235074 ORIC�INAL TO CITY CLERK � ���, pM(L� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL � g � . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCI UTION� RAL FORM - PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE RO F p Whereas, Contract Change Agreement No. 1 to the Contract for the improvement described as Storm and Clear Water Sewer in FIFTH STREET from Minnesota Street to Cedar Street and in CEDAR• STREET from Fifth Street to Sixth Street, Comptroller's Contract L-6862, Hurley Construction Compaay, Contractor, provided for 1353 Cu. Yd. ... of Class 4 sand-gravel material for backfilling around Shaft "0" at Cedar and Fifth Streets at a unit price of $b.00 per. Cu. Yd. for a total cost of $8,118.00, and Whereas, In completing the sewer in Fif th Street from Manhole•F to Manhole H at Sixth Street, it was found necessary to place an additional 76 cubic yards of Class 4 sand-gravel material for backfilling around the sewer pipe; therefore � be it . . ' Resolved, That the terms of Contract Change Agreement No. 1 be modified to include an additional amount of 76 cubic yards of Class 4 sand-gravel backf ill at the unit price of �6.00 per cubic yard for an additional amount of $456.00, � said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the Contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-6862, and which amount is to be financed from Urban Renewal Bonds.' � SEP 19196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��P 1 9 19�7 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland f - Meredith —�In Favor � Peterson • Mayor Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISM�ED SEP 2 3 1��] �2� r OUrL�:ATE TO rRINTER 2350r�L� CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO. _ , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM COMM SSDONER Rebwr F R . • P�t�recn DATE �i�hereaa, Contract�Ct�epge Agre�eent �o. .1 �o, ttea Contract for, Cbe i�p�rovu�ent deacrits�d aa �torie: and Cl�eer Wetter �S�w�r. in,B'I1�T� ST�$�T �ro� �in�ea:ota $trsAt tio � Cedar Stre�t and in GSDAIt ST�BT fro� Fifth Str�At to Sisth Stt��t, Co�ptroller's Coatract L-6862, �rl�y Conatsuctiion Ca■pu�y� Contrsctor. prnvidad for 1353 Cu. Yd. of Cla�a 4. eand-grsvel �at�riaP for bacicfilling �round Shaft �'0" at C�dar'at�d Fiftb , S�xasts at a unft pric� of �6.00 per Cn. Td. for e total ,cosC of $8,118.00� and , � . �•., , . � .. , , . , . � Wteereas, In cc�pleting ths s�Wer in Fift.b Stre�t fro� l4anhola � to lisahol• 8 att Sisth Strs4t, i� iaae found� ne�ese�ary Co p�aae J�n additionai`76 tubia�yard��bf � � ' Clasg 4 eatnd-grav�l wat�rial far backfilling araund the eswr pipe; th�r�for� be it • , , Reaolv�d, That the tssss o� Contract Ch�g� Agrae�snt 110. 1 bs �odifisd to includn sn additional� avount of 76 cubic y�sda of Clasa 4 �and=gravel b�ckfill at the uait prtcQ of $�i.00 °p�r cubia �ard for an additional a�ount of $456.00, , . asid asonnt to b� added to tha luap �w coa�ider�tion aaasd in tha Cantraat knoxu � � ' as Co■iptroll�r�� C'ontraat L-6862, and� vhiah uount ic to be fituncsd froa Orban R�nQwl Bonda. . ' ' •. . , . , , , . , . , �. � , � , , . COUNCILMEN . SEP 19196� Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays' Carlson ��P 1 � �9�� Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland , , , Meredith • � In Favor Peterson ; (� Mayor Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne � � � i �aa