 Postage 5,500.00 . � � 204 Travel 700.00 ` • 206 Printing and Binding „ 6,000.00 ' 223 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Office Equip. and Furni,ture .,.,� 2,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - �'"' '""� � • Motor Vehicles ' � � ,= �`�;;500.00 . . 242 Rental - Data Processing Equip. 7,20b`:�00 _ • _ 247 Rental - Office Equipment, � � . 2,800.00 � ' �.269 Misc. Contractual Services 1 . 150.00 26,850.00 . � � 340 Office Supplies 500.00 `' ' - 349 Books ' 140,000.00 , ' 258 Library Supplies . ,� 21,000.00 161,500.00 801 Capital Outlay a Office Equip. 1,200.00 • - � 805 " " � ' Furniture � Appl. 8,800.00 10,000.00 1,049,899.00 .. , � ^ . � A . -a� •� �. . 0411 BuiYding Maintenance-- -�, � . „j, . � -� .�`-` �` — �101' S,alaries_- Ungraded - -- -_l!� � � sY 147',452.00 • � � 114 " - Manual and Maint. 10,773.00 158,225.00 . 201 'Automobile Allowance 1,300.00 � , . 202 Telephone • , �_ 12,000.00 ' '° 220 Gas, Electricity �and Steam � 45,000.00 221� Water and Sewer Rental �� 2,000.00 _. " 222 Sanitary Services' � 250.00 . 224 Maintenance andYRepairs - � Building 7,000.00 � ' 0 ., � � � 23 Code } Appropriations Charter Classification Titles a Amounts Sub Totals Totals 226 Maintenance and Re�airs - . Machinery and Equipment 800.00 232 Elevator Maintenance ' t 600.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 200.00 261 Insurance and Bonds i _.t� 400.00 69,550.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies � ' 2,,200:00 302 Plumbing Supplies - 3? � ; 400.00 � 303 Paint •, .�' ' 300.00 � 304 Electrical Materials y- 1:,200:00 � � � 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil t .' �8500.00 313 Carpentry M�terials- ' �500;00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies } 1�800.00 324�5�1 Tools ` 5 �100.00 - � 329 Misc. Machinery and.Equipment - � 1 ' Parts and Supplies 1 , '400.00 • 347 Agricul. and Hort. Supplies .s400.00 7,800.00 235,575.00 . � T ' 1,285,474.00 : Less 1.466% i ' 18,846.00 } • ' "; . , , 1.266.628.00 "� � -. 1 � . ; � K� � .. v • I" �' �; � .�. 1 . � -�- - . . � �'� Y J , � w � � ' � 7 � '' 9.02 AUDITORIUM '(Financed from Receipts) �_ .'� �.�,, _ � � � . � � • � �F��' • 't',S.p. � . ,ti. ..M�'�. ":j=;�:�0440 ,�Auditorium Operations y ' - �`� 94,000.00 ' � � • -� :-, �.- �'' -. -� - � -�-- . ,. ,�,,,,r�.,:_...�,—. � , � � ,.. - . ,. _ . - --�-- - , . ' � . � . . 9.03 ,- STADIA` . , , s• 0450 Stadia � � "�' F : - � � 461 City Contribution � � " 15,000.00 � 1 Less 1.466% ; � 220.00 • _ � , t = 14,780.00 , . � ' "' � " - � , , � ` , � s ��.�"! - tµ""r-9�:04 CIVIC EDUCATIONAL CENTER - ` � ' ' °.� y - • ' ;f ��� r :�'r �� '� � r" __ � ' *!+ -4 ' t _ . �,..,. '1 +.+:.� ��}.r.e'�, .�.. , y.__ , _. : � 0460 '� Civic Educational Center _ . � 461 City Contribution � ". , - � 221,800.00. . Less 1.466% 3,252.00 � ' ; ' , � � .f_S. ,, . .j��„2,18ti5�48.;00.-'�' �" : � _ _ , ,:9 + k . , � r - ♦ , SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARIES, - � AUDITORIUM AND CIVIC BUILDINGS 9 Administration `� • t 39,157.00 9.01 Public Library 1,266,628.00 9,.02 t Auditorium 3 , � 94,000.00 9:03 '''� Stadia �' 14,780.00 9.04 ' ' Civi� Educational Center 218,548.00 � �� � � y 1,633,113.00 - � • ; - -a r .'�.i ' 1 -4 , r�F_ .. . n.�. . . .Y"�1 ~ . . � ' � .` � , . �..+ 24 . .. . _ �.� , • Code ; Appropriations Charter Classification Titles y Amounts Sub Totals Totals �. � � � ' �11 � COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES i z , " � 0500 Administration . 112 Salaries - Clerical 6,287.00 116 " - Professional 10,378.00 136 " - Exempt 11,359.00 28,024.00 '" 201 Automobile Allowance � 900.00 202 Telephone 375%.00 203 Postage ` . 20ff�00 , . ' 204 Travel � 250:00 � 206 Printing and Binding } .' S0:,00 � 247 Rental - Office Equipment 300.,00 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip: . 100.'00 275 Duplicating Services ; , � 25.p0 ' 2,200.00 . 340 Office Supplies �. 435.00 � 349 Books and Periodicals ' S0.00 485.00 30,709.00 � _ _- _ _ � ,; - ..,� - �,� , - .� � t;` . � 0510 Testing �Laboratories " , � , . . 116 Salaries - Professional 35;628.00 . •� � . 117 " - Subprofessional � 22,349.00 57,977.00 . f . ' 202 Telephone ~� 550.00 � �,,. 204 Travel � � 100.00 t -� - , 222 Sanitary_Services _ 100.00 . � � �,':, � ,. 223 Maintenance and Repairs - �� � '� ' �_, ' rr:•�: , .�, , ., Office Equipment _➢ • .� . 100.00 - 225�.Maintenance and Repairs - "���', � - � •- - '+".f ` " � ��` `� '�� ' ' Motor Vehicles - ` - 100.00 ' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - , - Machinery and Equipment 150.00 ' � 227 Laundry � , 35.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair 100.00 - 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00 1,435.00 301 Janitor and San. Supplies , 150.00 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. Part`s L00.00 340 Office Supplies . 100.00�� • � • " 345 Chemical�and Lab.� Supplies � 600.00; ' � , 349 Books and Periodicals' S0.04; 1,000.00 805 Capital Outlay - F`urniture & Appl. -:4.,, x 200.00 60,612.00 � , , . .. , .,�. .,� , � . _ a.. � yr._ � � .. _ _...... 4.��. . � - Y I r�..v-�' - .JI'��` . ' F . � 0520 Investigations ' . � 111 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 12,115.00 112 " - Clerical 11,297.00 116 " - Professional � 8,992.00 32,4p4.00 203 Postage � 25.00 204 Travel 350.00 206 Printing and Binding � 200.0�0 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , ; Office Equipment � 100.Q0 . 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip:��' _ � 100.00 775.00 340 Office�Supplies '� 150.Q0 . 349 Books and Periodicals } 50.-00 200.00 33,379.00 _ - � �, . . � � � � . , j • , � . �. . , . . � . .. , • - - . ; � . -� _ . . . � • Code Appropriations 25 Charter Classification Titles � Amounts � Sub Totals Totals + 0525 Air Pollution Control � 111 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec. 48,707.00 � 112 " - Clerical 3,818.00 � ° 159 Fees - Other , 1,200.00 53,725.00 • 201 Automobile Allowance 4,700.00 • 202 Telephone � 600.00 ' � ,. 203 Postage � 25.00 r 204 T,ravel . � 1,000.00 - - 206 Printing and Binding ! 