05-256Council Rile #�
Green Sheet# 3025187
Presented By:
Referred To: � I Committee:Date:
i WHEREAS, the City of St Panl, Police Department, has received a Cops More 2002 grant to update
2 eqnipment and technology that wilt allow officers ta query crime data, map crime data, and create reports for
3 mapped crime data; and
5 WHEREAS, the City Council accepted this granE on October 23, 2002 (council Sle # 02-482), and this grant
6 Las been extended through July 31, 2005; and
8 WHEREAS, a 2005 financing and spending plan needs to be established for Cops More 2Q02 grant funds
9 remaining from 2Q04; and
ll WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 oFthe Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that
12 there are available for appropriation funds oF$169,100 in excess of those estimated in the 2005 budget; and
14 WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the fotlowing addition be made to the 20Q5 budget:
18 0.36 - Police Special Projects
20 34063 - Caps More 2002
2t 3099 - Other Federal DirecC Grants 0 126,825 126,825
22 9830 - Use of Fund Balance 0 42,275 42,275
23 Total Changesto Financing 169,100 '
26 34063 - Cops More 2002
21 Q219 - Fees-Other Professional Services 0 47,745 97,745
2& 0370 - Computer Equipment & Supplies 0 71,355 71,355
29 Tota1 Changes to Spendina 169,IOp
31 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes to the 2005 budget.
An.,..ncfo.l h., ile..�..t...e..f ..P.
Adopted by Council:Date: �Jjylr�a�3�fJds
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary:
B y : _L
for Suk�inJssiq�n to
Form �rc�ved by Gity Attorney;
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
. ch-a5�
DepartrnenGoffice/council: Date Initiafed:
pD �oliceDepartrnent 09-FEB-O5 Green Sheet NO: 3025187
CoMact Person & Phone:
Chief John Harrington
Must Be on Councii Aaen
ToYa! # of Signature Pages
� Deoartment Sent To Person InitiallDate
0 olic De t e ot
Assign 1 oli e rtment De ar6uent ir to �
Number Z ina c'al e i " an ' 1 e ic 6�
For � Routi� 3 � ttome Ci A or
Order 4 r' � Ma r
5 ouncil i Cou cil
6 k kck
7 aPce De ar[meot Police De art e t
(Clip All lowtions for Signature)
Action Requested:
Signature requested on the attached counci] xesolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to establish a 2005
financing and spending plan for the Cops More 2002 gant.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Pla�mng Commission
CIB Committee
___ _ . _ . . Civii Service Commission
Personal Servlce Contrects Must Answer the Foliowing Questions:
1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department�
Yes No
2. Has this person/firm ever been a city empfoyee? �
Yes , No
3. poes this person/firm possess a skdl not normaily possessed by any
curreni city employee?
Yes No
Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issu�, Opportunity (4Yho, What; 44hen, 4Yhere, Why]:
The City of Saint Paul, Police Departrnent, has received a Cops More 2002 grant to update crime mapping equipment and technology.
(Attached is a copy of the grant).
Officers will be'able to query crime data, map crime data and create reports for mapped crime data.
�isadva�taqes If ARRroved:
MAR � 4 2��5
sadvantages If Not Approved:
ilaility to use grant fixnds available that will allow o�cers to use and map crime data.
Total AmouM of � 69100
Funtling Source: U.S. Department of
ianciai lnformation: �ustlC2
CosURevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number: 436-34093
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U. S. Department of Justice
O�ce of Community Oriented Poticing Services
Applicant Orga¢izarion's Legal Name:
Grant #:
oRl #:
Vendor t1:
Law Enforcement Ezecutive Name:
City, State, Zip Code.�
Government Executive Name:
Ciry, State, Zip Code:
Award Start Datec 8l112002
Award Amount: $ 126,825.00
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Award End Date: 7/31/2003
By signing this award, the signatory officials are agreeing to abide by the Conditions of Grant Award found on the reverse side of this document:
Signature of Law Enforcement Executive with the
authority to accept this grant award.
;ignature of Govemment Executive with the authority
� accept this grant award.
William K. Finney, Chief pf Police
Typed Name and Tide of Iaw Enforcement Executive.
Randy G. Keily, M ayor
Typed Name and Title of Govemment
St. Paul, City of
f �3 � D � � i 71 � .�A2 2 � kb ]
Chief WilliamK. Finney
100 East l lth Street
St. Paul, MN i51Q1 .
Mayor Randy Kelly
390 City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55101
Aw�rd ID: 70081
1100 Vvmont Avenue, Mf'
U. S. Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Granis AdminisUation Division
To: WilliamFinney, Cluef
St. Paul, City of
From: Robert A. Phillips, Assistant D'uector, Gzants Adminis�arion
Raymond Reid,_ COPS Point of Contact, Grants Adnrinisffarion
Wendy Muse, Staff Accountant, Finance Division
Re: COPS MORE02 Financial Cleacance Memo
A financial analysis of budgeted costs has been completed. Costs under this award appear reasonable,
allowable, and consistent with existing guidelines.
Vendor #: 416005521 ORI #: MN06209 Grant #: 2002CLWX0027
Grand Total:
Rectuested Disallowed Avaroved Disallowed ReasonsJ Comments
$90,000.00 $0.00 $90,000.00
$29,100.00 �0.00 $24,100.00
$50,000:00 �0.00 $50,000.00
Total $169,100.00
Applicant Share:
�0.00 $164,100.00
$ 126,825.00
$ 42,275.00
Budget cleared by Wendy Muse on 8f8/2002.
