235092 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /.]��,�� ' • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '�"' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL,,.jt 'UTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ' COMMISSIONE � DATF — wHF�2F.AR� �e Council of the City of Saint Paul has before it an intermedisry order ertaining to the v�i.deri'Lri� of Larpenteur Avenue being Project No.� which matter has been set for hearing before the , • Council and cont ued from time to time for the purpose of hearing a11 i.nterested persons in the matter and to determir�e the necessity for said i�rovement; and - Wf�RFQS, The petition of remonstrance has been fi.led i.n proper form and in full campliance with Section 2�+3 of the Charter of the City of 3aint Paul, which petition of remonstrance would prevent the Council fram proceeding with the aaid improvement unless within twenty (20) days from and after the filing of said petition the Council, by resolution, shall. declare such improvement to be a public necessity; now, therefore, be it RES4LVED, That the Counc3]. of the City of Sai.nt Paul does hereby declare the said improvement to be and constitnte a public �ecessity and that the hearing herei.n be continued to such later date a.s the Council shall determine. FORM�APPROVE . . , , - t.. Corporati unsel . , .� . . - J COUNCILMEN SEP 2,0 �1 Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson • Dalglish ��P 2.o �96� / Approved 19— � s Meredith Tn Favor � �et�f''363� � . . . . - - t��' Mayor Tedesco A gainst '.,�.�:�;��:��� PIiBLiSHED �EP 2� 1967 �Mr. Vice President(�elerson) �2z