234828 ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK �` - - � 2�4��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CI ES L ON ENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF - RESOLVID, That Viking Chevrolet Incorporated be and hereby is � permitted to construct a used car lot on the north side of Grand gvenue between IVti.lton and Victoria Streets, more paxticularly des- cri.bed as the south 1/2 of Lot 18, Lot 19, &lock 22, "S�nit Pask gddition to St. Paul", in aecordance with plans dated Received August 17, 1g67; that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, in connection with the installation, main.tenance and � operation of said used car sales lot, shall make dne compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, State statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. 0 M AP V � at.Corpora ion Coun AUG 2 919� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cou� 19�� 19— Yeas Nays Carlson Dalglish Approved 19— Holland Meredith ' T—In Favor Peterson � • Mayor Tedesco A gainst Mr. President, Byrne PUBLISHEg ��� � i967 �2a � Y BOARD Or 'LONING It�PORT AND ACTION July 20, 1967 Plat Map 2 . _ Acting under Legisrai;ive Codc Cl�apl:er 60 tbru 64 File No, passed Au�us1: 22, 1922 as amended to August 2�4, 1964 6296 • � Also , ' 1. APPLIC�NT'S NAN1� • First Baptist Church 2. CLASSII'ICATION • � Amendment � Appeal �X Permii; ❑ Oi:her • � .. 3. PURPOS� . Construct an 112-car parking lot � 4. LOCATION • Blk. bounded by Wacouta, Canada, Ninth � '�enth Sts. �. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � Block 1, Hoyt's Addn. 6. PIiESENT ZONING . Light Industry 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: �p�23 Section: 4 Paragraph: 2 8. STAFr INV�STIGATION & R�PORT: Date: By; A. HISTORY: None B. ADJACENT ZONING: All the adjacent area to the subject si-te is zoned "Light Industryo" C. DESIGN STAidDARDS: All design standards are met and complefie. D. FRONTAGE � AREA: The frontage on Wacouta is 300 ft. , with a depth of 110' � an area oi 33,000 sq. ft. E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER: Has reviewed the plan � recommends approval. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant, level � at street grade. G: AREA CONDITIONS: North, is vacant land;, East is I94 right-of-way; South, is mixed residential � S�Iest, is the First Baptist Church. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval ❑ Denial Council Lt. • Dated Moved by: Cohen Yeas Nays Ames Seconded by: Gauger x Cohen Date of Hearing � x Gauger ' , x Janes,Chmn. 8/24/1967 � x McPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks; - _ ' X Haarstick - Alt�. Gadler Dato . Maietta � LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET . .. , , ' i . . t� , { t � , .. 1 ' � ' CITY � - ' , n�� ,' • � ' MAlll<E7 � � C)�, / • �3i���J� M � . - ' ' . — —��-7 ' � YV (�� �':�1 • , .. ... . � - � r� �1�-!-.vn.';Y ' � �.�� ; ;�/ ., � ' � � , 1/��.� r��'. ~.� . J 'v' �_ .i„ , t %��'•:,1„' :. .� -:�- -� . , . .. � ;�:;.��.: . ,� . r .::� • e.�;��:; '•, �'�`. �Mi� :�iz�f=.: � z �.. �,��::J .. :�;; —::�.:- `;: ;.. ; :r:. �.1;� � � . .' , ���. , ,:. __ . . _ _ ,: : .� ��"" .�L=-- �] � a � +.� �--�� �;:;�;-,: . , r� � � � . . 