Overall Comments:
Yl �
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1100 VermontAvenue, NW
Washington, DC20530
U. S• Department of Justice
Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)
Gcants Administraiion Division
August 30, 2002
Memorandum of COPS MORE 2002 Items Funded
St. Paul, City of
The following figures have been compiled by the COPS Office based on a review of your COPS MORE 2002
application. Award amourns are based on financial review by the COPS Finance Division.
I TechnologylEquipment:
Tota] federal dollars awarded:
Items Funded:
$ 126,825.00
Ccime Analysis Soflwaze
Mobile Computing
17 laptops, crime analysis hardwarelsoftware, projectois.
* The official awazd date of yow COPS MORE 2002 grant is 8(1/2002. You wiil be reimbursed for any approved expenses incurred
�n or after 8/1/20D2 under your COPS MORE 2002 grant. If your depamnent requested a waiver of the local xnatching funds,
nformation concerning Uus decision will be sent to you shortly under separate covez.
�,�`� .
s� �;
; �e
�ce ajfh� Director
1100 �erniont Avercue, NN'
fYash�ngfon, DC20530
Chief William K Finney
St. Paul, Ciry of
] 00 Easi S 1 th Street
St. Paul, MN 551 D] �
RE: COPS ORI # MN06209
COPS ('irant # 2002CLWX0027
Dear Chief Finney:
U. S. Department of Justice
O�ce of Community Oriented Policing Services
AllgusY30,2002 ��'{�}-
C'+.�'� 2. �`� ����
, � r`{
. ; -• `,�..C�
Congratulations. I am pleased to inform you that the COPS Office has approved your agenc�s request for
funding under the COPS MORE02 program. The official start date ofyour grant is S(1f2002.
Enctosed in this packet is your Grant Award, which you musi sign and return to the COPS Office within 90 days
ro officially accept your grant. Failure to retum the signed award document within the 9Q-day period could result in
withdrawal of the funding without further notice $om the COPS Office.
The MORE02 Award document provides the tota{ award amount and a list of Conditions that apply to your
gtant appear on [he reverse side of the Award document. You should read and familiarize yourself with these Conditions.
Also endosed in this packe[ are any special conditions that appiy to your grant. These must atso be signed and retumed to
the COPS Office in order to officially acce¢t the grant. You must comply with the requiremenis of any special
condition(s) before you wdl be able to draw down grant funds. Also enclosed is your MORE02 Grant Owner's Manual
which summarixes and exQtains your COPS MORE02 Grant.
You wilf also find materials relating to payment methods and procedures for receiving your grant funds Yoc
should review the grant materials in your Grant Owner's Manual regarding the method of payment available to you.
Please also review the Federal procurement regulations ("Uniform Administratrve Requirements for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments") which cover impoaant requirements relat�ng to purchasing
technology and equipment and contracting for services.
Once again, congramlations on your award. Should you have any queshons regardfng your COPS MORE02
Award, please do not hesitate Co contact the COPS Office or your Grant Program Specialist at 1-800-421-677�.
\✓'^"" `� 1 }�3...J
Carl R. Peed
ApplicantOrganization SPPD
pg( #': MN06209
Section Vtf
Budget Detail Workshe�t
A. Equipment
List nonexpendable items that are to be purchased. Noaexpendable equipment is tangible property having a use-
ful lite of more than two years and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. F�cpendable items should be
included eifher in the `Supplies" category or in the "Other" category. Applicants should anatyze the cost benefit�
of purchasing versus leasing equipment, especially for high-cost items and those subject to rapid technical
advances. Rented or leased eqnipment costs should be listed in the "Contractual" category. Explain how the
equipment is necessary for ihe success of the project. Attach a nanative describing the procurement method to
be used.
Item CompataGon Cost
Laptops (12) 12x $5000 $60,000
Projectors (6) 6x $5000 $30,000-^''
Competitive bid wi11 be used to purchase these items.
See attached
Total•$ 90,000
Sec[inn V/I - You must return this page as part ofyaur application 57
i'ut�uuau�gtsu(tcau �aN
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Purchasing Bulletin lsp:
City of Saint Paul Purchasing Guidelines
Under Chapter 5.02 of the Saint Paul Administrative
Code, the Division of Contract and Analysis Services
(CAS) is charged with handiing nearly all of the
purchases made by City departrnents and Saint Paul •
Regional Water Services. The Division is also chazged
with approving all specifications and making sure that
language referencing all applicable laws and requirements
has been included.
The Purchasing Process
The purchasing process begins when a department
identafies a need for equipment, supplies, services or
otker commodities. An authorized deparhnent staff
person must then piace a request for purchasing
assistance by fiiHng out a data entry form to create a
requisition in the City's Finance system. The Activity
Manager or department accountant must sign the data
entry form to certify that funds are available in an
adopted budget to pay for the requisationed item (s). The
deparhnenYs designated data entry person must then enter
the requisition in the Finance 5ystem.
New requisitions aze printed out daily in the CAS office
and distributed to the buyer who has been assigned the
particular commodity. The buyer will review the
requisition and may consuit with the department contact
person to verify timelines and requirements.
