234872 2����� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK '� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �3C'�.fLT Tcu� ���e- August 30, 1967 COMMISSIONE DA � ' , WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Pau1 is informed by the City � Aschitect �hat the vacant and open building located at 944 Payne Avenue i.n tlie City of Saint Paul is a proximate hazard to the public health; welfare and safety; and ' WHEREA,S, the last record owner of said property, Rose Properia.es, has failed to s ecure f1�.e s axne against entry by unauthoriz ed pers ons i.n violation of Section 192.18 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, the s aid vacant and open building is found and determined by the Council of the� City of Saint Paul to consiatute a mena ce to the public health, welfare and safety, and a public nuisance, which must be immediately abated to prevent loss of life or°property; now, therefore, be it ' RESOLVED, by tlie Council of th.e City of Sai.nt Paul, that the City Architect is authorized and directed to immediately secure said bui.].d.ing �y the use of City forces or contract labor, pending the i.nifa.ation of pxoceedings t�nder the hazardous builclings act; and be it � - FURTHER RESOLVED, that the expense of securing such building be 1 paid out of Fund No. 0979w2b9, Wrecking Bui].dings, and th.at the Corporation � Counsel be directed to take appropriate aci�on to reimburse said fund by action against the owner of s aid property. � ' '�Gi 3 i I��� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Carlson ��G � 1 �� ` Dalglish Approved 19� Holland � Tn Favor Meredith • Peterson � Mayor ,���— A gainst Mr. President, Byrne _ PUBLISHEB S�P � 'a.�+�� � �2z DUrLICATE TO rRINTER ���� J '-� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Victor J� Z'@(Ie8C0 COMMISSIONER Au��{ ��� 1967 DATF WHE1tFA3, the £o�.c�l 4f the �ity o� 5aint Pau�. �a inf'ormed by the City Arcl�,it�ct tha� the 'vacaut �nd open. bu#.�.ding loca►ted �.t 944 Payne� Awenue �n the City of 5��,nt Pau1 f�. a �r.o�c3rnate hazard to the publs�c he�ith; v�relf�,re snd eafety; a�d � . WHER.��4.��`, the �a.�t r�co�d o�rn�r nf a�3d ��csp���ty,Ro�e P�rope*#eia, h�.g � fa3ied to secure the a�mme��ga�,�t ,e�,l�r by una,ut�o3►i$ed p�er�►on� �u vio�atlon of Seci�o� �.9�.I8 0€,#1ie Sa�t �ti1 I,eg�igla.�t�re CodeS, �nd WI�EREAS{ the s,aid vacaat s�ad opea buildiug is found snd determined by the Cauncil of thp Cit�i of S�n� Pau� to. conBt3tv.te a men�ce to the�pub}ic' health,. we�f�re a,n.d aafe�r,. :aud s }�ub13c� nitis�.nc�. �whith mu�� be imr�Cc��.tti�r �.ba�ted ta prev�n� �.a�e �of i�,fQ o� praperty; now, thre�e�ore, be it ' �4LV'�D, by tlie Counc�], of �Ehe C3ty of 5a�ut paui, th,at the City Arcl�tect ie autlibr�td �n.d di.re�ted�to �.mi�rm.ediat.ely �ecu�e ��d bui2ding �y�the u�e of Ci�+y fo�c� �o� contract�l�,btsr. penci�.ng the ?init3.atioa of pito�eedingei under the h�asrdou� buildiage act; and be it �'URTI�R RE50LVED, tlist the expen�se of securing euch bui2ding be ps�i.d o�.t of �`und No. 0979-Z69, 1�recldng Bu�Ic�inge, �.nd that the Ct��por��3c�n Coun�el be d3�:�ected to �ake,ap�rop��ste a�.c�ion �to �e�snbured �ef.d fund liy sction ag�.,n€rt t�e owner�.ofi e�3.d p�ope�ty. - � AUG 31 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays �UG 31 1967 Carlson Dalglish Approved 19� Holland Tn Favor Meredith Peterson ' Mayor . ..,_ � A g�diII3t , Mr. President, Byrne �22 