235077 ' 6'ftIGINAL TO CITY CLERK „"v��r7 }e � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. _ ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF ; BE IT�RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the proposed ;3 extension of the waterworks of said City for the purpose of furnishing a full supply of pure water to its inhabitants as provided by that certain resolution . of its Boa.rd of Water Commissioners adopted September 15, 1967, a certified copy whereof is filed herewith, be and such extension of said waterworks is hereby approved and authorized together with proceedings in eminent domain therefor provi.ded to be taken, conducted, and completed under and pursuant . to said resolution. � . ' �4 � , �E IT FURTHER RESOLVID, That sa,id resolution of said Board: shall be deemed to have been incorporated fierein by'reference and made part hereof with the same intent, purpose, and effect as if set forth herein verbatim, and that the action of said Board hereby is in all things approved, authorized, and c�onfirmed. - ° - •'�" , . � .i c�:S7�''�.' . a . , ' �:�'t Fu: . 'r . , � J i ' <;- � Y. � � ' A . � .. •• ,r .. � -}�n - .7 .r %�� , _ . _'�, . r � � SEP 191�6� - COUNCILMEN � � Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas . Nays Carlson ��� �, 9 ���� Dalglish • Approved 19_ Holland Meredith �In Favor � Peterson � ' ' yor . Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne � SE� �� i��� �zz .l � ' l � .lY, ti: , . ,•, r 2052 ♦r . � ' ', CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �` . OFFICE OF�THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS . , �y?� - R`ESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM _ O�t, PRESENTED BY ��i3h ' � : � 5eptember 1�a 1:�? � COMMISSIONER DATE �� � W1iEREAS,. Ttie furnishing of an adequate supply of pure water to the inhabitants of the City bf Saint Paul requires the, exten,�ion of the wateriaorks aqgtem oE said City ont� certain • lands situated in the County of Ramsey and not heretofore acquired by or for and not now in the posaession o� this Board of Water Commiasioners; and � WHS[tEAS,, Said certain'lands ere �ora -partiaiilarly bounded and described' in e certain proposed form of afi'�.davit, and delfnested and aet forth in a MAP anneaced theteta consisting �of one sheat entitled 'T4AP", wt�£ch� together with an affidavit subeeribed the TSth day of September , 1967, by Charlea 0. Georg3., as Surveyor for the Board, hae been .presen��d by the General Manager and. is appended hereto; and " WRIIt$A3, It is neces�ary that said certain lands be acQuired by or for the Board for the purpo"se of asid extension of the waterworks �ystem afor�esaid; and � . WHII2E�iS, It appears said lattds cannot be ac4uired by or for the Boasd by the purchase of titles thera'to €rom the several owners thereof for considerations reasonably comparable to the fair, present market values therefor, . NOW, TH£sRSI�R$, BB IT RBS,OLVFD,. By the Boa�d of Water Commisaioner� o€ the City cf Saint Paul, that aeid proposed form of af�idavit and annexed said MAP: together with saia affidavit of Charlas 0. G�orgi, all, ahali be amd hereby are approved and adopted by this Boerd; and, further, that the President of this Board be and he hereby is .d$rected to executa said proposed .form of affidavit and therea€ter to have. the same with annexed sei�d MAP and to- gether with sa�d affidavit of Charlea 0. Georgi, also a certi€fed copy o� this resolution, as approved, '`and a certified eopq of a resoluti.on by the Councfl of the City of Saint PauZ approving said extension of the waterworks sqatem and congirming this action of the Board, provided same be adopted at�d approved by the Council� all filed of record in the Office of the Register of Deeda in end for the County -of Ramsey; and BE IT FURTNER RESOLVFD, That the City Council be requeeted to epprove ths propoaed said extension o� the waterworka system and to confirm this action of the Board o€ Wate'r C�is- sinners� all proper costs i�ncurred in acquiLring safd lands and in ttie conde�ination and taking of eame by and �or the Board for tfi� puxpose aEoresaid to be peid from Water Department F�nd 0580-000� �nd provided the City Council approves said extens�oriland oanfirms this action of the Board; and � �`� t $Fs IT FINALLY RESOLVED� That tha Corp�ration Counsel be requested forthwith to institute such further proceedinga as may be neceseary for the condemnation arid taking of said lands and ell same in and for the Board of Water Commissioners for the purpose aforesaid. � ( State of Minnesota 1 County of Ramsey � SS. �ommissioners City of Saint Paul � _ , 7 I, P. J. Clarke, Assistant Secretary of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint 196— Paul, do hereby certify that hav co red the abo e cop of a resolution of the said Board as � z adopted by the Board on - , with the original thereof on £ile in � ♦_ my office and that said copy i a tnie and correc copy of said original and the whole thereof. � ', ess the seal ard Water Commissioners�f the City of Saint Paul this } - �l�day of , . '� - ASST. SECY. ` Aaslatent Secretary �� — _ . ` � y `t D��IGATE���O rRINTER 2.j f }� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �•'�o �� , �` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF - BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the propose�3 extension of the waterworks of said City for the purpose of �urnishing a fl�1.1 supply of pure water to its inhabitants as provided by that certain resolution of its Board. of Water Comm3.ssioners adopted September 15, 1967, a certified copy whereof is filed herewith, be and such extension of said waterworks is hereby approved and authorized together with proceedings in eminent domain therefor provided to be taken, conducted, and. completed under and pursuant to said resolution. BE IT FURTI�R R.ESOLVID� That said resolution of said Board shall be deemed to have been incorporated herein by reference snd made part hereof with the same intent, purpose, and effect as if set forth herein verbatim, and that the action of said Board hereby �s in all things approved, authorized, and confirmed. � COUNCILMEN .��p � 9196� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��p 1 9 �961 Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith . In Favor Peterson " Mayor Tedesco �Against Mr. President, Byrne �22 . r