100.00 ; 223 Office Equip. & Furniture Repair � 100.00 � �' 226 Maintenance and Repairs - � a. • Machinery and Equipment ' �; 150.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair � 100.00 �: ' 241 Rental - Bldgs, & Office Space � 1,500.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip-. ' , 65.00 " ' 265 Authorized Meetings � 175.00 " 271 Lecture & Work.�hops I�, � 300.00 ' 275 Duplicating Services . � 50.00 8,865.00 a _ " � 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies � 100.00 - ��•�5����-- ` ` `� - ° '� 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 � `� - - " � 329 Misc. Machinery and Equi.p,. Parts � 750.00 _ , 340 Office Supplies � 600.00 � �� " � 345 Chemical and Lab. Supplies •1,200.00 � -�--�-��- 349 Books and-Periodicals _ � 50.00 �`�, ._, . _'_,�;,.__,.,..._.,,.,T - .. , � 370 Photo Supplies Y100.00� 3,000.00" �� y d 431 Premiums (Health and Welfare) � � 950.00 , � , r : 435 Pension Contributi,on -`,:_PERA,;;�;:m„ ji. 4_,.965.00 , 5,915.00 _._�.. ;, ' . ' . 808 Capital Outlay - Mechan�cal•Equip� - 3,000.00 74,505.00 s�='�v ,. 4�y_r�:. _ - � -..d r � � ,° � +e'a - '_ ° .� �(' ' � _ , �: '- �_ .�... ._._�--- - -,' _-• - ' ,t.�r,_ ._:-.. . . _"+; - - � 0530 Utilities Building Maintenance S . -- • 101 Salaries - Ungraded - " ' 6,802.00 . 202 Gas and Electricity �. 5,000.00 . 221 Water and Sewer Rental "- -- ' � 350.00 , � • � - --- - ' 222 Sanitary Supplies � . Y 50.00 • � . 224 Maintenance and Repairs - , � � Building ' � 4,400.00 , •- �'� � 232 Maintenance and Repairs - ` � • Elevator � . 550.00 , � 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repair -� 50.00 261 Insurance and Bonds �� 600.00 '� 269 Misc Contractual Services � 50.00 11,050.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 200.00 304 Electrical Supplies . � 150.00 305 Heating Fuels - Oil 1,500.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies , �.., � 200.00 2,050.00 19,902.00 219,107.00 r Less 1.466% - -� 3,212.00 �` �Y, k' 215.895.00 ! ' . ! • � �c 11.:'O1,PUBLIC LIGHTING , ! M . � , -- ,i0540 Administration _ � • , - � 112iSalaries ,� Cler�.cal.. , . , � ^�'� 14,384.00 .��. ; ,�.__.� ' � k —° ' 116. � " - Professional ., ' • ' 11,281.00�" � 25,665.00 �' - . _ ._• ' r . __ • . � , . � . , .. .,'...,e r � r 26 Code � Appropriations Charter Classification Titles '� Amounts Sub Totals Totals � 201 Automobile Allowance , 1,700.00 202 Telephone ' 600.00 � 206 Printing and Binding ', 200.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 50.00 - 2,550:00 34a Office Supplies . �� 100.00 28;315.00 a•�� i ��- , , 0550 Maintenance , ~ , 101 Salaries -, Ungraded 250,391.00 " - ' 109 " - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. f 8,240.00 • ,_, 112 " - Clerical 8,005.00 266,636.00 202 Telephone � 600.00 , 220 Electricity � 343,800.00 220 Christmas Lighting 1,200.00 � _ 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � ' � � � Motor Vehicles � , 12,000.00 �. _ _ . .,...w ..,_ . 226 Maintenance and Repairs - ' , . _ _ . � _, Machinery and Equip. ; 5,000.00, � 362,600.00 ' '� ^ �� . J 3-12 Materials - Street Lighting � 78,000.00 - ` ' ' �319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies � 1,500.00 , ,"°'� 32�4 Small Tool.s �; 500.00 80,000.00 •' ' � ,,, , '` 802f Capital Outlay - Shop Equipment � 500.00 . � � ' � � 803'� " " - Automotive Equip. �. . 5,000.00 5,500.00 � '714,736.00 :r - . , , ' _ ? 743,051.00 '�- . � • �, r� ' ' � ` Less 1.466% � � _ � . _ _ �.,_ 10,894.00 .. y.,,_.._.wr+- • __ . �.,�-- - ^ _ .. . ' .�- _ .. _ ._ _ . .,.-•: _ ,.. .... , ._ - �- ` - 732.157.00 , . _.. ... _ . - , • � - � • �a - . , - • • , , . � - � . � ,�o r �r , , , d . - , t� .. . � ' ..x - � ' °•}r 'n K ' � ..�. ... . t' • "^--_..�,• `'L,,__•�',_.,,�-,w' -' � ' - - - -' '� _ ' -- f ✓ _ , � .... � . _ . . ,. , ' . � e' �I` ' SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES �' -� ' 4 �� 1], Commissioner of Public Utilities " 215,895.00 11.01 . Public Lighting 732,157.00 �� � 948,052.00 . � �' . . , . _ - � - ' - - .., - 12 WATER DEPARTMENT (Financed from Receipts) �� , 0580 Water Department Operations � 4,811,500.00 , � , _ �, . • i` • ; • � tt , ,. � � ,. , ' k . i i 1 tl 1 •J1� . . . �' �'T�*_�� ` f.: � • i , • .... , .S . • . u��� � � .. . •, �;.`�'�w ��{ ` .i�Y „ • `' ' - S Code ` � Appropriations 27 Charter Classification Titl�es Amounts Sub Totals Totals COMPTROLLER•`AND CIVIL SERVICE ` �� �`a''" ���- '� -�' ` � ,�. � ` "�`"'';`�"^��� -- � , � ~� � ;� y . . �` °' , •�. � . 13 0600 Comptroller � � E � • � ' �• + � 112 Salaries - Clerical �. � 54,224.00 `� " � • 116 " ` " - Professional ' 76,983.00 • � " 136 " - Exempt � 11,359.00 142,566.00 � ' 201 Automobile Allowance ; 1,700.00 202 Telephone � , 1,900.00 , 203 Postage ' 300.00 � 204 Travel ' 1,000.00 206 Printing and Binding � � 200.00 { 223 Maintenance and Repairs - � , Office Equipment � � 1,100.00 � 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 220.00 , �, ' 260 Tabulating Services , 22,000.00 �- - ', 271 Lecture and Workshop � 100.00 ' 275 Duplicating Services . 300.00 28,820.00 ~. � + 340 Office Supplies � ' ' ' ' 1,100.00 � 349 Books and Periodicals 300.00 1,400.00 172,786.00 � E'� ." ` ; Less 1.466% . ,�"� �'� - 2,533.00 - r ' ' � - � • � �� . ,.� , _ . ,. .�._ 170,253.00 - ;- � � �, , , .. • ; ' _ �.� .a�_ . �;, • ,.....,•. . � •_ • �, . �� T;� s�d '' :M1,, 'y«v�.4 ��";;e'.;4aC, e+i�,:`'",:�1e�5 �� ��-r .r„_. .q~....�,.,,..' �sti+e��:�r�ia:ar>.:s'� _ .X"�ia.>.rswn,,:.;.w�'„i'd:s' 'i_� z :� o" - ---' •�..:' -,. ��f_ ... . __�..;_ �,m�....... _•-•�•�_ _ —'er _:� '�-�;�.'`.,_ !.":..'• , '.F };..•.y. - »A"' 'v'� �"'' "'�+}°"�„:'_' - ""_.c. - �G�� t _ ' - ,. �r _ ,,,r ,w�� , -Q r"•s7 'w^" .�d�a.r--. � ' �._ . � , ,=�x.r+-� ��. 13.01 0610{ Civil��Ser'vice • � ,:�- � :�`�� +���� "' ' �� `p�'� ~��`''° ' . • '�� • 112 Salaries - Clerical �- ' 67,350.00 � 116 " - Professional ! 90,863.00 • 145 Consultant Fees - Personnel y 1,000.00 159,213.00 ' ` 202 Telephone, i 1,750.00 Y , 203 Postage f 1,500.00 ' 204 Travel � 600.