D001377Original- City Clerk Copies- Fin. 8� Mgmt Services Public Works Accourning Engineer Coniractor � No.: D Date: CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR AD3�NIS"TRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. C4'� ( 3'� ��"�"17 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER. Whereas, additans which proved to be necessary to the Irtqxovement described as Universitv I & I G95-2T628-078429223 known as activity ra. 29223 , City Project No. 95-5-8108 & 95-5-1845 Danner, Inc. 1. 2. s. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 12" DIP Rebuild M 1�MinQ�i Lt��� J� Mendota Slreet Mobilization t2" PVC SDR 25 Construct Type II M.H. Rebuild 7A Catch Basin Adjust Gate Valve Bituminous Gtiub at Ead Street Clean up under 3rd Street Bridge Exua Sewea Work az 4th Street in 1996 Extra Sewes Work at 4th Street in 1997 646 L.F. @ 13 L.F. @ i �. � 1 I.ump Sum ?A L.R @ i EA. @ 2 L.F. @ 3 EA. @ 1 Lump Sum 2 Lomp Sum 1 Lump Sum 1 Lump Sum 8.00 165.00 2se.� 3,000.00 30.00 1,400.00 165.00 150.00 614.44 3,120.95 16,854.61 12,597.22 5168.00 2145.00 Zse.m 3,000.00 720.00 1,400.00 330.00 450.00 614,443 3,120.95 16854.61 12,547.22 • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accorclance with the spec'rficaYwns in the sum of $ 46,650.22 , said amourK to be added to the lump sum consideratbn named on ihe contract, known as Activity No. 29223 , and which amount is to be financed from: • � .�� � � -- b—/ �g� � ° /D z3� _`"�.`— � y -�- Contracror, is composed of the folbwing: ;�nn � � r-� n iwne roF r+c � iNma�o � J f.J I 1 PublicWorksConstruclion 10/13/97 GREEN SHEET No. 3a saa coar� re� s q+a+E w mtruuon �vum,�d+rdnECron p arrcou+ct Dan Haak 266-6084 �� m�now�r � crtra�rac �usreeoNCOU� er�w� � petw�row�� � Fwa►�r.sexv�saa. �►uro�roA,�s�sr�w„ � �� , AL # OF SIGNATURE PAGB Z, �cw �u i.orwiroxs wx sK'+uivaEl — 2 oEaa=ru�t ��� acraN r�a�slEo Provide compensation for exira work performed by the contmctor at the request of the engineer. University I& I- City Project No. 9SS-8108 & 95-51843 Contractor - Danner. Inc. �couw�nars*aa,. �N «a.�.� tm �asau� seav� coertxnc'rs wisr �t+swEn n� rouoxnNC a�snons: _ruwar�ccouuissnN_cm_seav�ca+u�ssnn �. tiaseusaers�n'rmeverworkedunderamno-accrormisdep�rm�em? GBCOMMffTFE _ YES NO � STAFF 2. Hea tlis pBrson/flfm aMBf bBen a tity ertpl0yae? — — YES NO _ DsiflICTCOUNCIL _ 3. Doesihis rtn PersorJfi aosaess a skA nu nonnelh aosaesaed M anr amerrcdry enwbree? SUPPORiSWHICHOOUNdLO&IECTIYE? YES NQ Explein aB yas wvwrs on a�par�� aha�t and atlaeh to graan sMal INITIATING PRO&.FIA. ISSUE.OPPOp7UNITY (1NFW. WFiAT. WHEN, WHEflE. WH1�: The mntractor was directed to perform extra work not included in the original mntract. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVm: The project can be built to acceptable construction standards. The contractor will be compensated for extra work ormed at the direction of the engineer. DISADVANTAGES If APPFOVED: � � � � , g' � � d . N011E: ���EL �! �� 4�ECEIVE� DCT 3 01997 � � �� '��� .`�.1t F I.LE�� '<. ' �_`" �"��., u�a�,�� p � � F �� " �tj �� ",.�, -c, C DISADVHMAGES IF NOT APPPOVED: The project muld not have been completed to acceptable wnstrucflon standards. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTNANSACTiON S 46,650.22 �OST�REVENUE BUDGETED {CIRCLE ONq ES 1W SpUpCE SRB.MnDOT:6�e.SRF. � ACT���'n'NUMBEN C95-2T628-0784-29223 , FINANCIAL INW pMATpN: (IXPLAItQ /��{�/� (�/� ���/� �o l!l}o.i' � U� W"�,ln . �VV