05-255PI2ESEN7ED BY REFERRED TO CO&L�'IITTEE: DATE i BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are authorized to enter into a two year z extension of the Agreement between the City and the State of Minnesota previously approved in a Counc3l File No. 03-318 concerning the intra-governmental transfer of Timothy Leslie to perform n the duries of Assistant Commissioner of the Deparhnent of Public Safety. Adopted by Council: nate L� J//ll/'� ���e/� Adoption Certifi�gd by Council Secretarv 3 y: _1 �pproved Council File # _�5 ��J Green Sheet ��� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA ?J� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PD - t'oGceDepartmenc Contact Person & Phone: Chief John HartingGOn 266-5503 Must Be on Council Aaen Tofal # of Signature Pages Date fnitiated: . �- �� o4-�,R-0S Green Sheet NO: 3025527 y Assign Number For Routing Order 0 1 ' De t ntDirect r —� 2 i ormi �-"L 3 or' ce Ma / t a cit oun ' 5 i Ci Clerk (Clip Atl Locations for Signature) To approve an extension of a conpact with the Department of Public Safety for an intergovernmental ffansfer of a City employee. idations: Approve (A) eT R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personai Service Contracts Must Answer the Following 1. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a conhact for this tlepartmeM? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city empldyee? Yes No 3. Does this personlfirm possess a skili �ot normaily possessed by any current ciry employee? � Yes No E�tain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (YYho, What, When, Where, Why): T6e State of Minnesota has asked the City to. extend for ari additional two yeazs an intra-governmental agreement allowing Semor Commander Timothy Leslie to perform the duties of Asst. Commissioner of the Dept. of Public Safety. The State of Minnesota agrees to reimburse the City for all salazy, benefits and any related costs associated with the a�eement. This will provide a long-time City employee with an extended opportunity to gain experience outside the City with no cost to the City. AdvaniageslfApproved: The Ciry wi11 condnue its contraet with the State of 1Vllnnesota's Depaztment of Public Safety. The City will be fullp reimbursed for all alazy, benefits and related wsts associated with the agreement. isadvanWges If Approvetl: one. ;advantages lf Not Approved: 7otat Amount of Transaetion: Funding Source: inciai Informatiun: (Explain) Activity Numbee CostlRevenue Budgeted: �- " p5-�55 AGREEMENT STATE OF NIINNESOTA, MINNESOTA DEPAR7`MENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, AND CIT'Y OF ST. PAUL, POLICE DEPARTMENT This agreement is hereby entered anto the _ day of April, 2005 by and betcveen the State of ivlinnesota, acting thmugh its Commissioner of the Departrnent of Public Safety (hereinafter "DepartmenY'), and the City of St. Paul, Police Department (hereinafter uCl� >,l . J Wi�REA5, the empioyee Timothy Leslie, is a regular employee of the City, in the position of Senior Police Commander, with certaiu rights as a Ciry empioyee; and WFIEREAS, the parties agree that Mr. Leslie be granted an intergovernmental mobility assignment $om the City to the Departrnent to assume the duties described; and WI�REAS, this agreement is authorized and subject to the Laws of Minnesota, Minnesota Statutes 1551-15.59 (inclusive), WFIEREAS, the original Agreement allowed for an extension of 24 months upon agreement of the City and Department and execution of a written amendment to the original Agreement, NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto and their respective agencies hereby agree as foltows: 1. Mr. Leslie's intergovemmental mobility assi�unent from the City to the Deparknent is hereby extended for 24 monttts effective the _ day of April, 2005. 2. All other terms and conditions o£the original intergovernmentai mobility assignment remain the same. p5-a55 n �; . 1 f.l' •f•7 tC • • : �i/�Jl �,I . ����� ��:� Date: r�` �' 2 �� � Human Resources Director Department of Public Safety Date: As per encumbrance: A ' 'strativ Services Department of Public Safety r Date: '� � ° `� Commissianer of Administration Date: Approved as to Form and Execution: CITY OF ST. PAUL Mayor, City of St. Paul Date: Assistant City Attorney City of St. Paul Date: Finance D'uectar Date: Attomey General Approved as to Form: � �=�i� � b3-3i8 ����� A+ AGREEMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, AND CITY OF ST. PAUL, POLICE DEPARTMENT os-as5 This agreement is hereby entered into the �th day of April, 2003 by and between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of the Deparknent of Public Safety (hereinafter "Department"}, and the City of St. Paul, Police Department (hereinafter „�.l�,u� WHEREAS, the employee Timothy Leslie, is a regulaz employee of the Ciry, in the position of Settior Police Commander, with certain rights as a City empioyee; and WHEREAS, the parties agree ihat Mr. Leslie be granted an