235116 , ' . �35, �l� °
�Councll FIIe No. 235116—By W�� E,
Whereas,The legal description of the
tract�or pazcel oE land described in
� resoluiion of the Councll, C. F. No.
� 234502, adopted August 3, 1967, was,
through inadvertence, incompletely de-
�, scribed; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That said legal description
' �� is cancelled and superseded hereby and
said resolut�on is modified by substi-
tuting in lieu and in place of said legal
description of the tollowing description
� of the 'tract or parcel rePerred to
Beginning at the southwest corner
of Lot 18, Block S, Eiiawatha Park
Addition No.2 St.Paul Ramsey Co.,
� Minn.; thence in a southeaster�y
, direction to a point on the nortfi
line of Block 1, Lane-Norton Addi-
tion, 170.92 feet west of the north-
' east corner of eaid Block 1, Lane-
Norton Addition; thence westerly
on the north line of said Block 1,
Lane-Nortoa Addition,a distance oE
77.0 feet to a point; thence norther-
ly on a straight 11ne parallel to and
247.92 feet wester�y of the west line
of Cleveland Avenue for a distance
of 105.8 feet to a point; thence
northwesterly ong a strai ht lgine to
of GovexnmenteLotn4 igri t�,hee South
east �4 of the Southeast 3� of Sec-
tion �7, Township 2g Nort�, Range
� 23 West;
beit - •
modiRcatione of�th�e�legalubdescripUon
provided for herein all other terms,
provisioas and cond�tions as set forth
in resolution of the Councll, C. F. No,
� a e5continued in for�ee ancl effecthun er �
this resolution as if set Porth hersin •
� verbatim.
� Adopted by the Council September
, 21, 1967.
I Approved September 21, 1967, .
(September 23. 1987