234853 OriQlnal to City Clerk - , "� � ; �f - � ORDINANCE 2��$5� � - COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY , �� " ORDINANCE NO.— � � ' , . . t4 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: � "A.n ordina.nce fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the va.rious classes of ' positions in the Classi.fied Service of the City, " � approved Februa.ry 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 1 Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved Februa.ry 13, � 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the minimum qualifications in the specifications for "Motor Equipment Operator", and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: v "Eighth-grade education and 100 hours of officially recognized and recorded trai.ning time on this type of equipment. " � - Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. ; a x � . - - � - — � �� . R 4 .f �EP 151961 Yeas Councilmen Nays . Passed by th�g Councii ' Carlson `/ Dalglish Tn Favor �, • . Holland �1 ` � Meredith V , , . - � Against Peterson �� . -�� Tedesco ��` � ��p 15 1967 .,;-. _. r. P sident (Byrne) • -'` - Ap ved: , Atte �P , ' City erk ' ayor • . _ �� ' ' � orm approved Corporation Counsel By � � " '"-' ' pUBLISHED $EP 2 3 1967 � I� r ' �• � I st 2nd Laid. over to . / 3rd end app. —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays `Del\Carlson �Carlson lish ' •' �Dal lish ` 9 23�853 9 Holland \j-lolland - `Meredith \Meredith �Peterson V �Peterson v ` Tedesco \Tedesco \ \Mr. President Byrne Mr. President Byrne �O