intergovernmental mobility assignment from the City to the Department to assume the duties described; and WHEREAS, this agreement is authorized and subject to the Laws of Minnesota, Minnesota Statutes I5.51-15.59 {inclusive), NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto and their respective agencies hereby agree as follows: 1. `� 3. � 5. Effective April ?, 2003, Mr. Leslie will be placed on an intergavemmental mobility assign[nent from ttie City to the Department for an initial period of 24 months, upon the approval of the City Council. This assignment may be extended for an additional 24 months upon agreement by the City and the Department, and execution of a written amendment to this agreement. Under the direction of Rich Stanek, Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, Mr. Leslie will perform the duties of Assistant Commissioner for the Department of Public Safety. As Mr. Lesiie serves at the pleasure of the Commissioner, this intergovernmenta] mobility agreement may be terminated at any time by the Commissioner. The agreement may also be terminated at any time by Mr. Leslie or the City with 30 days' written notice. The Department shall reimburse Mr. Leslie for all expenses incurred, which relate to his duties as Assistant Commissioner pursuant to appiicable Department expense reimbursement policies covered by the Managerial Plan provisions. During the life of this intergovernmental mobility agreement, Mr. Leslie remains a regular employee of the City and continues to accrue and retain benefits, seniority, compensation and allowances from the City in accordance with any current and subsequently approved City administrative procedures and/or policies and labor agreements, inciuding � t�5-a� any increases in compensation oi aliowances that may occur during the effective dates of this mobility agreement for which Nir. Lesiie would be -- _. . eligible. Mr.-Leslie wilI compiy with any City procedures related to receipt of allowances or use of sick/vacarion time. Totai compensation under this agreement for �Ir. Leslie's services is contained in the attached letter, which is incorporated by reference into this agreement. 6. Ail of Mr. Leslie's compensation will be subjact to Police and Fire Ptan of the Public Employee Retirement Association of Minnesota with contributions from the Ciry and Mr_ Leslie. 7. Mr. Leslie wiil remain an active licensed peace officer on the City roster subject to continuing education Peace Officers Standards and Training Boazd requirements. Mr. Lesiie may elect to attend in-service training provided by the City or the Department at his ogtion. 8. During the life of tlus intergovernmental mobility agreement, the Dapartment shall reimburse the City for IQO percent of Mr. Leslie's compensation and related &inge benefit casts which Mr. Leslie receives from the City as described in Paragraphs 5 and 6 above, except for training or uniform allowattces, on a quartarly basis, or by some other arrangement as mutually agreed by the Department and the City, for the length of the mobility agreement or until such time as the City informs the State of any salary increases as stated in pazagraph 5. Actual figures aze contained in the attached letter, which is incorporated by reference. 9. Each party is responsible for its own acts and behavior and the resuits thereof. The State's liability is governed by-dhe Minnesota Tort Ciauns Act, Minnesota Statutes 3.736. The City's responsibility is governed by the Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes 4b6A2. Althaugh the supervision of Mr. Leslie's duties wiil rest exclusivety with the Department, he is not a Department employee and isn't entifled to any Depazkment benefits including but not limited to, unemployment benefits, pension, sick and vacation leave, death and medical benefits except as provided in MN Staz. 15.54, Subd 3. 10. Nothing in this intergovernmental mobility agreement, expiicit or implicit, shall be construed to be an offer or promise of permanent employment for Mr. I,eslie with the Deparknent. 11. Mr. Laslie retains the right to rettun to his previous employment with the City upon expiration of the mobility assignment or due to ternunation of the assignment at any time during the effective dates of this mobility agreement. 12. The City will submit invoices to the Department as agreed befween the two parties on a quartarly basis. Final invoices at the end of each state fiscal year (the month of June) will be submitted no later than August I S of each calendaz year. � ' i -� .'; I�^��s u - � • � ... � � � : .�„� .�- Date: t-} 1 t d Z � i1 -=� ► � - — � ' • 1 � � ; � :� u , f ' - s � � Date: /�/ � As per encumbrance: � D NT OF PITBLIC TY Fiscal and Adnunistrative Services� Date: � � � � SS NER F STRATION Date: Approved as to Form and Execution: S�>�� n . f Attorne� General a�� ��, a��3 bS�a�� Approved as to Form: C OF S PAUL Assistant City Attorney �, . • l .• ;1`�'�►i� j � �. � . , Date: �f � Date: � v� ��