234965 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23�Q�5 - CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO. f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE � DATF WHEREAS, national banks a.nd other member banks of the Federal Reserve System are not permitted to inveat in revenue bonds of State and Local governments; and WHEREAS, this prohi.bition severely restricts the marketing of revenue bond� and increases interest rates to the public; and WHEREAS, high quality munieipal revenue bonds are a safe and sound investmen�; and , WHEREAS, there is now pending before the Gongress S. 1306, to permit national banks and other member banks of the Federal Reserve System to invest in high quality municipal revenue - bonda; now, therefore, be it -, RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Sa�nt Pau1 that this Council hereby supports this important legislation and � urgea the members of the Minneso�a delegation in Congress to work for its enactment; and be it FUR3'I�R RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is instructed to - -�- send copiea of this resolution to all members of the Congress from the State of �Minnesota. ��M AP -- � �'�`-�-. � orpor io� unsel � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SE� 1 2 lg��,_ Yeas Nays ��r3san— �Dalglish �EP 1 � 1967 � proved 19_ Hollax�� � �1Vleredith Tn Favor \Peterson ' Mayor fl �Tedesco A gainst �Mr. President, Byrne - ,:s; t, , :,i; � r. i r� �. �;.; 1.�, .. .!�'i�. :tr �.�A :i. . ; a J " �22 DUPLICATE TO rRINTER 234��5 = GTY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ W�REAS, nat3.o�a1 banke &nd other memb�r banks of the Federal Reaerve System are no� �ermi�ted to lnveat in revenue bonds of Stat� and I,oQal governn�nts; and WFIEREAS, thie proh�.bition severely reetrio�� the marketing of revenue bonds and i.ilarea�es inte�edt rates to �he pubi�.a; and W�iEREAS, high qualitp muniaipal reveriue bonds are a eafe and souncl inves�ment; and W�REA3, there ia now pending before �he Congress S. i3o6, to permi� national banke and other member b�nks of �he Federal Re�erve Sy�tem to inveaL in high quality muniG�.pal �evenue bonde; r�ow, therefore, be it RESOLVED,, by the Counail of the C3ty of Ss�.�t Paul �ha.t th�� Council hereby �uppor�s thie impor�ant legialation ar�d urges �he members of the �.i.xineao�a delegation in Congress to work for its enaatment; and be it FUR�H�R RE30LYFD, tha.t the City Clerk ie ingtrua�ed to send aopies of thia riesol�.tion to all memt�ere of the �ongre�s from the State of Minnesota. ��,p 12 i967 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—. Yeas Nays �°n ��� � '� 156� Dalglish Approved 19— H 1,�lanr� Meredith � Tn Favor Peterson �y�r Tedesco � Against Mr. President, Byrne �2z