235010 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��� �� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ �t ' COUNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF RESOLUED, That upon and pursuant to the pertinent appeal, under the Zoning Code, by James I. Brown, owner of the subject real estate, situate in the City of Saint Paul and described ass The South ��2 of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 and �+, B�lock �F7, St. Anthor�y Park � North; that the provisions of said Zonina Code hereby are determined and . varied as and to the eatent necessary therefor and the width require- ' ments for aa3d premi.ses are hereby relaxed so as to acconunodate two four-plex apar�nents or condani.nitiun units, subject to the condition that said appellant and his successora and assigns, otherwise, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having eognizance. _---------__�_� i pETITION TO BEZONE '��'- --�-•'--,-____ �� ZONING AppEA� A etitlott hayi� ' . . - '' 1 paul�at Chapters Bp�n�i.led request- yg be h8 edtsoe sodo,i Z Ze�°1•.e St. ih aring w�ill ebebheld bef�t the City descrlbed as 12g3�d 1271 North Clevre ' Ca�n�i1 at 10 A.M. on Au 2�dAvenue, the soutli one-h ��n the CitY Councll Chamber31n1}�j1e a11 of Lots 3 and 4 Block 47 Stt CitY Hall and House, in the �Clevelandk North, on�the west stde ' �B1O�r� �under Chpp ters f�Jam�es 64 APP V � Street and Scud e�r Str et�oe C+Resip ;inclusive, St. Paul Legislarive Code, �� dence District the Council of ; Zoning Code, to relax width require-' of Saittt Pa�has flxed �e City �south one pr�pe� described as�� SSt. Corporation Counse` - C nHa lthe Councu°Ch�berh�foref half of Lot 2. and all of �' 3 and 4, Block 47, St. ��on � + � u of said City,�yd gt said ti�e North, located on the west side grk �place, the Co��u � he� all Cleveland Avenue of Persons ar�d � objections and recom- Street and Scudder Street ea �ypp mendations relative to said p � D$ted Au ���ent, pro osed gust 17, 1967. Dated Au HARRY E. Bust 17, 1987. ' MARSHA7I, HARFiY E.D�gAr r� , City Clerk. (August 19, 1967) -� ' City Clerk. - - �"—_' (Aug�t 19, 1967) . — �-.. �.--� - � �EP 13°�1'961 COUNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council I9— Yeas Nays 6��On � , '�EP 1 3 ���� Dalglish � Approved 19_ Holland Meredith n Favor Peterson /y Mayor Tedesco v A gainst Mr. President, Byrne pue�is�� SEP 1� 19�� �22 . , '� 4" � ' il'r � �. ♦ � ;� `�j , + , . . . .. . ,� 4 'IS�., �. , �r,r ' � BOARD�: OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151' . August 25, 1967 ����� . -�.l� Mr. Harry E. Marshall � City Clerk � Court House St. Paul, Minnesota ' Dear Sir: This is written in response to the applications of James I. Brown to rezone frora "B" Residence to "C-1" Residence property on the west side of Cleveland Avenue between Knapp and Scudder Streets, and to relax the lot width requirement. This property is described as the � south 1/2 of Lot 2 � all of Lots 3 � 4, Block 47, Saint Anthony Park • north. � The applicant proposes to use the property for two four-unit apart- � ments. However, the Zoning Code requires that such a use be in other than "A" or "B" Residence zones. It further requires that such a use have 160 feet of lot width. The property presently has a lot width of. 125 feet. These matters. were considered at the August 3, 1967 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the adjacent areas are all zoned "B" Residence, except the land to the east which is in the village of Falcon Heights. Saa.nt Paults Comprehensive Plan recommends that the west side of Cleveland Avenue be classified R-6 which includes walk- up apartments. The area is developed with one and two-family resi- dences to tl�e north and south; a sorority house, one-family residences, and two six-unit apartments to the west; and housing for the Universitq Farm- Campus -to the east. It was the findings of the Board that the rezoning would be in confor- mance with the Comprehensive Plan, that multiple-family dwellings already exist in the area, and that the proposed development would have no detrimental effect on the area: Further, the Board found it would be reasonable to grant the appeal to relax the 160 foot lot width requirement so that the development may occur. Consequently, the _Bo�rd of Zoning recommends� approval of both the rezoning to "C-1" Residence and the relaxation of the lot width requirement to 125 feet. Very truly yours, �� ������ ' � N��� N. R. Heiden, Secretarq� GK Board of Zoning . � - Encl. � � � Z .F. 6278-6319 _ ~ � , ` � , � �bo . 