05-28���'3i7S�Y�!7�1 Presented By: Referted To: Council File # �_ Green 5heet # 3021868 �� Committee: Date 1 W HEREAS, Chapter 2 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code authorizes the Division of Contract and Mafysis Services to 2 dispose of surplus city property and sets forth the procedures goveming the sale or donation of such property; and 3 a WHEREAS, the Fire Departrnent has received a written request from the Manzanilfo's Voiunteer Fire Brigade, a bona fide 5 fratemal nonprofd organization, dated August 9, 2004 (Attachment A) asking that the above mentioned property be donated 6 to the organization to help it carry out its mission; and 7 8 WHEREAS, the 30 ISI Magnum SCBA's,10 SCBA cylinders, 30 sets of Moming Pride tumout gear, 10 pair of used firefighter 9 boots, 3� sets of nomex hoods, and a Bauer air compressor may be transferred to such fratemal organization for no t0 consideration;and 11 12 WNEREAS, the fire safety equipment and gear have a total estimated vaiue of $2,500.00; 13 14 WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the SCBA equipment, tumout gear, boots, hoods, and air compressor are 15 no longer needed to carry out departmental functions and are obsolete; and 76 77 W HEREAS, the Ciry Council's transfer of the SCBA equipment, turnout gear, boots, hoods and air compressor would provide 7S the City of Manzanillo, our Sisier City, with means to supplement their fire suppression capabilities, and 19 2o W HEREAS, the donation of such property to the Manzanillo's Volunteer Fire Brigade would be a City function, serve a public 2� purpose and benefit the community as a whole by enhancing and strengthening the City's relationship with its Sister City, now 22 therefore be it 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the donation of the above described obsolete property to the Manzanillo's Volunteer Fire Brigade, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that said organization shall take responsibility for removing the obsolete property from City premises in a manner and in accordance with the time line mutually agreed upon with the Saint Paul Fire Department and shall bear all costs associated with the removal and transportation of the designated obsolete property and agrees to accept the property as is; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon the donation, the City shall have no fuRher responsibility for said property and shall not provide any wamanty, maintenance, repair, technical assistance, or any other kind of ongoing support, nor assume any costs ihat may be related to the ongoing use of the property by the Ma�zaniilo's Volunteer Fire Brigade. Requested by Department of: Fire 8 Safe Serv'ses By:� Approval Re ommended by Director of Financial Services: Adopted by Council: Date J��-+'y �a, afl0� 4doption Certified by Cou�cil Secretary: iy: Date OFSAINTPAUL, MWNESOTA � by City � Y� � os-ag s � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � ..�, Department/office/council: Date Initiated: FR -�;Te Z��.� Green Shee# NO: 30218fi8 COrtact Petson $ PhO�' venarunem aenc � u rer�on � wuce Chief Douglas A Hofton � 0 Y2'�477 Assign i 're e rtme Ilir r Must Be on Council pAenda by (Date): Num6er 2 �� For Routing 3 r`s Office o lAssistaM Otder 4 0o cif 5 i C1er Clerk Totai # of S igna t ure Pages _(Clip NI Locations for Signature) Action Requested: To appxove the attached Cowicil Resolution authorizing the Department of Fire and Safety Services to donate 30 ISI Magnum SCBAs, 1Q SCBA cylinders, 30 sets of Morning Pride Aunout gear, 10 paus of used firefighter boots, 30 sets of noxnex hoods and a Bauer air compressor to the Mavzanillo's Volunteer Fire Brigade. itlations: Approve (A) or ft Poanning Commission Ci6 Committee Civil Service Commission Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuniry (Whq What, When, Where, Why): The Manzanillds Volunteex Fire Brigade has requested a donation of some SC$A equipment, tumou h air compiessor that is no longer in use. The total estimated value of the equipmem is $2,500.00 ��� �� ��� �9 � 2fl04 Adva�Eages if Approved: ���� � ������ The donaiion of this fire safety equipment and geaz to the Mauzanillo's Volunteer Pire Bzigade e tcen i s relationsvip with it's Sister City. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. Mswer the Following Questions: 1. Has this person/firm ever woriced under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3, Does this-person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any ourrent city employee? Yes No Erzplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet � � _ �' Disadvantages tf Not Approved: � The City of Manzanillo would not receive this fue safery equipment and gear that would help them prepare for any possible incident. Transaction: Fundinp Source: Cast/Revenue Budgeted: Td ��t.✓ T _ ����i Activiry Numbe�: Financiat Information: Total estimated value =$2,500.06 (Explain) S • J ��'.' � !! ;/�';r�i fe"riC\I r.�... a� ' v p�a v � v . �. , Saint Paul, MinnesotaMt�n,�n;tto, Colima, Me�co Sister City Friendslup Committee i _: Lane M'illig�n, Presideat 651-428-5304 stssasat: � repas s < aassxssressasa:x�txssx:sa»as+»xsraiy»�strawqsbtstqsss»s��sssrassrasyxrsursss�saisesssix�ssasrstra�sss�srs August 9, 2004 To: 7ohn Swanson, Accountant Sairn Paul Fire Departmeirt From: Samu01 O. Verde}a, Chair, Special Projects �¢ y � Saint PauU�4fanzanillo Sister City Briendship Comznittee c.c. I,ane Milligan, President, Saint PaulfManzanillo Sister City Friendship C4mmittee Re: Request for additional fire fighring equipmeat As we discussed, the 5airn Faul Minnesota/Manzanillo, Colima, Mexieo Sister City Friehdship Committee is requesting additional fire fighting equipmem from the Sairrt Paul Fire Depattment. The add�tional equipmern will be sent atlong with the donated fire truck sometime during the momh of August, 2004, to the City of Manaanillo, Mexico, The equipment we are requesting on behalf of the Manzanillo, Mexico Volunteer Firefighters is: • 30 — 50 sets of Morning Pride Tumout Gear • 30 — 50 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus • A air Compressor • M'iscellaneous fire safety equipmem If you have any additional questions, I can be reached at my cellulaz phone at 651-387-701'7 ot my email actdress at samuelverdeja@yahoo.com.