235053 =� r ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK 2350 53 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N L S LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �� COMMISSIONE DATE - ESOL D, T a the substitution of , �100� 000 U. S. Treasury Bills maturing December 7, 1967 and �35,000 U. S. Treasury Bills maturing December 14, 1967, for � ''�125,000 U. S. Treasury Notes , 4-7�8�0, due August 15, 1g67 as collateral security for deposits of public ' funds of the City of Saint Paul with the Guaranty State Bank of Sain.t Paul, an d the , substitution of �35,000 II. S. Treasury Bonds , 4�0, maturing February 15, 1970� ' • f O P ' � �, - _�25,000 U. S. Treasury Notes , 3-3/4J, dated September 15, 1g62, due August 15, 1g67 - as collateral security for deposits of public funds of the City of Saint Paul with the Capital City State Bank of St. Paul , hereby are authorized, ratifiecl and approved, such having been done in conformance with the applicable statutes of the State of Minnesota; that such substituted securities , at the time of such substitution, had a market value sufficien.t, together with the market value of the original collateral securities for said purpose, for which no substi- tu�ion was made, equal to �110 for every �100 of deposits of public funds o� said City in each of said banks . • - 1 J • FORM APPROVED � . �� ��//������ st. Corporation ounsel $EP � 919��� COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays io��P �,9196] � Carlson Dalglish � ;`��'' Approved 19— Holland 1Vleredith -�In Favor � Peterson J Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISME� SEP 2 3 1961 �.:�.t, � • �, �. - �" �2z , . �;t � ;�35053 DUrLICATE TO rRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL ' FIOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF - RESOLVED, That the subgtitution of �i00�000 U. S. Troaeury Billg maturing Dec�ember �� i967 and 35�000 U. S. Treasury �ills maturing DeeemUer 14i ig67.,. �or � . . . • . �125,000 U� S. Treseury Notes, 4-7f Sg�, due August 3.5,• 1967 • as Qollateral seourity for deposits of publio �unds of t�e City of Saint PauY with the Guaran.ty State� B�xnk of Saint Paul, and the subatitution of ' � �35,000 U. S. T .reasury Bondg, ' 4�'� maturing February i5, 19?0� �or ' ' �2y,000 U. S. Treaaury Notee, 3-3/49�, dated September 15, i962, due Augua t iy, �.g67 a�s oollateral eecurity for depos�.ts of publio Yunda of the City of Saint Paul with the Capitai City State Bank of St. Paul� hereby are suthorized, rati�ied and approved� such having been done in Qontormance with the applioable statutes o� the State o� M�.nnesota; that suoh aubstituted �eourities,. at thQ time of suo�t eubatitution, had a market value su��'ioient„ together with the market value o� the origina�. oollateral aecuritiea for said purpose, �or whioh no aubati- tution wae made,. equal to �110 for every �100 of depoeits of pub�iQ funde of eaid City in eaQh of �sid bankg., SEP 19196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��P 1 � 196� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Favor Peterson �y�r Tedesco � A gainst Mr. President, Byrne - �22