To initiate a purchase, a buyer must have a clear
description of the desired product or service, as we11 as
the performance requirements. This description is
commonly refened to as a specification. A specification
may be very detailed or very brief, and may be
communicated in writing or verbally. If the department
has developed a specification, the buyer will review it for
clarity and completeness. if a specification does not
exist, at this point one will be developed and the buyer
will select a purchasing method. Specifications may be
written by department staff, buy a buyer, or developed
jointly. CAS buying staff regularly obtain specifications
from other jurisdictions and can modify them to meet
City needs_ (See Purchasing Bulietin 2sp: Specifications)
Purchasing Methods
Buyers can use several different solicitation methods.
When choosing a method, the buyer will take into
consideration the estimated dollar amount of the item (s)
or pro}ect, the number of vendors available to bid, past
experience purchasing the commodity, and the date when
the commodity is needed, among other factors.
. Advertised Bids - Chapter 471345 of the
c�-a 5�
i of 5 4JI9J2001 8:30 AM
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Minnesota Statutes requires that contracts for goods,
services supplies, and construction having a value
of $50,000 or more be established usin� a sealed,
competitive bidding process. The law also requires
that notice of such bids be published once a week for
rivo successive weeks in the official paper of the
jurisdiction. The City's official paper is The Saint
Paul Legal Ledger. A written notice of a bid and
sometimes the bid document aze mailed to a list of
vendors who are likely to be qualified to submit
bids. Advertised bids aze also distributed via the
internet to individuals who subscribe to the Bid
Information System (BIS) offered by Contract and
Analysis Serv�ces. An advertised bid is required for
purchase over $50,000 but may be used at any dollar
Quotes - Buyers solicit quotes from vendors for
goods and services of less than $50,000. These
requests for quotes are transmitted to vendors via
U.S. mail, via fax, or electronically via the Intemet
through the Bid Information Service. Vendors may
retum a response by fax or e-mail if the estimated
cost of the desired products or services is less than
$10,000. A minimum of two quotes must be
obtained to meet legal requirements.
Small Purchases - Chapter 86 of the Saint Paul
Administrative Code permits some flexibility in the
execution of small contracts. Small contracts aze
defined as those agreements having a value of
$1,500 or less. Department staff may make small
purchases directly, without submitting a requisition
to Contract and Analysis Services. Staff may contact
a single vendor or request pricing from more than.
There is no minimum number of quotes required.
Two options are available for making small
purchases of goods, services and supplies.
Departments may obtain special forms known as
Pickup Orders from CAS and give these to vendors
in lieu of purchase orders. Department staff may
also make small purchases wrth a Procurement Card
issued by the Accounting Section of the Financiai
Services Office. Neither Pickup Orders nor
Procurement Cazds may be used to purchase
professional services. A professional service
agreement is always requtred. (See Purchasing
Bulletin 6sp.)
Requests for Proposals - A Request For Proposal
(RFP) is a detailed specification issued most often to
purchase a professional service, such a s
azchitectural or engineering services. Sometimes an
RFP will be used to purchase equipment or systems
where a complex set of performance variables or
altemative configurations is possible, such as a
telephone system. For detailed information on RFPs
and purchasing professional services, see Purchasing
Bulletins Ss�and 6s�.
4/19/2001 8:30 AM
. ��..uas�ag Liuuum isN
uu�.iiumo.�wa��aui.tuu.u>.wu:an. n ,.wyr-. ,. .
Emergency Purchasing - The City's definition of an
emergency is a serious situ¢tion or occurr-ence that
devetops suddenly and unexpectedly and that
demancts immediate action, where failure to act
wouZd be detrimental to Ihe best interests of the Ciry
ar zts operation. "
I?epartment staff who believe they have a legitimate
emeraency shouid contact a buyer in the Contract
and Analysis Services Office for assistance. The
buyer will evaluate the situation and execute the
emergency transaction, making sure there is
appropriate justification and documentation.
Completing the Process
Once the buyer receive"s all of the pricing and
performance information for a given solicitahon, the
information will be carefully evaluated. Staff prepaze
tabulations of advertised bids, and transmit them to
department contacts to facilitate the department review.
These contact persons are asked to send a letter of
recommendation to the buyer (see Purchasing Bulletin
The contract will then be awarded to the lowest bidder
who meets all of the requirements of the specification.
When there aze bond and insurance requirements, the low
bidder will have a ten-day period within which to file the
appropriate documents. Only after all requirements are
met wiil the contract, generally in the fonn of a purchase
order, be written. The PO is then routed for signature in
accordance with City policies (see ttext section).
Special Requirements
Special requirements apply to certain kinds of contracts.
For exampie, Chapter 574.2b of the Minnesota Statutes
requires that performance and payment bonds be
fumished on contracts for public works (e.g.
