235037 ; . � . � 2��Q�}� � Counail File No......»..... 1 � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � . and � � PRELIMINARY ORDER. � ��„��Thennderei�nedhereby�ro�oseethem�ak'wgofthef� ollowing�ublij,cim�m�ement bythe City f 8aint Psul,vis.: �.� _ .�—.�.=�.-, . -� -� � � -= -. - . �_-_ � _ .._ - . � =. M- _ _ - ' ��- '- +'� Open,_s�ide`n,,�an�l gtc,�Qnc]�,,,tt�e.:,A��H�F�iNS.�,,V.ANI9�S,IGHSdAY.>f,romptLafa:y.e,tte.�Road:=to-F_ayna..Ave ue'�"'� ��-����by co`n�emning=and�taking==the-�following described lots and parcels of land, all in the City ofSt.Rau°l:•:...._,....,........_,_.�.................... ._.....................�...,.......�....�..�..,........,..�.......�».._..�........,.........�...... IiMM�w���.i+'iNM�wwh�w�ow�w�s��r�ywyra�rrmurm�}F ru�Wn�i�w���aitY��saaro�w . `�ot 4;an�"su�ject to streets, Lots 2, 3, and 5, and that part of Lot 1 lying south ;. of�.o,l.l,ins,„Str,�e.t.,:,a1,1,..in..,Blockxl.L,...Sr1ar.�en..�&=�ins,lo.ws.s.addit-ion�.=to�the Town..oftiSt�...-�.- t Faul; that triangular portion of Lot 6, Blo�k 3, Brunsons Addition to the Town of' � S t.�g'a'u'1�in=the�G onn '��of�it°ams e "'�" `� � `� "'R- ty y'•`at�d°�Te^rri'tory>"o'f Mi,n�nesota;r Tyin �northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a„�p�nt. on�the�w�es�t' L�ine�of�said Lot 6 »firt,,....._-...� .,�.._ ......,> _._......�.,,..K..._....�� � 15 feet south of the northwest corner of said lot; thence on a straight�;line?tto�a point on the north line of said lot 20 feet east of the northwest corner thereof and ` there terminating. � , . �_ � Also condemning and taking eas�meni i�����e�la�d�ecessary for slopes,. cuts, and fills including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder � thereYof�oc�ca,sioned;�by�exKavations��herQof� or��cons,;�ruction<<of;L.slopes in the construc- - - - • tion of the Arch-Fennsylvania Highway as hereinbefore described, the extent of said Y ��easements��,to�_be�as��s_howi}.t,on�.D�rawing��IVo:��L858;-�'=Drawe`r�No:•4.�on'•;,Yf-ile� in~�the•�Deparfinent'�'�� �p �cofa�Fub'lic�Wor�s..#�g ��e fal3a�ait�g �:;:a4��b�c� �Q�� ��� p�xc��s €�L Ianst, �1I, in t�e City 4�' &�. 7�'a�2 e----- . ._ . .. _ ..� , _ . _ .- _ . . , - � ` Lot 4, and subject-to -stieefs,`Lots-2,-3,—and-5, a�n �t�t pa=t ot' Lot 1 �ytng souta� � -of-Go1-lins--Street;�al�l�in�&lock�lel;-•i�darren-•tx-�1i�ns lows•••addi�tion�to-theyTown•�of St•r•---�- ± �P�Yulr;�tha�t�r.iangulya�d �po�rdtionu�fd LoLt��6i,�Bilok��, Brunsons� Addition to the Town of St. 'Paul in the County of �amseq and Territory of I�innesota, �ying noithwesterly o� ttfie��folk}o"wing described line: Co�encing at a point on the west line of said Lot 6, . 15 �eet��soutt} "of;�„th'e�no�thize:s;t.esoine.rliof;�said�;lo.tc; i�thenc.e• �on�ta.c's;trnight;tl;ine to.a i point .on�the.�north� lina of said� lot• 20> �fee.t .east of the nor•thwes.t corner thereof and , x� su lltvc.� i,teFt�t v�b uvcc�lt��'ttis� t ucalTut�l�.t�y va� uua 1+!lLaus�j,r,w Bistu tlwytvtti3lcu� there terminat3ng. � �. '�a��ttgate�hb nsture,�extent and eatims�d eo$t of said improvemen�,snd��t��o�ao�t t�creaf. � ' Als:o, cond'emriing,;and, talF'iag,re'ss:emerits�icin.��he:el�gad�.necessary for alopea, cute, and � f ills :in�1'uding�right�of�e.�mov�al��,of�£lat�e�al,�supp ur�t��f.�romr�s�ub je�t�land�ora�remainder ' thereof occasioned by escavations thereof or eonstruction of slopes in the construc- ' , , tion of°the�Arch*=Pennsylvania�Hig�way�as��eretnbe�for"e�desci��'ibed`, the extent of said - easements to be as sho�i.�on Drawing:Aio. 1858, Drawer No. 4 on file in the Department � �f�iP'Gb 1 i�c'�Works:^.�..._e..�' �.�.�-.. .,,.Y , -..-., ....�........................a..._...... Y�es- ---—-- _ - Counc i lman �a-• ��P 1 Da 1 g 1 ish . Approvecl..........__....................�.�.............-•-- ' Holland ' - Meredith . • � �Peterson • Tedesco -�------• � ~ ----- Mr. President, B.