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i ' . � � , . Counoil File No.....x�L� � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT � . and � PRELIMINARY ORDER. ; . � Theundere�gaedhereby propoeeethemalcingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of 8aint Pe►ul,vi:.: �� � s=�. � __ -�..�,- =- < _ �'-- _ - � -.- - � , . • � • ., � , , - - _ �--- , �. _ .,�. _. . . --- . �t r' � _ � �" �;;. i�:ar...�..s....a.�rr.F"r4-.+.k.�i�......:....�e�a....::.......:w.-.:..r�.e..ww-�. � .a.. '+.-....aar..-+r�e. r.=.a....»+...........� " . . ' - - = Open, wi�en;.arid exfend;the'ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA HIGFi4�AY from Lafayette �toadtl�_to Payne Avenue �'' ' ` � li" condeAUii and;,�takin��t}ie..£ollnwin ades,cribe.d�.lots...and� ,arc,els=.,.of..land;,..a11_,i�n:.`:t:he:-Ct.t '���� 9 ng'•� g.�, 8 p�, y �'�``�of'-8 t: Fau 1: `�,� 1 ....�.�......��,......� ................,.o..........�.........,...,�...........��..._ _ .... That .part of Lot 5, Irvines Addition of Outlots to the Town of St. Paul, described � arw�a.- ._c...�� ... w..�++ws.�e+.u�...�........,..+........�..........��-�..............�.w.w.....e.s..i.�..«e wr+...-w..-,.....-.... ..+.+�......... as follows: Commencing at a point on the easterly line of said Lot 5, 101�feet � ' soutti:rdit�t&e...no.�theas.�erl.y;acor,ner...o�saida..lo_t;�th�enpc sou¢her��y7 o�saie�ast line 4 101� feet; thence westerly at right angles 82�_ ee=.t.•��hence no.rt'herl, at right .� �� �' fs-�-w�-, � t �,�'a�:���'►.r, ` angles and parallel to said easterly Line of s�aid'ldt�°10-1�fee't;�therice�easte�rly� � at right angles 82� feet to the place beginning, except those portions of"sai3d premises taken for streets. � � PRELIMINARY O1tDElt. 1 WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, vis.t F--�..,' _._ . '_'`� ..:�• .- - - � - , - . �_ _.. - ,� _ � ��- ;:,�' _ - �:,.:.. .�.;......�,�...,...: ..: � . .:�: =,: �-- .,. ' " ..,...... ;•...........:... - .,�.:-- ..� ^� .. ''�� t %Open, _widen.,_.and-�extend-�-the�-ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA-SI(�HWAY�from Lafayette-Road��to"Payne Avenue.: � -�by ondemni�ng..�and�.taking...the...foLlowi�ng�descr.ibed.-•lo.ts..and:..pa cr e1s..of..�land,...a1-1...in�the..C.itq � � ! of St. Faul: ��� ........... ....d.. ..... ........---�-__........................................... . .............,............�._........ , . � .�.,._ ..........:... ,....._ ...................... � That ,part of Lot 5,. Iry,ines�Addition_of Outlots to the,Town,.of S,t. Paul, described ' as followes��Commencing at a point�onM�the easterly �line�of said�Lot 5,�101�feet rsoutli�'ofnflie�n`ar-`tliea�s'te�rl�yy''corne�=�of�b'8�d�1 t;�thenee•-sou-�her•ly.•�on•�said�eas•t��11ne•...-•. , �,10�1�4fee„t;;�thence westerly at right angles 82� feet; thence northerly at right angle�s nd. parallel t �,said easter.ly 1 of said l.ot 10.1� feet; thence easterly � �t�'�an�1'es�82 Lhfeet�to the z`�; 1�� ��'�g�`� �"`���p��'`� o8e poiti�o s�of�'said at righ g � p�ace�beginning, exce t t�► premiaes�{€a�kensffor`�stree�ts�;faz��sr c��:re,'bil�ty oiRtl:�xna�ag of aafd�mprav���nt, �� �"a��nves�i�a#�t�o�tvra� ea������.�ima�ecl���x�f.�:i�iw�r��r�e*,����, ���ha totai co�t thereaf. � � L3 To furnieh a plan, profile�or eketah of eaid improvemento — - - -" �"^4:"To etate whether oi noti eaid improveme�t ie aeked for on�he petition of three er more owaere. b. To report upon all of the foregoing mettere to the �mmiesioner of�nsnoe. Adopted by the �ounail..._.......................... ���.�.ry4.��1��........... , � Y�se � Councilman ,�-�r���n �EP �, 4 ���`!1� � Dalgliah . AppmvetD..................._...........