235112 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK !,.Sc���� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL `�'� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ .� COUNCIL OLUTION—GENE AL FORM , PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peterson COMMISSIONE W�&EAS, In connection with the construction of Z�unli Highwqy No. 3 fra�n Annapolis Street to Concord S�reet and Yor the construction`of Trunli Highw$y No. 56 from Concord Street to the Miesissippi River, the State o� Minnesota, Department o� Bighways has agreed to construct certain storm sewer facilities and, W�AS, The City o� Saint Paul and the State ofl Minnesota have entered into a cooperative conatruction agreement No. 55�37, State Pro�ect Numbers • 62�+5-02 and 62�+-03, which providea under Section ITI o� said agreement Yor the advance payment of $29,313.13 as the City of Saint Paul's share oP the eost o� the storm sewer construction plus est3mated engineering cost and in the event the final cost �is more o� less than the advance payment the City of Saint Paul will� in the first instance, pay an, additional amount to the State o� Minnesota and in the second instance the State of Minnesota.will return a ba7.ance to the City of Saint Paul; now therePore be it' IiESOLVID, That the sum oP $29,313.13 be paid to the Co�issioner oP Highways and this amount be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving F�,ind, Code 6000 and this same ftiand to 'be reimbursed from the City'a Share oP I�ocal Improvement Ft�nd, Code 0920-701 and 'be it` FORTHER RESOLVED, That an estimated emount oP $�+�+,096.00 'be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving F�and, Code 6000 in order to provide for aRy increase in the �inal �amount to be paid to the Minnesota Highway Department. � S-�339 - � 7� ��� z �, 1967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays Carlson ��� � ], ����, Dalglish Approved- 19_ � Meredith Tn Favor ���1�' B�� nl ��$�� Mayor Tedesco V A gainst :�;:'�'R;������:���i�i. ' ----- ,�d1�. Vice President jPelerson) PUBLiSHE� 5 '�►p 2� ''J�� �zz . \ DUPLICATE TO rRINTHR ���� a� ,�. CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ? COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peteraon COMMISSIONER DATF _ WHEREAS� In connection with the conetruction of Trunk Highway No. 3 Prom Annsp�lis Street to Concord Street and for the construction of Trunli Highwe4Y No. 56 Prom Concord Street to the Mississippi River� the State of I�iinnesota, Department of Highways has agreed to construct certain storm sewer Yacilities and, WF�REAS, The City of Satnt Paul and the State of Minnesota have entered into a cooperative construction agreement No. 55�+37, State Pro�ect Numbers 62�+5-02 and 62�+-03, which provides under 8ection TII of said agreement for the advance payment o� �29,313.13 as the City o� Sa3nt Paul's share o� the coet of the storm. sewer construction plus estimated engineering cost and in the event the Pinal cost is more o� less than the advance payment the City of Saint Paul will, in the Yirst instance, pay an additional amount to the State of Mtnnesota and in the second �nstance the State o£ Minnesota will return a balance to the City of Saint Paul, now thereYore be it, RESOLVFD, That the sum of$2g,313.13 'be paid to the Commisaioner of Highways and this amount 'be charged. to the Permanent Improvement Revolving �nd� Cade 6000 and this same fland to 'be reimbursed �rom the City'a Share o� Local Improv�ement Fund, Code 0920-701 and be it, FURTFIER RESOLVED� That an estimated amount of $44,096.00 be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving �ind� Code 6000 in order to provide for any increase in the final amount to be paid to the Minnesota Highway Department. s-�339 ��p �..1196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the .Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson �� 21 196� Dalglish Approved 19— �� Meredith �Tn Favor A�?°'�- a Mayor . Tedesco A gainst ���g.���e��,��,,:' ::,�mc��;;� �::::::::�:�.. . :: :.. � Mr. Vice.President �Peterson) �z2