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CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf Hou:e 55102 Augvst 11, 1967 City Clerk File �3f�3, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of � St. Paul at 10:00 a.m. on August 21t, 1967, on the application of First Baptist Churcka for permit to remodel and reconstruct an ' existing parking lot for church membership parking from present � 75=car capacity �o future 112-car c�pacity� in an area bouncled by Wacouta Street �o Canada Street, and Ninth Street to Tenth �treet. Lots 1 through 6, Block 1, Hoyt�s Addition. For further information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-4151. JAZlfES J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance �O c � CITY PLANNING BOARD OF ST. PAUL � 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 ����r�K N.R. HEIDEN,Ph D.Director ��� ��'� C.M.Smith,Assistant Director , �lSc,+' August 21, 1967 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Court House Sai.nt Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Viking Chevrolet Incorporated to �construct a used-car lot on the north side of Grand Avenue between Milton and Victoria Streets and described as the South•1/2 of Lot 18, Lot 19, Block 22, Summit Park Addition. This matter was considered at the July 20, 1967 Board of Zoning meeting. The staff reported that the plan is for an enlargement of an existing used-car lot, that the plan meets the design standards, and that the Traffic �gineer recom- mends approval as to traffic. � Therefore, the Board of Zoning recommends approval of the application for the used-car lot. Very truly yours, r� � � � NRH/mm N. R. Heiden, ecretary G K Board of Zoning Encl. Z.F. 6295 J � : � �� BO!!RD OP' ZONI?ZG ItGP012'i' AND ACTION July 20� 1967 pla� �2�� 10 ' Acting uiidcr Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 File No. ' � passed August 22, 1922 as ai�tencicd to Augusi; 24, 19G4 6295 ' Also 3962 • 1. APPLICANT'S NAhi� • Viking Chevrolet 2321 2. CLASSII'ICATION • � Amendment � Appeal X�Permit ❑ Other � 3. PURPOS� • Construct a Used-car H,ot � - • 4. LOCATION • North side of Grand Ave. btwn t�lilton � Victoria Streets 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION � South 1/2 �of Lot 18, Lot 19, Block 22, Summit Park Addition 6. PIiES�NT ZONING , Commercial � 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter;. 60.23 Section: Paragi•aph; f 8. STAFF INV�STIGATION & REPORT: Date• • B , Summit Park Add A. HISTORY: June 5, 1958 Berry Chevrolet was granted a Permit t�o use Lofi 19, Block 22,/ Addition for a used-car lot. � B. AREA ZONING: Grand Avenue frontage is zoned in a Commercial distxict while the area to the north is zoned "A" Residential. � C. DESIGN STANDARDS: Ttao inch asphalt paving will cover surtace, and a bumper high fence will be constructed along adjacent property line on the east side of the lot. Eight inch wheel stops will be provided on Grand Avenue property line. Pdorth-south drainage is provided. D. FRONTAGE � AREA: Eighty feet of frontage on Grand Ave. with a depth of 150 ft. � an area of 9,200 sq. ft. E. TRAFFIC EAIGINEER'S REPORT: The Traffic Engineer has reviewed the plan � recommends approval. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant � at street grade � developed-in part wi�h a used�car lot. G. AREA CONDITIONS: North across a public alley is a church, eas� are one � t�•ro-family residences, south are apartments � retail establishments, west � adjoining is a new car showroom H. . � 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval �.Denial Council Lt. Dated Moved by: Haarstick Yeas Nays Ames g/24/67 Seconded by: Gauger X Cohen Date of Hearing x Gauger x Janes,Chmn. x I�ZcPartlin Council Action Secretary's remarks: x Haarstick - Alt. Gadler Date Maietta LEGAL NOTICES ON THE BACK OF THIS SHEET I ;( ; � � ; '.! ; I ; � O � .. � � � � G�,��; �I� ' � ,_ ,. � ; i � � �' I ;� I � ! � � ; �� i . - � � . i i' ' '1� � �� ' ~ � , . , , _ , � ' i� , � 'I I� ' O —J OUR LADY OF PEACE ' ' � ;i, � ' o i , ' �� , . — � �-f- t � � � � '�� � : � . � � � 5 � N/GH . �' � , ;� i � �i I � � � I �� � i � . ; _ A_'d--��l , �S U M M 1 `� - - , o � �o� o fl o o � � � ,'�I F:: !c�� �� � �, � � o � Q � t � � � ; Y ' � I � i , � � � ; � . ' � : i . i I � � � �.I � � � ; � � ` 4 ' I � i T1 ' . , � ' j F i � ; � ; - ; . ,n_ a � : � ; . �_ , � � i .,, � ..