05-284Council File # � Resolution # Green Sheet # 3025703 RESOLUTION Presented By Referred to OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Z( Committee_ Date 1 WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul, Division of Parks & Recreation, provides a variety 2 of activities to youth, including participation in tennis lessons; and 3 WHEREAS, Saint Paul Parks & Recreation is in need of space for its growing tennis 4 program; and 5 WHEREAS, Macalester College of Saint Paul owns land at 1600 Grand Avenue which 6 includes tennis courts; and 7 WHEREAS, Macalester College is willing to give permission for Parks & Recreation to 8 use their tennis courts, June 17 - August 19, 2005, but wishes to have the City indemnify and 9 hold the College harmless from claims related to the City's use of the tennis courts; and 10 WHEREAS, provisions of youth tennis lessons serve a legitimate public purpose by ll serving the youth of the City; and 12 WHEREAS, the expenditure of public funds, which includes the promise of 13 indemnification and defense, for such a purpose will facilitate and allow the City to provide such 14 opportunities, now therefore, be it 15 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint 16 Paul hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Macalester College harmless from any and all 17 damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions, or judgments arising out of 18 the use of Macalester's tennis courts at 1600 Grand Avenue, which are attributable to the 19 negligent act or omission by the City of Saint Paul, its employees, agents or contractors; and be it 20 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not cover: 21 1) casualty loss or property damage to the tennis courts. 22 2) any occurrences or events which are not part of the approved use of the tennis courts 23 by the City or do not take place during the use of the tennis courts as part of the city's tennis 24 program. Page 1 of 2 Council File # �J��V , Resolution # Green SheeC # RESOLUTION CiTY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 25 3) injuries or damages which arise from hidden traps or conditions exisring on the 26 Macalester property of which they had actual or constructive notice. 27 4) injuries which arise out of criminal acrions, assaults, batteries or other acts of violence 28 committed by any person or persons; and be it 29 FINALLY RESOLVED, that nothing in the foregoing provisions shall be construed as a 30 waiver of the municipal Yort liabiliry limits of defenses set forth in Minn.Stat.s466.01 et seq. � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Departme�rtioifice/cotmcil: Dateinitiated: O� P -paz�and,�hon �„-�-05 � Green Sheet NO: 3025703 Contact Person & Phone: - 4 � Linda Flynn l � j 0 266-6443 i AsSign I 1 i Must Be on Council Agenda by (Dafe): Numbe� y Foc � 3 � Routing � Orde� 4 I I � i � ToWt # of Signature Pages _(Cfip All Locations for Sigrmture) sent �o rerson itv Attornev I avor's Office I Mavor/Assistant � uncil � � 'tv Clerk � Ci C7 rk Approval of resolution holding Macalester College harmless for City's use of the tennis courts. ,� � Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): . � Planning Commission - , i CIB Committee � Civii Service Commission , I Personal Service Contracts 1. Has fhis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persron/firtn ever been a city empfoyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skili not normally possessed by any curzent city employee? Yes No Facplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet . ' Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoRunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Macalester College is willing to give pemussion