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding 1,300.00 ' - 207 Advertising � 2,500.00 ; 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment F '150.00 , _ �- 241 Rental - Bldg. and Office Space � ,tt;,�,-w=1�,000.00 ''1;-�:~•+.:` . � 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. � " 400.00 . � ". � .' 260 Tabulating Services y - 500.00 ' �'�'° 275 Duplicating Services � 100.00 9,800.00 . ;�; . _ , , " 340 Office Supplies , ' - . 4,000.00 . ' ; 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. � � . , , 400.00 173,413.00 ` 2 'S42.00• ' "��;"- Less 1.466% � ,��: • "'.. •� ' • , _.c,� s ' r � p � � � �� Z�O.O�L.00 . - � � • . r' , ` , �v :s'3�'.j �� ~ `� 'j � � N r 1 ' � - ' ��' - , , _ � �1 �' v tfl�3�.V�.. • `� ' ' •, ' r . � �. . .� ' -�_ • • - � i ' � ) ��Mi .�� ' ' ' u , . � '��4� ' , i���' �.. .1"--t:+'C1''�'__ ....�_ j_j _ . # IyA� - . `t.. ,.,,}r^ .y..��• _, p, + r..R:..—c•.' � , ` Y ^-- .. � „ =_'� ^ ' � �—'fti�.�j-- `'1. ' '+' � _-'� ' y _ _.." . " ' r c } 3 ' x . .{ - / � '�;=� SUMMARY - COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SE�t�V,�ICE � ` .r_ ! � ' _'r � =r �� i J ' y TM -,�_ 13.Q0,_ _.. Comptroller' � � �:;�� � � . 170,253.00 ���� 13.01 Civil_Service � •;, 'el;�•:� 170,871,.00 :�," . . ' �.;�'+�"; ,� ' 341.124.00 ti� r• •, • ��'� � �; � , ,;: , . ,���.. . `+ ` . _ . . � vw , � . � ,r �; , � �—ata. . . � ` l�i.v'' - S ' ' , � � � 28 ' Code Appropriations�- Charter Classification Titles . Amounts Sub Totals Totals 14 MUNICIPAL COURT 0630 Municipal Court �i � 132 Salaries - Judges and Clerk 1 of Municipal Court i 103,000.00 136 Salaries - Exempt � 225,220.00 144 Fees - Psychiatrist j 7 ,500.00 335,720.00 202 Telephone � 3,200.00 203 Postage � � 3,500.00 204 Travel ' 1,800.00 206 Printing and Binding r 2,000.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - �; Office Equipment 450.00 231 Furniture Repair 1,000.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 300.00 � 261 Insurance and Bonds 150.00 12,400.00 340 Office Supplies � 2,500.00 �, , 346 Food (Jury Meals) �t, 1,000.00 `, 349 Books and Periodicals . � 1,500.00 5,000.00 353,120.00 ,� ' � ; "' Less 1.466% of 250,120.00 _, _ ���� , � 3,667.00 ' -'t, _ "'r � ' 349.453.00 . , -- _ � . Y y, , . , 4 - � ��.0 � . '�, i� - • ~ 4 +. ' ��,���!,x ��'.� , . � , s '� � �� { '�_ti..�'^r� �� . y��,. ...�',•,a _ ,,s.x^m - �� '- ' '• <' �,� ,� . _s'.�^'��s�j.�' ..,. T"�'�a-"v.`�"---�"'-.-a'�-�+. - ' "_..�. ..�-,_..;�1} ,�ri..,-�-----._..�• . � �.. - _ .."`�. .�.�i-� --r�rt.-�,r,^^'—". -'-- _�:1'�G^,•.,7,.-�... , i�..r.�_ ` - _ - - . •, s 15 PURCHAS ING AGENT ' � � � "�" . �� � ` ,^ . 0650 Purchasing Agent � ' 112 Salaries - Clerical � 106,896.00 „ 136 " ' - Exempt 28,370.00 135,266.00 � ��. �,,,� �. �� 201 Automobile Allowance � 1,400.00 . - 202 Telephone 1,700.00 203 Postage � ? 3,200.00 , ,� 204 Travel r 450.00.� � , , � 206 Printing and Binding �; + 3,500.00• r � 223 Maintenance and Repairs - � l - - � � ''� `' - ' ' Office Equipment ,� f�• 650.00 � 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. � y 750.00 ' 11,650.00 340 Office Supplies �• �- " 1,800.00 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. ��- i 1,000.00 149,716.OQ Less 1.466% , � 2,195.00 . � ,. ,,� � 147,521.00 � �" h � , L • . � � 16 COUNCIL INVESTIGATION AND RESEARCH , � ` � 0670 Council Investigation and Research . • None � _ , � ti , ',i . � _ r ' c � � , r � ' _ � • ' �'s'� ` � * + • r. iy "' � w ,. • , .. .. .��- . Y . • _ . �.a.. ♦r.,! _ ' � ' - . ' a � , . , Code 1 29 Appropriations Charter Classification , Titles Amounts Sub Totals '� Totals ,, , , • _: �; PARRS AND RECREATION ; f AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS � 18 COMMISSIONER OF PARKS AND ` ' - ' r RECREATION AND PUBI.IC BUILDINGS • ,, , 0700 Administration ' • 112 Salaries - Clerical , 40,358.00 116 " - Professional 10,073,00 .,, l36 " - Exempt ' 25,924.00 76,355.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance 1,800.00 202 Telephone ' 1,800.00 203 Postage � � 150.00 204 Travel 500.00 � 206 Printing and Binding � 850.00 223 Maintenance and Repairs - ` Office Equipment � 300.00 . . 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 200.00 5�600.00 340 Office Supplies 1,000.00 349 Books and Periodicals ' 100�00 1,100.00 � �� � , 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. � 400.00 '83,455.00 —�-- . Less 1.466% " � �1;223.00 k � . t � ^ .. .a 82.232.00 � � � • E t . �i -i � ` � _ ' �- l 1�� .. ., � � �+.,t.- _ _ __ _ _ - -- - �-..� __ .,...-�. � .. . , �,,.._ _ _ _'.�- �-:,�� 18.O1��PARKS�AND RECREATION�-- - ^h "w-fS�Y+-�•4 �� ,-. � ' + �" 0710 Administration } , 112 Salaries - Clerical , 19,683.00 116 " - Professional 55,372.00 75t055.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance ' � 2,400.00 202 Telephone 1,200.00 , 203 Postage 1,000.00 . 204 Travel ' 600.00 206 Printing and Binding � 800,00 , 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment ' S0.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 6,150.00 _ 340 Office Supplies • 1.;700.00 ' � 349 Books and, Periodicals ' ' S0.00 1,750.00 � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. � _ 50�0 83�455.00 . ' 1 • , � 0712 Police and Watchmen �' � ' 111 Salaries - Attendance and Inspec, , 5,113.00 115 " - Police 116,390.00 121,503.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance � 400.00 . 202 Telephone -�` 500.00 ; 206 Printing and Binding , 200.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs =� F ' � , Motor Vehicles 6�600.00 7,700.00 /S . .. T N' � � R f . I •.� s . , � M��r,�'� . r. ' G. 6 I i T 1 . �• _�� '���. 4r' .�.. ' � ,1 �" � .�n.��. ' . �,1 r � ` !� . ' . � y �� ''�y f''M1P'-.:_ � � E - � � � J _ ' j � 30 i ; Code ; Appropriations Charter Classification Titles } Amounts Sub Totals � Totals 305 Heating Fuels - Coal and Oil � • . 200.00 340 Office Supplies a 50.00 341 Clothing (Uniform Allowance) � 1,500.00 1,750.00 803 Capital Outlay - Automobile Equip;. 2,000.00 1�2,953.00 0713 Conservatory , 114 Salaries - Manual and Maint. � ' 65,057.00 201 Automobile Allowance ' 300.00 � 202 Telephone 250.00 203 Postage 100.00 220 Electricity ; 3,000.00 . 224 Maintenance and Repairs - � Buildings ' 3,000.