construction). Cha ter 82.07 of the Saint Paui
Administrative ode requires that, on contracts of
$10,000 or more for public works or public
improvements, the vendor be required to pay the
prevaitin�wage (Same wage as a comparable City Civil
Service posrtion.) Contracts that require individuals to
work on or with Ciry property generally inciude a
requirement for vendors to cany various kinds of
insurance. And, all vendors who receive contracts from
the City having a value of $50,000 or rnore are required
to file an acceptable Affirmative Action Plan with the
City's Department of Human Rights before a contract is
4l1912001 830 AM
.....uaoUtg 15 W 1CID1 I ny
❑te}J."tuw�u.��a�{�aut_uui.u�,w� c a io�w � u, way �z.uuu
' Contract � SignaYure Special
Amount Reyuirements - Requirements ;
Genera ly no bon or -
; �Activity Mana�er for :insurance ;
:[3ndCi $1,5000 Pickup Orders or 'requ'uemeats; no
Procurement Cazd prevailing «•age
, requirements
'-- erformance and
�D'uector, Financial requued; a bid bond
' :Services :may be required ai the '-
�$1,5�1 t0 Assistant City Attorney `discretion of the buyer ;
�$24,999 '��chasing Manager or :and the department;
Ywith IaboT �uyei ;prevailiag wages
� :Plus General Manager irequired for public
` `foc Watei Utility brorks and public
� �Purchase Orders improvements; City
� ; trequirements
� S'eifonnance an '
� lpayment bonds not '
� ': �typical; bid bond may j
$1,501 to �Purchasing Manager or �be required at tha �
�$24,Q13 goods Buyer (Same for �discretion of the buyer ;
`�onlV ��'Jater Uflliry) �and depaximent; Ciry ;
D'uector, Financial
;Assistant Ciry Attomey
$25,000 t0 ipurchasing Manager or
:$50,000 {Buyer
; Plus President and
jSecretary of the Water
iUtility Board for Water
IPurchase Orders
� ^ ^ ^ ;Duector of Human ^
� ;Rig},ts
i ;D'uector, Financial
='s iServices
'I, �Assistant Ciry Attomey
$SO,OOQ and �purchasing Manager or
!�bove sguyer
� rPlus President and
� :Secretary of the Water
;Utiliry Baard on Watec
Urility Purchase Orders
j ;
d '
b4aster Contracts
yment bonds are
�uued when labor is
ludad; a 60-day bid
nd of 5% of pzoject
st is requ'ued on
nhacts of $50,000
more; City
'.Payment bonds are
irequired when labor is -
4included; a 60-day bid
;bond of 5% of project ;
!cast is requ'ued on
+contracts of $5QQ00
'or more; City
to be ftled.
Sometimes more than one department will want to
purchase the same item or a single department wili need
to purchase items repeatedly over time. To accommodate
such situations, buyers set up a special kind of contract
known as a Master Contract. These are structured so
that unit prices and terms will be fixed for the period of
the contract for a given set of suppiies, goods, or
services. Degartment staff are then able to place orders
05-� 5 h
&/1912001 8:30 AM
_" ' .
,i..y.,, , � �. o y � ,, . .�. �,. � . .,,.. �,,, y . , . ,
.. a5-a 5�
� directly with the vendor without submitting a requisition
to CAS. Mastez contracts are set up regularly for such
things as office supplies, fax machines, and automobile
repiacement parts. Click here to access the current list of
master contracts.)
Joint Purchasing
The City has executed joint purchasing agreements with
more than 50 other MSnnesoYa govemments pursuant to
the joint powers authority contained in Minnesota Statute
471.59. These agreements make it possible for the City ..
to make purchases from any contracts established by the
other governments, provided the buying method used is
compatible with City contracting requirements.
Buyets regulaziy review contracts from other
jurisdictions, particulazly Master Cont�acts established by
the State of Minnesota. Acceptable an eements are then
available for City departments to use just as they would
City established contracts.
4J19l2001 830 AM
i - •
Applicant Organizatiun Legat Name: SPPD
ORI #: MN06209
B. $U��1PS
List items by tyge (items costing tess than $S,QO�) and show ihe basis for computa6on. Generally, supplies
include any materials that ue expenda6te or consumed during the course of the projec[.,_
Supply Items Computalion Cost
Co1or Printer (7) 7x $300
GIS Hardware (30) 30x $9D0
$ 2,100
Tatal.. $ 29 , ioo
Sectiou VII - Yau must return this page as parf ofynur application
� — .
Applicant Organization Lega( Name: sPPD
ORI #: MN06209
C. Consultasrts/Coritracts
CnnrultantFeer. For each consultant enter the aame (if known) sen�ice to be provided, hourty or daity fee
{8-hour day), and estimated time on the praJect. Consultant fees in excess of $450 p,�r day require additionai
written justificatian.
Name of Consultavt Service Provided Comprrtation Cost
Subtvtal• $
ConsultantExpense: List all expenses to be paid Erom the grant to the individuaf consultants in addition to their
fees (e.g., travel, meals, lodging).
Item Location Computation Cost
Contractr. Provide a descrip6on of the product or service to be procured by contract and an estiznate of the
cost Applicants are encouraged to promote free and open competition in awarding contracu. A separate justifi-
cation must be provided for sole-soure contracts in excess of $1��,00�.
Item Cost
See attached
S![LtOfdl' $ 50 , 000
7'Otaj' � 50 , 000
Section Vll - Yaa must mturn tGis page as part ofyour appGption �g
. . . �5-� 5b
Contractor's role
The contractor(s) will design, develop, and implement a user-friendly sofiwaze package
for the Saint Paul Police Department. The contractor(s} will develop a program that
abstracts accurate and appropriate information from the police departmenYs database,
ensure geocoding accuracy, and incorporate user-friendly features in a mappina software
that enabies alI officers to utilize its capabilities in a minimal time period. ..