4� � �v � 2 066 Knapp St. Paul, Minn. July 21, 1967 The Honorable Ma.yor and City �ouncil C/O City Clerk Room 386, City Hall & Court House St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs: I am wr i ting abou�t my petition to have the South one-half (S.1/2) of Lot Two (2) and all of Lots Three and Four (3 & 4) in Block Forty-seven (47) in St. Anthony Park North, present addresses 1263 and 1271 North Cleveland Avenue (two single-family dwell- ings re-zoned to C residence for the purpose of constructing and or operating two fourplex apartments or condominium� units. I wish to ha.ve the requirements of Section 60.031, paragraph C, of the zoning code, which requires 80 feet of lot width at the front legal set-back, relaxed so tha.t I may have the aforementioned property re-zoned to C1 and still permit the building of the two fourplex units desired. This would permit a C1 rather than a C residence zoning. T he C 1 zoning would be more in keeping with the neighborhood and the comprehensive plan, as well as with the pla,ns of the local St. Anthony Pa.rk Association for the development of our community. � Sincerely yours, >, Ja s I. Brown Mi 4-9790 o � � � d � o � � ��U L 2 � i96T GITY PL ANNIMGnBOARD Saint P i, : . ,\�, �� v v � v •�I,.�� � I . � . I I i � . .; ' (.Y C) � � , . ,.�,,,d ' �� 'U � _. I�.i �� p U O O U 1 Q , ' � _ v = ¢ � . , ., . }-C}- �.-- O I . . O � U � ' O � I � � . �, ��� . T� � L ; ,, o � o � o __.. • . ;} �J , �. , . � U . OQ ¢ p � p U ' �� � i �� ° � � . . �' � � � PP `B�-_RESr �ENC E �� z S �T. `� . � � � , . � K � A � Q o o b o o ° '°'(� --' . . � -,� . �. . . � w ,: L7�\!� ! . U � G (, FR.si � ' ' • � ��, � � � � �-- (7 � ' ' ' ` � , C) . T , � Q ) � " ' . ' .. . � 1� ' � . � '�r � , . `G � '� � � � O �OIO � �� --- - U `� ` . � .. �' , (,� � � p � j y4 . L , . � � - �:, -�.SG UDDER ST � � �� % �, � .,c�� Q PU�Yf F � . �� ; . � � Q � s.r,:�r�oN v _ � �� . U � ' - - l ^ , . � S'j �,�, V � y v �p�✓�' v . • , . �� : ANTHONY O o �� �?� Ci� ���F=a� • • , �K �O s c��� i' ;� � � : PA , .0 _ ,�,.> �. ,. �' v , v , ` r . . ,- . G �,. r .� � `� � - r f�,� .{� • . � . ,�dl•'�,>>�. -� \' �/ ~ . �,t� ��t Q �o � � O � - O I4 `,' ` . D � � � I ' � ° ���� � �' „ �, � : � o � . . � . � 0�. � � e,�.. � n � �r c�. �� �.�- � � - " - - -- - � � "� . • v. �.: � . � � - �\{,�`�,�:� - �� �- -, ---._..—� - - - -- -�� -�; �' � � . � F'. �„ o z �� o ,o . ,� � �z , � o �, �, � � ,, ,, ^ � .� O � , %. , ti..� � �j �, e ! _ �� o �' � � _ ,�-� . --- - -- ------.� _�--_�-`. ._�-y-=�-� - -- - � --- - � ,_ 1�._. I - , . . - _ ; �r���ic��T: � J��.� z. ����� � � � LEG�.I�� . ,. . . . _-.---- - -- - . � ��Uh��U��; Rezbne� 'B' Residence to 'C-1' Res. LAND USE�� Relax lot width requirement , � � PRESENT ZO�;l�i� � "B"Residence �� as noted O -4NE F�MILY � � � � 'C,Z T W 0 Fn��i LY � � � � � TH(�EE F�IMILY � � PE���JQ� ������5: 7 of possibl.e 10 ( �0 � ) - F�Uf� FAMILY ��MULTI-- FA��IILY � FIL� Na. 627s . o � n COI��if�iERCIRL � . . � . n n INaUST�I/!L � � : , . - . . NOitTI-I . V -�VI�CANT � Sfi. PCiUI PIqf1�11i)� QQ�a'�'� t Ac�f� July 13� 1976 �L%%� f�iOUEf�i ti` 1N G1U��TIUf�� i - .. . � . . . . � i . j BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AI�D ACT,�ON August 3, 1967 plat Map 29 • � �� Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. . passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 � 62�8 rezo ing Also PP � 1. APPLICANT'S NAIVIE • James I. Brown 6319 a e 1 � ' , . � 2. CLASSIFICATION • � Amendment � Appeal �Eermit ❑ Other � ' , � i � ` �3. PURPOSE • Rezone from "B" Residence to G]. Residence 4. LOCATION � W. side of Cleveland Ave. btwn. 1Cnapp � Scudder Sts. � r �e LEGAL DESCRIPTION � S. 1/2 of Lot 2 � all of Lots 3 � 4, Block 47, St. Anthony Park N. ; � � � , . . � 6e PRESENT ZONING . '�B" Residence . � 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.06 Section: Paragraph: � . 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: A. PETITIONS: The Commissioner of Finance in a letter dated July 5, 1967, reported the petition sufficient with the owners of 7 of a possible 10 (70�) tracts within the required 100' radius having signed tlie petition. B. HISTORY: This petition was originally filed as a rezoning to "C" Residence. � C. PROPOSED USE: The proposed use is to rezone the subject area from "B" Residence to � Crl Residence for the purpose of constructing two 4-unit apartments. � D. AREA � FRONTAGE: The subject site has a frontage of 125' on Eleveland Ave. , and a depth of 150' with an area of 18,750 sq. ft. � E. ADJACENT ZONING: The adjacent areas are all zoned "B" Residence� except the land to � the east which is in the 'village af Falcon Heights. ! � F. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Recommends that the west side of Cleveland Ave. be classified � ' R-6, one � two-family row-houses � walk-up apartments I G. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed with two single-family residences. It is � above grade of Cleveland Ave. , H. AREA CONDITIONS: The area is developed as follows: one � two-family residenc�sto the � north � south; a sorority, one family residences, and two six-unit �� apartments to the west; housing f.or the University Farm Cempus to the east. � � • f � • , • 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend XQ Approval � Denial Council Lt. � Dated � . Moved by:, McPartlin Yeas Nays � Ames 8/31/67 Seconded by: Coehn x Cohen Date of Hearing - ' • x Gauger � '' • x Janes,Chmn. x McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks: x Haarstick - Alt. � Gadler Date � Maietta I , . � � . ' •� � - - LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET � • . , . _ . � . . • - . , , r• . i , , , . ; S � • BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION August 3, 1967 Plat Map 29 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. " passed August 22, 1922 as amended to August 24, 1964 6319 Also 1. APPLICANT'S NAN� �• James I. Brown � 62�8 2. CLASSIFICATION � .� Amendment XQ Appeal ❑Permit ❑ Other I � 3. PURPOSE : Relax width requirements 4. LOCATION � W. side of Cleveland btwn. Knapp � Scudder Sts. �. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � S. 1/2 of Lot 2 � all of Lots 3 � 4, Block 47, St. Anthony Park N. 6. PRESENT ZONING . '�B" Residence 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64.03 Section: Paragraph: . 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: - � By: � A. HISTORY: See Zoning File_#_ 6278 for History, Site Conditions, Adjacent Zoning � Area Conditions. ' B. PROPOSED USE: T'he appeal.lant wishes to build two 4-unit apartments C. NEED FOR APPEAL: The appellan'tf`'wishes to develope his property in accordance with neighborhood development, the Comprehensive Plan, and the St. Anthony Park -� Association. D. PRESENT STANDARDS: At the front legal setback line, �'0 feet of frontage is required for each apartmant. Therefore, 160 ft. of frontage at the front legal setback is required on the property. E. DEGREE.: OF.VARIANCE FROM STANDARD: The property has 125 ft. of frontage at the front , legal setback line and is 35' short. � L � 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval ❑ Denial Council Lt. . Dated Moved by: McPartlin Yeas • Nays Ames 8/31�67 • Seconded by: Cohen ' x Cohen Date of earing � x Gauger � ' � x Janes,Chmn. x McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks; x Haarstick - Alt. � Gadler Date � Maietta . - • ' . � LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET . , s. , CITY OF SAINT PAUL � .` MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 August 18, 1967 City Clexk File X361, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Ha.11 and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on August 31, 1967, on the appeal of James I. Brown to relax width requirements on the following property: south 1/2 of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 and !�, Block �7, St. Anthony Park North. The property is located on the west side of Cleveland Avenue between Knapp Street and Scu dder Avenue. For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-4151• JAMES J. l�ALGLISH Commissioner of Finance �O J CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 . August 18, 1967 City rk File X311�, Page 1 You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on August 31, 1967, on the petition of James I. BroVrn to rezone from '�B�� Residence District to '�C" Residence 1}istrict for the purpose of constructing and operating two (2) four- plex apartment or cond€�minium units on the following described property: 1263 and 1271 North Clevela.nd the south one-half (south 1/2) of Lot two (2) and all of Lots three (3) and (1�) in Block forty- seven (1�7) in St. Anthony Park North, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey. The property is located on the west side of Cleveland Avenue between Knapp Street and Scudder Street. For f�rther information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-l�151. JAMES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance O -. �- � • - . . � ` ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � , CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA t�3 Court House,ss�oz JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.MeKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 Julq 5, 1967 To the Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: I have rechecked the attached petition of James I. Brown, filed in the matter of rezoning, 1263 and 1271 N. Cleveland Avenue and the South 1/2 of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 and 4, Block 47, St. Anthony Park North. The propertq is located on the west side of Cleveland Avenue between Knapp Street and Scudder Street, , from a Class "B" Residence District to a Class '�C`� Residence Dis- trict, and find that said petition is sufficient. ur very t lq ' `. /��J mes J. Da lish Commissioner of Finance Re: X-314 c.c. Mr. Ames N. R. Heiden �O � I. J � ' • ' _ � - � � ". - �- s " : ~,� .�, • '�. . ' ' ' . _ .,- ' ••J� ' y,. , " L - ` . ' - - , ' - -' , �`• - - . . - �* -f ��r•'- . . - _ � , - , i . _' _ ' _ . � ' - ' _-._ �I.,. .l � L - " : ` * ._ ' ' ~ " � � ` • " .. ._ - - • ' • f. � � . . - ' � - zy__• - : V. -. � ., , ' i ', ': _` • : .. ` ' ._ '= J _ ' -. - • . . " ' ' , " , y- _ _ . ., . ' _ � i , - ' . r , _i . � ` . • I - '"�_ ?`� . ' a • � .,` "_ ' 4 •S_ �_ � �- ' . - .• ' _ � • , , " ' , + • � _ ' •r . . � , t ' • -. - . , . eTUt1@ 20� �.�7 � � ,- , " '� . - �- � , - . - - • .- - . - - . - -_ _ _ � � - _ ' _ � � . . -. . . . _ . - - � _ � . .- ` - _ . . __ - , .,� _ ' - . . ' - ; . ' � ' , ' � _ _ ' . � r - ' ' � _ s , '1 • . � _ - .. _ - _ � _ � � _ . . " ` � ` _ . _ y. LL " •�. . . . ' - � . � .n • � - �1 _. ' - t� ' _ _ . - � _ � ♦ ` ' . . � n ' � _ - . � •' _. � � ' � • Mr. Jeaie�_ Bra��' ; Y.-, �• ' . , - ,- � _ -- � . " . � Y`. . -- . �Q�6 l�app St. _ -_ _ � . - ' _ = , � - � . St. Paul, Minnesota � . -- - . . �. � ` ` . : . - . . _ . - _ � , �• . - - � ' _ _ Deax, Sirs , - : _ _ : `` ' , - , - , . � , - . _ - - . � . � .- _ , _ - • _ , � , - - . � . ' r_ . . . � _ � -� Th� Commissioner o��Finanee�reporte � de�y tha e petftio� filed - - . - ,_, by you for rezoning propexty on the t sid Cleveland A�e. � - . - _ � - betweerr Rnapp and_Scudder 3t. to Clas " idehce Mstrict � . � � _� _ � is insuff�cient. - � �-- - � - - � . i . For this xeason; t'he Counc s unab, to 'c � der the matter. _ � ' - - � . . _ ' , - - - Yery t�uly yours, - -" � _ - - . � • ° , ,- - " , _� - _ - -, .. . • � . � . : _ � _ ; . .. �ty rk _. . .� ` � ng - ` . - _ . ' �� �/� � . _ ' " _ - ' - ' - � • � ' -,U° �� _ . �`' L�J- w _ , , . :��U�� ! , .. � ��6 _ � - . .� � - -_ � . � _- � . � .- c�ryP� � _. - � . _- - -� � - - - � � - - - - . � .- - ' ,' �a"'r��N�N� B pq . - - ,- k- � . _ " . . �' ' . � : _ - , . , _ � M��ryes����� �_ = '� _ - � - . - - _ . � - - . . __ � . . - �. " � . " ' - - ` ~ , ' y � ' ` ������ ���� - _ '- . ; .4 . " Y � _'T� � _ � . � . . • . .; �' _ . � • • � � , � . � �w ' S � � •T . ' , � -. . ` - . ' . ' . - ^ _ ,_ • ' ` f , ' _ , _- _ - T. __ ' ' i . , ' - • ', ...w , ` _ ' = , ` - .f ' i, .. • _ � `` _ � - _ 7 .. Z - . _ �. • _ _ _ - • . �� � . - _' ' - _ ` w . • i` ' - _ . . i � -- � T . - _ � � ' . . � � ^ Y � yr �. � � , '- • • • � • �. � .. , � �- �_ .� 1 ^ _ = � ' �, ' r _ -. � ' ` ,. � � ° �� r � � ' . ` , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . f CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 113 Court House,66102 JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 June 20, 1967 To the Council City of Saint Paul ' Gentlemen: I have checked the attached petition of James I. Brown, filed in the matter of rezoning, . _ South 1/2 of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 and 4, Block 47, St. Anthony Park North also knovn as 1263 and 1271 North Cleveland Avenue. The property� is located on the west side of Cleveland Avenue between Rnapp and Scudder Street, . from a Class '�B'" Residence District to a Class "C" Residence District, and_find that said petition is insufficient. Yours very tr y, G���J�!'O ' L mes J. Dal sh �G o�nissioner of Finance Re: %-314 c.c. Mr. Ames ' - N. R. Heiden -�""`-- -�-•�• � ��'�t�� �� __ .. �� ,� �� �v � .��,� . �� p �,T �� , D Y �q 96� ,�. S��n Pa NN/N�, B M,,,,,�5 OqR�-' . a ,�-�-, �� • � 't� � : - Kti � `- . � 3 �01 �, � , GLti� � � �:�,� . ST. ANTHONY PARH ASSOCIATIO T/ON fOR A BETTER COMMUN/TY 350 STRONG PRESIDENT .. M.W. Knoblauch FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Eugene $. Wright 29 �jugu8�'i 1967 � SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Frank Paskewitz SECRETARY Honorable Ma�or and City Councilmen Ray w�ii�s City of St Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota TREASURER 55102 William H. Teeter DIRECTORS (2 years) Deane Millman Gentlemen, James T. Morgan Herbert B. Crommett COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN This letter pertains to File x361, on the Athletic QPPeal of James I Brown to relaz width requirements John C. Curtiss in St. Anthony Park. Attendance Mr Brown has worked with the St. Aiat�hony Park Jack Allison Bulletin Association for more than a year in prepa,ring plans �. �. Bordsen for a building complea that would be in fitting Commercial with the Association's plan for its community. ��� Richard E. Meyers Committees Mr Brown's plans meet the approval of our Fred R. Steinhauser Associat�ion. To our lmowledge there are no Community Planning ob�eations to this plan by ad�acent neighbors. We Gordon M. Donhowe feel the construation will 'benefit both the aity Fellowship and the community. Lynn J. Bauman You are asked to vote in favor of this request. 4thofJuly Fred Steinhauser and Robert Diedrich Communit Bruce Perrizo planning Committee of the Association will be � Historian present at the hearing, if questions are asked. W. E. Petersen Li brary Randolph M. Brawn Membership Yours tTLll�� Fred J. Morlock J Program � Loren N. Mathre Public Affa�rs - Fredric $ Steinhauser Roland H. Abraham Public Safety Joe H. Stoeckeler Recreation and Youth Organizations John G. Pearson Schools Raymond H. Gerst 2131 DOSWELL AVENUE • SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55108 • PHONE 644-7385 � �' � CITY OF SAIi�lT PAUL � : MINMESOTA ' - � DEPARTMENT OF Fif�lANCE ' 113 Court House 55102 - ' August 18, 1967 � St: Anthonf Park Association , - c/o Frederick B, Steinhauser , 221�3 Scudder Street _ � St. Paul, Minnesota File X361, Page 1 You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the � Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court Nouse in the G`ity of ' St. Paul at 10:00 a.m, on August 31, 1967, on the appeal of James • ,�� I. Brot,m to relax wi.dth requirements on the following property: south 1/2 of Lot 2 and all of Lots 3 and �., Block I�7, St. Anthony Park North. The property is located on the west- side of Cleveland Avenue bet�reen Knapp Street and Scudder Avenue.