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - • Motor Vehicle 500.00 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. ;� 100.00 7,250.00 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies �, 200.00 303 Paint ., ' 200.00 • ' � 304 Electrical Materials ' � 200.00 . . � � 313 Carpentry Materials ; 150.00 t � '`r r� _ _ � 319 Misc. Maintenance Supp�.ies_ _. _+,r__,.M �100.00.,r . . � � • � _ . - • 329 Misc. Machinery� and Equip. Parts , "600.00 ° 1�,450.00 ` - 502 Land _- Improvements � � , ,_ " 1,000.00 �s"•_- 74,757.00 , � , x _ ,,:-�, . - ' '�, .. � i ' ` " . � `,.� + . f 0714 Zooa�`- , t °;``�'' .: - • � �-- • ""1�Tfi' Salaries - Atteiid'ance and"�Inspec:_' 1,1`0$:�460'���'�' � ' 114 " - Manual and Maintenance' 64,979.00 - 116 " - Professional �� 12,015.00 78,102.00 � 201 Automobile Allowance 400.00 � � 202 Telephone 600.00 , 204 Travel , 400.00 . � 205 Shipping and Moving 400.00 � � � ' 206 �Prin�ing and Binding � 500.00 , 220 Gas and Electricity � 4,000.00 ' 224��Maintenance and Repairs_- � ` Building � . 4,500.00 , 225� Maintenance and Repairs - '� ' ^ - � Motor Vehicles t 350:00 227� Laundry ' 1,200.00 � . ` . 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs 100.00 r 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 -- 269 Misc. Contractual Services , 100.00 12,650.00 ' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 1,000.00 ., 302 Plumbing Supplies � � � � 150.00 � 303 Paint Supplies � � 300.00 , 304 Electri'cal Supplies � 300.00 : 305 Heating FueLs ' j 100.00 . 313 Carpentry Materials ' 300.00 ' - 31'9 Mi.sc. Maintenance Materials � ° 250.00 � ' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - x . Parts and Su.pplies 100.00 ; ', 340 Office Supplies 200.00 - ` 341 Clothing 200.00 ,� - _. 344 Medical and Dental Supplies 300.00 ' -�" �.v ' ' 345 Chemical and Lab. Supp-lies . � ' 800.00 � � , _ . -� _ - ' �v� , � . . , ,. ' ' =�a �' ' « ,.� ' ` - - _ , T _..T . . • 6 •� • � , � Code i Appropriations 31 Charter Classification Titles , Amounts Sub Totals Totals , 346 Provisions (Food for Animals) t 17,000.00 349 Books and Periodicals ;` 100.0.0 353 Merchandise for Resale , 500.00 21,600.00 112,352.00 0715 Heating Conservatory and Zoo 101 Salaries - Ungraded 23,068.00 220 Electricity �, 10,000.00 305 Heating Oil - 3,000.00 36,068.00 � - � 0716 Park Concerts , 258 Entertainment (Band Music) �3 6,000.00 s. � ,,. � ;i 0717 Upkeep of Lake Como 220 Electricity (Pump House) � 2,000.00 + � ��.. . � � - + � 07•18 Recreation Centers � � - � - ' `"—�� " - � � - . � 109 Salaries - Ung�raded - Spec. Empl: ; 127,750.00 � � j 116 " ' - Professional ' # 173,080.00 , y- -�• , 117 . ;,', _ - Subprofessional � - �134,636.00 435,466.00 ",,.� �'. �� ; 201 Automobile Allowance ., ° 3,900.00 �� , '��` 202 Telephone ' 150.00 ; "�.�:•. .204 '�"ra"vel' • , '�j «- �1,200.00 � � . ._:r...,-,.t.._.., � �- '-„ 220.Gas-�and Electricity - '-`° - , - 25;.500:00• � � - �- , ___ .. - - •.�_ -- _���---=221���Water"arid-`Sewer -Rental-' -- =�"`�'`�" 5`,�00�0.00::' � ' . - •--. - �- � ., 222 Sanitary Services i 500.00 - 241 Rental - Bldg. (School Gyms) ; 10,500.00 ' 245 Rental - Motor Veh�.cles ' - 1,000.00 249 Rental - Misc. Equipment `^`� �� 300.00 258 Entertainment (4th of July) ` ,.<°. 1,750.00 49,800.00 305 Heating Fuels 5,000.00 350 Athletic Supplies 11,000.00 351 Recreation Supplies �� 14,000.00 30,000.00 515,266.00 - - � ' �P - .� . . . ;.`:• ---- _�,�_.w.�r- 0719 Athletics and Sports � "' ' � _' 109 Salaries - Ungraded - Spec. Empl. ; 1,600.00 116 " - Professional ` 20,785.00 22,385.00 ' � 201 Automob.ile Allowance 1,800.00 � 241 Rentals - Buildings 5,500.00 7,300.00 � 350 Athletic Supplies 1,000.00 30,685.00 . i . 0720 Special Activities , 116 Salaries - Professional �x s � 8,435.00 117 " - Subprofessional 1 12,579.00 21,014.00 201 Automobile Allowance 360.00 203 Postage 50.00 410.00 340 Office Supplies � 70.00 21,494.00 ,i ! 3��� . '= , _ ' . � . .,_ s , � � � ' , �. : , . _ '�,_ , •'r, . , -Y ' .. . - . '.�.�. . .�.. " ,� 3 2 . ', Code Appropriations �� Charter Classification Titles , Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0721 Custodial and Maintenance af Recreation Facilities � „ 101 Salaries - Ungraded 15,631.00 114 " - Manual & Maintenance 228,847.00 244,478.00 . 224 Maintenance and Repairs - " " Buildings and Structures 6,000.00 . 226 Maintenance and Repairs - - � Machinery and Equipment 150.00 , 228 Maintenance and Repairs - ' Grounds ` E � 500.00 239 Misc. Maintenance and Repairs � 200.00 6,850.00 � 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies '- • 2,000.00 • _ 304 Electrical Supplies 1,800.00 -- � 313 Carpentry Materials - 500.00 319 Misca Maintenance Supplies � 1,000.00 � 324 S�ti 1 Tools 1,000.00 6�300.00 257,628.00 0730 Park and Recreation Ground Maint. ., � � 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 49,835.00 �, 114 " - Manual and Maint. � 209 ,751.00 259,586.Q0 - 202 Telephone -� �'`- �.1,A00.00 , - _-. ___ � - � 220 Gas, Electricity and Steam " 7,,500.00 � -f 221 Water and Sewer Rental �*� 15,000.00 ' ` '= 269 Misc. Contractual Services � 250.00 • ;�,�,.,..� K ;, 272 Paving Plant Services�-�_ {R�» 1,750.00 25,500.00 �" �`i:• •=:t� ;,^ 305 Heating Fuel , , ,.T�, ,: ���� - -►� 1,000:0.0__ - . , . :,r �, t._.__ _ �---� '``Tr'���;" . ' ---��, 319 Misc: Maintenance "Su lies �` - ' 2 0'00.00 �� "�' �'�r�''' � 340 Off�ce Supplies r pp � - '��r�-:a` �100.00 . , .:_.`- _ . � ��.�.,�:,. _ ��_�._-��,,.1:^-_,`-,.,_���;3��-.Agricultural-•Supplies' ., `�.�=--t; . �-��-�•500.00-•---3,600.00 288,686.00 �} � . • , �— r , - - _. � - - .Y-._. -- - °- -- - - � ., . - " ;:.., vti- �- . ��-I � �- ° '' � -.- " -"'. � � � � 0731- Park and Recreation Bldg. Maint. `{� �. 101 Salaries - Ungraded • } 85,220.00 '� � _ - 114 " - Manual and Maint. � 11,262.00 96,482.00 ' � 't 201 Au'tomobile Allowance 1,000.00 ' E`. 221 Water and Sewer Rental. 2',Q00.00� - _ r-224_.Maintenance and Repair - - . � -- .. „ _ , _._ . � ' - Building ' • � ' S,000.00 246 l�entals - Machinery and Equip. � , 300.00 8,300.00 302 Plumbing Supplies , 1,000.00 303 Paint � 800.00 � � 304 Electrical Supplies 1,200.00 ' � ' .; � 313 Carpentry Materials � 3,000.00 j 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies '' 1,600.00 ; ' 324 Small Tools � 50.00 � ' 329 Misc. Machinery and Equip. 