�t�rre ' Mayor. �000 T-aa ` v � PUBLISH�fs ��� �6 ���� ��J��}`� ,��, . , � � ,� r :` �- . cfl�o�i ��e rro......�..............._. - � � PItQi��J�I�.IJ ��lE� �il��'�'.Q��I+,��Y+I'�' ' ' � � . and � . � . : P1�L��It�1�� O�k���. i • TheundersignedherebyproFoseathemakingofthefo�3owingpubliairnprave�ontbytheCi�yof�AantP�sul,vis.: ' Open, widnn, and Qxt�nd-�the-•AP.CH-�HNt�SY1.VANIA HIGH4tAY E�o� �,p�aysCeQ Raad' ta Pu}mc�"AvQnua by conde�aning nnd eaking tho folloerin$ deacribed lots and pa�cQla .of, land� ell in thQ C��y ,, of st. Paul: .. ...._....�_._.-•........ ... .... .. •- - -•- • -- .. . ,. . ��__.... ... ._ . . ... . ... . .. . ... . . .. .,.. ........._...._....... __. _. .. .. .......... .. ...... .._ _ ..... _.__.... _... Lot 4, and subj�ct to strcete� Loes 2� 3� and S� end that part of Lot 1 lyfn� south �of Collins Street, eall in Elock 12. WQrr�n�& 5�'irtslo�as addi�ion to tl�t� Te��rra of Sg: � ' Paul; that triAn�ular partfon of Lot 6. �lotik 3, Brunaans Addition to the ToFin af St. S'aul in thQ Co+,aney of fie�sey ��ncS 1�rriYary o£ �innasotgo lying nor�husst�rly o� the follo�in� d�scrib�d l�ae: Co�encing ut m point on the west ;ins ofE• at�id Lo� b� , 15 feet �outh of the northMes� corner of eaid lot; Chsnce on m ats�af;ht �En� to a poine an the narth line of �Qid lot 20 feet east of the northa�est corner CheYeof mnd ,thQre terminatin�. __....__.__. �- ---_.. _.._ _ ._._. .. _._. .. ,. ._.---.- -._. Also conde�ning and t4kin$ easeraeats in ttie `18nd nQ�raucAry for slopes, cuin, r�nd fills including right aF remov�l of lateral �spport frosa sub��ct Zend or remaindor tl�aseo� occasioned by Qxcavatians thereof or con�[ruc�ion o£ �lopss in tho construe- tion of the Arch-Pennaylvenid Highsa$y.aa herefnbe£ore described� the o�ctQnt af sa�d L'ec�aQmer�ts to bQ as shaem o� Drswing No.� 1858, Dra�aer l�o.' 4 .on file in �he L�,epartra�n� " �.. �;,of put,lic Works. - - �: ,.. _._ .tc.: _�:�•. _ - .-�.. _.:t._ __ ._. ; . . :r._ •a < <_. .. ... . x ., � „_ -., �;�: :t. .. ..;�. . . , . _. ..._ . . . . ..... .... ............. .. a.. ..... ., . ..,. ._. .... , . ..... . .,. . .._.....__. ......... .... . .._ .._.� Lot 4, �nd subject ta stseets, Lots 2, 3, and S, an� that part of Lot 1 lyfng south •of Collina Street, e�ll in Block I1, Warren � uinslows eddition to the Toc�m of St. � Paul; thnt triangu�sr_ portion of Lot 6, �lohk 3, Brunsons Addition to th0 Town of �St.' Paul in the County of P.a:nsey and Terr.ftory of Minnasotr�� lyin� narthE�esterly of � the following d8scribed Iine: Comcsencing at a point on the uest lfnQ of s41d Lot 6, 15 feet south of the nort}awest cornar of seid lot; thence on a straight line ta e point on the north line oE said lot-20 feet eas[ of the norrhF�est, corner th�reof and � ther� termfnating. � " . . .- - .._. .._. , . , ., . , _ , . : . . . .. .. _ �."�.�. .. , �'`��._... - -- - _�%. .._ _.__ ..i�' _=r: . -_ :� _. � � -;� - .., :�:::=a-. E Also condemning and taking easements iri the lar.d neces8ory •for slopes, cuts, and ' fills including right of removal of lateral support,fron subject land or remainder thereo£ occESioned by excavations th�reof or construction .of slopes in the construc- tion of thQ Arch-Pennsylvenia Highuray as hereinbefore descr4bed, the extent of said �� eaaements to be as �ho�an on Drawing :Io. 1858, DrawQr No. 4 c,n file in tha Departmene S.' ' of=Public Works: "' -...._..,_.....:-----�....._..---•---..�_l.._�..___..�_ �.. ..� �. . . _ � . . _.__ - -- -- �. -----,._--� Y�A� --- -- - - -----• -�-- .- ----t. .. . .� ._ .__._ .._. , .. Councilman .Es-r son ��P r �E ��'�� Da1 gl i s h �PProved......._..._.............r....--•-----.................._...._ ' HoLland Meredith Peterson � Tedes co .........:._............»........._.................... ». Mr. President B�rzne ' ' �w Mayor. � scoo �.a.a � J U