� i i . j__ � c � i ; � __�=-_�--+--Tw .•� --� .. . ,'�- , �; � � �� „ .� ! 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I J, � ! � .-� � I i � , �'� � � (� I O � ' '� I �• �/l� I . � ��U n I�1 � ,l� I � `-� � 'Y � `' � Y ¢ � � 0 �, � � CI:C �� -, I, I :, I � _ . . .L- � � c.c�..�.r. r-..� . . , . � . ... • . - • - . - . � �1 � � . � '�'�� , - I � � � 3 0 � � I io � � G�O; ;� O � o ' C? � ; �O� .� �i p ;O G `� �., ;7 � �, �'� _{� `r'� �� ,n ��•Y�O I j � `�I ' , I � � ' .�1 `�1 j �j- ��+1 D �I.?G.,�' � I •-- 1'1 � � I , � � ; � � � ! � , I � ---- �- • ' ; ' � I � I � I � � � � I i�—� �- : I : .�r � � i I O � � r�-r—'� I G �..�S►s� �t��. �. �r�• e.� � � � - N��.. � � � ' -- "{'` � ' ' ,� �. � , ,� I " ' , �� � � 1 i � � _` T- �. C}; , ;-� C, , � �;���' - '� p � �O � � � � O O O � . � �n' � , � i t� � � 1 14 5 � � � /�[.����i�° �a�`�'";, Viking Ctrevrolet Ll;���� !�4 1t ' PU�I- OS�,• Used Car Lot L�`v� US�• . PRESFN�i �d«�i�G �"A" residence except as noted o -o��r_ FA�ILY ; _ � � l�W 0 F/�iV�I L_Y ' � . �, .TF-�RLE F�i�11LY � �'�T!'i�lON SIGi�I���� . � . - .- FOUf� F/�n�ILY �7 �r�U L"f I�� f=/��1 f LY �'��_� �4. 6295 � !a n Cd�il'�f�I�C�nI n , /, IND��YF�i,�'!!.. � _ � ---- v V�.0 I�N T _ . . . �. ti oR�r►�! � ��o f'���� �1r���`��c�,;� �o�r�c� , L.�c�fi� [�Jr..�� �'r��6�'�::��'�'`� i�� C����'>'i iC����� . CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Court House 55102 August 11,, 196'� � City Clerk File X3l�2, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House in the City of St. �'aul at 10:00 a.m. on August 24, 1967, on the application of Viking Chevrolet Inc. for permit to construct a used-car lot for 27 to 30 vehicles on the following property: south 1/2 of Lot 18 and all of Lot 19, Block 22, S�mmit Park Addition. The property is located on the north side of Grand Avenue between Milton and Victoria Streets. For flirther information contact Planning Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or phone 223-�t151. JI��S J. DALGLISH Commissioner of Finance �O � ( � a � // ., • � v ��� City of Saint Paul, I�innesota , � Q "., AFPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (Please print' or type) � TO THE I�ONORABLE MAYOB AND CITY COUNCIL / / qo the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is her made to remodel or reconstruct an existin ' install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks ancl capacity: � PAI;KING LOT for (custo rs) (employees) (priv use) (public use) (other) , (indi e type) Capacity of p ng lot To be u ed in connection with: � MISCELLANEOUS: Used car 7ot (indicate type sucb as Drive-in Bef reshment Stand, Used Car , Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) �,Capacity of parking area: 27 to 30 ZrPhi r.l aG *Location � On Grand �ve. immediately adjacent to East side of �pplicant. " (on the north side of grand between Milton and gictoria ) Legal Description, : Lot 19 Block 22 Addition Suirmlit Pk. Applicant's Name � • �iking Chevrolet, Snc. Home or Office Address: 917 Grand �,ve., St. Pau1, Minn. 55105 Phone Number • 226 3403 � 'FO TI� AP� ICANT, B�r� K. G. Isaacson, Pres. /� �-� s�� r,,,,P i� i 967 . (Signature) (date) Address : ���g Chevrolet, Inc., 917 Grand �i4e., St. Pau1, Minn. 55105 Phone No.: 226 3403 , . When completed: file three copies o� this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with ,�he City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 _,.., %� ' � *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. ' 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. James ft. McClure, Attorney for Applicant � 72l� Pioneer Building � St. Paul, Minn. 55101 22t� 9303