235186 a " - OriIIinal to CIty Clerk � ' �• . '` RDINANCE ~ � �, �����5 � . COUNCIL FILE NO � PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO- / ✓ ��� A.n ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: ' � "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the mi.nimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: . Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and • specifications for Assistant Director of School Cafeterias � � , �` . - . t _ . ' -1- Yeas Councilmen . Nays Passed by the Council � Carlson , - Dalglish Tn Favor � Holland Meredith Peterson Against � Tedesco � � Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: � Attest: ; � City Clerk Ma oj , �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By, - .. i • � �� Orl¢insl to City Clerk ' •• � � ORDINANCE ` � 2�5�.�� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY , ORDINANCE NO. � � . { Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. -3- OCT 131967 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson / Dalglish �6 In Favor Holland Meredith .' � � Against ' Ted� es�co 1 � ��,�j 131967 „�, ,�,a.,- ..�• ...�'..:�!' . , APProved: A es ice Pr �ent (P" r I ., W Ci Clerk ' ��#a , aY � �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � � ����f�t��� �CT 21 196� �DnpIIcate to Printer �" • � ORDINANCE ;��5�_��; COUNCIL FILE NO J PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO � � An Qrd�nanc� amending 4rd�az�ce No. ?6U7, entft�.ed: ' '�A.n ordi.nanc� fixi,ag the dutiee and �e�pone�b�.litieg and the xx�inirnum qualification� for th,e va�ious ela��e$ o� • � posi.tians in th� Ciass3�fi�d Service o# �he �ii,jr, �� �pprov:ed Febru.�.ry 13, 1935, a� amen�.ed. THE COUNCIL 4F THE CIT"Y OF S�A.�T PAUL DOE5 O�DA�N: . Section 1. That Ordinance No. ?607, appro'crec�,February 13, 19��, aa amended, be and the saxne is hereby further amended by in�erting in itQ praper alphabetica! orde� the following title,,and � apecifications for Aasistant Director o£ School Cafeterias -1- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council Carlson Dalglish Tn Favor Holland Meredith Peterson A gainst Tedesco Mr. President (Byrne) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By � 2�5��� , � Title of class; � �� �� ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS Duti�s and respoizsiUilities: • . . Undei dire�ction, to assis�t th� Director of Schoc�l Cafeterias in the operati.'on and main�enance of �he cafe'terias in the public schaais; azld �o.perform related work as assigned. Examples of work �erforr;ned: , To coordinaice and super'.vise the work of varxous school • cafeterias and Yhe offic�. To �e�uisiti.pn food, supplie s and equip�nc�.zt. , To mal�e up the wark s�chedules. , To plan mex�us in accdreZailce wi�th good nutri�ion, Federal . school lunch progxams, depaitmental policies and. econnmical op�ratidn, � , To supervise fiizancial record keeping and bitci�eting. � �'o requisition az�d pla,ce new emplayees and supervise their training. To Sl1�CTVise a continuous in-s�,rvice training program fd�r . � all employeas. '�o malce rEg�.ilar field visits �o cafeferias to inspect the personizel, equipme�.lt, operation, sanitary co�iditions , and mairztenance; to make re�ommeizdations or i=eports to the Direcfor, aiid to implem�ilt any necessary . . correc�Eive measures. ' To make studies and to da research and make xecommendations � ther�from ior e£€icier�t oPeration. Mini'mum qual'ificatioiis; J ' . . College graduation wi�h specia•lization ii1 institutianal manag�ment, nutri.tion ar i•elated fields ana thr�e years� ex�ea.•ience as a ' director or assistaizt direc�or of schaol cafeterias; or, seven . ye�rs' ex�ericnce as a dir-ector or assistant directar of schoa!' ' cafeterias. . , a, _ ..20 - Dapllcate to Printer y ' � ORDINANCE �35���� COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO Se�tion 2. Th3a ordinanc� �ha11 take effecti and be iu forc�e thirty day� after it� pa.$i�age,. ap�rova.l, aa.zd publica,t�.on. �3- �-� 131967 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by t�Council Carlson Dalglish � Tn Favor Holland . � Meredith A gainst -�e�eree�— Tedesco • � '�ide�;;. �r � �J�;� 1 3 19��+ �'S:...� �:����9.�o� APAroved• Attest' �' Vice President (Peterson) ' City Clerk Mayor �� Form approved Corporation Counsel By -�� • , . � � � . � 2�5��� Title of class: �� �� - � 11SSIST.�.NT DIRECTOR OF SCH�OL C�IFETERIAS Duties and.rospo�zsii�ilities: . . . ` � Under dir�etiazl� to assis�� i:he Director of Sclioal Gaf�terias in the operati�n and maintei�.ance of the cafeterias in the public schools; and to p�iforxn related work as assi�ned. Examples of worlc performed: , To coordinaice and supervise the work af va.rious school • cafeterias apd the offic�. To r�cluisiti�i� �ao�l, supplies and,equipmeilt. - To make u� the work sc�i.edules. ' To �lan mez�us in accnrcance wi�th good nutritian, Federal , school }.u,1ch programs, departmentell poli.cies and econaYnic�t opera�ion. � , z o super�rise fin�xicial record keeping and budgeting. To reyuisition �.nd place new $mploSTees and supervise their traiilzn�. , To supervise a continuous in�service training program for all employees. To malce regulaz• field visz�s �o cafeterias to izzspECt the personzlel, cqui�mei21:, operativx�, sanitary conditions - - aizd maiizten��ce; to make rQ�ommexida�ions�-oz� repo�•��- "�"� to the Uircc�or, and t� im1�Ieme��.�E any necessary - Correc�ive rneasuxes. To malze studies aild to do res�arc�i and make recommendations thcrefrflm for efficie�.�t oPeratiozz. ' Ivlinimum qualificatioi�s: � College graduation with specialisation ii� institu�ioizal. managernent, iautri.ti.on vr rclat2d fi.elds and �hree years' ex�e�ience as a direct�r oz assist�nt �li�ec�or of school cafeterias; dr seven _ years' e�peri�nce as a directox ar assistant director of school cafEte�ias, �• ,'-- w �2� G�v - :� , ,i � O Istl � 2nd Laid over to � f� 3rd and app /� � —Adop+ed / /� Yeas � � Nays Yeas Nays \Dalcarlson �arlson lish ' al lish 9 '� 9 V-lolland �kiolland �eredith �����r��Meredith \ _ l� ,\ �Peterson �ePe#��� V \Tedesco `'' � edesco �r. President Byrne ";;,,,, ��;�'"'�,N���y�ri��;;e;;''` �Mr.V�ce President (Peterson)