The contractor(s) must begin the process by determining the desired features of the
program. The design must conform to Saint Paul Police Department needs. The design
will incorporate all desired components whiie integrating feahues and duections that aze
easy to follow for the amateur user. tTpon approval of an appropriate design, development
will follow. Development will consist of programming, conforming software capabilities
with the Police DepartmenYs database, and creating a layout or test product. The product
will be tested by the Police Department. The Police Department will make
recommendations and improvements as necessary. The product wiil then go back into
development for modifications. Upon approval of the discussed modifications, the
contractor(s) will implement the program, allowing a11 police officers to utilize its
1. . •
Applicant 6r anization 7,egal Name: SPPD
Q MN�6209 _
D. Qther Costs
L'ut items which do not fall within the previous budget categories and you wish to have e��vluated under the
I(ems Computation Cost
TofaL• $ o
6a Section VII — Y�u musf relurn t5is page as part ofyour applicaBou
ApQlipnt Osganization Lega( Name: SPPD
pgj � Mn06209
Se rtion V I/ - Yon must retum this page as par[ otyour application b�
U.S. Aeparhnent aiJustice
Office of Commuiuty Oriented Policing Services
Several pravisions of Federal law and polic}° appi;� to all grant progcams. We (the OtTice al Cwnmunity Oriented Pol�cino Senoces)
nzed to secure your assurance that you (the applicanQ will comply with these pro��isions. IS you .��ould hke further inf'onnanon about
an}' of the matters on which we seek your assurance, please contac[ us.
By }rour authorized represeotative's signature, you assure us and certify to us that }ou �ui11 comply with ait legal and admimstrat[vz
requiremenis that govem the appi:cant fo: accepiance and use oC: ederal grant funds. in pariicular, you assure us ihat.
i_ You have been IegalVy and oRicially auihodzed by the appro-
paate goveming body (for example, mayor or eiN council) to
appty for this gran, and that the persons si�ing the app(ication
and these assucances on your 6ehalEate authorized to do so and
to aci on your behalt witfi cespect to any issues that may arise
during processing of this application.
2. You will comply with the provisions of Federal law �.�hicli
limit ccrtain polifieal activities oEyour employees whose prin-
cipal employment is in connecbon vtith an activity financed in
whole ot in part u�[h this grant. These restrictions are set fordi
in 5 U.S.C. § 1501, et seq.
3. You will compiy wiih the minimum wage and ntaxinmm
hours pmvisions of the Federal Fair Labor Standards Aet, if
they apply to you.
�3. You wilt estabhsli safeguards, if you have nQt done so
alseady, to prohiUft employees from usii�g iheir positions Eor a
purpose that is, or g+ves the appearance oCbeing, moUvated hy
a desire for priva(e gain for tlxmselves or others, parGculady
those with wfiom they have family, business or other ties.
�. You will give the Department oE Justice or tha Comptraller
General aceess to and the riglrt to examine records and docu-
ments related to thc grant.
b. You wi�l comply with all requirements imposed by the
Department of lustice as a condition or admmistrative reqi�ire-
ment ot the gcnni; rvith the program guideiines, with the
requirements of OMS Circulars A-87 (governing cost cnlcula-
tions) and A-72S orA-133 (governing audits); with the appii-
cable provisions oP the Omnrbus Crime Contro{ and Safe
Streets Act of 1968, as amended, with 28 CFR Part 66
(Unifomi Adminisriative Reqmiremenfs), wi[h the provisions
of the current edffion of the appropriafe COPS grant owner's
mam�ai; and �vith all other app{icable laws, orders. renulations
or circulars.
7. You wi1l, to the extent prac4cable and eonsisteiit evidi appii-
cabfe law, seeh, recruit and hire qualified members of caeial
and ethnic minorit�� groups and qualified wome�� in order to
fiirtlier effective taw enforcement by increasing their ranks
within the sworn positions in your ageney.
8 You wd3 not, oii the ground of race co o, eiigion, national
origin, gender, disability or age, unla� i(y e�cinde �ny person
I hereby
from partieipation in, dem� t41e beneftts of or emptoyment to
anV person. or subject any person to discrimination in connec-
fion �3�th any programs or activities funded m���hole or vi part
with Federal funds. These civit rights requirements are found
in tl�e non-discnmioation provisions of the O�1ini6us Crime
Control and Szfe StreetsAci of 1968, as ameMled (A2 U.S.C. y
3989(d)); 7itie VI of the Civi) Rights Act of ] 9Gl, as aiflended
(A2 U S.C. y 2000d); the Indian CiviV R�ghts Act (2i U.S.0 �§
13QI-13o3); Section SQ4 of the Rehabilitation Act of 19T, as
amended (29 U.S.G. § 794); Title II, Subtitle A of the
Americans with D3sabilities Aet (ADA) (A2 UB C. § 12101, et
seq.); the Age D�scriminarion Act of 1975 {4? 0.S.C. § 61U1,
et seq.); and DepatUnent of 7ustice Nou-D�scrimination
Regutations contained in I'itle 28, Parts 35 and J2 (subparts C,
D, E a��d G) of the Code of Federal Regulatwns
A. In the event that any court or administrative agency makes
a finding of discrimination on grounds of race, eolor, reli�ion
national origiq gender, disabitiTy or age against you after a due
process hearing, you agree to forward a copy oFthe findin� to
the Office of Cn�il RigUts O�ce oC Iustice Pra�rams, RiQ 7th
Sfreet, NW, Washington, DC 20531.
B. If you are applyin� Yot a graN of SSOQ000 or more and
Depa�tment regulations (28 CFR 42.301 et seq ) require you to
submit an Equat Qpportunit}• Employmznt Plan, you will do so
at the time of this applicsiton, if you have not done so in the
past. 3f you are appiying for a grani of less than $500,000 a��d
the regulations reqmre you to maintain a Flan on file in your
office, you .vdl do so within 120 days oY your grant award.
