235018 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK /..Y���``/ ;. . CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �`�"' � ,. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ _, ISC�,NSE COtgTCT'.i'EE OUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � September �.� 1967 COMMISSIONE DATF � RESOLVID= • That Application J-16957 for Foodstuff� On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Cigarette licenses� applied for by Raymond I�. and. �lene B.. Thor at �.6]. University Avenue� be and the same is hereby denied upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of the arrest of Joe Ear7. Masons an employe at this place of business, on the charges of violation of closinb hours� Orda.nance I�oo 3i5.01 and intox3.cating liquor on a 3.2 premises, Ord3.nance Pdo. 310.12, being sent ta court thereon and fournl guilty thereto and his subsequent second. arrest at a later date on the identical charges which case is noti� pending in court; and because of the f�.ilure of the applicants for the On 9ale M�.lt , � , Be�erage licer�e to file �ith the �ity of St. Paul the required � bond as required under C. F. No. 22316�., th^dinance I�o. 12983, and, be it FURTHER� RESQI►VID; That the license fees posted by the aAplicants for the licenses • are hereby forfeited to cover the period the applicants onerated. , � said business on the application and to cover the processing of � saici application for licenses., DENIAL �No Refund} � �I�'• APP• by �ounc il 7-6-67� , - ��P t � 19�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ . Yeas Nays � ` � �a�rilso-x-- Dalglish, ' Approved ��P 1 � 19�� 19— Holland 6 rn Favor Meredith ' ► � , ', Peterson ' () " � � Mayor Tedesco . - � A gainst - Mr. President, Byrne � pUBLI$I�EB SEP �6 1��� , . . f , , ' - � il,�-�''`'n,n''"Q �� � , � � �22 � � - � �� - - r' ? _^ ` �,' '` -.. ' . _, " _ � - � : , ' .' -" - . .._ . _ , . " � `- : : , � - ... - ._ , - �_ . , - Y�y � ` . � ' ' . - _ - ' ' � . - _ - , ' :• , - . � _ - . ,_ : '_ . . -. - - - . - � . _ - . : ^ s - - . - ' _ ' , . . ,. . ` , . f�. r . ' . ' _.' . ' ." _ . . _ • , . � � .. - • . " . _ _ - - ' - J .. . ' � ' � " 1 ' _ - -. . , - - , _. - �- � - . . - � - _ ` �.��'D/� _ ' ' • - . , , . . . _ . . . .. . , , . . . � _ _ ._ _ . s . . _ - . - - - _ .. . - � - . . _ _ = . , � � Septemb�r 14, 1967 _ . - - - , � _ _ _ - : . , , . = ' _ : �; - : . _ _ . _ . _ ; _ .. . . •, ; - • _ . - . � - �� , - . . _ . , , - . . - , � _- $ � : - . - .- - _ � - . - . - . _ . - - _ � �, � � � - _' . - � _ - - - r ' Raymond H. and Carlene B. Thor• ' - � � _ - - � . * � �+61 University Ave. � . " �, . . ° � _ , _ ` St. Psul, Minnesota - _ . , _' _ _` - . ' - � _ - Deas N!r: !��Mr$. Thor: �.: -; - � . - � - - . . - � � . .` . - The City Council today denied appli on Por Foodstuff, Ori and • _ "- °-- - � • _ Off- Sale Mal� Beverage and: icen e 'at �+61 University Ave. •, ' ; - . . � - � � � - , _. _ , - Very tru],y yours, . - .' - � - . LL - - " • , ' � ` ` � . � j . = . -. - - . ' �+' . - � - , .-` _ - �City-CZerk � - _ '_ . � • -. . - ng _' - - • - • ' " ` . � _ - - - � • - � ' _ � . . . _ , , . _ , - . , -_- - ,. _ - . .. - _ � , _ . r . 4` t � _ _ 4 _ _ , � _ _ � •� -" _ _ , � _• '•t� • �T _ w • � � e• _� � • _ t . � • 1 ' . ^ �Y�� . � �I ' l • ' _ - � - _,. r • 3 ` . i �_ • � ' _� , � • •, a ,�'� _ _• • - . � ' ��� � � ` ,.f- ^ +- • • . • •� ' � • . J J . ^' ~t � � ' � ` � . :_ • , ' • ` ' _ -, . . � ' + _ ' t_ . r � 1 . . _ ` , _ - � ' " _ • � , - , - r t . � � � ` ` ' _ ' - . " �. .. � � _ y _ ` , - > � . . � . �• • � •} _ � , - , � • l ' ; X � � � ' � - �. � . '. • • ' � ' Y � _ . L - r ' f -` ' . � �. ` � - I - - ^��, . - � ' - - . ' •- ' � - , . _ • � ' r . a _ - � _ ' '- V ' � _ ' � ' _ _ ' .' r• . - - ' ' � c� #.