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ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' 2j����) � CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. _ = OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LIG�ATSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE �L FORM . COMM SSIONE DATF �eptember 19, 1967 R�OLVED: Tha.t license applied for by the followYng �rsons at the addresses stated, be and the same are herebv granted. . Ra.ymond Z. & G. Bernice Muller 236 So. Snelling Restaurant �pp.17013Reney ° ° Cigaret� " " ° Arman�o Sicoli 889 Rice Restaurant " Z7193" n " Cigarette �' " " Hubert B. Degnan 749 Tatum ' Grocery �� 174�5" ° ' " Butcher " " " " ° Off Sale r'Ia1t " " " �� " Cigarette " �� �� Donald P. Harvev 2050 Marshall Grocery " � 17452" ", , " Butcher " " " " " Off Sale Malt " " " �, " Cigarette " " " Martin J. Heinen 1169 Rice TV Master " 17516" u +� n n u 2 Servi cemen Paul T. RomanowsiQ 975 IIniversitv 2nd.Hd.r1tr.Veh.D1r.17540" Don St.Claire 450 Blair TV Master " 175�+7" n �� 2 �ervicemen " " " Dennis Dietsch 260 E. 5th . , Pk�.Lot 26-50c" 17580" Diane N�oldenhaur Vets. Service B1dg.Cap.App.arig.Container" 17616" '� ". . _ Cigarette " 17617" Coleman's Parking & Greasing Station, Inc.3o5 ?�obert Pk�.Lot 25-50c " 17619" George A. $herwood 66i r�. Dale TV I�iaster ° 17625" Food Management of r7inn., Inc. 425 RI ce Restaurant �� 17633'� University Graduate C.ub 2089 Carter �igarette " 1765�" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ` , Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson • Mayor Tedesco A Sainst Mr. President, Byrne • �22 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /�� 1 'CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �� ���c) ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ Gzc��sE oor�sl� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . PRESENTED BY COIMMISSIONEa DATF Se�rtember 19. Z967 Contd: Page 2 Leonard V�ood 626 Selby TV Piaster App.17658Rene St. John's Hospital 403 Main Pkg.Lot 76-100c" , 17714" Harold F. A��e 1372 Scheffer Cig.Oper.2m " 17719" n ° . 31 add.TnaCh. �� '� �� S.F.H. Hotel Co. 11 E. Kellogg Hotel 488Rooms " 177�5" n �� On Sale Malt ' " �� '� n . " Tave rn " " n �� 'r Cigarette �� ° �� . Barnco, .Inc. 801-5 E. 7th New Mtr.Veh.D1x.�� 17772" �� " 2nd.Hd.Mtr.Veh.D1r." " p . " _ D1r.Rep.Garage �� �� ° A.B.C. Diaper Service, Inc�. 1605 Selby I;dy.DC Plant . " 17779" Pepsi �ola pAndrew A. Wasielewski 2574 W• 7th Vend.Mach.Loc.11�i" 17812" Marvin D. Cooper • 340 Minnesota Confeotionery . " . 17816" �� " Cigarette . " n "_ 7IIp�'IcClain Nedman Schuldt Co. 200 Plato Vend.Mach.Loc.]I4I" 17822" Fred Hawkinson _ 1525 1+Narsha.11 _ Gen.Rep.G�rage° 17845n � Roland J. & Fern P. Webber 1520 IIniversity Bakery ' . . �� 17865n Canteen �Minn. I�iutual Ins. Co. 345 Cedar Vend.Mach.Loc.�.Nt 17893" u . �P . � 25 add.�' � u o tr " ;�St. Joseph's Hospital 69 �. Exchan�e Vend.Mach.Loc.1M" 17896" �� ' " . 11 add." " " �� u Thorne Coal Co. 1444 �Carroll Bullc Oil Storage" 17910 Louis Schiavino 888 Rice Ldy.DC Pickup " 17921" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish - . Approved_ 19.._ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst • Mr. President, Byrne �22 ' 235��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK C� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. LICEI�ttSE C��IIT'I'EE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �eptember 19, 1967 Contd. Page 3 Hardware Store s, Inc. z�39 W• 7th Hardware �pp.17923Ren. C-erald, Saul & Leonard T�:einberg 423 T�T. 7th Hardware " 17971" Weyandt Bros. , Inc. 904-6-8 Rice Hardware , ° 17977" P�arjorie Toscana 1573 Selby O�g.Container " 17982" " " . Ci�arette " " " Ra,y Flipp & John Gordy 1044 w. 'jth Gen.Rep.Garage �� 17985" Walter H. Krus� 10; E. 5th TV Master " �7999n Cummins Diesel Sales Cor?�. 595 Aldir.e Gen.Rep.Ga,rage,� ,18004" " , " Cigarette _ " " " D. Richard & June R, Hassett '�1 Hamx�den Bulk Oil Stor. " 18017" " Fuel Dealer-Liq." " " �� " Pr. Gas P�tmp , " ° �� Douglas Kline . 1901 E. Mi.nnehaha B�rber . , " 18026" Joseph Anderson Cleaners,Inc. 912 Payne Vend.Mach.Loc.1M" 18049" ' Albert� G. Smith � 1236 Arcade �end.Mach.Loc.11��" 18051" . �� �� , 1 add.Mach. ° �� t� T.J.� Rampp ' 70� E. ��h . Vend.giach.Loc.1M" 18069" Photo Reflex Studios of AZinn. ,, Inc.,�Donaldson's 95 E. 7th Photographer ° 18077" General Tire Co. 395 E• 7th Cigarette, . " 18166" Frank A. Farnham 2271 Atla�htic _ Mtr.veh.Dr. " 18173'� James �. �xni.th 800 Heinel Dr.-Roseville Photographer " 1818'�" Jesse P. Hernandez 241 E. Congress ritr.Veh.Dr. " 18196" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci��P 1 9 19fi1 I9— Yeas Nays Carlson ��P 1 9 ��� Dalgliah pproved 19._ Holland ? Tn Favor � Meredith Peterson Q Mayor Tedesco � aga�gt Mr. President, Byrne PIiBLISM�E9 �EP 2 3 1��� - •�•22