9. You wi{I insure thai the Facilities undec your ownersh+p,
lease or supervision whieh shal{ be utdized in the aecompl3sh-
ment of the project are not listed on the Emironmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) tist of V olating Facdities and th2t
you will not�fy us if you are advised bp the EPA indieating that
a facility to be used in this graut is under eonsidecation tor list-
ing by EPA.
10. If your stete has estabhshed a reciew and eomment proce-
dure under Esecutive Ordes 12372 and has selected th+s pro-
gram for teview�. you have made this appfication available for
revie.v b}� the state Single Point of Contaci.
] l. You will de�ise a plan to retein the increased hiring levz!
witli siate and tocaV funds aftes the conclusion oC your grant,
assurances that govem the applicatlon and use of Feder�l funds.
Signature: �-"��+-a-�_ Date: "i�_�'1_ � f
T�� �
Section �'III - You must re(um tLis page as part
U.S. Depa��cment of Justice
.s �` '=�.�=-
Office of Canunuiriry Oriented Policmg Sezv�ces Ds-ase,
Regarding �obbying; Debarment, Suspension and Other Responsibility Matters; Drug-Free
Workplace Requirements Coordina6on with Affected Agencies; Non-Supplanting; and Retention.
Although the Department oEJustice has made every etTort m simplify the application process, other provisions of Federal Iaw require us
to seek vour ceffification regarding certain matters. Applicants sl�ould read [he regulatio�s cited below and the instmctions for certi]ica-
tion included in the regulations to understand the requirements and n�hether they apply to a parCicular applicant Si�uature of this form
provides for compliance with certiYication cequirements under 28 CFR Part b9, "New Restrichons on Lobbying;' and 38 CFR Part 67,
"Govemment-wide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement} and Government-wtide Requirements for Dmg-Free Workptace
(Grants);' and the coordination and non-suppianting requirements of the PubLe Safety Partnarship and Communip� Pohcing Act oi 1994.
The ceriifications shall be treated as a materiai representation of fact upon which reliance will be placed when the Department oE7ustice
determines [o award the covered grant.
I. Lobbying
As requised by Sechon I3�2, Title i 1 of the U.S. Code, and imple-
mented at 28 CFR Part 69, for persons entering into a grsnt or coop
erative agreement over $100,000, as defined at 28 CFR Part 69, the
appticant certifies that
A. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid oc will be
paid, by or on behalf of ffie undersigned, to airy person for
influencing or attempfing to influence an o�cer or employee of
any agency, a Member of Congress, a» o�cer or emp4oyee of
Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connec-
tion G�ith 8ie mnkittg of an}' Federal grant, the entering into of
any cooperative agreeme�it; and Ihe estension, continuatimi,
renewal, amendment or modificstion of any Federal gran[ oc
cooperative agreement,
B. If any £unds other cfian Fedesal appropriated fuuds have been
paid or will be paid to any person far intluencing or attempting
to influenec an officer or employee of nny agency, a Member of
Congress, zn oRicer or employee of Congress, or an employee
of a Member of Congress in connection witfi this Federal grant
or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall compiete and
submit Standard Form — LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbymg
Activities," m accosdanee wiih its instrucho�is;
state or Federal coud,�or voluntarily exc]uded from covered
transactions by any Federal department or agnncy,
(ii) Have not v,ithin a tltree-year penod preceding this appliea-
tion been convicted of or had a civil judgment rende�ed against
tliem for cotnmission of fraud or a criminal ofTense in connec-
tion with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing pubhc
(Federal, state or 1wa1) transaction or contraci mider a public
transaction; violation of Federal or state antitrust statutes or
commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bnbery, falsifica-
tion or destruction of recotds, making false statzinen[s, or receiv-
m� stolen property;
(iii) Are not presenHy indicted for or ottier��-ise cruninatly or
crvilly charged by a govemmental entity (Federal, state or local)
w�th eommiss�on oCany of the ofTenses enumerated in Qaragraph
(AKiQ of tlus certification; and
(iv) Have not within a three•yeaz period preceding thts applica-
tion had one or more public transactions (Federal, siate or locai)
terminated for enuse or default; and
S. Wliere the applicant is unable to certify to any of the state-
ments in tl�is certification, he or she shail attach an explanation
to this application.
C. The underslgned shall require that the language of this certi-
fication be included in the awacd documents for all subawards
at all tiers (including subgrants, wntracts under grants and
cooperative agreements, and subcontracts) and that a11 sub-
recipients shall certify and disclose accordingly.
