234826 . ; (��{[�/���
' ' , • , , _ ., CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO.
In the Ma.tter of a hazardous building
being that two story frame structure known
and deseribed as 573-575 �'ora �n the City -
of Saint Paul and situated upon those
premises legally described as Lot 27, Beck's
Addition to the City of St. Paul, according
to t,he plat on file and of record i.n the
office of the Register of Deeds in and for
the County of Ramsey, State of Pdinnesota.
, ,
WH�EAS, Pursua.n.t to resolution, C. F. 23�+382, approved July 25,
1g67, a publie hearing was duly held on Tuesday, August 15, 1967,
before t�he Council of the City of Saint Paul, said heA�^-�� pertaa.ning
to the condition of t3ie structure located at 573-575 �'ora Avenue,
Saint Paul, Minnesota;. .and �
���'•QG� Upon the facts presented at the said hearing consisti.ng
of photographs, i.nspection reports and the recou�endation of the City .
Architect, it is found and determined by the City Council that aceording
to the records and files in the office of the Eegister of Deeds, the
last record owner of the above-described property is Richard J. Nowicki;
that Midwest Federal Savings and Loan. gssociation is the mortgagee and
purchaser at the mortgage foreclosure sale held on April 5, 1967; and
that there are no other lien holders of record; and that it is further
determined that the above-described building constitutes a hazardous
,;�ding within the definition of Minnesota Sta.tutes Section �+63.15 for ;
the folloWi.ng reasons:
a. The building is standing vacant, .�
. abandoned and is subject to being entered by
unauthorized persons;
b. The condition of the egterior of the
building is as followss Most of the windows are sst. Corpor�j n ou el�
broken, the rear porch steps are rotted, hand rail ,/-
mi.ssing, there is a hole in the foundation, the /
gutters are hanging loose and fallin.g fram the
edge of the roof, the windowsills and doorsills are
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas, Nays .
. Carlson
Dalglish � � Approved 19—
Holland '
Meredith . in Favor
Peterson � Mayor
Tedesco A gainst
Mr. President, Byrne ��
. �x�
_,n . � .
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Page 2.
, badly rotted, the asphalt re-siding is deteriorated
, and torn off, the front porch constr�zetion is starting
to rot with the wood entra.nce steps deteriorated and
parts of' the treads ma.sai.ng on one set, the chimney
has the mortar joints deteriorated and falling from
between the bricks, the front porch roofing material
has deteriorated, and the frames are broken in m�y
of the windows; �
_� c. The interior condition of the house is �
as followss The basement limestone foundation has
deteriorated a,nd is falling from the stone, the concrete
floor is cracked, broken and in an advanced state of ,
deterioration, the plaster is falling fr� the wa11s
and ceiling, bathroom fixtures are rotti.ng, plumbi.ng
fixtures are damaged with parts missing, there are I
structural cracks in the plastered wa11s and ceiling,
the interior doors, tri.m windows and trim axe ;
deteriorated and in some cases missing, and the roof �
rafters show evidence of egtensive deflection an.d ;
are structurally unsound; , __�,,, ;'
d. The building is unfit for h�an
habitation in its present condition and the above
� corrections must be made in compliance with the
Buildang Code and the Housing Code of the City of
Saint Paul; .
e. The building in the above condition is
beyond reasonable repair; �
f. Z'he building constitutes a nuisance and
a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare
because of its physical damage, dilapidation a.nd
inadequate maintenance;
now, therefore, be it
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Page 3.
RESOLVED, That in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Sections
�+63.15 thro�. �+63.26, and based upon the foregoing findings of the
City Council, the Council of the City of Sai.nt Paul does hereby make
the following Orders
1. The owner of the above-described building ahall make the
same safe and not detrimental to the publiQ health, safety and welfaxe ,
by having the said bu.ildin.g razed and the materials therefrom removed - '
from the premises within twenty (20) days from the date of the service
of this Order or, in the alternative, begi.n to correct the hazardous
conditions within twenty= (20) days from the date-_of the service of this
Order and correct the hazardous conditions by doing the following:
a. Remove all paper and other combustible
materials from the building and securely close and
keep closed all doors, windows or other openings in
the build�.ng;
b. If the building is to be used for human
habitation, a11 of the above defective conditions must
be corrected and the wiring, plumbing and heating '
systems brought up to comply with the Saint Paul '
Housing Code and the Saa.nt Paul Building Code require-
ments, and the owner su�it a list of intended
corrections regarding the structural condition of the
building, electrical and heating system, together
with a schedule for the completion of the rehabilita-
tion program, and itu�ther that the owner apply for the
necessary permits in the office of the City Architect ,
Within tePenty (�0) days from the date of the service .
' of t}�,is Order.
2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with this
' Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed in the ,
Office of the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota,
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CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� w`�' " "'�°
" Page �+.�
within twenty (20) days from the date of the se�rvice of this Order, -
a Motion for Sun�ary En.forcement of this Order to raze and remove
the said buildin$ will be made to the Ramsey County District Court.
3. In�the event that the building is to be razed by the City
of Saint Paul pursuant to judgnent of the District Court, all personal
property or fix�t��res which may unrea9onably interfere with the razing
and removal of this building shal7. be removed within ten (10) days Prom
the entry of �ud8ment; and if not so removed, the Gity of Sa:i.nt Paul
shall remove and dispose of such personal. property and fixtures as �
provi.ded by law.
