235156 2�5�..��� ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL O UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � C�MMISSI�NE DATE _- � �IN" Resolved, that the Northern Sta.tes Power �� Compa,r�y be given permission to instaLl � approxim�,tely 2,160 lineal feet of gas ma.in �/on E. 7th St. (north side) between North and Maple; �sn North St. (south side) between 7th Street and Truxtion; ,✓�n 8th St. (east side) between Nor-bh and Maria; v�n Maple St. (west side) between 7th St. and 6th St.; �on ivy Ave. (south side) between Galtier St. and Matilda St.�; � ✓on Aill St. (south side ) between G`hestnut and Eagle; . ��7 Al1ey between West of Clark and South of Iarpenteur; under Provisions of Council File No. 1218392, Ordinance No. 9313, dated June 2�+, 19�+9 �- ( <�� . 6w1 - ��P 2 619�7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson �EF► � 6 1��] Dalglish ' pproved 19— Holland � Meredith in Favor ,;� . � Peterson � U �,� Mayor r��a� _,, Against - �'`t� Mr. President, Byrne PIiBLISHEB S�P 3 01967 . � ���