2. Deba[ment, Suspension and Othec Responsibility Matters (Direct
As required by Executive Order 12iA9, Debarmeni and Suspension,
and �mplemented at 28 CFR Paff 67, for pmspective paRicipants in
primary covered transaetions, as defined at 2S CFR Part 67, Seetion
67.510 —
A. The applicant certities that it and its prrncipals:
(i) Are not presentty debarred, suspended, proposed Cor debarment,
declared ineligible, sentenced to s deniaV of Federal benaiits by a
3. Dmg-Free Niorkplace (Grantees Other Than lndividuats)
As required by the Drug-Free Workplace Ac� of 1988. and
implemented at 28 CPR Part 67. Subpart F, for grantees, as
defined at 28 CFR Part 67, Sections 67.615 and 67.620 —
A. The applicant certifies that it will, or wi11 continue to.
provide a drug-free workplace by:
{i) Pub(ishing a statement notifying employees that the
unlawful manufacture, distribution. d"aspensing, posses-
sion or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the
grantee's workplace and specifying the actions that will be
taken agaiast employees For violatfon of such prohibition;
(ii) Establishing an an-going drug-free awareness pro-
gram to inform employees about —
{a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace;
Section VIlI - You must refuni [his page as part ofyo�m applicatioa
(bj The grantee's policy of mainzaining a dnig-Free work-
(c) Any available drug counseling, reUabilitation and
employee assistance progra�ns; and
(d) The penalties that may be imposed upon empioyees for
dn�g-abuse violations occurring in che workplace;
(iii) Making it a reqvirement that each employee to be
engaged in ihe performance of the grant be given a copy of
the statement required by paragraph (i):
(iv) Notifying the employee in the sfatement requi�ed by
paragrzph (i) that, as a condition af employment under the
grant, the employee will —
(a) Abide by the terms of ihe sratement; and
(b) Na6fy the employer in writing oE' his or her conviction
for a violation of a criminal dmg statute occurring in [he
workplace no later than five calendar days after such con-
�(vj Notitying the agency, in writing, within 10 calendar
days afrer receivir�g nobce undersubparagraph (iv)(b)
fmm an employee or otherxise receiving aaual noGce o£
such conviction. Fanployers of convicted employees
must pmvide nofice, including posifion title, to: COPS
Office,1100 Vermont Ave., NW. Washington, DC 24530.
Notice shall include the identiFication number(s) of each
affected grant;
(vS) Taking one of the following actions, wichin 30 calen-
dar days of receiving notirz undersubparagraph (iv) (b).
with respect to�any employee who is so wnvicted —
(� Taking appropriate personnel acfion againsr such an
employee, up to and including termination, consistent
with the requirements of the RehabititaUon Act of 19�3,
as amended; or
(b) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactority
in a dnrg abuse assistance or rehabilitation program
approved for such purposes by a Federal, state or local
health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency:
(vii} Making a good faith etTort to contlnue to main[ain
a drug-free workpiace througn implementation of para-
graphs (i}, {ii), {iii), (iv), (v) and (vi).
B. The grantee may inseR in che space provided 6elow the
site(s) for the perfoimance of work dane in connection w'sth
the specific grant
GranteeNameandAddress: Saint Pau1 Po1
Application No. and/or
Typed ame and de�
tis the duly aathorizei
above certifications, L
tions under this�'ant.
Typed IVai
Place of pefformance (street address, city, county.
state, zip code)
Citv oF St. Pau1
Check 0 if there are workplaces on file that are not
identified here
Section 67.63� of the regulaaons pmvides that a
grantee that is a state may elect to make one certifica-
tion in each Federal fueal year, a copy of which
should be 3ncluded with Gech application for
Department of justice funding. S[ates and state agen-
cies may elect to use O]P Forsn 4061 /7.
Check O if the s[aTe has elected to complete OjP
Forzn 4061/7.
4. Cootdination
The Public Safary Partnership and Community Policing
Act of 1994 requires applieants to certify that there has
been appropriate coordination with all agencies that
may be affec[ed hy the applirant's grant proposal if
approved. Affected agenties may include, among oth-
ers, the pffice Qf the United States AtWmey, state or
toeal proseeutors, or conectional agencies. The applicant
certifies that there has been appropriate coordination
with all affected agencies.
5. Non-Sapplanting
The applicant hereby certiBes that Federal funds will
not be used to replace or supplant state or local funds,
or funds supplied by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. that
would, in the absence of Federal aid, be made available
to or for law enforcement purposes.
S. Retentian
The applicant hereby certifies that it understands that it
must abide by its submitted plan to retain the additional
civilian positions and redeployment tevels for at teast
one locally set 6udget cycle ac the wndusion of the
grant period_
t�Vame: COPS MORE 20Q1 GranteeIRSlVendorNumber:41-6
EnforcementExecutive: William K. Finne , Chief of Police
, W� Date:
�m tive otthegoveming bady, I hereby certify that the I am b.ending the goveming body to the
plan to retain 6lections ofnew oBFcia7s will not relieve thegoveming body ofits obliga-
68 SecUan Vlll - You mast return this paQe as pad of yoar app(itallon
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Conununitp Onented Policui� Services
Disclasure of Labhying Activities
Instructinns fnr Completion of SF-LL4 Disdosure of Labbying Activities
This disclosure form shall be completed by the reporting entit;�, whet}�er subawardee or prime Federai tecipient, at the i�itiation
or receipt of a covered Federal action, or a material change to a previous fi(ing, pursuant to title 31 U.S.C. section 1352. The fil-
ing of a fomi is required for each payment or agreement to make payment to any lobbying entity for influencing or attemptmg to
influence an ofticer or empfoyee of any agency, a Member of Congress, aa otl`icer or employee o[ Congress, or an employee of a
bSember of Congress in connection w�th a covered Federal action. Complete all items fhat apply fo� bofh the initial ftlino and
material chanee report. Refer to ihe implemenling guidance published by the OR3ce of Management and Budget for additional
1. Identify the rype ot covemd Federal acuon foz which
lobbyiag acliviep is andtor has been secured to influence
the outcome of a covered Feder6l' action.