�F. If the City of Saa.nt Paul is compelled to take ar�y
corrective action herein, a11 necessary costs expended by the City
will be assessed against the above-described rea.l estate and colleeted
as other tages; and be• it
FQR�I'HII3 RESOLVID, That a certified copy of this resolution and
incorporated order herein be served upon the last record owner of the
above-deseribed property in the manner provided by law and also upon
other interested parties in the manner provided bg law.
�uG 2 91�6�
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_
Yeas Nays
_ Carlson AUC� 2 9 �'`�
Dalglish • '
Approved 19—
Meredith Tn Favor
Peterson Mayor •
Tedesco �_ A gainst EP 21967
Mr. President, Byrne , pUBLISH�E� � 9 ���7
pUBLISHE� s�P 196�
� 'PUBLISHED $�P 1� ���
r • �"'�.Y��!`al'�.7
' Awa Cod�612 ' c�Tp °p . . GERALD A.ALFVEBY
�.5121 R�� �>� - PAUL J. KELLY
a� �� Sb �(/a 9�� �7 JON R. DUCKSTAD
ms � a �o / ARTHUR M. NELSON
316 Cit'y Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
JOSEPH P. SUMMERS 9Lig�19't 29, 1g67
Corporation Counsel
Mr. 9lbert B. Olson
Council Recorder !
City Clerk's Office �
386 City Ha11
S�zbiect: 573-575 gurora 9venue
Deax Sir; ,
Upon passage of this resolution, we would appreciate receiving,
at �our earliest convenience, nine (9) certified copies of this resolution.
This resolution must be published for four (�F) consecutive weeks.
Yours ery truly,
e J. Seg
As istant Co ration ounsel
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS ROBERT L. AMES, City Archi+ect 445 Ciiy Hall, 55102 223-4212
� August 15, 1967
Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor
and ,
Members of the City Council
Re: File No� 1888--573-575 Aurora
' Gentlemen:
� The following is a report of the conditions of the property at 573-575
Aurora, a double dwelling located on Lot 27, Beck's Addition to the City of
Saint Paul. The record owner is Richard J. Nowicki, and the Midwest
Federal Savings & Loan Association is mortgagee and purchaser at the
mortgage foreclosure sale dated April 5, 1967.
The building consists of two stories and attic, frame construction,
and is approximately 28 feet wide, 60 feet long and 28 feet high.
As of July 10, 1967, this property was standing vacant, was open and
being subjected to extensive vandalism. Most of the windows were broken,
with the frames broken in many of the windows. The rear�� porch steps are
badly rotted, the hand rail is missing from one set of steps and there is a
hole in the foundation adjacent to one of the rear sets of steps. The gutters
are hanging loose and falling from the edge of the roof, the windowsi.11s and
doorsills are badly rotted, the asphalt re-siding material is deteriorated and has
been torn off i.n some areas. The front porch construction is starting to rot
with the wood entrance steps deteriorated and parts of the treads are rnissing
on ` one set. The chimney has the mortar joints deteriorated and falling from
between the bricks, the front porch roofing material has deteriorated to the
extent that plant life is growing from several places on the roof.
The building has a limestone foundation with the mortar joints deteriora-
ting and falli.ng from between the stone. The concrete floor is cracked and
broken and in an advanced state of deterioration.
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� - Mr. Joseph�P., �ummers, - � - t . . � . , " - . . . - . -
` -- �- . ' Corporation Counsel. - � _ � ` �, ' - � " - � " - - ' : ` � - - -
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� ' - ' The Counc�l requests- that pr e a resolution ordering' . _ _ • , �
' � - ' - '•the correction or �rrecking and reiriova e building at 573-575 - . ' � � - '
� Aurora 8tree�. =No _nne ap�e � the ic heaxing.y �_ . -�- " �_ ,_ � "
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. - . � - - - - , �_ , . . , � r - . . -
�' : " � - _ , _ � .. ' � �City-Clerk, �- � - • • ;
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Hon. Thomas R. Byrne, Mayor �
and Members of the City Council -2- August 15, 1967
Contains three rooms on each side. The general conditions are that the
plaster is loose and falling from the walls and ceiling. There is a general
dilapidation to the interior floors, wood �d'oors and inside trim.
, Contains three bedrooms and a bath on each side. The bathroom
fixtures are rotting, plumbing fixtures are damaged with parts missi.ng and are
inoperable. There is evidence of structural cracks in the plastered walls
and ceilings, and in many areas the plaster has fallen or is in danger of falling.
The interior doors, trim windows and their trim are in an advanced state of
deterioration and in some cases, missing. The roof rafters are showi.ng evidence
of extensive deflection. Apparently the roof has become structurally unsound.
There are no accessory buildings on the site.
On July 25 the City Council, upon reconunendation from the City
Architect, authorized the Department of Public Works to board up and secure
the subject property.
If it is the opinion of the owners that this property can be rehabilitated,
it will be necessary for thern to submit the list of the corrections they propose
to make regarding the structural condition of the building, electrical, plumbing and
heating systems, along with a schedule for the completion of the rehabilitation
program and the application for the permits. It is the conclusion of the Bureau
of Public Buildings that by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation,
physical damage, unsanitary condition and abandonment this building constitutes
a hazard to public health, safety and we�a.re and the undersigned further
recomrriends that the City Council refer the matter to the City Attorney's office
for preparation and submission of this matter to the District Cou t.
r trul y s,
obert L. `s
City Architect
cc: Mr. J. J. Segal
Fire Prevention Bureau
Mr. B ert Bens on, Health Dept.