100.00 7,750.00 ' 112,532.00 0732 Park and Recreation Vehicles � and Equipment Maintenance � .i , 101 Salaries - Ungraded � �2,5,900.00 111 " - Attendance and Inspec: 9,604.00 - , .� 112 " - Clerical � 7,965.00 114 "" �- Manual and Maint. ' � 34,997.00 �:'78,466.00 ° - � '- �; ,� �`�. _ ��^ .. � - r . ..r r� •+ ��'� i . : �� , '; . +Tw''`.,3 , +,- ' - '��-�: . . t. , ',n *'•�F� � -. , . � .. . ' i ' � - ,� i.jw�a� r ... �. F__ ' ` " "" L _ _ L_� � � ' � ., � . � 33 Code � , Appropriations Charter Classification Titles , Amounts Sub Totals Totals �'��w;• 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles 20,000.00 - 226 Maintenance and Repairs - _ j Machinery and Equip. 200.00 • ., . . � 269 Misc. Contractual Services 500.00 20,700.00 • ' 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 100.00 � '�' ' • 303 Paint � 100.00 ��� "�" � 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies 200.00 ' ' 320 Motor Vehicle Parts & Supplies 4,000.00 ..�,� � 324 Small Tools � 300.00 � �� -•� _ 329 Misc. Machinery Parts � 2,000.00 C�,700.00 � �?ti'S � ,� 803 Capital Outlay - Auto. Equip. !� 7,800.00 , �="y! 808 " � " - Mech. Eq�ip. � � 7,265.00 15,065.00 120,931.00 , � . � � - , , 07`36 City's Share Tree Trimming •' � -� �' , 451 City,'s 1/2 Share Assessment � `� 150,000.00 .� ' , . .� :��1�,,x_ ., � 1,944,807.00 � - �� � =� f,' Less 1.466% of 1,794,807.00 � 26,313.00 t V�ks�� . - • t � � �� , 1.918s494.00 s'; e 1• f � - �. r�-_.... "�. ' _ , i' „ _ .._.--rt '�.r _.. „�r!' _ �.'-' � i7�F���;r}.f� � � � � _ • ` ' " ' --�" -� -.�..+k« , � ', • ' ' — ^—`r'„`"�._' t - ��J"tr'..z� • . � �: �^3:k'�', ti �'" - � � - - , , f �.. - . - � � ri' ' �.-«.. a: ; 18:02',PUBLIC� BUILDINGS` 3 • � _ ���.• ' ,- � � � � • �, _ _ ,., - �' ` ��.� - -�. ; _�.:. .� _ :z � �- __. ' -• . � �°.,.�-:p�d�750,� " Admini"stratiori - _, . -���' ' � - --� - , �� �" 112 Salaries - Clerical . � 72,250.00 � T.� � »' `� 116 " - Professional � 17,640.00 ' ;y„_. "� ,;�; ,- 136 " - Exempt - � 21,712.00 111,602.00 ' ; ;� - , l� 201 Automobile Allowance ; 1,650.00 ' • ��� '�'�` 202 Telephone 4,600.00 ,�, ;�-'ti��.�,� 203 Pos tage � 1,200.00 � , , ���;,�� ;,�,•�,� 204 Travel �, 500.00 " �'i?;����; 206 Printing and Binding 1t• 200.00 �" - _ I �_ � .. �? ' _*.� 223 Maintenance and Repairs - ' _ l'- ' '��"�° ''� Office Equipment ' ' " 600.00 ``' ' : 'I� . - 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � '��� Motor Vehicles � 250.00 ,• � A,�, ' 247 Rentals - Office Equipment 100.00 • °` ,�� , 249 Miscellaneous Rentals s 600.00 ,_ - •� �:p.;.�. ; 250 Blueprinting � 150.00 ��� ��' ' '"' ` 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. � 400.00 10.,250.00 �` + '' `- ��.Y � 340 Office Supplies 3,200.00 �;'`•'"., , � � - ',r ;.:�'�'' 348 Instruction Supplies � 250.00 349 Books and Periodicals i 200.00 � 369 Miscellaneous Materials � 100.00 -370 Photo Supplies 150.00 3,900.00 `', _ ' � 801 Capital Outlay - Office Equip. '� ' 1,500.00 127,252.00 ' . _ • ._.�, � . � -- . . � � � 0751 Buil�ing Inspection �� - 101 Salaries - Ungraded � 390,202.00 - � '� _ ,_ 114 ' � " �- Manual and Maint�� � ,, � 12,670.00 402,872.00 - .. , �:� , ..;. •� ,; .,� "j , .. Y,` . . • {' .. • . ' . r��'-r YFF � . , . � <^ , . . , _ ^=..;'h �, `r� � .., . D � � F . N( ,�� _� � r. . � .� ' � . . .. , � ��/ � � 1 .. 34 • , -,: Code „� � App�'opriations •4'Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub �ota�s Totals , �: ,, , -; 201 Automobile Allowance 26,000.00 " �`'�, 251 Dues , Memberships and Subscrip. 100.00 26,100.00 ���+�-�,<<'� 340 Office Supplies 350.00 429,322.00 � � ,y, -� F'' ' �0752 Drafting and Plan Checking ' ' 116 Salaries - Professional 85,943.00 117 " - Subprofessional . 27,035.00 112,978.00 340 Office Supplies • 200.00 342 Drafting and Survey Supplies 100.00 300.00 805 Capital Outlay - Office Equipment 500.00 I13,778.00 - � � 670,352.00 � Less 1.466% - � 9,828.00 , � 660,524.00 � �{< - � � . � . . �� : , SUMMARY - DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION� AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS w � . �,,.,_ F 18 � ' Commissioner 'of Parks and Recreation ` .�`� �� and Public Buildings � � ' �; ' 82,232.00 ,18.01 , Parks and Recreation , , x 1,918,494.00 . ' 1•8.02 , Public Buildings � ''•_; ,, ' 660,524.00 � � ' � � � . � '""'` 2,661,250.00 � " `b' , • �. w!� � - sr.;� �. tY� - , , � .�. + .. �k��I ', .. .�, .� rGr " !, � :t ' . .. � . .. iu+.._i j.��• �a �'�-... .1 . - .�. F ' ._. ` . .. - —` -" - •-+�,�-�-,_ ..- " _ -.-- ' , R ; �: r } � � t � L . q Code a�� Appropriations 35 Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 19, ELECTIONS . � �� , � .� ,� , 0800 Elections � • 112 - Salaries - Clerical 63,222.00 � 146 Fees - Judges Elections 56,014.00 119,236.00 , - 203 Postage 6,000.00 205 Shipping and Moving 20,000.00 206 Printing and Binding ' 7,OQ0.00 � 207 Advertising 300.00 208 Official Publications ' S00.00 223 Maint. -& Repairs - Office Equip. 200.00 • t 243 Rentals = Elections Booths - • 10,766.00 260 Tabulating Services' �• 900.00 261 Insurance and Bonds a 3'50.00 269 Misc�.�Contractual� Services � �' 250.00 46,266.00 � 340 Office Supplies � 2,000.00 167,502.00 � . s" Less 1.466% 2,456.00 ' � ' .' ' + � � 165,046.00 •..i • , , 9 ''1'�•, r ' � • ,, , 1 ' � . +�� . . I. i " , _ �. ,� �. _ ..._ � _�'✓—.-• - _ �r"rr . ,�. �c�.-.r «_ ' �..��. x ,yr�:.' �._-�. ...�-,!_ -. '_— _ - - - ' _ �..r'_`�"�..' " i�. - _ -' - - ._ - �'is.F_ i �- T ..� �_ _ . 20 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE (City's 27'�U/p hare) � 0820 Administration � �� 134 Salaries - Public Welfare � 848,898.00 435 Contribution to �PERA 107,668.00 � 487 Other Expense • ].58,,798.00 � , _ , 1,115,364.Op • ' , � Less - Cash Receipts ' 212,552.00 902,812.00 � , 0821 Saint Paul-Ramsey Hospital � � • 134 Salaries - Public Welfare 2,632,503.00 , 435 Contribution to PERA -�- 109,014.00 436 Contribution to Social Security 63,250.00 � � 487 �Other Expense . 