2. ldentify the status of the covered Federal action.
3. Idenafy the appropriate class�cation of tfus report. If
this is a follow-up reQort caused by a material change to
the informavon previousIy reported, enter the yeaz arid
quarter in whicl� the change occurnd. Enter the date of
flie last previously submitted xeport by this reporting
entity for this covered Federal action.
8. Enter the most appropriate Federal idemifying number
available for the Federal acfion identified in item 1(e.g.,
Request for Proposal (RFP) mimber, 7mitation for Bid
(IFS) number, grant announcement number; the con-
tract, grant, or loan award number, ihe applicadonlpro-
posal control number assigned by the Federal agency)
Include prefixes, e.g., "RFP-DE-40-OQl"
9. For a covered Federai action where there has been an
awud or loan commitment by the Fedeml agency, enter
the Federal aznount af the awardlloan commitment for
the prime entiry identified in item 4 or 5.
4. Enter ihe full name, address, ciry, state and zsp code of
the reporting entiry. Include Congressionai District
number, if known. Check the appropriate classification
of the reporung entiry tl�at designates if it Ss, or expects
to be, a prime or subaward recipient. Identity the tier of
the subawardee, e.g., the first subawardee of tl�e pnme is
die ]st tiec Subawards include but are not limited to
subcontracts, subecants and contract awards under
5. If die orgaiuza6on Fding [lte report in item 4 checks
"Subarvazdee," then enter fl�e full name, address, ciq�,
s[ate and zip code of the prime Federal recipient.
Include Congressiona3 District, if kno�vn.
6. E�iter the name of the Federal agency making the
award or loan commitment. include at least one organi-
zational level be(ow agency name, if k�mwn. For exam-
ple, Depamnent of Tras�sportation, United States Coast
7. Enter the Federal program name or descripUOn for the
cQVered Federal action (item 1). If known, enter tl�e full
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) nam-
ber for grants, cooperative agreements, lo�ns and loan
10. (a) Enter the full name, address, ciry, state and z'rp
code of Q�e lobbying endty engaged by d�e reporting reg-
isirant identified in item 4 to influence die covered
Pederal action.
(b) Enter ti�e fuli name(s) of the individual(s) pedorming
services, and include full address if diff'erent from 10 (a).
Enter Last Nune, First Name, and Middie Initial (MI).
11. Tl�e certifying official shall sign and date ilie fonn,
pcint luslher nanie, tiUe and telephoue number.
Public reporting burden for this collechon of informa-
tron is estimated to average 30 minutes per response,
includrng time jor reviewing instruchons, senrehing
exesting data sourees, gathering ancl maintarning thc
dotn �aeeded, and compteti�zg nnd reviewirrg the cotlec-
tron ojrnfornmtion. Se��ct comraents regarding the bter-
den estiniate or any other aspect of this collection oJ
infornrntion, includingszrggestionsforreducingthrsbur-
den, to the OJfce oj Mnnagen:ent and Budget,
Papenvork Recluctioa ProJect (0348-0046J, Yvashington,
D.C. 20530
Sectiarr YTll - Yoa must return this page as parr olpour app/ication
�ia. -., --
Disc�osure of Lobbying Activities
Instructiflns for Compietion of SF-LLL, Disclosure nf Labbying Activities (corrt'd) Approved by OMB
(as amended)
Complete this form to disclose lohbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352
(See reverse for instructions and public burden disclosure) none
1. Type of Federal Action: _ 2. Status of Federal Action: , 3. Report Type: _
a. contract a. bicVoffer/applicarion a. initial filing
b. grant b. initial award b. material change
c. cooperative agreement c. post-award
d. loan For Ivioteria! Change Only:
e, loan guazantee Year:
f. loan insurance Quarter:
IIate of last report
4. Name and Address of Reporting Entity: 5. If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is Subawardee, Enter
❑ Prime O Subawardee Name and Addmss of Prime:
Tier _� if known:
Congressional Dlstrict (number), if known: _ Congressional Disuict (number), if known: _
6. Federaf DepartmenUAgency: 7. Federai Program NaroeJDescription:
CFDA Number, if applicabie:
8. Fede�•ai Action Number, if knorvn: 9. Atirard Amount, if known:
10. a. Name and Address of Lobbying Registrant 10. b. Individuals Performing Seroices
jrjindividual, last name, first name, MIJ: (including address if different from No.lOa) �
(last name fiist MI):
il. lriforrnation requested through this form is author- Signature:
ized by Titie 31 U.S.C. Section 1352. This disdosure of
lobbyirg activities is a material representation af fact print Nante: Wi 11 iam K. F' nne y
upon which reliance was plaaed by the tier above when
tfiis transaction was made or entered irrto. This disclo-
sureisrequiredpursuantto31U3.C.1352 Thisinfor- �tle: Chief of Police
mation will he repated to the Congress semi-annually
and wi{I be available for public inspedion, My petson
who fails to fiIe the required disdosure shali be subject Telephone No.: � 51-292-3588 Date: 17 J 01
to a civit penalty of not less than $10p00 and not more
than $100,000 for each such failure.
P'CdCT31 USe Unly: Aut(�orized for Locai Reproduetion, Standard Form - LLL
�� Ser Yl - Y nu m ast rei+u�n t page as part oty�aur applicaGon
1 _ ..
Applicant Organization Lega1 Name: SPPD
Oju m: M4IOb209
Public Safety Need/inabi/ity to Address without Federa/