234862 ; � � 23���2
� Counoil File No.............
, and -
Theundereignedhereby pmpoeeethemakingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Baint Psul�v�s.:
rov3;n�,Bik�R ST�?EET from Collins Street to Minnehaha i4venue by constructing a .
bituminous overlay; by constructing s�orm water drainage facilities; by constructing �
sewer=_ water and gas.serviee connections; and by do3ng. a11 other Work which is �
nece�sar�r and 3ncidental to com�lete. said i�provement� �.�µ�. _ � �
Datedthie........................dsq of............�.................................... .... ........., 1� ...... ,
� � a
................ .............___..............._......�.co�aam�.
WHEREA$, A written propoeal for the ma�ng of the following improvement� vi�.:
I�rovii� BURR.S7�EE�P_t`rom�Co]1ins.Street to_Minnehaha Avenue by.constructing a .. ��«�
bitUminous overlay; by constructing storm water dra3nage �acilities; by constructing •
' sewer, wa.ter and gas service connections; and by doing all other work which is
necessa,r�r. aud_iuciclental..t°..complete said.improvement...--•--�...�.�.�...........�_..���.......�..
.._...... ... -
6sving been preaented,to the Counoil of the Eity of$aint Paul....................................._....................._.................._....
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therefore, be it • � . , _ '"- ,. . '
• _ . ..i �Si� _,__ " . ., ---ev
R.ESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Worke be and is hereby ordered anfl direoted:
1. To investigate the neceasity for, or desirability of,,the maldng of said improvement.
2. To investigate the nature� extent and estimated coet of eaid improvement, and the total aoet thereof.
` 3. To furnieh a.plsn, profile or eketch of said improvement. •
4. To etate whether or no�eaid improvement ie aaked for on 4,he petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the �mmiseioner of�nanoe. . � ,
Adopted by the �ounaii..._.............................................pl,�..�...�.1.1��� " ,
Y�g �UG 3 � 1�Q' ,
� Councilman .Carlson. '
- - Dalglish �PProved.._.........................................._....................
. Holland '
- • ' �Peterson
• ......... .... ... ...................
Mr. President. B.�rt;ne � •— ' . , Mayor.
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' " PuBUS�� SEP 21961
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