235044 , �������� ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENGL NO. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF RESOLVED� That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor and hereby awards contract for flxrnishing and delivering f.o.b. City of Saint Paul Water � Department, McCarron's Water Treatment Plant, 1900 Rice Street, Soo Zine Siding, St. Paul, Minnesota, for a period of one year beginning November l, 1967, approximately 500 tons , LIQUID CHLORINE in tank car shipments of 30 to 55 tons each, to ViTLCAN MATERIALS COI�ANY, CHEMLCALS DIVISION, at a price of $67.42 per net ton, making total amoun.t of contract approximately �38,�710.00, in accordance with City specifications and the Formal Bid #2499 of said Vulcan Materials Compar�y, Cheraicals Division, such bid being the lowest and said bidder being� a reasonable and reliable one and the Corporation Counsel be a.nd hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Formal Bia #2499. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council �.Ln�4� Yeas Nays ' � Carlson � " , Dalglish Approved �EP 15196�9_ I3olland �� Meredith Tn Favor Peterson 11 Mayor Tedesco v A gainst � Mr. President, Byrne � PUBLISM:ED SEP 2 3 196� A i�� ' �$+22 , � 2��Q-��� DUPLICATE TO rRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE Ft�30LV�D� The,t the �ounc3l hereby �pgrovea the s�rd of the Rircba�ing Caemittee there�or � �nd hereby a,ward� c�ontraat �or f1�rn3�h3.ng a,n.d del�.ver3.ng f.o.b. Gf.ty of Baint �ul Water Depa,rtment� 2�tcCarroa�'s Water T'z�a�trnen� PLAat, 1900 Rice 8�l;reet, 80o I,iae 83d3ng, �t. Pe.ul, � I�iiaarie�ota,, for �, per3.od of one year beg3.nn� Nov+cmber Zy �.g67, appro�d��e�.y 500 tor� I,IQT� CAL4RF� � t�,ak cmr �higaen,ts of �Q to 55 tona eac�� to WLCA�i MAZERI�IIS C4�ANY, CIi��S DIVISIaN, �t d price of �67.�2 per ne� taa, making tot,�,l a,mo+u�� of con�a•aat approa�3.mate],y �►38,710.00, j,n ac�ordance w3f,h �i.ty sp�aific�.tiona a�nd the Pbzmal Bid�2�+99 of s�,3d '�u].ea,n Materi�,ls Campa.n�y, Chemica].� Div3.s3ati, auch bid beiag t.he lawe�t and said . .� bidder be�.ng a, reagon�,ble and religb�.e on� and the �orporatidn Cau�el be end hereby i� direct,ed �o draw up the proper �'orm oP contract �hexefor .and the p�oper f3ity oPPicia,lr hereby are �uthor3zed to exeEUte ea,id contr�ct on behalf of the �3ty oP Saint,P�u7.. Form�a,1 B�.d �2499. COUNCILMEN �EP 1519��' Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays • Carlson �EP 15196� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith Favor Peterson O Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �zz 1