235001 . � tI� _ . - 23�G0�
Resolution App�roving Assessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction and
reconstruction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Contract 66-M-366,
Levy, No. 1, District No. 1
�..n-�----r..._�� ___ _�_=.--'-':-____'_ � _ - _ _ � .____�_-.--- - ---- ------. .'._ , -_ ��_
� ASSESSILBLE i . "�'•: ,.°•.; �:' .-. - �--, -- - -- -- - _ . _ _
4 F.O. ",.--224029 - Nebra�ko:�,A�ii,, north atde Eraa Mi1Cc,a St.� to Victoria •St: t '_ '
��� E''.0. `= 223598 - Victori�°'Se:. e�st side frcc� WFu�lock Pk�y. to W. Oraage Ave.4and .oa�+ -�
-� th� west side of Victoria $t. frcm_E. Go�ao�=Blvd.''to'Osase St.
1�.0. - 227307 - floyt Ave. , north sid� fron F�rn�000d`�St. to Merrill 5t. .
F.O. - 227523 - Albert Se., both sidea fran Aebraskai Ave. to Azlington Ave. ' �
F.O. €�w227S24 - St. Aibans St. , both sidea fraa �raage .Ave. to Wheelock. Pkwy.
F.O, - 22�'161 - Milton St., both aidea from Lsfond Avm. to Thaaas Ave. ;
F:O. 4 226914 - Sh�rburne Ave.� aorth side fros Victoria St. to the Hest approziau�tely �
91 feet. I
. F:O. - 227767 I.�xington Pkwy_,,east_side_f,_r���3n�,l�e,�rAv�...xo_Minn�bahan.Av�._�,.�__.�
F.0'.��2�����= '�Fe�ood=8t.;'E�iC si�e"�from" oyt ve. o'Idalio Ave:-."� ..—.r.._ ___ .�__�_, I
� �TttGi'kILEt�1'�"''��'uEY'�`...._�T�__�...w_�.._�,-....----��,��►I'C�'L'�='.._r�-...�..-="..'''_..w�T���..M1.»�.y.y�...
xoN-ess€ss�er�: �-� �.�.� � � , I
' � .�..__.�...__.. �.._�- - --�'�,DD - .. .._��� I
F.O� ��2�3�98;�Victoria�`.St:;itss�atd�eTf��i�haa�PcT`�ry:^to�W:`Oraiigerllv�. and4on~ ,
-1 f��the�4�st �ide ofb�liEC,�t�raa �t��,frti°m �;. �l_c�m°bBlvd. to.,Osagei��t;;��c�c#ior� tiaith �
F.O. - �7=3�T '�• �o t Av�:;-aarttrsid� �fr�m FeicnWOOd�: to Mer=iil St. �
�, • F.O. 227524_ - St,�Alba�ae,i�t��,ei�°� ���tdes t�r��� ��l�i$�i,gY,�•L•}:�o�,�hee;loc��.:Pk�t�zsid�r�cl szzs.te
' 8.0��� 227161"'��iMilton St. , hoth si�ea froea Lstond Av�. to Thoaus AvQ. �
F.O.�.id�l�,��u�#lseSh.e�bi�e5�i°�L s��f��it�t�41del:h����iS�o,�ia St. to the West appsaxi�ately �
91 feet. �
— 7�5��'ED�ha'� t.�tc �a.id a,ssessrn��t be ancl t�:t �,mc; is �er�bg �rt aII r���.��,t� ::y►1,��nvQti=!_
; ---�
RESOLVED FURTHER, Tha.t a public heaxing be had on said assessment on the L�rh
day of October�l�67 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Chaxter, stating in said notice the time a.nd place of t
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots.of the paxticular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeas ��� Nays
Dalglish Adopted by the Council
�.,�,�;; � ��P 12196�
'� Peterson
A proved
Tn Favor '
� Mayor
�� Fo� xr2 Z� �o-ss s� Against PUBLISF��� ��� �.6 ��6