774,968.00 ' - 3,579,735.00 .. Less - Cash Receipts , �� �� � � 3,579,735.00 None ' ' � , ^ , _ , . 0822 County,Home ', _,� 134 Salaries - Public Welfare � 166,773.00 � ,-, 435 Contribution to PERA ' 19,800.00 � 487 Other Expense • 68,585.00 i 255,158.00 ' ' _ �Less - Cash Receipts `- _ ' ` 214,500.00 , 40,658.00 . � : . i0823 $ocial Services � ' �` ,.� �� 489 Medical General Relief 1,602,260.00 490 Food Stamps ' 4,441.00 ' ,' 491 Old Age Assistance � 503;585.00 492 Aid to Dependent Children 2,224,397.00 - v 493 Aid to the Blind 36,373.00 � n ' � �., .- � i - � ..x _c � s . - � �, i . .:�� -36f ' � „r. , , . - � � Code , A�propriations �� Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 494 Aid to the Disabled 398,137:00_ 495 General Relief . . ' S17,859.00 496 Child Welfare ' 494,281.00 '�. 497 Payments to State Institutions 33,000.00 ' 498 Disabled Veterans � 2,475.00 499 Medical Assistance • i 2,904,000.00 8,720,808.00 , - Less Cash Receipts: , � Old Age Assistance �� � 418,571.00 Aid to Families with ,, • Dependent Children � - 1,822,092.00 _ �, , � Aid to the Blind ,� � *� 28,842.00 - 'R ; - Aid to the Disabled ° 322,199.00 , General Relief �, , 27,500..00 Child Welfare ' • . 97,625.00 Medical Assistance � ,. 2,332,968.00 5,,,,049,797.Op 3,671,011.00 • � 4,614,481.00 .� �� . . _ � . - � ' 21 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE (Includes County's Share) . �.� . . �E0850 Building Maintenance ! `' � �� 135 Salaries - Co. Civ. Serv.-R�gular 351,603.00 � _ ' � " - " ' " " -Ex. Help . 22,500.00 ° � 151 Fees - Public Examiner ��"" 94.0� 374,],97.00 •. ' '202 Telephone , - " ' �� `' µ`:�t , � ti 5,000.00 � • � - � - "' �,����__w 206 Printi�.g�,a.nd Binding� .�,_ _ �; -w,_!_�,;�� _300.00 ,_�-� ` . T_ . ' ' � ' ' 220 Gas,�Electric and Stea"m �� 97,000.�00 "� i " . . , � 221 Water and Sewer Rental � �� 10,377.00 � , � � . • 222 Sanitary Servi�ces "` ;l 1,000.00 � �� - _ �, 223 Maintenance and Repair's �- . :� ; • _h �� r , - . . `- ° � < < Office Eguip. .&_Furnitu�,e ��-j� ' � 50.00 �� � � ,� 224 Major Building'Repairs « ', 5,000.00 ' � "�i' 'rr, 226 Machinery and 'Equip. =. Repair !; 700.00 ' ,� , . x .� : .-�' 227 Laundi�y4-' ���� - ' �• w,• t��' ••= � •�' S,000.00 T" ' ' +�a. 228 Mainten.ance of Grounds�` - ''� �; 500.00 '�°- �-=.-�=T �2�9°Mairite a-hce and-Repair�=;'�`�� �, —�-- _ . � r _,--,- . � Air Conditioning j 3,000.00 _ 232 Maintenance and Repair - . Elevators ' �� � 22,500.00 , 239 Misc. Maintenance & Repairs ; � 500.00 246 Rentals - Machinery and Equip. ` a 175.^00 _, . 253. Oiling and Flushing Assess. � 301.00 -, � 261 Insurance and Bonds . � j • r 2.,100.00 �-"��- 269 Misc. Contractual Services . 100.00 153,603.00 ^ 301 Janitor and Sanitation Suppli'es t 3,500.00 _ 302 Plumbing Supplies ;� ' 1,200.00 ` 303 Paint Supplies �� ' - � 2,700.00 304 Elec. Supplies (Light Bulbs and,'� •� _ � Glolies) - - 3,500.00 313 Carpentry Materials � � �� : � 350.00 � ' � 319 Misc. Maintenance ,Su�plies ; " � 1,500.00 � ' �� 322 Motor Fue15 _ '� � ' 50.00 - � - � " 323 Oi1 and L�bricants i ' � 50.00 � ��' r 329 Misc. Machinery ,and Equipment - ' =; - ;, Parts and Supplies ��. 300.00 •r� -� ,, . .�.� - .� � - � .. _ _ . � � � - t t � ' �� 37 Code , Appropriations Charter Classification Titles i Amounts Sub Totals Totals ! ' 340 Office Supplies , 200.00 341 Clothing - Uniform Allowance - , 500.00 - - 3'69 Miscellaneous Materials _ 1,000.00 14,850.A0 431 Premiums - Health and Welfare � 11,700.00 431 " - Retiree Health & Welfare 3,000.00 . , 434 Severance Pay ' S,000.00 � � 452 Reimb. to Purchasing � � 1,000.00 20,700.00 ' 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture and Appl. 200.00 - 808 " " - -Mechanical Equip.' 1,000.00 1�200.00 , � 564,550.00 ; 0851 Veter.ans Quarters 135 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service ? 12,500.00 - 220 Gas and �lectricity � 29.00 ' 241 Rent-Building Space (Aud.) ; 3,600.00 3,629.00 , 301 Janitor and Sanitation Supplies 150.00 � 303 Paint � r � 1(J0.00 250.00 � . �; 16,379.00 � Total Appropriation „�_, {� 580,929.00 �``�'� � �,, -� `� � • . � Less County's 50% Shar,e � ' 290,463.00 -- --�;�t �;;�:�;�.. , y -,-. .^ •. ' _ ' '. � .�, � _ � •. . - _ -290,466.00 � ' � ` Less 1:466%, � �� . .'"� , ; - • ' - -- - 4,258.00 �`' '• " � h� ` ' ' 286.208.00 , ,r�'� �« � r . , � . . ' ,,�, �. �^�• .t"• " _ . : . 1 �_ • 1! ��'`'�;� ..'�. .�. �si _�,,. " ' . �1.�"4 F � •yF,�,� M �cv'�'� -., � . . . � � � .,X r . � ._ "�"4✓ai';�"' 'a1 �"+' . • , �._ •Y-.t . �i,. ,� .�T'• .. _ � _�; "Y�j v.'-.'J.s�a-~ _'_� —lv �...1'�^i°,Y�_.. µ � _ � ' 3 .." �4 n'rM Kt;'.,.�"7.. '_ � -_`•w �. . , .�- -.V a+G" , r , ' � .�-..- _ � 22 DETENTION & CORRECTIONS AUTHORITY (Includes Gounty's Share) . � .� k � 0870 Administration , ' ' 135 .Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service i ' 79,530.00 . � � 151 Fees - Public Examiner `� � 750.00 80,280.00 " 201 Automobile Allowance ; , 2,200.00 202 Telephone " i 700.00 ' 203 Postage � � 175.00 204 Travel � i 600,00 ` 206 �'rinting and Binding ' � 500.00 � 223 Equipment Maint. - Office ` ' 200.Op °� 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. � ,t : 200.00 � ' - . 261 Insurance and Bonds o ' � 1,200.00 - 269 Misc. Contractual Services '' 250.00 6,025.00 , 340 Office Supplies .f 500.00 349 Books and Periodicals , ' 100.00 600.00 425 Workmen's Compensation { . _ 500.00 426 " � "-Doctors' Fees I . ' S00.00 � 427 " "-Hosp. and Nursesrs t 1,000.00 � 428'� " "-Miscellaneous I - 100.00 431 Premiums (Healtk► and Welfare) 1,605.00 . , 43f4''�.S everance Pay 5,000.00 435 ;Pension Contribution PERA � +� 3,850.00 __ , 452 Reimb. to Purchasing 2,000.00 14,555.00 805rCapital Outlay � Furniture� & A�p16 100.00 , ' ; ',� � •� 101,5 60.00 -� � . ' :� � , . . :-�.r a.� �.�..._ � � ` . Y j .�.,F � � ... .. w ry . �.� � , --z� , ,� a$ - . .;, , ._ , r i F '�r - � �' � `�1'!I � 1� , ��,�..