��G �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota . �e a�t�e�t a c���ic �a et � p � POLICE Tenth and Minnesota Streets HEALTH FIRE PROTECTION WILLIAM E. CARLSON, Commissioner POLICE AND FIRE ALARM ROGEB M. CONWAY, Depnty Commisaloner DANIEL P.Me LAUGHLIN, Lieenee Inepector July 6,� 1967 Honorable Mayor and City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: . Raymond H� and Carlene B. Thor malce application for Foodstuff-On and Off sale Y�ialt Beverage, and Ci�;arette licenses at I�61 Uni.versity Avenue, which is loeated on the North side of the street, between Arundel and T�acl:ubin Stree��. This location has been licensed for a similar business since 1934. �e present licensee, Garnetre Ann Webb has held such licenses since July 1966. There is one other 3.2 place within two blocks. The cl�sest On Sale T�iquor place is half a block �d the closest Off Sale Liquor place is also half a block awav. The nearest church is three blocks and the nearest school is four bloc�s. From October 1958 until May 1967, i�ir. Thor has been er�ployed by thQ Rayette Inc. at 185 La.fond �venue. Since th at he has been taith the Electronics �orp. at 1t92 Rice Street. Y. hZrS�,Thor has been employed at the Pearson Candy �o. since October 195�• Very truly yours, �a� O�-` License Inspector ' � , � � � '° «'.r� � .� '� yM1�- r � 3 , , . � ,• . y� . i , � , . �. , ,r�,�'f:- � '., 'I�,� ` C ITY OF SAINT PAUL ' " . _.. ; . _ ::• � � ` ' - DEPARTB�NT OF PDBLIC SAFETY • F ° � /' . ,, ' _ �� i • ' _ LICENSE DIPISION � � G��1.t �? ' �1� . . _ s� ; . � '�� • � T . . , , Dat 19 • . _ �, _ . 1� ApplicatYon; f or � � � � �,.�?, �����,���Lioense , � . 2o Name of applicant�� i�[ y��,� �/,p,�P,� ,P d�T � �_��� . R � ' �"_ ♦ .r _ . ' 3p Business address . Residenoe - . , ��Y-�j-�� � �� ��`.�� ; � 4. Trade name� if any r�a �." � - ' �"^� - ^ _ , f ,, r ' - 5., Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�_Retail Liquor Federal Tax Sta7np = will be_ used; - r • � - , , � . . 6. On what fl4or l:ooated ° ' - . Number of��rooms used �- � �,,� "�_ • , . � ' � �-�' � .4 �J�V+��:L' . / . 7e � Betxeen what �csroas streets M ,�� �, ,b �,�� �1 yPhich side of streot . /}/�, /� T � • - �� • - .. � 8� Are premisea n�r ocoupied���l�� busineas�.��� r,�,, Q�Havr long 2 t.r��.e /C.�` � � 90 Are premiaes n.ow un.ocoupied/1�4Hovr long vacant Previous use �1:�0� Are you, a new awner�Have you been in a similar busineas before � �p� � � �V'here ���. � -.�When � . -� - . _ � � , . .. 11. Are you,going to operate this busines's�peraona].ly ��'t,� . - -_ _ - - . . � • ,. �'-'�-' . If_not,, who will operate it' - ::.� ; � �u - _ � � � r�� _ . . . 12. Are you�in. any other business.;at the,.present time Q � " , . . . • _ . , _ . . . ,. . _ _ _- . -.. ' . .; - . - . - - , � . 1S. • He►v� there bsen any coanplaints 'against your operation of this type of plaa@� � • - , � � , . � �IThen - --�~-��--'_- YYhere ' ; , � . _.. . • , 14o f�ve �you ever had �ny license revoked@;� �Yhat reason and date . - � ; _. „ _ . . . _' .._ . _ , r.. ., " .•` - .. � ,_ -_ . , - � ., x - - � � , -� 15o Are you a oitizen of th� United Statea�Native Naturalised �.� � � ; ',::��?��� .} 16. �ere were you bo � Date of irth� - � ����'��-�� y - - , ' � �i.-� �-'� . . _. . .. . �i��?�.����-�'��z----�•- �,� 17o I am marriedp Idy (grife's� (.t"'-�.�a) name and addresa is� y� �' �,�__ , `` = �. � _ �. tl � - � � �°'-i�� D/� �,.���o � �� �rt�-��,�('L �iir v� � /� ,�a� v� J'�-�.��.-�T.