235065 .
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�, : COUNCIL FILE NO. ���v��
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' - . �' ' �- File No. 17087C - -
In the Matter of - � � ` � ,
. . . _ -
-. - . �
- . - . - _ . -
,Ope�n-i,ng, widening, and extending the ARCH-PBNNSYLVANIA HIGHWAY from Lafayette Roaa-
��..to Payne�"►venue by condemning and taking the fol�owing -described lots and parcele of :.
,;�„land, all in the City of St. Paul: - .. �� . � - f ' .r
_ Lot 4, and subject to streets, Lots 2,�3, and 5, and that part of Lot 1 lying south - �
of Co111ne' Street,all in Block 11, Warren & Winalowe�ddition to'the Tow+a of St.-���
� Paul; that �xiangular portion of Lot 6, Block 3, Brunsons Addition to the Town of
St. Paul in the County of Ramsey and Territory of Minneaota. lying northWesterly
of the following deacribed line: Commencing at a poiat on the weat line of said
Lot 6, 15 feet south of the northweat corner of' said lot; thence oa a straight
line to a point on the north liae of said Eot 20 feet easi of the aorthwest corner
thereof and there terminating. �
Also coademning and taking eaeements in the land necesaary for alopea, cuts, and
fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder
� thereof occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopea in the.construc-
� , tion„of the Arch�pennsylvania Aighway as hereinbeffcre described, the extent of said
easements to be as ahown on Drawing No. 1858, Drawer No. 4 oa file in the Depnrtment
of Public Works.
•<•T•�-==��n��-.�-�..��.acuuriug-ana-Lesxing-�ue`IOiIb�I�Tg����ritied�IOt�'BLt�pSY��rs'u= '
land, all in the City of St. Paul:
. _..Lot. 4,.and sub jec.t_to streets,_ Lots 2,� 3, _.and 5,_and that part of_Lot__1 lying,so� uth
of Collins Street, all in Block 11, Warren � Winslowa Addition to t he Town of St. f
Paul; that ��iangular portion of Lot 6, Block 3, Brunsons Addition to the Town of
St. Paul in the County of Ramaey and Territory•of Minneaota, lying northweaterly
of the following described line: Commencing at a point on the weat line of said
Lot 6; 15 feet south of the northwest corner of said lot; thence on a str�ight
line to a point on the north line of said L.ot 20 feet eaet of the northwest corner .
thereof and -there terminating.
Also condemning and taking eaaementa in the land neceasary for slopes, cuts, and
fills including right of removal of lateral aupport fro� aub�ect land or remsinder
thereof occasioned by excavationa thereof or construction of slopee in the construc-
� tion of the Arch-Pennsylvania Highway as hereinbef�acPe described, the extent of said
easements to be as shown on Drawing No. 1858, Drawer No. 4 on• file in the Department
of Public Works� ,in accordance with the blueprint hereto attached nnd made a part
, hereof, the hatched portions showing the cuts and the shaded portiona showing the
,} fills. _ � �
. Adopted by the Councit - .
� Y�� Carlson Nayg �" ' A roved �EP 1 � 1961 � .
�' Da�g��sh PP
� _ Holland � ' ` . � . ' . .
Meredith - Tn Favor • •
� '" Peterson , - � - Mayor
Tedesco • . - - °
,. . ' Byrne � � " � Againat �
� ' ¢ -88-2M �� �.� ; . . - � S�P 2 31�7 _ -
1� � Y .
.. f . _ , . . _- � "