� . . l , •, � y.,.p� . � - ,, . s' �t ` " . .. � '� ' ' ` � � ' ._a . l . ' . � • i :► . , . - �� _ 3 8 . � ;� r Code � , Appropriations Charter Classification Titles � Aihounts Sub Totals� Totals , � 0871 Woodview Detention Home _ , �' 135 Salaries' - Cnty. Civil Service� 105,911.00 ' 201 Automobile Allowance ' 300.00 _ � ' 202 Telephone 1,350.00 +� � 203 Pos tage �+� 250.00 - ''• ' • 204 Travel { 300.00 . 205 Shi in Costs � 150.00 � `° PP� g 206 Printing and Binding r� 150.00 ' ' � 202 Gas, Electric and Steam � 4,700.00 . 221 Water and Sewer Rental � , 625.00 � �. 222. Sanit�ry Services • � - �� 220.00 J � 223 Maintenance and Repairs - - a Office Equipment 125.00 ' 224 Maintenan.ce and Repairs �- - , • � i . _ Structures 500.00 , , 226 Maintenance and Repairs - • • Machinery and Equipment 500.00 , , , - . 227 Laundry . , ,E 2,200.00 � � 228 Maintenance of Grounds :� 100.00 ' ._......--».__:._.__ • .- � � �` -�`• " - "` 230 'Street Ligtiting Repairs"-"-� �� �-` -` �' 205.00 ���.-=_ , - - - . �- -- - �61 Insurance•�and Bonds �.. ,r'' � - , 230.00 � - � �-- ;_'` ; - . , . y269 Misc. Con.tractual Services ' 125.00� 12,030.00 ' - ' 302 Plumbing Supplies 250.00 � 303 Paint Supplies 210.00 � � 304 Electrical Supplies 200.00 • . ' � �313 Carpentry Materials ,� __ �^ 100.00 _ , - .- . ' -� � ��319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies � � � 500.00 �± � 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supp�ies 50.00 321 Tires and Tubes 100.00 ' . 322 Motor Fuel lOQ:QQ , � 324 Small Tools 5u uu � ' " " " ""'' 329 Misc e Machinery and Equip. Part � 100:00 - �� '' • 340 �ff�ce SuPplies �; #' 300:00 ' 341 Clothing t � 1�500.00 � 343 Household Supplies ' . 1,500,00 � 344 Medical Supplies � � '` �. 300.00 •i 346 Food ' ' � 8,900.00 . - 347 Agriculture and Horti. Supplies�- �` � 100.00 : 369 Miscellarieous Materials ! 25.00 14,285.00 � • _ 431 Premiu.ms (Health and Welfare) 2,920.00 , 435 Pension Contributions (PERA) , 7,120.00 � 453 Reimb, to School District . (Roseville School Dist.) 10,900.00 20,940.00 , , 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture & Appl. 500.00 r 153,666.00 _.�- � �. �0872 ,_Home School for ,Boys, _ -� --- � � � - � � - "' 135 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service 205,562.00 - 201 Automobile `Allowance 1,z00.00 , � 202 Telephone 2,400.00 203 Postage �" '• 350,00 204 Travel � 500.00 205 Shipping Costs � 400.00 ' 206 Printing and Binding � 100.00 , 220 Gas and Electricity 5 10,600.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental ; 1,500.00 222 Sanitary Services r 150.00 , � . � � 39 �` Code 4 Appropriations Charter Classification Titles , Amounts Sub Totals ,Totals >. _ __,._�. . .. -._ ,.,,.,�.�.w ,.. , a 223 Maintenance and Repairs - , � ; Office Equipment , 300.00 ` ' 224 Maintenance and Repairs - " • . � Structures � 500.00 , 225 Maintenance and Repairs - � . -Motor Vehicles �. 125.00 � - 226 Maintenance and Repairs - '" � Machinery and Equipment .500.00 � 227 Laundry +• 3,000.00,:,'" � " . 228 Maintenance of Grounds �� 500.00" �� 230 Street Lighting Repairs � 500.00 �r 251 Dues, Memberships and Subscrip. ' 100.00 �: 253 Sprinkling Assessments � ' 385.00 ��''+ �' . . � • - ar 4��3' .. ' 261 Insurance and Bonds ! 1,060.00 269 Misc. Contractual Services � 300.00 24,470.00 ' , 302 Plumbing Supplies � ; 150.00 ' ' 303 Paint Supplies 200.00 ' ` 304 Electrical Supplies ; 400.00 � 305 Heating Fuel � 2,500.00 - � : 313 Carpentry Material � � -' - •` �500.00 ° . ' , "' • , 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies "' � � 600.00 � 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies�'� 250.00 ' 321 `Tires and Tubes . , . - , 150.00 , ---;;, � . 322 .Motor Fuel '! � 550.00 - -- . -� 323 Oil and Lubricants � 75.00 ,-, ; - -' - - �-�-324 Small Tools ' _ 100.00 _. 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment - • j Parts and Supplies � 250.00 . . 340 Office Supplies ° 400.00 � , ' �� 341 Clothing � 4,000.00 � 343 Household Supplies r 5,500.00 , 344 Medical Supplies _ f 700:"00 346 Food , � 24,800.00 347 Agriculture and Horti. Supplies � 100.00 _ � 349 Books and Periodicals 75.00 350 Athletic Supplies � 1,500.00 351 Recreation Supplies � r. 300.00 369 Miscellaneous Materials � 100.00 43,200.00 ' 431 Health and Welfare Premiums r 7,568.00 435 Pension Contributions J *],9,340.00 453 Reimb. to School Dist. � 41,800.00 68,708.00 604 Capital Outlay - Gonst. Mechanical 2,000.00 805 " " = Appliances i 1,165.00 ; 345,105.00 r : - . *Teachers 6,030.00 - '� r *PERA 13,310.00 i , . � - r; � ,19,340.00� ` , _ � I ' , ' � . 0873 Workhouse-Workfarm . 135 Salaries - Cnty. Civil Service �j . , � 305,974.00 �� 201 Automobile Allowar,ce � ' 480.00 202 Telephone � �. 2,600.00 ' � 203 Postage � 250.00 .«r-='r � 204 Travel - { ' 300.00 �.r-••r � ...�. , . . ��� "_ ' • �• � .r.> w ' 't . , .T• - - • 40 Code ' � Appropriations ' , Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals �otals 206 Printing and Binding 450.00 220 Gas and Electricity � 21,500.00 221 Water and Sewer Rental � 528.00 � 222 Sanitary Services ' 100.00 }� 223 Maintenance and Repairs - Office Equipment .� 150.00 224 Maintenance and Repairs - � Structures � 500.00 225 Maintenance and Repairs - Motor Vehicles �� 750.00 .f 226 Maintenance and Repairs - - Machinery and Equipment � 600.00 228 Maintenance of Grounds t 150.00 _ 233 Maintenance and Repairs - � - ' Automotive Detachable Equip:. 200.00 239 Misc. Maintenance' and Repairs = 200.00 261 Insurance and Bonds # - 3,370.00 • ' � " � � � 269 Misco Contractual Services � 600.00, 32,728.00 302 Plumbing Supplies � 450.00 303 Paint Supplies F 750.00 , - ' _ 304 Electrical Supplies � 750.00 " . 305 Heating Supplies � 2,000.00 ° + 313 Carpentry Materials ' S00.00 319 Misc. Maintenance Supplies � 1,200.00 ' - 320 Motor Vehicle Parts and Supplies 1,000.00 - 321 Tire� and Tubes ; 375.00 322 Motor Fuels , t _. 1,900.00 . „� � � - , � "�' `' ��� - 323 Oil and Lubricants �! 200.00 . 324 Small Tools � 300.00 ��:=, � y 325 Maintenance and Operation - + Automotive Detachable Equip�. 750.00 � 329 Misc. Machinery and Equipment -1 � , ' • Parts and Supplies + �'1,000.00 " " r � 340 Office Supplies 65�.00 ' ,� 341 Clothing � 3,500.00 343 Household Supplies ; 6,300.00 , 344 Medical Supplies i` 450'.00 , • ° � 346 Food ,' 35,450.00 � 347 Agriculture Supplies 5,000.00 • 357 Bottled Gas } 400�00 ' , 369 Miscellaneous Materials 150.00 63,075.00 � 431 Premiums (Health and. Welfare) �i 8,634.00 . 