-�' � : z� 18p If m�rr�led femaTe _ _ '__ , � • ( � my inaiden name is ---_ `� � � < - Y 9p, Ha�r 1 ong �ave you 1 ived in St� Paul �� % �/����" _�, `-� 200 �Aave you ever been arre sted��Violation of what orimina7. lativ or ordinance � ' ' - ��� . !. , . _ -- - _ • �,.��� . * 210 Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Pau'1 � ' Yes �� �os , (1lnswer fu11V-and completel,y* These a� 'licatioris' are �horou Iil. oheo)�d and any „ , - falsifiaation, will be cause for denia�..,= �' - � , . . . , • .. � , , . _ ,. .. , .�� , _ . � , . .._ � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ' FOR , � RETAIL BEER �R LIQIIOR LICENSE , // Re: Sale ��L7` ,�,�v�,�License ' ����Q�i.1� /I`-e�i'�,��r' 7` �Ol�°--7 Name of applicant - „ �r �jf'�j � (/ �e �:S/�"Y J�,�, �����v �N`�V' Business address .-� Are you the sole o�mer of this busin.ess? �, T"f not, is it a partnerehip? /� "' c orporat ion? , other� . Others i.nterested in business, include those by loan of money, property or othermrise s Name�4 �Q�C�t ,(� �j'�_Address 2�6�' �`VP � �. H� ��i��'� ��/�TNE� . �Lt D �v � _�✓Ct�t'/1I�1�' t,,,� ' r'�ta �-��U i��n/'�v ,��`r�r : /'�R;.; . If a corporation, give its name . _ - - - , o Are you interested in any way in any other Retail Bser or Liquor business? _ - _ ` ^ - .- - , As sole ownerB —T Partner? Stockholder? ��— - -- • . - � - - _---- Othex�vi.se� (Through loan of money, eta.� Epcplain� - ...-_.___r._ Address of such business and nature of interest in eame ' �nature of applicant Sta'te of Bdinnesota� ' �ss � � Cow�.ty of Ramsey Ra.ymond Herbert Thor. being first� duly sworn,� deposes and says upon oath that he has�read the foregoing affidavit�bear�.g hia signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the same is true of his� o�rn l�awledge, except as to those ; .r�mattsrs �herein stated�upon in.formqtion and bolief and as to those mattera he be- ` ;=�� lieves them to be true. , _ , . r'_ . - . - � S' ture o a pplicant , ,; - �, Subscribed and sworn to before me � thia , 7th day o June 9� � - Notary Public, Ramsey unty, innesota My commi.ssion expires 4-22nd lg ']2 i , ° STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS CCIUNTY OF RA�SEY ) Raymond Herbert Thor being first duly sworn, doth depose and say that he makea this affidavit in aonnection ivith application for " Sale't liquor license �' ,�.� Sale" malt beverage licenee) in the Ci�y of � � � � � � State of M3nnesota Saint Paul, Minnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the and has resided therein for q.t years, h months, and ia - - - - - - - - - � StBte nouv and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said � and that he now resides at NO.��h� },�Plv .n avP S�Z�th fit. Pa �1 ���� �dinne s ota. 1 . � � �'�2�/ �L, ' , - . -� . . Subsoribed and sworn to before me � , . thia ._27th day o J e 19� . , ! �, � . Notar� Public, Ramsey oun.ty Minnesota I�y commission expires 4-22-1972 ; . ( C ITY OF SAINT PAUI,� • _ . � . � � , �DEPARTl�TT OF P[TBLIC SbFETY � • ..- . � - LICENSE DIVISI�T ._ : •. - . - . _ .. - Date r-/��s�-�,_..c� '�� . 19� • - - ;.�,,, � ].a Applicatiori for _ � - �T f �Q,�„p R:������Lioenae 2o DTams of applicant��r,��,..� ��5�.�+'C= '��""��1Z�/� - . . . ' 3p Busine$s �ddreas ��/ Gj�,k_��t���_Residenoe_����"��,� 'r�'yi` �'t � � �f �-��� �. v �� 4. Trade name� if any �,,,� ,��, � 5. Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp�Retoil Liquor Federal Tax Stamp �vill be used. 6. Qn what_fl4or looated. � �"' � Number df rb ms�"used � '���� '�t _T . �,�;r-- ��� � 7. Between wha� orosa streets ��U��� � � /C��� /��, ���y VPhiah side of streat . � r. -T x -� � . 8� Are premises n�r ocaupied�YYha'� businesa����,p�RHovr long }~^,,, � k S` � � ,�1 _"�"T 90 Are premises no�r un.occupied N�a v long vacant ---- Previous usa , • - � , ��0. Are you a new�awner__%�Have you been in a �similar busineas before� �f/., � Where ..