235122 � � :r , ORIGIj�1L 7�C�TY CLERK �'I�_F �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. " , � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM , PRESENTED BY uL2 ,�,�.,/� 7�1.� COMMISSIONER ��n'� � ( 1 DATF .., In the Matter of the assessment for the wreckiTlg and removal of a hazardous bui.lding � located at 580 Blair in the City of Saa.nt Pau1, "and situated upon those premises legally described as "S�zbject to and with walk easement; Part of Lot 6 Wly of a line be�nni ng on North line of and 23 ft. �Pest from 1VE corner of said lot; thence South to a point 55.7 ft. South from said North line and 22.5 ft. �est from Ea.st line of said lot; thence SII.y to a poi.nt 62 ft. South from sa3d North la.ne and 21.5 ft. �Pest from said East line; thence S�Ly to'�a point 86 ft. South from said North line and 12 ft. West from said Ea.st line; thence South and �para11e1 with said East line l�F ft. ; thence SEly to a point 108.�+ ft. South from said North line a.nd 16.�+ ft. �Pest , �,,_ - from saa.d Ea.st line; thence �South and parallel .��� with said East line to South line of said Lot 6, Block l, Michel's Subdivision of Block 5, r , Stinson's Division (Rev. LD Desc. No. 763)." ' �EAS, Pursuant to Minnesota'Statutes Sections �+63.15 throu$h �+63.26, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, by resolution C. F. No. 22921+0, approved June 2�F, 1g66, ordered that the owners of the hazardous building located at 580 Bla:is, Saa.nt Paul, Minnesota, repaix or wreck and remove the said hazardous buildin�, or that in the alternative the City would �vreck and remove the hazardous building and assess its costs thereby incurred against the real property pursuant to law; and W�+�2FaS, The owners failed to obey the City Council Order, and the City was duly authorized to wreck and remove the said hazardous � buildin�, and did wreck said hazardous building, pursua.nt to order of the District Court in and for the County of Ramsey, sai.d court order - . dated November 17, 1g66, and being on file in the office of the Clerk . of the District Court aforesaid; and � FOR APPROV � �- . t. Corp �i n ouns I COUNCILMEN Adopted by he Coun il 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Meredith Tn Favor ��� Peterson , May°or – Tedesco A gainst - Mr. President, Byrne , Ee r c y � i �22 � �' - . A .... ' 2����� ORIG �" �RAC�TO C�TY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY . COMMIS51 ONER DATE VPf�EtEA�S, The Co�issioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings reports that the said hazardous building was wrecked and � removed by the City and that the total expense incurred and to be specially assessed is in the amount of $�53.�F8; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearin.g be had on said assessment on the llth day of October, 1g67, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. , i.n the � Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of Saint Paul, Niinnesota, to pass upon such proposed assessment and at such time and place a11 persons owning property affected by such assessment will be given an opportunity to be heard with reference to such assessment; be it . FtTRT� RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby clirected to cause this notice of the hearing on the proposed assessment to be published once in the official newspaper at least two weeks prior to the hearing, and he shall also cause mailed notice to be given to the owner of the property affected thereby; and be it .�"',`' � FURTHER RESOLVID, That the proposed assessment roll be kept on. file for public inspection in the office of the City Clerlc. SEP 21 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19,_ Yeas Nays .. ' Carlson ��P � � ���� Dalglish Approved - - 19_ . I�e�rr� --- � Meredith � Tn Favor � � �� U �d3ting Mayor Tedesco A gainst ;��,�'���d���:��� � ���;� S�P �� �96� iVir. Vice President�(���nl • �zz s� ' .r t � 'r ' �C� , � 2���. ITY OF SAIl�1T PAUL A,SSESSIY�' ROLL OYVNER AND ADDRESS: CODE N0: Harold and Sylvia Lie�schultz Robert L. Bernstein 08-5110-060-01 �15 New York Building P. 0. Boa 19�+51 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 Houston, Texas LEGAL DFSCRIPTIONs Eax�l F. and Bertha H. Heisler Edmund A. Pex�ien. "Subject to and with walk 515 North Dale Street, Apt. �F P. 0. Box 19�+51 eastment; Part of Lot 6 �Ply Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103 Houston, Texas of a line beginning on North line of and 23 ft. West from . NE corner of said lot; thence south to a point 55.7 ft. �PreckiT�g Contract No. D-00001 �6�Op.pO South from said North line and 22.5 ft. �Pest from East line Specifications: 2!}.l}g af said lot; thence SEly to a point 62 ft. South from said North line �and 21.5 ft. �Yest Photographs: from saa.d East line; thence 17.00 SF1y to a point 86 ft. South Publication Costs; from said North line and 12 • 6.00 ft. VPest from said East li.ne; Court Costs. thence South and parallel 6.00 �th said East line 1�+ ft. • Notice Costa: thence SF1y to a point 108.�+ TOTAL COST TO ft. South from said ATorth BE 9SSESSED: �t�53�1{g line and 16.�F ft. West from - said Ea.st line; thence South and parallel with said East line to South line of said Lot 6, Block 1, Michel's Subdivision of Block 5, Stinson's Diviaion (Rev. LD Desc. No. 763)." DgTID: y Commissioner Parks and Recreation ar�d Pu ic Buildings This is to certify that the above asseasment in the total sum of �53•� was adopted by the Council of the C3ty of Saint Paul by Resolution, C. F. No. , approved � , 1967, and is payable in one installment. DATED: City Clerk � ` . � , , I t � ; ' , . NOTICE OF HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT ' Saint Paul, Minnesota, Se�it. 25 , 1967, TO WHOiVf IT MAY CONCERN: � Notice is hereby �iven �that the Council of the City of Saint Paul will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Qci:ob�r �lth____ , 1967, to pass upon the proposed assessment for the cost of wrecking and removing , � the hazardous building located at �AO Rl�ir A A , in. , the City of Saint Paul. � The proposed assessment is on file for public inapection at my ; office. Plritten or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. � The total cost to be assessed is � l�5��}��3 . � I � I I . � CITY CLERK � � i I 1 \ i • � ' t i � .1 � i : r . ' '� , , r STATE OF MINI�TESOT�1 ) ) ss. COUPITY OF RANISEY ) Nettie A. Grabscheid , being first duly sworn, deposes and says: � September 25th � 1967, pursuant to Council P�esolution, � C. F. No. �5122 , approved September 21st, 1967 and acting on behalf of the City Council I deposited in the United States mails copies of the attached notice o�' a heaxing on proposed special assess- , ments, enclosed in sealed envelopes, tivith postage thereon fu11y prepaid, addressed to the follo�ving persons at the addresses appearing opposite their respective names: � NAME ADDRESS . Harold and Sylvia Liefschultz 415 New York Building � St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Earl F. and Bertha H. Heisler 515 No. Dale St., Apt. 4 St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 Robert L. Bernstein P. 0. Box 1.g�+51 Houston, Texas Edmund A. Perwien P. 0. Box 19451 Houston, Texas � . • �` ignature Subscribed and s�orn to before me this 25th day of September , 1.967.-" C���� _ -, - Idotary Public, Ftamsey Co. , Niinn. My conunission eapires ,,,H-,•;7 _B� a�••��'� Minn. Public, RamseY Co�nty, 1973• Notary ires Oct. 27� My Commission Exp