for Pazks and Recreation to use their tennis courts, June 17 - August 19, 2005, but wishes to have the City indemnify and hold hazmless the collegz from clauns related to the City's use of the tennis courts. � AdvantaaeslfApproved: � Disadvantapes if Approved: None � � ; Disadvantages If NotApproved: ; Total Amount of ' Transaction: � Fundin5� Source: �, Financial fnformafion; ' , (Explain) „ i MAR 2 5 20�5 ��, ^i e. ��� . :y_� i CostfRevenue Budgeted: � ActiviN Number: �' ,; MAR 17 20D5 - - . �• _� R�°S��P��f C`.,r��� . � ' ., f� � �(':. ROU'P1NG ORDER: � � � � � � � � � � � � Below are correc[ routings for tfie svc mostfrequent types of doc�enfs: CONTRACTS(ass�esanthorized��budgetezusts) COIINCIF.RESOLT7TIaN�(amendbud8?tsl'e'�pC'8�a�tsy' �;, L O�itside�Ageucp � � � f.' DepsrhnentDiractor �� � � � � � 2, DepartrnentDirector � 2. �O�ce,ofFinancialServicesDu�ector,' ' � ^ , 3. CityAtfomey 3. City,Attocney, 4. hfayor/Assistant (for confracts over $25,000) 4. Mayor/Assistimt, ",' 5. Ht�sn,Rights(farcontracfsoves$50,000) 5. City�o�cit�'� � � � 6.OfficeofFinsncialSerdices,-Accotmting 6. Ofl?ceofFinancialSeqvices-,Accounting � � ADMi�iIIS1RATIVEORDERS(BudgetlZevision} COLTNCII,RESOI.C3TION(allothecssnd,Ordinances) ,'" 1. ActivityManagerorDepazlmentAcco�mtant I. DeparlmenYDirector ' 2 DepmtmentDirector 2. CityAttotnep . 3. Office ofFinancial 5ervices Director 3. Mayor/Assist�t 4. CityClerk 4. CityCoucrciI 5. Office ofFina�iat Services - Aaoimting , ADMINiSTRATIVE ORDERS'(slt o$iers), : ERECUTIVE QRDER , i:, ��•_.�.:*�Dim�tor � 1�. ,I7ep'actrnenGDirector � � � � � � � 2: CityAtfomey' 2. CitS'A!YOmeY, 3.OfficeofFinenciaiServicesDirector 3.'Ivfayorfa�ea�+t 4. City Clerk ' � � � � 4. �CiXy� CIerk � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � TOTAL NUbffiER OF �IGNATIIRE,PAGES' � � „� � , � � � � �� Indicate tfie # of pages on wSuch signat�ses are mquired and paperciip ot flag eacli of Uuse pages. ' AGTI ONREQTIES'TB)D �, � � � � � n ' �� � ` � �,,� r�. � , � � � � Desc[tbe'w}�at the Ptoje�heguest seeks to acwmplish in eiffiec chtonological o�der or order of import�ce wlucheae[ is most appropriatt for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each it�i myrns listwitti a vecb_ ' �RECO�AITOZ9S , � �� � � � � � � � � Coinplete ifthe issue is quesfionhas been ptesented before aaY,bodp„Public or private. � � � � PERSOAIAL SERVICE CONiRACTS: � � � � � � � � � This infoimation will be used ta dete�ine tfie city's liabilityf� wwkers compensatioa claims, taxes and propa cavil ', servicehiringmles. ` � ,� � INITIATINGPBOBLEI� LSSi7E, OPPORTUNITY � � � � � � � ' � � Fxplainthe situatiou or conditions that created aneed farY�ProJect or request ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVEB 7ndicate whether this is simp2y e¢ annusl budgetpioc�eduie reqaired bylaw/charter or whether thee�e are specific ivays,in , - wltich tfie �itg of Saidt PaoI and its eitizens will benefitfrom th's pro�ecUacti'on. DIS �� AGESIF�APPRGVID , � ���' � � , �� � � , �� � ADVANf o What negaYiqe effects ormal� ��8� m��IIB �P� P� �&� �P�J���� P�� ifrt is passed `' (e:g.;��icdelays,nois�taxin�a�asesorasses�ents)?, To�tvhomY'WlienY�Far'fiowlong? � � � � � „' 4, DISADVAt�TAGES IF NOT APPRO VED , � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � . , Wh�t will be the nagative consequences i€the pmmised action isaot approved? 7nabilitg to detiver,service7 Ca�inve fiigh 4affic, �ise, accident rate? Loss of revenue7 ' FINANCIALIbrIPACT ' � � � ��� � � � � � .,. �� � . � Nthonghyou must Ya�1or the iuformatian yon provide here to 1fie.issi�e you are, sddre�ssing m SeneralYoa �st aaswer fwo questions: How much is it goingto cosk7 Who is goingto pa}f? ,�� ��� � „� � � � �"� , �� � , � �� � � �� � __ - „ �