---��""'�"��� When 11. Are you going to operate this bueineas�persona].ly ��P..S - � . -------�- If ribtr who will operata it � • 12, Are you�in any other business at the preaent� time '/,I� a ' ' s � � . �: ._ ' ,._ _ _ . . __. .., - � 13� . EQV� tY�ere bsen any co�plain.ts "against your operation of this �ype of p1Qae � . , t------- .. �Iihea �Ifhere `� --�".�..'-""-, • . . �- � � • • 140 _Have you'ever had �ny liosiise.�revbkgd��, � ,.d�Phat reason and d'ate ' - � 15o Are you a oitizen of tha United Statea�ative��_Na�uralised y ����`1�SJ`l SS% -� �Date of birth: `.� '��/ � ,'„� �� } 16. VR�sre �ie"re ou borri-` O�_c .��, �, . , - ,�,;r,,�� z,.�, �, � 17o I am married Id husband�a name and add�ss isa � �t �.1�" v Y ��'"� � ��_._._'.�:.r...=:._ ��✓i',�-e h'/ ��d/�) i� �'�� '�V-� �/���, ��/�y-e� ���'� -C �`-�l l .f{ . .� --� . 18p (If ine,r.rried femaTe) my maiden name ia � //�-�� ~ - � • . ' 19a Ho� long �a,ve you. lived in S� Paul �� �--� � �� ... - . 20. Have you ever been a�rested /��iolation of what criminal law or ordinance • - . , �. b .�.� r .210 Are you a registered voter in the City of St� Paul Yes � I�o� (�nswer fully and ao�pletel,y* Theae �a� 'lications are thorou lil.y aheo]�d and any falaifiaation will be cause f�r denia�.�. � � � • �' € ; ; � AFFIDAVIT BY APPLICANT ' � �'OR � - RETAIL BEER OR LIQII�R LICENSE . . . _ . - Re s Q�/ Sale_ �lJA LT ,��vC�g6� Liaense J _� S ' J� ���l ���V /� ���� Name of applicant � Business address`��p��✓�i�,�tr'��!Tf/T'�y" �!��' i ��PN/� - Are you the s ole owner of this bua ine s s�� . T�f not; is it a pa rtne rship?�"`� c orporat ion? , other� Others interested in business, include those by loan of money, property or otherwises Nam��9'ff��!?/y' ��4� Addre s s�v��.G= �!'�°� �i/P�✓ g�U,��j�l� e�f ,��P?JVL=`� � �cl„��.� C �v�.�j rV���'i �i? �4 �-� .Scr�a�- i�' �v f c'r"� U ,,�o�.� � - If a corporation, give its name '� � Are you in.tereated in any way in any other Retail Beer or I,iquor businesa? �� . ----..,.......-� As sole o�rmer? ------- Partner? "'��' Stoc�.older4 Othex�ise? (Through loan of money, eto.', Explain) , Addre s s of s uch bus ine ss and nature of inte re st in same � � � Signature of plicant State of �dinnesota) )ss County of �msey ) . Carl .n . B .�sie Thor . � beirig first��cluly aworn�, deposes and says upon oath that he has�read the foregoirig-affidavit��bearzisg his signature and lrnows the contents thereof; that the� saire is true of his� own l�.owledge, except as to those matters therein stated�upon informqtion and bolief and as to those matters he be- 17eves: them to be true. � � �. . � �,: �- - `�_ Signature of a pplicant ` ' . Subscri.bed and sworn to before ms this -2 th daY June 19� PTotary Public, Ramse Coun , Minnesota � My c ommis s ion expires 4-22nd 19� � . , • - ' STATE OF MINNESOTA � SS COUNTY 6F RAMSEY � G���s�e �ess�e '��e� being first duly sworri, doth depose arid say that he makea this affidavit in oonnection svith applioation for " Sals" liquor license ,(� ,N��ale" malt beverage license) in the Ci�y of �� State of Minnesota , Saint Paul, Mi.nnesota; that your affiant is a resident of the a nd ha s re side d there in f or 16 yea rs, 6 m�nths, and is - - - - - - - - - State n� and has been for the time above mentioned a bona fide resident of said � and that she now resides at N0. 2867 E�reltyen ave South St. Paul ���q�, Pdinn.esota. • / ✓ � , .9 i � "' C �.. � �` � � ' ' ' ._ .. - ' ' � Subsoribed and sworn to before me ' this 27thda of June lg 67 . . ...� Notar� Public, Ra y Co ty, Minnesota �Ey oommisaion expirea Anri l 22n�3 1 �'72