---......._........._............. Holland ' Meredith ' ' � • ' Peterson • Tedesco -�------ ..• ..... ........... '_ Mr. President B.�t�ne . ' Mayor. �000 �.s4 ' � `— � P�u��ist�fs ��P 16 1967 . � _ � � � ���,���� _ =-��-,--° - Counoi� Fila rro........�............... � � �'ROP�S� �'a� IP�fl����Ii/l�F�' ` � � • ar�s� � ; � � • ; � . �xx��,an���r�� o��aa. i . Theundersignedhereby proposesthema�ingof thefollowingpublioimprove�ent by tho City of Bnint 1°aul�vis.: w____. _ ___��.---� - � - - - -. ___.� ...�_.-- ------- •- - ......_. _.__.e.____------...- --- .--------�-�---------�- T- -� - ap�n,•�iden, and axtend�-the kRCH-PF.Nh5YL1�ANIA HIGFIWAY from Laft�y�tte Roed to Payne Av�nue by conde�ning eand taking the follo�,ing described lot8 and parcels of lund, �11 in tha Gity of St. Paul: . .. .. .. . . . . . . , .... . . .._. ... ._. ._ . . .. .. �. . . ._..... . . . .. . .. .. .... . . ...... ...... _ ... . _ . . . , . ....M . .. That part of Lot 5� Irvines AddiCion of Outlots tv the Town of 5t. 4au1, descr3b�d � as followa: Commancing at a point on the eas[arly lino af �8i.d I.ot S, 101`� feet �--- eouth of ths northeastQrly coraer af seid lot; thence southe�ly on said �ast 11ne 101� feet; thence westerly at ri�ht Qng1QS 82� f�et; thence nartherly at ri�ht engles and paxsllel to s�id Qasterly line of s�id lot 101� feet; thc�nce eastQrlq ...__.. �C right �ngles 82k fe�t to the p�ace baginning, excep,t those portiona of esid �' • prer�is�s taken for straete. . �.._--�- - - - � -- - - - ---�� .._ - - --._._ ._-- �-- �-- --- ' . PRELIMII�IARY 0�3EIt. . ; . _ __,�._ _ ___WHER,EAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemenC, vi�.:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , ' Open, a�iden, .and exten� the t,fiCH-PEhhSYLVr�NIA flTGU4JAX frortt Lafayet�e.Raad. to psyn�..Rlv�nu� ' by condemning end taking �he folloWin� d�s�ribed lots and porcQls of lnnd, etlt in thm C3Cy of5t. Paul: - -�. .... .. .... .. . .--• -._. .... ._. ... _......... . ...._...._ , _..._.._..... ....._ . , .... _.. .... _.... .. . _ ......._...._ , . .. .._.._... . .. . .. . .. .... . ... The�t part of Lot 5. Irvin�s Addition o£ OutZots �to �he��T�sc�i af St. �Paul,� �d4$csib�d � .as follows: . Co�mencing at a point on rho e,as[er�y l�na of s�id L.oe 5, LO1� fe�t . _. vouth of the northec�sterly corn�r of �aid lo�; tkance scurhez�ly on said east lin�a 101�s feet; th$nce wQ3terly e� ri�ht en;les 82� fEOt; thence nar�hezly at t�ight � -•� �engl�e and perallei to s�id east�rly line of �aid 1ot 101'� Feet; thencQ east�rlp ae �ight �nglea 82� feet Co L1ne pAace.,beginnfng,,exce�t thosQ porCions o�_said � pramisr�s tnken €or atre�ts. , i, , _ ' , � .. _c• ._ � ... • . . ,. , .;.'. ....�':'.wl=. . �:i: . . '�2.� �. �� i�: ��:? 4::�'o.%i•`...�r:�ti•. '—__-•_ --_. ,. --r- - -' 7� a ._ _ ... � ^ �- -`!, , �.:�'t JT. ��'� ^ , . .•? i � _t '`�� - 3 �!?'_ -- t_ -`•' �` *� _ . �- -,� f_Lr'?'�.. _ , . : - �. To furniah a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement. • • 4. To atata whether ar no�eaid improv�ffien2 ic� asked iFor�� �ho petition of three �r mors ac�nera. _ b. To report ugon all of �he ioregoing mattera to the �mmiesioner o#'Financa. ..`c��E' �. �� i�:� - Adoptedby the �:ounciL..._........__.........._............»............................:.._ _ - � . . Y�e� - . � � • . Counc i lman C-arYs6n— ��� a � ���`� , - Dalglish APproved......................................•---.._........_............. � Holland � ' Meredith •, Peterson � Ted es co .....�.................................. .....�........, Mx. President B�rzne ' ' Mayor. s000 7-aa � , . . - �, -- �� . . ._ - . . _ � -, _.- - -- .. .. . _ ... . . _ . -