234900 yORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 23���� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. izc�NSE cor�T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONE September 5, 1967 DATF RESOLUED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addrees�s stated, be an same are herebv granted. Pepsi Cola �N.C.O. Club_ St. Lawrence St. Ven�.l�iach.Loc.1N`.App.15114Renew Mell-O-Dee Ice Cream Co. 12103 Ridgemount-Pfpls. Veh,Peddler�283, " 15840" ° " Orig.Container " 15841'! ° " Veh.Peddler�281-� " 15842�� " " Orig..Container " 158�3" " " Veh.Peddle�285 " 15844" " " Orig,Container " 15�5" Francis S. Koch z4gz W. 6th Restaurant " 16690" ° " On Sale Malt ° �� �' " �� Of f S ale Malt ° '� ° " . " . Cigarette " " " Dial-A-Shake of ripls., Inc. 29�1 Wayzata Blvd.-Mp]s „ Foods V�I Operatpr" 16819" Jospeh Hersbach 681 Edmun3 Grocery " 17039" ' n u Frozen Meats " " " " " Off Sale Malt " " " " " C�.garette " " " Anthoriy Podgorski 619 V'an Buren Gas Sta.� " 17047" n " Gen.Rep.Garage " '� n �� ° Cigarette ° ° �� " " Vend.�'Iach..Loc.11�' 17048�' u n ' 1 add.0 n u n S and S, Inc. 633 w. NLznnehaha Grocery ° 17062° �� " Butcher " '� " n n Hardware " " " �� ° Off Sale �31t �� ° �� n ° Cigarette " " " George Schneider " . 503 Bl�ir Barber " 1715�+" St. Paul World Theatre Co., Inc, 494 Wabasha T�ot,Pic.660S " 17159" �� �� Confectionery ° ° ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19_ Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne �22 /ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��`���� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. izc�rsE cor��T� . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONER DATF September l, 1967 Contd. Page 2 Norman Bakeries, Inc. 633 W. Minnehaha Bakery �pp.17247Renew Joseph & Harvey Novick 2g8-3oo �. Snelling GasSta. 3P " 17366" " " Gen.Rep.Gara�e " " " John & Frank Remackel 547 St. Lawrence Junk Dealer " 17514" Herrian Cohn 687 S� Cleveland Gas Sta. 3 P " 17530" " , " , Ven�.Mach.Loc.1M " 17531�� Elk Laundry Co. 2173 Ford Pkzay. I,dy.DC Plant " 17542" Lester A. Morgan . 736 S. Robert Grocery " 17543+r " " But cher 'r " " '� �� Of f Sale Malt ° �� �� " ' " • Cigarette " " " Schirmer Transportation Co. 1145 Homer Pr.Gas Pump " 17599" Thom�s J. Boland � 68 N. Cleveland G`ig.Oper�2M " 17673" n n 6 add.r' n n n I'4olly Bibeau 1321 Payne Ldy.DC Plant °' 17675'� George E. Calhoun , 1854 �. 7th TP Master " 17682° B & E Radio Electric Co., Inc. . 327 W. 7th TV Master " 17gg$n �, �� 1 Serviceman " " �' �� , n . Ele c.�pp:R�pair " n " Gladys Moravec _ 424 E. Lawson, Beauty Shop ° 17707" Stadium Garage Corp. 1607 �7ynne St. Gen.Garage " 17726n' Richard E. Reiter 1681 University Elec.Apn.Rep. " 17746�T n Arrow Pontiac, Co. 1515 University Ne�,r Mtr.Veh.Dlr. 17777" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish � Approved 19— Holland ' Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � Mayor Tedesco A ga�gt Mr. President, Byrne - • �22 �OR�GINAL TO CITY GLERK CI I I OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ������ LICEIJSE COMMITTE� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER DATF �eptember l, 1967 Contd. Pa�e 3 Joan C. S chmitz , 1041 Os ceola Beauty Shop �pp.17784Renew Pepsi Cola pClark Oil & Refining Corp. 637 Rice Vend.rfach.Loc.li"I" 17805" " �Clark Oil & Refining Corp. 201 N. �nelling " . " 17806" ,� ��� 301 w. 7th �� n �7go9u u - �ir 223 So. .�tchange ° ° 17810° John P. Tracy 1345 P�Iarshall " . " 17815" �� . ° 1 add.'-� . , n n n B-Line Service, Inc. 220 E. Sth . Gen.Rep.Garage " 17819°t � Elmer Reynolds , 1210 E. 7th Elec App.Repair " 17856" � � ' - �EP 5 1��7 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��P 5 1��� Carlson Dalglish App'roved 19.� Holland Favor Meredith l Peterson v Mayor Tedesco Sainst Mr. President, �yrne p�g�ISf�EB .��-P 9 ��6� , �22