235070 OR�GINAL TO CITY GLERK ����' /! � r CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. $ " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COU ESOLUTION— ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM M I551 O N E DATF RESOLUED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recotrffiendation of the Purcha,sing - Cot�ni.ttee therefor and hereby awards contract for furnishing and delivering gasoline to various departments of the City of St. Paul and Coun.ty of Ramsey, Minnesota, during (including Independent School District �625� period of one year from September 11, 1967 through August 31, 1968 to AMERICAN OIL COME'ANY, Standard Oil Division, in accordance with City specifications therefor hereto attached and the Forma,l Bid �2�+2� of said American Oil Company for the contract price of approxima,tely �121,911.10, more or less according to requirements an.d at unit prices bid, such bid being the lawest and said bidder being a reasonable a,nd re73able�one and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is authorized to draft said contract, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of St. Paul. _^_Formal Bid ��+23. � � . �' � . . . ' -�.- �•� • ...,�..,Y , , � , , ��p 19196`� COUNCILMEN '�-� �` Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays ` , ��p � 9196� Carlson �•�� Dalglish � ' � Approved 19— � Holland � � Meredith Tn Favor � �. Peterson � Mayor �` Tedesco A gainst , Mr. President, Byrne _ PUB6.1SHE61 SEP 2 31967 �:. " �22 ' � . DUPLIGATE TO ►RINTER 2350�0 � • CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSI ONER DATF ► R�O�'D�D, �That t'��' Couxtc3�. l�:.c�aa�ry 'Canrct�rs '3n. the� t�ecsA�aada�ttq�. cxP �,�urc�ing . Cac�t�t`tee �he�efor and h,e�'f�yr ��ari�� coa��ra.et �'or �i�1� anc�.�e13v��ag gaso3.�.ne ., to vs�icius c��par�t�en�� cr� 't,1� C�.ty ri� �t+ Paul. an1 .Coun�y of' �ay� I�nne�ota; du.r3ng ��.r�.clud9.� �n,d�peride�� School D�.gtr3.ct ��6�5) � � period of ono year �fx�m! Sep�tember 1i, �.967 `�hi"6'ugh August 3�., 1968 �o �CAN OIL C�lPl�Y, 8tsnalard 031 Div3sivrt, 3.n acco�anrce �#xi. C�.ty �epecifi�at3v�s tk�ere�o'r �her��o at'ta,��ed �an.d th� �'oxzao,�. �i� �2� of �s�aid .�mericait Oil 'Ccmtpan�y �or th� �cd�tract p�ce : , , , . , crP i�ppr�ci��sly �].�1.s911�.14,, t�r� or.lss� °a,ccording to requir�ro�nt� �sad e�t unit priees �S3d� sweb bid b��ng the ].vwe9t �and �si�d� biddar. bc�ing �a t�asoi�abl� �ta.d. reliable c� 'and � Cs�rpdrati�. �a�l. t� er�d �he��y ie �,uthAx���c� to d�t �d caiatr'a.ct�, and t�ie ��op�r C3.�r a�P�cer� � ���eby ��ufi�a,b�9c�d '� c'�.�tic�d �o �ecu�e g�.d coi�.`�r�,c�t oii . . b@h�:Lf' bP '� �i�,y b�' St• 'PaU�.. , Fbr�. Bid �2�+23�. ' � . SEP 19 39�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson S�� � � ���� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Tn Favor Peteraon ` ' Mayor Tedesco O A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �za