235028 �� �3� �� �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �� � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL N�. � _ , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE In the matter of Improving SHEPARD ROAD Prom Davern St. to Rankin St. and YOUNGMAN AVE. f`rom Ma.ynaxd Drive, ex�ended, to Rankin St. by constructing . grading, paving, curbing, sidewalks, se�wers; and by doing al1 other work . which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement; under Preliminary Order C. F. No. 230780 approved Navember 9, 1966, and Final Order ' C. F. No. 233823 approved June 13, 1967; and conatruct a Sanitaxy Sewer in YOUNGMAN AVENtTE from Rankin Street to the cul-de-sac west of Alton gvenue, also in SPRINGFIELD STREE'T �rom Youn{�►an Avenue to Stewart Avenue, under Preliminary Order: C. F. No. 232365 approved March 7, 1967, and Fina1 Order C. F. 1Vo. 233822 approved June 13, 1967• . � � RESOZVED, That the plan.s and apecifications �or the above n�med improve- ment, as submitted by the Coumiissioner of Public Works, be and the sa�e are hereby approved; and be it i'tzrther 1 � k ' .. r�i�, �' RESOLVID, That the Purchasing Agent be and he� �s hereby� directec7. to advertise Por bids on this improvement. � � • _ t � '��P i L t961� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , `sa-�ee�' ���P 1 4 1967 ' Dalglish Approveci 19�. '� Holland • ' � Tn Favor Meredith • Peterson G Mayor Tedesco A 8ainst Mr. President, Byrne ,�.�1QLI�H�E� ��P �� j��� _ �2a .i �-'' DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ._ CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL N�.����''�� � , FILE - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ In th�e setttsr o! Inprav3ng �1�iD xQAb l�o� Davern �t. to Raatin St. �ud 7�Oi�lll� AtT$. �t 1�tnaxd D�l.�e� ��cben�ed, ta Rpunlcia 8�. b�r construoting &�n6s P��6s �rb3ag� aid,�a�lk�, �rsy and b� doing a1.1 otl�r �rk vhich is n�cds�tary �l. inaldsnta]. �b c�p].�t� said �,aprcyv+�a�n�f unclsr Pr��r f)rder fS. F. ],to. 2�0780 �Pro�ed �o�v�ber �, �966s and �in�1 Ord,�r �, �'. Xo. 23382� �pprar►ed dune l3, 1�67s �nd eonstt���t a 8e�ni.t,er�r Sev�er ia �Ot�UI� A'P�l�i� i'ras Re�nkin 8trebt to t,�s cul-Qa-se�a xaat of Alton A�au�, e1�o �n �Il�FI�p $� i'roel Ycru�� A�nnU,� #c� 6�a'was't Av�nus, w�der Pr�liffir�,�:y Or�r 0. �'. Zto. 232365 �O�r�d lhr�h Ts ��7� ezid Finml Ord�r C. �'. No. 233� �Protred June 13� 1967• . R$SOL�D� '1'hat th� pL�n� e�a� �oitice►tit� f'br t�e abvv�e n�ed itpra�e+ �ent, a� �ubsitts8 by t,2� Go�d.a�.toa�r o! Pub1iC Wo�ka►� b�� at�d. t.he ,Raas er�e 3�reby �prcyved; �ad 'b� i,t t�u�t�r. ��DD R�t th� �'urch�asing Ag�ut be �nd. 2�e f e �erwlby d#r�ctld to ndvertide tor bids ou thi�� i��rav�ssnt. . ' �J, � 3��3���� ��� � �� � ,�EP 1 41967, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas �� Nays I�EP 1 4 �9��� Dalglish Approved 19— Holland � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � • � . � Mayor Tedesco ' • ' Against . , Mr. President, Byrne �22