� � For f�rther information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce ' , Building or phone 223-4151. ' ''� JAMES J. DALGLISH � Commissioner of �nance � ' � ,, . . � .�. t ;� , ,., ' b: �O , .. ' - - �.. - �7-ryFS.K...,.MNKL,�w"�'s+w.c: -, - � ,,, ._y,r..�r.r..w�so-�.�r�•......., ..w..., ira..�vM,�' . v.:+�o�w.f6�nriv—.rr-.rwr_+r�+r�a�_.•- x'� w �'r�.'� . , , . 1 .. ' 'i. { ' V .'� � � ,� ���• '� �, �� . ` r CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA l7 7,�d s`` ' ' �" ��.� PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZONING) CODE ` Note: The� signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi- � fication before signing this petition. For further information about the � � rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 223-4151. -�,�s' � , , (Please type or print) �ate; ��� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL • c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint, Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code, we, the unde�signed owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within L00 feet of - the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50�0 0� more of the f rontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to rezone the follow- ing described property; (legal description and street address) 1263 & 1271 N. Clevel�,nd - - � -��e s�,rcu����=na� (s: �)��f���o� -��o (2) �ia ��:u o�-L���s three �3) ana (4) �. atecK �or�y--- -- seven (�.7) in St. Anthor�r Park NortYj., according to the recorded plat thereof on file & of record. in �che office of the Register of Deeds in�and for the County of R,asnsey from ►t "n �sidenCe District to u���� g�sidencP District, for the purpose of'"installing, constructing and/or operating the following: two (2� fotlr-ple$ (describe briefly the proposed facility) g�,�ment or Condominilml units . � • - ..;r�� RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION ✓ �Subject p operty: ,� St. �nth�jr Park North 1 Ci�� �7 . �� a% / 5� �, � ��a�� � � il y� ,. �✓,'''�,�'1 'C� 0 �' �� � .. v�. ..a '��,.._ � ; `�,/� /� �� �. � � � �� %�� D � ��- ��� � C � � � � � .�_ � �l: - � � � „ __ u�ia.�- s � . . �lZ� � �� �° .� .7 T •, �%� ' y • � e✓/ � �y' . , �v�(e � � �Z`� ti 1,a'�i wlo�' �'�' � • Sc4'!k� Lc� Z C?Co Cp � S kl1 t�4-s �-F � - ,�� 4 ,� - . U o State of Minnesota ( `��� � � 1967 . ounty of Ramsey ( SS " CITY pLq�N�NG BOARD � � Saint Payl, Minne o a Q�o--� - ��� YLO-w�. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that �� s ' h person who circulated the within petition consisting� of m.�e page�• that the parties described above are'the owners �respectively of the lots placed� , ��!` immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, arid that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the part'es so desc�ibe�i..��`- Subscribed and s7�orn to before me ' �t � ��'cy1 �,� this �_d�y of G��� Q (s Vti��,� ,`. �2u� g } �titi , - ' ,.`�' � / ` Address; ' ' ���-��4�� '�� - Telephone No. (�� l{.. - q�q p � Notary Publi� amse County, Min My commi���}�.-,c�,�r s �-S_ � Approved as to form 1/4/65 otnzy _pi,blic,��IIeQ �a� Office of the Corporation Counsel FGI 1/5��0�,'�ci�'ExpireaAuqus�5,19s�'7, , ' � , - ,y . . . ^ I • �..�..�w�.�� n.Y• ... ..�. .�.. .� .. . ..- .�r�.� • � • l • _ �` ����i�� ��f�� � � � � _ .�1_ ------ _ ,.. _._.__ . _�� _.�_...-�._���_.� - ------� � ,_ _�_ �_ � .��. - _ � ' ' . . . 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