435 Pension Gontribution - PERA � 18,970:00 27,604.00 � 805 Capital Outlay - Furniture & Appl. 1,000.00 " � 430,381.00 Total Appropriation . � 1,030,712.00 Less County's 50% Share ', 515,356.00 . t 515,356.00 ` =�:�t . . , � , .� ; ` • . � � .� .... 25 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS �r - ' ��„ 0900 Health and Welfare s 112 Salaries - Clerical ' 3,978.0'0 116 " - Professional 8,294.00 12,272.00 r .. �: � �. . �: .��. . 41. Code Appropriations Charter Cl�ssification Titles ' Amounts Sub Tptals Totals , 202 Telephone 100.00 203 Postage 150.00 ,,___206 Printing and Binding 100.00 223 Maintenance - Office Equip. 50.00 269 Miscellaneous Services 5,100.00� 275 Duplicating Services 100.00� 5,600.00 • 431 Premiums , f 506,360.00 � 524,232.00 I,ess estimated 1967 Balance 130,000.00 394,232.00 �.. � r,., . ' -- 0901 Severance Pay � �� ' 434 Severance Pay � � � 109,273.00 T• _ . , ' -� �� '0902 Unemployment Compensation ' ~ ' � 432 City's Share-Compensation Cost ' 125,000.00 i � 0903 Police Relief Association i 4 � • ` 435 Pension Contribution ' ' 481,312.00 . I • �� - . , � . 0904 Firemen's Relief Associatiori � -"`�" . 435 Pensiori Contribution " 601,640.00 . � �., � r • � � , r � .Y 0905 Health �Relief Association . i . - , 435 Pension Contribution � . . � '' �'' 24,066.00 - " ' — -- ._ _- .. .._, _ - � . ,,..�. _ ... _. - -. . . -. _ 0906 Public Employees Retire. Assn. ' • �. . 435 Pension Contribution _ ^; 1,581,330<00 • ' ; ti , _ ' 0907 Retiree Insurance ' • � 431 Premiums (Health and�Welfare) � 53,100.00 � 3,369,953.00 . , 26 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 0910 Judgment and Compromise � , 421 Judgments and Claims i 10,000.00 Less 1.466% 147.00 . * � �' 9,853.00 , _ t`^_. � , _„ . .. � ��". _ � . 42 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 27 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AID 0920 Capital Contributions 701 City's Share 900,000.00 0921 Exempt Properties _ , 253 Sprinkling Assessment � 38,283.00 254 Forestry Assessment � 6,776.00 711 Permanent Improvements 70,230.00 Deferred f 115,289.00 None t ±� � 0922 Forfeited Properties . � r 253 Sprinkling Assessments � 2,571.00 • 254 Forestry Assessments .�� 200.00 . 711 Permanent Improvements 1,381.00 � � . Deferred • '��� _ 4,152.00 '�� None 900,000.00 � " � i � , k �+ �.r 28 BOND AND NOTE INTEREST } Y� t k - " -' 0930 General Debt Interest � - i ,� - 401 General Deb.t , - � �-� 2�003,531.00 � ' Less: � - Paid from TrunK Highway Trust Fund ' 70,000.00 � Paid from Budgeted General Fund � � 1,933,531.00 � i • - _ _ • 0933 Note Interest - � 401 Interest � 5,287.00 1,938,818.00 � - � �. ! N � 30 BOND AND NOTE REDEMPTIONS 0940 General Debt Maturities " � � 402 Maturities � - ' 2,085,000.00 . Less:. i Paid from Trunk Highway Trust Fund 330,000.00 Paid from Budgeted General Fund � . 1,755,000.00 0943 Note Maturities � . 402 Maturities � 340,000.00 � i , i � , ' _ .' , . ._ -� � � � 43 Code , � Appropriations Charter Classification Titles , Amou�ts Sub Totals Totals 0944 Armory Maturities j r 402 Maturities 26,750.00 2,121,750.00 � i ' - � 35 � GENERAL FUND � MISCELLANEOUS , ' 0950 Workmen's Compensation � • ' � 425 Payment in Lieu of Salaxy " 170,000.00 • 426 Doctors' Fees ''' 35,000.00 - 427 Hospitals and Nurses � 45,000.00 - - 428 Other Expenses � 50,000.00 - -'' - 300,000.00 :,���r . ' r 0951 Debt Service � - 112 Salaries - Clerical � 8,456.00 ` � ' '" 141 Fees - Legal , r - 3,500.00 - � � 159 Fees - Other 2,000.00 13,956,00 � 202 Telephone 30.00 203 Postage ' 200.00 206 Printing � 3,000.00 208 Official Publicity � 150.00 • 249 Miscellaneous Rentals 60.00 . 259 Bank Service Charges _ � 6,000.00 9,440.00 � . 340 Office Supplies �' 100.00 23,496.00 , ' � 0952 Financial Forms ' 206 Printing and Binding � ' 25,000.00 . � 0953 Surety Bond Premiums f � 261 Insurance and Bonds 1,000.00 r . � � �0954 Miscellaneous and Unforeseen � � 269 Misc. Contractual Services � � 7,000.00 ti 0957 Wilder Baths 221 Water � 2,450.00 �- . 0958 Auditorium Rentals , - 241 Bldgs. & Office Space-Rental 66,179.00 ' Less Amount Deferred 40,867 .00 25,312.00 0965 Payroll Processing 260 Tabulating Service � 23,000.00 ; , + , `� 4 . � . �a . i1--- � • � � C . ' 44 Code Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts " Sub Totals Totals 0970 National League of Cities 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. ; 1,000.00 • 0971 League of Minn. Municipalities 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. f 2,008.00 ! 0972 Ramsey Co. League of Municipalities "' 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. 1,125.00 0973 , League of Minn. Municip.-Metro Section � 251 Dues - Memberships & Subscrip. � 1,407.00 � � , 0975 Public Examiner k 'a� -- . 151 Fee - Public Examiner �� 25,000.00 �� . 'I'-.- _,.. , 0976 Wrecking Buildir�gs , t� . . . 256 Demolition s 35,000.00 0977 Port Authorit • ��,�� ' ` � y � " 257 Operation , 36,098.00 _ � - • � : _ _� --. _ -... - - �. � �,� � Y � � 0978 E�sements " 422 Charter Sec. 257 � 5,000.00 � , 0981 Memorial Day Observance f� � 461 City Contribution � 1,000.00 , , . , 0982 Humane Society �= - . 461 City Contribution ' ?' 3,600.00 A � � 0983 International Institute � ' ° ". . , 461 City Contribution � - � 7,500.00 - 1 � � 0984 Human Relations � 461 City Contribution ,� 5,000.00 f � , - ,� . 0990 Microfilming (City's 50% Share) - 461 City Contribution ,T 12,015.00 , � 1,t - . 0991 Data Processing (City's 50% Share) � ! 461 City Contribution C �_-�. 43,6$9.00 , ,��y, — � � 45 Code � Appropriations Charter Classification Titles Amounts Sub Totals Totals 0992 Duplicating (City's 50% Share) 461 City Contribution 4,982.00 0997 Charter Commission �. 461 City Contribution 10,000.00 601,682.00 Less 1.466% of 499,732.00 7,326.00 594,356.00 � r � , _+, ° _ �� - ._ _ - _.. . - � .- .. _ : _ -._ . _ � ..,. # 4 � � � 1 � � 1 ' ' � t �� � � ! � • � .S �� - f r C� . � � ~ ,i� - � , � .